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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1888)
t)ffc.v;.,:;te.a!.;...v..;j,, :Bl Daily Democrat Saturlay Evening.BecBmber 1,1888 gYITKS A NUTTItfU, Editors and PublUhori. PublUhvd every tiy in th wlt. Sundays excepted.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES : delivered by ciirier per wook.,,.. $ ,11 Ity muil, par yuur 5.00 By mill, permuii'h bO PATES F03 WEEKLY : One year, in advance ? 2 .00 One yew, at end of year 2f&0 Six nioutba, in advance 00 Entered at the Post OlH ;e at Albany, Or an second-class mall matter. LOCAL RECORD. DEMOC'IUTIC I'P.iMAKlEA The democratic primaries were held last evening at the regular places, as follows: First ward. JJ Dorrls, chairman jOliyer Dushnell, secretary. Mr M Sternberg was nominated or councilman, and T J Stites was recommended for the central committee. Second ward.--julius Gradwohl, chair man;C G Rawlings, secretary. Mr O G Burkhart wao nominated for councilman. For central committee, John Clelan. Third ward. J K Wcatherford, chair man; O A Archibald, secretary. T H Campbell was nominated for councilman For central committee, E J Lanning. uettino ,ves.-a rendleton paper makes the following naughty remark about a Portland paper: "The Portland News says a subscription paper was in cir culation in that city Tuesday for the pur pose of raising a fund to pay the Oregonian for a publication of the facts in regard to the smallpox in Portland. Any sort of facts will be published, If the fund raised is large enough." This was previous to that Dig seven column article. Anyway the subscription will not be necessary as all the country papers are doing the work gratut' tously. The truth is, though, they go to one extreme as far as the Portland papers ao to tne otner. Some seem to think it e grand opportunity to get even with Port land. A Big Difference. There will be a great difference in miller's and shipper's prices in the wheat market. Sixty-five cents a bushel is all that the general mar kets will warrant for shipping purposes, yet as high as seventy-five cents is paid by Pendleton millers in order to secure grain. a difference of ten cents a bushel. B. O. That sounds rather curious, coming from me center ox a Dig wneat country. That Petition. Some one has asked us in reference to the petition presented to the council recently asking for the grant Ing of an electric light franchise to A P Bacon, of San Francisco, for twenty-five years. The name of nearly every business man In the city, is on it, 132 in all. We are informed that only two objected to signing it. Stinit A. Stinit, the bilk, has reached Albany, We w ere in hopes he would lo cate in Salem. That city has the biggest asylum in the state.the biggest state house, the biggest Indian school, the biggest pen itentiary, the biggest Court House, and we are willing for it to have Stinit too. We don't want him. Married. In Portland, on Nov 29, Mr Jos Webber, Jr, and Miss Annie Mansfield, Rev Clapp officiating. The happy couple passed though the city last evening on their way to San Francisco on their bridal tour. The Democrat extends them its best wishes Perpetual Life. A scheme to catch the unwary is an advertisement stating that the advertiser will Bend to any one en closing the sum of one dollar the secret of perpetual life. The "sucker" who sends the dollar receives by return mail ft neat card, on which are printed the words, 'Don't die." Married. On Sunday, Nov. 25th, 18S8, in Walla Walla, Mr. William Cecil, of Ar lington, and Miss Vira Moss, daughter of Assessor Moss ef Sweet Home. May thev live long and prosper. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil became acquainted last summer at Soda ville, where both parties were spending the summer. Dress Shoes A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's, best in the city, at G W Simpson's. They range in price for from 81.50 to $3.50 about half of the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before TUE MAN ABOUT TOWN City elections in Albany are very mild affairs, and generally good natured ones. Very little mud,is slung and the newspa pers keep their hands out of the matter, owing to a time immemorial decree. One peculiar thing about them is that you can t most always sometimes tell who will be elected. II II According to the almanac winter has be gun ; butour winter days if set down back East in the midst of one of their ravaging snow storms or blizzards would cause a panic. They would think there was a fire raging. II II Mud is not indigenous to Albany. Every city in the State is muddy. Corvallis is the muddiest, then Eugene, then Salem, then Roseburg, then Albany, we judge basing our verdict on the degree of emphasis our exchanges s in announcing the fact. The truth use we can't help having some mud. A scraper on First Street '.hough occasion ally does improve matters considerably for several weeks. Its Authority Several days ago wc asked the Corvallis Gazcte for its authority in reference to an alleged case of small pox on the Occident. As we have already referred to the matter wc give the Gazelle's answer :"OnatripoftheOR&N steam er Occident up the river from Portland about twenty days ago, the fireman Charles Burt, was taken sick before the boat reach ed Albany, and was confined to his bunk, and on her return to Portland a new man acted as fireman. When she arriyed at Portland Mr Butt was taken home and a physician called who said his was a case of small pox. After this discovery the mat tress anu Dea covers used Dy tne sick man on the boat were immediately burned and the state room or berth fumigated. One