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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1891)
i nr it" y h BLUNDERING, L. E.BLAIN'S COLUMN, HOW DO YOU DO? A H KSS. The HtraM makes a very feeble at tempt to bolster up the crumbling itructure of terlff protectionism. And, in the effort, it makes a regu.'ar "mess" ot It. It says that "free traders," (meaning democrats,) are calling upon farmers to tear loose from the party of cut throats, (meaning the re publicans,) and join In with them, as "free trade" Is the sure road to high priced wheat for the farmers. Now, really here Is a density of lack of knowledge on thic subject that is fearful. The "free trade" orators, (democrats,) will tell you that not a single one of their number lias ever promised that the price of wheat could be increased by the adoption of "free trade," (tariff reduction.) On the contrary, they "t.ttve always contended that the Increase or reduction of the duty on wheat could In r.o case affect its price. The reason of this la, that our firmer are compelled by cir cumstances over which human legislation can not possibly have any control to go inta foreign countries to find a market fo that product of their weary ami unremitting toil. No foreign wheat is shipped Into this country for sale. There can be no competi tion in American markets between Amer ican and foreign wheat. Hence the price of American wheat can not possibly be in creased by imposing a duty on imported wheat. In no one matter are tne false pre fences uf the republican leaders more clear ly brought to light than in this matter cf protection to wheat growers. "When Mc Kinley constructed his tariff bill, he in creased the duty on wheat 25 per cent on the rate then existing. This was the signal for every republican crgan in the land to glorify McKinley as a real benefactor to the farmers. The fact of this increase of duty was heralded from one end of the country to the other, and the McKinley bill was proclaimed to be the farmer's bill. That down-trodden class was to have the benefit of tariff legislation. The eastern manufacturer was no longer to be held the pet of tariff legislation. The Interests of producers next now to b sacredly guard, ed and benefitted . These shouters did not tell the dear people that at the same time McKinley increased 111 duty on wheat from 30 to 35 cents per bushel, he increased the duty on woolen goods, (one of the greatest necessaries of life,) from 6S to 91 per cent. It was taken for granted that the people would never be able to detect the difference between the effect of In creasing the duty on these two articles. The common herd were supposed to be Ig norant of the fact that for the year 18S9 there were imported into this country but J946.V bushels of wheat upon which a duty o' $39.35 wss paid whlle,durlng the same period, there were Imported woolen goods valued at $52,681483,56 upon which a duty of $35373.fo7-5 was paid. It was in this way that farmers were protected. The eastern manufacturer secured much the best ot the bargain because the duty for him wj placed on articles that are largely imported into this country. But if the McKinley bill was gotten up in the in terests cf farmers by placing a duty on wheat why is It that the price of that arti cle has been less since the passage of the bill than before. The Herald quotes an article from the Farm and Home showing that the prices of corn, wheat, etc. is ad vancing as an example ot the benefits of McKlnlerlsin, but it Is very unfor.una'.e In selecting its proof, for the editor of the Homt expressly says that "the supply ot cereals Is less than for several years at this juncture," thus showing that the advance in price was caused by a scarcity of supply and not on account of the tariff. No, the doom of protectionism Is near at hand. Did it ever enter lh mind of the average tax-payer in Oregon that the Northern Pa cific and Southern Pacific raiirouls are abl7 and earnestly irpresented in the