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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1891)
I'rum Hie ft'urka. March 27tli, 1S91. The measles are till tho excitement now in our vicinity. Milton Morris lias returne.1 from Tygli valley, where lie wel t to look tor a stock farm, tie intends to lociuo mere. Mrs M F Uownini! has started for her home at Dnvton, Wash. M10 lias been Hpeiuling the winter with her brother, W Sinitii. What has become of Amicus and the Canadian Wile. We don't know who thev are nor care, nut we like to read their items m the ltoioi'ii.vr. In last week's Democrat wo noticed a niece written aoout I ncle job C rabtree and culling Uncle Johnny's name. It is a mistake about l ncle joiinny iwniir married twice. He is row living with his liist and only w ife and has been liv ing with her over (Hi years. He willle ill vears old t lie 20th of June, and is the father of 15 children, of whom 10 are liv ing; he lias ! giandchiMien and ;12 great grandchildren, and all that are old enough to know black from white are like Undo Johnny, wideawake ih-nio-crats. lie may live to help elect another democratic President. Uncle Johnny's E.uiv. Eacltciucut Runs hich in Albany at Foihsy & Ma on'a drug tor otr System BuiMtr, i evctylmli- ij osiig it for Catarrh "f t!:e Stomach, Pyaiwpiia. Co'.stiwliou ai d Im pure filooJ. Try i : t.d tcM yonr iriouds about it ns it must .oa. an-na h rfnl meric.i rvhen ad :-pc2k w.-il of i. llsoi.:rri:iat sircrl (tie Ki.Iimw, Are bin the ir.03 f.)f:ui;lib!e kav.o Vi abctcj, TrijlitV. i.i;ci.e, g:-vd other coniplrunU ui tr.e urinary organs nro not or dinsriiy cured iu eevcru cases, but tluy ma be avtitul l.-v tiiut;Iy ineditiition. A useful stimulant of the urinary fUniij hai ever bem found in icstetter' St.'in.icli K.tu-rs. a meUK-irio w :iich not oii'y hiT-ird., 'ho 1, q uisite stimuliii na they In-com inactive, but it. creates UiKir vigr and ttccu-tive pow er. Hy bcreibitii: tny activity r.t th kuiucy and bUddvr, tlii n.h.iicine has the addition al (licet of t-xi'eU.iy fror-l tho hiocd impur ities which it 13 ti e peculiar otlie cf t host organs to cUiriiiate p'tsa t il'. The fit ters i also a urjticr ar.l t.tror.1 lienor tl: bowcla, a:i ir. ir-mtur of tiie stomach, rul a matchlvia Tctr.c-vly f"i" biliou;ccss nd level anil suite. It K'.iuiitt-racta a tendency to prc tnature ile?:ty. uul cl.'iii.! and er.:i.i''rt. the aged aup intii in. PIIDC Ccttfiks, Cslds. Influenza. OrorcWs, wUFlC Hoarseness, Whocpinn Cough, Croup, Sore Threat, Asthma, end ccr aiiection of tlie Throat, Luces end Chest. incliidir.-: Consumption. WW J.K.WEATEEHFOIID, TTOUNE'J AT LAW ALB.tM', lti:CIN City Meat Market SHULTZ BS.0S,, Proprietors. toep a full line of ;neata of all kind la a cool pluw, completely pro tected: tid alavs fraaii. is. IVEGEl SLE PANACEA ! .-HEPARED FROM I RO JS&HERBS, I F ISTHE cure of AND ALL OTHER DISEASES arisiho from a DIGORDEREDSTATEcftheSTOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. FOR SALT BV ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS, k lmi -?'