ot tne decs lianas employed on the Occi dent at the time is now on the steamer Bcntley. Guy Powers, nightwatchman on the Bentley, furnished the report to the Gazelle last week, and from him is learned what is found above. Something New Now is the time for mince pies,and the very bestis the NewEng' land mince meat, a large shipment of which has just been received by Wallace Thompson. It is put up, wrapped in waxed paper, and enclosed In a paper box with lithographic label and slide cover which keeps the meat from the flies and dust and enables it to be examined at any time and the cover replaced. One package is cnougn ionwo large or inree small pies, and all it costs is 15 cents a package. Cheaper than any mince meat in the mar. ket or any made at home. A rich delicious mince meat, made of the choicest apples, beef suet, raisins, currants, citron, sugar, molasses, boiled cider and pure spices. The result of careful experiments with popular N E receipts. The Coming Attraction. The Ore gonian in speaking of the production of "Chip O' the Old Block,"now on the boards at New Park theatre, Portland, and which is to be presented here next Wednesday evening, says : "Another fine house en joyed "Chip O' the Old Block" last evening and the fun was fast and furious. Miss Jessie Eonstelle increased the favorable impression made on Monday and evoked unstinted applause in her songs and imita tions. She is a delightfully fresh and naive soubrette, clever in the extreme. Mr. Scott's Commodore WfllL It am, feint aa could be imagined.while Harry Mills' Jack iBniioui was a penect piece of character work. The musical numbers were all fine ly rendered and altogether the piece was as mirth-provoking as can be imagined. Masqr brade Ball. At the opera house Friday evening, Dec 21, under the man agement of W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford k Lit tier will make a flash light picture of the masqueradcrs as well as of all present. If yourarc fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra Tickets, $1.50. Montcith & Seitenbach's great closing sale will enable all to buy any lias of goods fully 50 percent, less than Any other store in the vallev. Fine Stock. E. L. Power, net door to the Democrat office, has just received a fine stock of saddles, blankets, whips, etc., and has a first-class stock of hand made harnesses on hand, Call on him for bargains. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen thestock is bro HOSE AND ABROAD. Nino tramps were) lodged in the oalibooia last night. The best confectionary in the city at Fran cis PfeiffurY For a few momenta last evening it rained "pitchforks. " Rev J W Webb, of Salem, has moved to California to reside. The largest stock of nuts and caudles in the Valley at F U Pfeiffer'f. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. A tine stock of artists materials at Dr- Guiss & Son's. No better in the Valley. Does any one know how the candidates for counciluien stand on the cow question. Western Kansas is beinc; depopulated. most of the people there coming to the coast. First lesson in W W Crawford's dancinz i claas at the Opera House, Friday eveniu'. ucq. yth. Democratic convention at the court house to-nilit. A strong ticket proiniacs to be placed in the Held. j Mr J.-i&on Wheeler lias moved from his farm to bis new residence in the Third ward, where he will reside. The snow was ten inches deep at Big Meadows last week. It is now nearly or all gono V riuevule Hews T C Cox. of Eucreno hss rented Glass Bros glass factory at CrawfordsviUc. and will make that place his home. Mr J A Beard has purchased his partners interest in the drag store at Lebanon and will run the business alone. The Braden -Underwood debate closed at Silverton Thursday evening. We are not informed as to who whipped. A marriage license was to day issued to J W Salisbury, aged 4G, of Umatilla county, and Isabel Uwinn, aged 10, of Marion conn ty. Salem Journal. A pleasant social party was given last evening at the residence of Mrs Bridgeford, by the Vineyard Laborers, of the Baptist church. Walter Millar, of Lebanon, who had a can of powder explode in his face about a week ago, will not lose his eyesight, ati at tirst feared. Mr John Foster and sister. Miss Florence, came over the Cascade mountains recently in a single buggy. They encountered very little snow on the summit. Frineville News. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc.. Francis Ffeifler can do better than anywhere elso. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary. Dandruff is probably one of the most dif ficult diseases of the scalp to cure, but Do tard's Specific never fails to remoye it perm anently. Soreness after shaving is instant ly relieved by Its use. How is your appetite ? Are yon nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to billiouaness ? Dr Henley 'a Dandelion Tonic works wonders. It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds up the whole system and puts new life and engeryin you For weak and delicate women nothing bailds up the entire system more thoroughly and effectually than Oregon Kidney Tea. It is especially adapted to diseases peculiar to the sox, is pleasant to take and in every in stance proves of great value. Oregon Kid ney Tea is composed of herbs found in Ore gon, is pnt up in neat tin boxes, and can be prepared fresh by limply Bteepinar in hot wa ter. It contains no mineral substance what ever, is pleasant to take and neyer fails to cure kidney or urinary troubles. Highland, Clackamas county, Or. .March 20. I have suffered with a disease of the kid neys for 6 or 7 yean and for the last two