United States 8:nate by the two senators Irom Oregon? A shrewd republican informs the Democrat that such is the case and that this load will be heavier than his parry can hear in the next state election. He says th next legislature ol Oregon v.'ill lie democratic and that the next senator eleUed by this state will bs a demo crat. So he it. Where, oh where, is Ihe cheap sugar that the "poor" people were so gratefully to thank McKinley lor on the first of April? Tne sugar trust has the answer to this question locked up in that provision of the Mcknlcy tariff law that oflotOs the sug,.r refiner raw sugar free, but places a duty on refinel sugar This en ables the rcliners to inonopolie the sugar trai'c and compel consumers to pay such prices as the refiner choo-cs to exact. Such are the blessed beauties of MKinleyistn President Harrion expresses himself as very strongly oppo-cd to any further agitation Of the taiifl question. Well, really it must he very annoying to a man who holds nn ill-gotten swag to have people discuw the ro:her scheme which nude him the o sssor of it. But Progress and Reform keep stead ily in the direction of the rising sun. Like revolutions they never go hackwaids. Replying to a qtifsiicn by a subscriber, the'KAT has to say that there are 114 counties In Missouri and the city of St Louis. The city is not In any ctnintv. Mono " Litn, Wc Inn1 plenty of money to loan on real eMuti' security, on two to five years time. Call on us nt. our ollii'e, opposite th .? (.-vcre home. Ill'R K II ART & -ir.KNEV. The Capital Journal has a remarkahly facile way of blundering about democratic platforms. It says. Governor Hill stands upon the tariff dodg inp democratic platforms of 1876, 1884 and iSSS the tariff reform platforms while his letter ignorss the t.iriff for revenue only plat form of 1883, upon w'.-lch Hancock was ue feated. For the first time has it been charged that the democratic platforms of 1S76, 1S84 and 18SS were dodging platform). Co over the files of any republican newspaper published during the campaign of iSSS, and there in every issue of such paper w ill be bund the allegations made substantially but with great particularity that the democratic platform was a free trade platform. The Jourwrs charge that the platform of 1S76 was a dodging plat form is without the least reason. It expressly declares for a tariff revenue for only. So does the platform of 1SS0. Governor Hill expressly places himself upon the platform of iS76which declares for a tariff for revenue only. The trouble with the Journal and all other repub lican organs of protectionism lies in the fact that ihev insist on measurinu the views of democrats on the tariff question by "fre e trade" as they define it. Of course Gov Hill, when he uses the phrase"frec trade" means a very different thing fiom that conveyed by theseoreans when they us; it. If the Jourmtl finds itself in a hole dug by itself, on it own shoulders rests the blame. In reason, as well as in law a man is supposed to intend the necessary consequences of his own act. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HlOR SALE. Two fresh mi.k cow luquire of W W Crawford, TaHmfti., DrsSOTXTIOX NOTICE.-The part nership heretofme existing between A Strauey and ii Nag ley, in the livery business in Alnanv, Orecon, is ibis dav dissolved bv mutual consent. A Strain y will continue the bu si net at the old stand and assume all debts owiuK bv the tirtu and collect all account aue the firm. April 1. 1891. A. STRAN BY, G. MAG LEY. MONEY TO LOAN. In small and large amounts, from aix months to five yeais, on stood Albany and Linn county real estate. Call on or address W McPherson, First St., Albany, Or. "I'lf ANTED A competent trirl to do f T general housework. Inquire at Dr Maston's office or residence. I J OK REST. E.ther for offices or rest ' dence, the building of L Verick.near corner of Bicadalbin and Third streets. HORES FOR SALE Un sorrel horse. 