. ..). '-il-.' r-. mmmm -rUXERAL DinECTOES. 'Arterial Embalmhip; Dona Soientil leal ly. HORSEMEN We are prepared to furnish your potters fcllDI,ln the best style. Also aDyk tberprlntlni? desired. E. 0, PHELPS, Book asd Job Printer, "Tweedale Iilock ovor Wells Fargo A Co'a Express uflloe. ALBANY -: OREGON. ori2 J.vrv.fOf 'loth tin) ini-llunl mul rcsiiltrt wbet -vi'iip of Ki's is taken j it is pleasant :h! ivtri'diiinj; to thotiisto, midncla iiilyyi't promptly on the Kidneys, ver and lioivels, cleanses tho sys- , t IlLvtnally, (ii?icU colils, lieud . :iii'l fevers ami cures in' rlii-itinn. ovrup cf Fijrs 13 the .vn edy of iu kiutl ever ro - 1. nl"using to tho tasto niulao to the, str.mitcli, prompt in M .m ami truly beneficial in its ;s. its imtny excellent qualities 'i.n i! 1 it to all. It is for salo iu v ami fl bottles bv all leaditi'' r'-f:uF.rTL'pro only cy ths tUrOMA FIG SYRUP CO. sv rmncisco, cil. zv.svnts. t:r. nstv tOKK, H.r TV IMHLYKU, ATTOUNKY AT IAW And Solicitor- in Chancrry, ALBANY. OBKCOK, H..IU.M...W itr.tnltitl V t.llillo (111 11 HO1 lit oanauetfotiatoi on wasor.nb Uinui H. C. ViATSaH, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON. Ofllce In tilt Ntraliun Itlorlt, IKST XA TIOXAI, BAXK, PfVri.ient Tc PrtMultjtil .... i3MHtr ,H L KI.1XX u, E.Yor.Nt; W. LANUro.N ACCOl'.VTS KFr flUbjea 10 fheol:. WOMT KXCUANV.E nd wi rxpuic trtntfr. M New Vork, fttt 1'ranciico. ChicL'u and PutUnd it. CuJ.LEtTTJONy UADEoa htvnlile lencs. J. K. Yocso E, Vf, Lkop.i ElXTAMD E. SOX. LIX.V CO. X ATIOXAl. XJAXEi , Or ALBANY, OKEQUN. CAPITAL STOCIv $100,00). J L COWAN'. icePruaiJca. J M RALSTON. 7-Bbwr GEi E CHaMUKKLAIS, Am Cashier O A AHt'llliiOLU. I RBrTORV J L Coran J M "lUUtoti. Gen E CtiniberHiii, W !? Lull, V II 0 ,l.ra, J A Cnw lord and O A ArcbiWM. TRANSACTS a ronentl hanklrir bmineti. DKAWSIUH'l JJKAFTSou New Vuik. au Ktl P)',!ii 1 Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appTtvd fecurit; KEOEIVE dopoaita subicct check. Baxk of oni:t;f. ALBANY, ORCQON. CaiiKnl, -i- pTMhlent Vie-Pri6ident , Chir 950,000. .... II FMEKKILL ... E J LAN NINO JT W BLAIN Transactt a ffne-al baTikinjhusineM: Exchange twuirht and Bd on all tht nrluclnal riti9 in the United States f also oa England, Ireland, Frame and Ocrniany, Collections made at all ascesilble polntt on faror ible ternn. Intoreit allowed o.l tims depmita. BAXK OF SCIO. flCIO, OKEOOV. OPncKns: President J 8 Morris Tiee-President Jeff Mtfrs Cashier o S Mat direct: is: J S Mom. E Goin John Gaines 11 lirya:tt P O bmilh. Poes a eenerat temkm? tnd ccehmffo bnolneM. Siht drifts issued on Albany, Portland and tihu Francisco. IJOUTTANR KAVIG KAXK, OF PORTLAND. OHEOOJf. Paid up capital , Surplus and profits..., $2fWl,WV) 69,000 Interest allowed on sarin; derosin a follows: On ordinary savintrs books ....4 percent per annum. On term sin books 6 ir cunt per annum. On eertifleatev