months hava been laid up with a pain in my baak. A friend sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having need it one week I can do a good day' work. I have derived more benefit from it than from all the medicines I have ever taken. J. Q. Nkwbill. Boots axd Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc II wain's and see the ladies kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce It a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It Is a splendid cook stove. A splendid stock of library and hanging 1 am pa jum received t l 11 n, son's. Hotel Arrivals. Revere House. S ETustin, E Hanson, J C Stephenson, J T Stonix, S F ; 0 Wood ward, c w rtgnr. roruano; 1 cecK; j h Englehart; J B Mahcn, Rock Creek; Boyd Dudley, Kansas City; J Cook; G Lldger wood, N Y City. St Charles. BJohnson.Shedd ; W H Hnrtless, G A Waggoner, D A Osburn, Corvallis ; S M Vredenburg.Boston Quin tette Club ; J B Mahcr, Bustletown ; T S Townscnd, Portland ; J S Murvin, N Y ; Mr Upmver, M Henshaw, Harrlsburg ; W T Wiles,"S B Powers, city. Russ House. F Hagadom ; A Down ing. Station ; T J Blalock ; C N Ross, J H Englehnrt E Bushong, W Johnson, J Hccker, E C Everest J W Shaw, Portland ; E Hemp ; J Forrester, S F ; O Brown, Mill Cily ;M Hammond ;CW Miller and wife, MrsC Fisher, Ashland ; G Young ; VV Moran, Denver ; D Murro, Minnesota; J Gray, Philomath ; A Venor. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. ItspubUcan Convention. The Republican Convention far iU nomination of city officers was held last evening at the Court House. u 11 Iryine, Chairman. FM Redfield and J R Wyat t,Secretaries. W C Cassell, Chas Montelth P. P Kv and W II Huston, tellers. For Marshal D L Crossen. A 1 lii.nt Geo W Burlchart and Robert Mcllheny "Ull.tliUlCU, Ballots ist. Crossen. . Tlnrkhnrf a. it.? ni 2V McII!ny. 9- 2nd. Crossen, 35 ! BurkharL en . 1 , . w.n. " 3rd Crossen, 30 ; Burkhart, 74 ; Hunt, 9 . Cap Humphrey, 3. Burkhart was de clared nominated. or City Treasurer, E D Cusick and F ..w..iv,u WCrc namca. ' Ballot-Cuwk, 67 j Kenton, 51 ; scat- XnC Ward nnminnMnn. ... , the Convention adjourned. Carpet. Cheaper than you can buv them in Pnrt. land. Will sell a snod crade of Brunu-1. carpet for Co cents; a heavy three ply car- - --"i, nu iwo piy carpets troir 40 cent, to 50 cents. Carries u large line ot oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. 11. McIlwain Coming. To eye, chronic, nervous and especially rectal sufferers. Dr J B Pilkington will be at the Revere House, Albany, all day ruesday, Dec. 4th, iSSS. Examinations frcoi Several hund-cd cases referred to n-JZi, 8!i JSVSios:s.-!n this linj w have always shown the very best goods to be found in the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart mentas they must go. Call and see for yourself. MONTEITH & SeITENIIACH. Wan-ted.A respectable family desire to take three boarders. Good lodging furnished if desired. Inquire at this office Ail kinds of woolen dress goods are 23 per Cent cheanar tlmn t h. u.a . X . , . , , "J "v.o w jcar .go. UQr stock is all fresh, consequently we can eive W. F. Read. A fine line of holiday goods for oar crock, ry department and marked very low in price Wallace & Thompson A fine stock of new walnuts, almonds, Brazill's, Peaoan's aod Filbut'a at Wal ft Thompson's. , lace KEEP.POSTED flliM, ',C Xew fall goods at Read's. See those new jersiei at W. F. Read's. ' New ribboa all shades and styles at Read's A full hue of boys kilt suits at W. F Read's. Fine Hue of bread kneading pana at G W Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & Stanard's. A large stock of lifting force pumps at G V Smith's. Goods at cost at M. J. Mooteith's, at the old Young store Go to A. B. Mcllwain's and ask to sen those $( suits for men. Ia a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry goods '.Y. F. Read is leader. If you want to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Bargains in general merchandise at M J Monteith's at the old Young store. Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester aud save fare to Portland. A cnmplote line of heating and parlor stovea at G W Smith's, no hotter in the valley. The cheapest place to buy men's under wear iu tile state is at A. B. Mcllwain's. Those small mixed pickles at F L Ken tons are very nice. Try them. Only 50 cents per gailou. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and eo for yourself. All the latest novelties in milliaery goods at E and C Howard's. Call aud see them, No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacirio and Royal Argands at G V Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. See them. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made ia eity or country, Goods not sold for less than cost, sooda not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable profit at W. F. R3id's. Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silyer ware, of which he carries a larae and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the best in the market and his lineof dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. Winter wraps, are not reserved in the great sale. This will be the greatest oppor unity ever offered to buy a stylish wrap at low price . MONTEITH Si SeITENBACII, F. M. French keeps railroad time. F. L. KllTOH -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES ConfectioDery, Cigars and Tobacco. All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions received for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZIES. NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.IOR. SALE. out their Albanybusinesso ffer for sale without reserve at COST