9 years old. weight 1400. One grey horse, 8 years old, weight 1100. Also wagon, hack, harness, etc. Will sel' for cash or exchange for other property. Call at score opposite nuss nouse. K. A, Jl'KY. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the co partnetihip heretofore existing between D U fox, W A Cox and C H Hoberg, in the planing mill bus.ness, in Albany, Oregon, under the firm name of Cox Bros A Co, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the said O u Hohe'g having purchased the entire right, title and in terest of the said I) C Cox and W A Cox, therein. C H Hoberg assumes ell the the obi igstions o; the late firm, and all notes ad accounts due said firm are payable to him. Dated Albany, Oregon, March 14, 1891. D C Cot, W A Cox. C II IioliKno. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETIHG. XTC-TICE IS HEKEBY OIVEN THAT 11 fiero will be an annual me -tins of the strs-kLolders of tha Albany Woolen Mills Company, held at their o (lice in Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe 12th ay of .Vav, 1891. at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day. for the purpose of elect ing four directors to serve for one yenr, anil the t-ansa tion of such other business asmr.y legally come before such me'iing J. P. GAI.BKAITH, Secretary. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ON THE 2STK DAY OF MARCH, 1891. K Keeker of Shed. 1. Linn Co., Oregon, made xn us 01:11 mem for the ben fit of his crrdit'Ts. '1 ho undersigned is the duly appointed and qirjiitiel a.-sjgnee ot said Becker's o?hio. All persona having c.ainis sgiinstthesai i Hec-kor sr hereto notified to pres ut them 10 the undersigned, verified as r.-qiiiint I y law, within three monilis from the dnle iiereof at She. Id, I, inn county, Oregon. Dated April 2, 18! l'. .K HN V. l'l'GII, H. C. VA"fsr, Assiunoe. Atty for Asiriico. (4 ;li Attt.n.fv nt l.-iw. SilU'i In Chancery, IVoct-.r In A ti'iimlin mill N-.tarv I'ul.iii' I i-raitice cuurti ( ttiia i'Vi- an I mi the mmU iirirrii. oiHrrj -i rout iv m owr .tank Oikt-in, A.lutm, Van. -. KlYtt Kltl K, AnnniirM lov. mil pra.'ll,-c m a I tho rotirtanf my y.iu'i'y curl hi i.iTin cmti win rr.'t!ve pr.iiin.1 titn-nti.'ii. tiflhci n' I l lll.'l. , AIIKtllV, or. MindwftndrlnaenrM. Book. ImttmsI "f .'om.mialrr..m .11 slots. I 'ri.pectiji riint nn mn1i.-kti.... ... Ii . lolMVB, SJJ t iitil An. jie Vaft ALBANY !OR. PEITSfilAN & HULBERT BROS., ncr.: Estate Agents F.inii ami Rancher for sale. Also city hrniicrty in Albany and Corvallis. BOD. BOWMAN, 'flit' Oiil-Time I'airtor 'cop e wisliinv fiist r'.os work shruild hilii or Iphvo irileiH st .fitMus liisilwohi'... (ioMi n Kti'e Katnar. I A.I l.ii.i-, -o.i.l tVI ready for Spring trade T" h he largest and Lost t-clcctcd stock Clothing that will be Bliown in the county this seat-on. All varieties of style and patterns to .lease the most fastidious. Wo have many fine makes including Then we liave the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the Albany Woolen Wills goods, that we specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens Shoes in the city, including many-celebrated makes, Hatsfrom Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate .Furn ishing t Goods every de partment full. Have used cash this year during tight times east andcan offer genuine bar gains in all my departments. L. E. BLAJN. W are now , , . fflMJIJIj. .... j There U uo doubt Hint lllttir IV 12 W Stoek of SILVKRWARK, consisting of AjKions, knives, forks, fruit dishes, eic, gold and sliver watches, jewel y, etc, is the largest anil best in tbe city, and by far the best over brought to Albany. PRICES llie'Most Reasonable. Call and See .the GOODS. You'd Better Call on tl.e All any Fuiiilturc CY-, blo.-k, (r FURNITURE IS The itock U laru'ai tl i-ointtc. The) slut"l t-T Kan-'fine lilt f taty ii riacti, vt 'tt tci' j4.t, ,all j a r. ttl n any "fci tTtiw.tWr, all K-r u at Xndrw k j-ricM.'