of deposit: Pw thresr.ionttis per cent per annum: For six montlH .1 iter cent per annum! For e'.v moth .rt ikt cent per annum.' FRANK DEKf'I. Pn-sident . P. THOMPSON Vire-President. H. C, STRATTON, CMhter;. P6S!TiVi,?i, rVSK- tfS of, X XI 01 . anting ii mmih OATAIIH Iiitcunixtisn). Konra'ria, Corns HEADACHE, And ALL PAID. Tt Calli3TnU Potitir ndKfCtlT ELECTRIC COUGH CURE tif 3 C0LD3, CSCUP. C0SSUMPTI0H. Cell by all Cruliti. Each S5o, SOo & 111 Cr.atlnfr & Ct... Prop'.. Los Anctlss, Ofcl A Annmnhlptof lnfo"mntlon nndab-'- y,atruct 01 mo i&itb, snowing now 10 'S'l ontaln iicms, aTCiis, jrnao.'- - . Marks, ('T'-rtcr.tA, $eiu ZJh U.BANY, OREGON ailAS. PFEIFFEH PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-class slyle. Tables vtpplied with tlio host In tbft market, Nlc aleeplriBTitrartirients, 8.wiple toomi Or oinuiersal Irave'.srs. OR. G.WATSOF. GASTON Physician and Surgoow. OQlce opposito tho Dni"inii. DR. W H. Physician and Surgooi SJtrilfllne up stnlra in Stralnn's Hl vi Mny be found at bin nlHi'H nay anil i 1 D3. C A.WJJ3TVS Physician anclSarooa. CriJuste of Rel'evne Huspital College Now York City. Diseases cf woman a tfircir-Iy. WOlEo rumav's Uriel:, Albany, Or. to I ai-iuioy And Caunscllar At Ui ALBA " ii OSEGON Physiciai and Sui Ollico ror. I' AL3ANY- bikI Terry btrKjl.s, OREGON "3(1 t'j VifRT.OOV iVOLVED aisaEBsaseia Tin: cj:r.i i:n Kit . S5VJJTH & VESSOW m in TSe Fiaott Small Arms Cttr Htnufsclurjd W0RKMSMHIP awl (?X'-t'"""v CONVF-'liEIJCE ir. t J J V . ticv.-are of chsspiron'.iap-c.WU. ic-j lor riii',:c-.'.i tata'-jfriJ tu F-im Lut fr OMITM vvcssniv. si-:;.'XGi ii;i.i, .v.iss. a s a a '.CAUSE TMIY ARC THE BEST. 1'. .M. Fkkkv & Co's Illustrated, Descriptive ard Priced Fur 1891 will be mailed FREE t to all applicants, and to last season'.fi customers, it is Deticrinan ever. livery perion using Oardrn, f or field Seeds. should tend for it. Address O. M . FERRY 4 CO. DETROIT. MICH. I Largest Seedsmen in the world t S. W. Paisley, AIhaU7. Or.on WHOLESALE PEA LEU IS- Tobaoao anl Cijars. Ft l.L OllII.LKl) Kx,ralI"WN ""17(111! Turns a Hquare s'orarr Willi " "ill llflluii llir riow nut r llie lirunuil 5" 1 i S t . .'TiiSriiriL. llLRir.i. "III IIM I'll" H BBIII t'n 11 Hi IHJ I HIIIO 1 " Oi.k a "rs a, j k W 1 fi'i ',i.VdW'W-KW!V .-a:,j??Tsw- -iww i-.ftsfX' Are - the BEST - Wheeled - Plow - on EAST AND SOUTH, VIA Sotit em Pacific Route SI I AST A LINE. Or Kvjiro Trisin kive Portland lUilj N"i-tli a H ?:'-"!. kt. Lt PortUi.d Ar V.X l1) --'a r u j !,v Allnnv Ly a :15a I Ar Fran :isco L n; r Atxiro trains ti onlv at f.-llowin slut i.-ti in rtli if a-.lmr. Kjhi l'ort!and, 'fi'."'ii fity, W.h.,1. uum, Saloiii, Alhanv, Tnwr'"t, li'Md, Ilulnoy Uur itbur, J unction Cil v, lr itit Kudtu. ROflKRI IIO MUL, I'AIUT. tJ-?nru j l.v 'i:Wm Ar Portland AllMtiy I"iiiir' Ar 4:ip I,v I'Jl'Kt u l.v i ('. :-: A At-BA.NT LOC4!.( DAILT K.lfSIT STMHY) V0"r U 1 I.V .xi ml A - ii A M I ponl.iiid I.BI'ASON Bll .Sril. Ar A K l.v I : :o a ll A 11 any Lt'li.lIH'lt r.l? a v R:4n a u I.v I XAt I' M PULLMAX BUFFET SLEEFERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, For A r,rniTtitiin!ntion il seroml-Oi.! Iicn tzvm, tillurlit-il l i:xirntn Xri'tus. jTr! ftMt I.CvSlnn. UrUU tV I'uIMLlMI ASt UUVA1LI.H, Mail :iiaik daii I (Ex:pt Suimay.) " a' a mT Lv P.7rTluiid Ar r.::;i p m 2:10 P M Ar C'orsllU !.v l-2.,: ru EXPRSJiS TKAIX dailt (Excjp'. Sunday. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Knllro Body with Whlto Scules. SulTering Fearful. Cured by Cutlcura. My d!r!ii (psorinsls) firrt broke out cn my bft chfck, ppreaditnf acroos mv nc(tf, and nlinont cov eriim my face. It ran into my cvt-n, and th phynlrlaii was afraid 1 would lone my cycfiinht altogether, it eprind all over my head, i.nd my nair nu irii out, imtU I was -ntirely Lald hrad.-d ; it then hroko out on my urms Bi.d .y tjf KiKiiiiiHTM, liiiui niyntins wimc i'.7 5Sj, v-sV ll"t ono Forc II fovi-rcd my NX pif pntiri) hr,.!y, my faro, hfmtt v . HptW f I'tiu whittt AraVn felt rim-biiitly h trum my head, shoiildi-rn, mid I -" nimh; t!" would tlil-litm rfj . rod viry .-hv. A "T- v--o!:ld crr-. k m:," Uvi', fsA&L--l'sr';'-' H rrratchf.1. Aflcr fH-thlin K'TtX-' many hundred of d'dla.'n, 1 vv.'V va pronounced 1'i-rrd "f tl:- CrTtrniA ltr.MrniF..-, and iiticr mA i.v.i'1' (Ytim-i; Uioi,vi:st, 1 c(i:il met !.::!; find attrr I hid four Imtiic-. I win !:!. ii .-'ir.'d; ntid vlnn 1 hid UK"d nix hmtio of r':' u:A,oiu. hx ol Ci th riiA.und o:u- ? .f ( VTHl lM Svp, I was ntr d of the d.-' .di.:l..tMM( from whirli I had suffered fi-r five v. ii 1 . atumt pprpAwilh n pen what I ruffcred ".'iT" 'iiil: t! UKMF.lHt:. 'I h - naved mv life, mid I fe.d it my duty to rerommi'iid them. My hair is reti-ed;i- iihh n ever, and po i mv fvV.i;ht. M.t'. lUKiA KKI.LV, Ilockwcll Oily, Iowa. 4tipMLv Portland Ar v.'ft A H 2 mAr VuMinnville l.v a k Tlirou 'Fi cl?tK Ti all points EAST, Am 33UTJ.. Foi fuit informstioi regarding rattit, n.fci ii, on A if en t at Al'tanv , OKtlLKH K I. ROilllItK -lar.aer ss't U. F. and P. Ac THK YAQULN'A IMUT-.i gon Devolortnnt Cuu:jiny'H Stn n; bhip L.u;, 225 SHQHTEH. 20 LESS TIME 'itn by any other re Jto. Firat-clasa tliroupli paswii;r r.nd reizht line from Portlnnd and all pniuta n tbe Willamolt Valloy to from Nan Francisco, Cat. ' Koa.a make close connection at A limn with trains of tbe Oregon 1'aclUn Railroad T K, lIDIili, Berrlvrr. Special Aiinouncwi HI'" W. FKBAD. fy Spring stock now ('o.mpi.ktk, Kinliraciii" all the latest Novelties in D G oods " .frS llotl. in AVOOLKN and WA.MI FAIUIIC: -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of La(?ie3 UucTer'rt eav5 in Ks KuiiiKi) and Jfrsi.ix. My l'mcKj aro tie LOWEST and 1113' Ciooi.s tho Ji:st. Am sokl'gcnt for tho Celebrated -us- e NJl JA- 9 J.