&i TOWNSEND WILSON, Real Estate I Loan Brokers v Ofllce. BALTIMORE BRICK. Dolnjr a peneral Inturarre tutlrefft. Tarticp irirff iniuiance will1 to nell to itc tfcrm. AOKNT8 FOR charter pen-etuai. ms tia in ,u Wfl.OOO. ABMta, d,;Ut715,j3, Cttftprilnn In. ComnilT. nf London. Entrland KnUbiishtHl ISiI. aplial, l&.OW.WU. Xuto! Dr lutea paia over 8,MUtouo. ABtrrlran Flrr Ina. 'mptiii J, ' Philadelphia, urtrai'iieo imv. tan awwia, r-'.wz.ow. L.4ca iaid, $)tm;iw. rolnmlila Fir it Jnln lnt. Cnmpnnr, o r rtatul, or. Afeti, f2W,n,.C'J. lliiaia cue rr Oregon '8 h- Bt com aniva. Judges of the horse hava iven it as their opinion, that Titun. niumberii's black l'ercheron stallion, stands at the fed In his claso. He Is In the hands of Mr C K Barro'va, an oflleient and exper ienced horseman, who will Rlvo hii patrons every possible attention. Titus will make the sesson of 1X91, Mondays und Tuesdays at JtltVrson; Avfilnedaj s ana Thursdays, at C rvaliif; FIldas and Uturdays at Albany. Mr nhimbrr); is also owner r,f the slanda-d brnl trottlnK horse. Alwood lirtez t, (Xo HKJ3), who can ho semi at the abloof Tiitts Eros. 'Ihe'tiot of this horso ate lrtrKe and fine formed, nnd only need propjr develo uiei.t to show rpecd. TWO 51KN" AND ONE l!OV FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEYOt & FROMAFi BROS Store, whurc thev alwaxs have on hand the larirest Stock Miuih of IVirtland, ( the latest improved Ritlen nnd Shot Guns; nn immense mock tif Kihini; Tackle of every description; Teiits, Ilnmmocky, Cam p Chair and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention Jtepnir Shop tn connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen in the Mate to do any ind ail kind of work. Come onr, Come all ; No rouh'.e to how nocds. "Small profit and quick nVt" is out motto. F ;OK 8AI.K OR TKAHK.a t'liiekerlmr l'iano In Rood eonoitloo. (all OI, tien Spiight, at corner of Fluhtli un.i m " f - Jefferson streets. He has i received a largo and choice stock of spring Dresj jw sty'es and shades. Wash fabrics, consisting 0f Goods, new ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chambre. assortment of white goods, loves, ladies and children's trade. A largo and complete assortment for men and youth's. Hoots, shoes, hats, if you want the best bargains II. LA DIES BAZAAR. Is the inery and Farcy Thev carrv all the l.atct Styles and Novelties In the Millinery line, and a complete stork ot I..iJie nntl Children's Kurnislilng poods, and ready-made garments. Good the bet, and prices the lowest. Call anJ be convinced. FIRST STKKIOT, : -: F. L. KENTON, -Dealer in- GROCERIES. Near the Post Office, ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale i retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOSACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE OR - IN THEIR Flinn Block, WILL usic - N'otlre our H ii A ITT T 1 I J . T. 3LllaliriK 1 M Jl) i nnil r .Celebrated fni its Driin'-" . iiAlJhli & CO. t finish and durability. ' TTilfili c rjAVT I The best medium priced P VI) K OiiiN t in the market, ' I'aliice nml Katlnill" Moiikc I'rooT OricHtiN, Guitars, Vlollu ' Nniull liiNlliuci'.lH k Specially. Agents for the New Iinmc, Mdriilue- K. and ojher Pewlng Machlws. Siij plies lorall kii.tia I Sew ng Machires. We guard our custr im is iiiti-rcsts eml uaranieo satisfaction. tVe hI.o carry n full ii'virlmrr.! r .lluslc and Single Bunks. Cor. Second and Ferry Eta., (end for catalogue.) Albany, Or. We are the- People AYho carry tlio most ware, !?tove?, iianfs, otc., in KAHtlEWS & WASHBURN. I i I sMininiiaq m o 3VE IE -:- r.luinbors's Block, consisting ( A comr,lit llouncings, hosiery, cm-ant. shoes. Clothing for tho spring caps and fur.'iishing ",oods and you will have to call on liim. Leading Goods Store of -:- FltOMAN ULOCK. Albany, Oregon CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. ALBANY, OREGON & LINK, Dealers, List of Planos- The most popular piano among he wo famous IManlsU.. orW' lino of Hanl thc market. FSRST-CLASSCOODSj. AT- Reasoniiil8 : Prices, ol .A. complete l"e .A. O-XjXj--' "Albany, Oregon.