-a. X fJ JL. JM-JL JL6I 2 Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishing Goodl T Imvp b Lnrye Stock at tin Lowrnt Prices evr ollniml - Oie Valln T I M E 30 II K BU LB. ( except Sund.ys. ) 4ive Allnnv r. M,jLvo Ysquiii., 7:u1a,u l.eav. Corr.Uia 1 :C:i r, a . Unvo Corvalliii.lllriA.H rrl Yvjtiin., r. a. Arrive Albaiiv, 11:13 a. 1 cuiry h ill linn of tfio worlJ-r"iiowi'd BUOADIFEAD ijnoji', noeis forweurn finihli. Luru ato if Kmiikoidciiiks and Fwuxcikcs. and l,n at ceil l!i. . fliai.y u iliti Imst tradini; point in Ort!;nn. O. A C. trains connect at Allisny and CorvnlllK. The aliove trains cmiimctat Vaouinu with tho Orojron DevoiojimBiil -.'ompany's Lino of ftteainslitpn liotwon Va'inina and Sau Francisco. NAIXIXU DATES . rSOM TAQI'ISA. VTilUmotto Valley, March 8th : liilh ; i'.tli. .RUM 8AS FRANCISCS Cutlcura Resolvent The new lllootl VuHflcr, Internally (to clr.vmo tii liMHhiof all l:npuriUesnd poinotioiM elementK), and ('UTUTHA, the Croat Skin 1'ure. and 't'THTKA htAp an ex.uitu) Skin Meau titter, externally (to clear Ui pkiti and scalp and testore the hair), have r-d tlion.inds of cae whero tho fhrddln of icalei ineanun d a qnnrt daily, tho skin cracked, hloedimi, hurnina, und Itchiim ahnoot ocvond rndiiranre. Imlr hfelenn or all gone, suffering terri Lie. What other remedies have made such cures? PoiJ f very who re. Price, CrriciTRA, We.; Poap, 2.'.; Uksoiaint, . Prepared I.y the P.iTTaH Iat' A?n t'HKMii al OonpoHATioN, lion ton. rtend for" How to t'nre Hkin Diseases.' 04 pases, 00 Uluitrations, and loo testimonials. PI M l'I KH Wack bcads, red, roiish, chapped, and 1 I III Oily sktu cured by CUTitXRA 80 a p. IT 8T0P8 THE PAIN. Hack ache, kidney pains, weakness, lirvetl In one mlnnt by thsCoU- Wti!a.wtro Valley Mreh3rd; 12th t 21rt; 3f)th. The Companv --rvoR the rint to BftUUipE dates v'thout notloo. U B. PaHsenRra from Portland and illtmfitte Vally points can make clone eminectlon with ibe trains of the Yaqulna -TJtfltiit Albany or Corral lis, and hr& lo San Francisc nbould arrange to i-rlTO at Yia'Jimt the evening bofore date f naiiin K"Ke.r aA F.rlKlH Citlrii always the Lowesl ni apply to A R Chapman, Freight and Aiiiinr, ' r,. not; ri., O. F. ard P Atrati . Corral .Is. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. Ylrnt Term Oprnnl arptembrr loit, IK90. A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coumes ol tudy arranRfld fco uieottb' ind of a'.l ffrft'las of students, Sra'al tnauecmenft offered to sludentt from abroad. rev. rxncRT n romniT 2:20 3-4 I02T12j 12S93 2r23 1-2 2:30. 'oaI Ulack, with Hinnll Hfnrs trootl nIko: In ruuItloHS in B'eedii: l Allfiinmull.. B - I His breeding is tho acme of nrly and extreme sjK-cd, a proved lv his fu'l sisters Reu!nh. SrlTi. n jean; roquets. :.'.11,itwocan,aiid nukiiiif a record of 2:j'J last Jul , defeatirjf llsaww Jr. '2V'.A. in l ireestmiif it li.ntu. Sired bv Ai.tamont, wnirnti rocprd, SiCl! : siro of Ai.ta 2::!;l, aud seven other i:M rerf, juent, and a AtTIMIlVT tiv At tn.v , 1 . I , . . llfl'-atlillllH 111 tln 'J--J1 ...... aud J 1 stink, double, 2:13. nyenr.4; Ai.t.KitToN, a. Ml at four vcar?, ' faslfMtstiiitoiis in the world of t'uirsi.-es IM Norte's dam is Tkiuraii by .SnunKitg. f!.n ,.., f'iJ?.! 1,v ,!nv Ikiwh. nt Vancouver, Wash. Foalc-d In mi Fridav and Saturday; thereof tho time st our r ft f if .ir.. t ni-HiN-oo. 2?! 11 . ' i ....... 1.1. .iii,.iiinj IMIlnl .lt Y , Z. 'i vi eiiievN "1 1110 - iirHliieed niiicti-eii 2:30 ncrfomiers. liicliwi'fl i:rio ilneed niiictcfii 2:30 pcrfomiers. I:av.2:J(U, who fired liie ihliwol AM"-' Tkpok tn slnm In- I:iiiimii "?.!. sire of tU of Kino Wii.kkh. 2:V2i. sire uf Oliikb K tt-W tiro," ALBANY NURSERIES ITE HAVE ON HAND at onr nurssry on ihe Ccrvallis road, one-hall nlle from town, as line a lot of frnll Teea of all kinds as can be found any There on the coast. If yon contemplate ilsntlnn trees ll will pay yontoreeonr lock and get cur p!r. CslaU guc free. IIYMAN BROWNELL. l'ermts Season. il2: lnMurnnce. !3 BAKKOWS BK0S TliJAL ESTATK KOKsAl,Kl linve 1 a. a larm ot 2vi attro". npnr Iji..r.n "ieii&t, on tho lnrrow Oanirn. in i,u... irom Aioany. ah In cultlvatlor. hair .'ioiino ami oai o.,UH . ...... fur Finn nnd do;nftlc pnrpesm. Fine oak pr AiHoniKHiidrmrui 01 lao acres, Hire . ,rs rro.n liobanon, All in cultivntl Ksir nouse. uoou waior. iiotli r whpnl fa-ras. Also linum anil twr .wm on Kifili and Joffors'in streots, A,'lvir, For furlh er partinulars call on . Unrphrey.Ccntoi procinct, on" IJnivitl , Irvitio All sny Ell A UMFHKEY. J. r si PHOTOGRAPHER, Cnr Second andFeny Pt, Albany, Ol irantcod In over; sdlEulaiging c SUPERIOR w,rk. guaranteed In over Blnitih nfslia aa JiL..l...l- 1 all kinds a specialty, 00 Ste ward ! Pt'rmat.cntly rur,-,l wllli.'Ul lMnunc. """V,: UlliiX. A wrfccllv allile nv.lnicnl snasi .. tceil cum In cvorv 3rB, II" Einlterhciw l'- !, . Thl treatnwnt, lor H-.rlotU'O, "I 1 , alert ,ll:...cry known lo "''''ldn"',,h, ' B. c mpletlv rciuoc tho StricMre wrowi" ur aiii 10 uio (isiitiu. USWAV.ISWS-V feoiiUnrtothclrScx,.nl n"t lnclu,lin all lh-.e dollcate InOnii now. which limy would shrink ',r;'m '"" l I Ihelr family .hylcln, pernwinil'y '."V.i; time than nan evurknom :o Mt-tllcltis ,U(!1V, . (Velr. "New Si tem ol TrMimcnl. lnW. . thosenlln-u.rlrar.TorKaniaiMlii'"" ,.,,' When wilile. It U alway. Iirrt lo u,. eonaultation atnl plHJclal e"!n,'',,,;;l'"' -uiinrl'1' Who ra,in,.t olhlv rail. shoIlM Tilf. "u. eaMfulW. Medicine tenl hy i"n."rh"i,lic tree Iroin iwiure,to all partaol ine - Wiii. A . TSaloll, 3 J airaalDI.prD.arr. Spotilw' 1' I Iitfrtt!.LOVers"' iNational Haoh. i r.wl pay tifr.Sove r.-wanl fr iy r.vf of tlt ompismt. IHpcr')ftck HcslaeiMf, Indirs-tton. Vntr Ipatirn --.r Cot.rencfS we witti Witt's eiretaMe L!cr It li. wli-T. the d.iv-tit.ns nrertrivlty "mpiicd vrllh. They are vately Vegetable, and titrtT Bil to (tire utt-factlnn. Bopar 'oatcv Lares hwea onta! ":" - tl ptnU. flswsre of rrxinlerfslt nd In..n..K rcmiino maniiraeturrd onlj hi ZsWrfOUK C. WESTCUstfAaV.tUICAUU.lLl J A t nnntiiat;, Agcalj ALBANY :OR. WRITSMAN & HULBERI I Real Estate Agents Farmt and Kanchcf fr Jj and Coryalli. nuiiTwn risiwn vac