Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Dress Goods
and Trimmings.
The quiet elegance found in the varied weaves and soft pastel colorings
in dress goods of this season are enough to delight any woman. So gracefully
do they lend themselves to the draping of the popular styles now in vogue that
they give to the garment an air of distinctive originality especially so when
trimmed with the handsome effects in jet trimmings which we show. All the
new shuaes in raspberry, taupe, wisteria, smoke are found and the excellent
quality of these fabrics at the price we ask offers you an excellent opportunity
of securing a beautiful gown with least expenses.
We will enjuy showing them to you.
l. e. & h. j, Hamilton THE HAMILTON STORE Aiban1?:3e2irat st
The rich proprietor generally knows
how to go about marketing his prop
erty, but a man who has only one or
two small holdings to dispose of is
apt to go wrong. The value of real
estate depends largely .on its being
convertible into cash. It often seems
unsalable because the 'owner does not
knew how to sell it. Too much good
advice cannot well be given on this
The average owner's idea of how to
sell his real estate is summed ud in
lilting it for sale with as many 'brok
er as possible. That is where he
makes his mistake, the extent of which
he may better understand if he will
let us first point out what the duties
of his broker should be and then
show him why no broker can dis
charge those duties under the pre
vailing method of employment.
A broker receives his pay from the
real estate owner whose property lie
sells, and he should represent his law
yer as faithfully as a lawyer repre
sents his client. The first business of
the broker is to examine the property
and locality, estimate the value of the
property from personal inspection of
the premises and tell the owner
whether his asking price is too low or
too high. After the price has been
made right, the broker must make
every effort to sell the property as
soon as possible for the most monev
and on the best terms obtainable. In
cannot afford the time and expense of
visiting the property, nor can he ven
ture to advertise it by street and num
ber, knowing well that if he does so
an intending purchaser may go di
rectly to the owner or to some other
broker. Besides, his chances of mak- j
itlg a commission under those circum- j
stances are too small to warrant the ;
expense of advertising. When he does I
find a customer he cannot hold out
for the highest price and best terms, j
Should he do so, the customer is apt
to go to another broker or to the i
owner directly. The first broker, 1
therefore, is often constrained to sac- ;
rilice the interest of the owner in or- '
der to close the bargain before some
body else, taking it from him, leaves
him no profit for all his pains. Under
this system the usefulness of brokers
is reduced to the vanishing point
through the short-sightedness pf own
ers, most of whom are so careless of
their own weal as to seek out agents
who will do business in this wasteful
and pernicious fashion. Thus real
estate often becomes a drug on the '
market and its value is impaired ,
through lack of any competent meth- j
od of putting buyer and seller in
touch with each other. i
What happens when an owner lists
his real estate for sale under the pres
ent system? The land is entered on
the broker's books of, yes; and if ;
any man providentially happens along
who wants to buy a piece of real
estate, he is handed a job list of bar-
Why buy Groceries
of Portland Houses
when you can get the
following prices at
14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00
16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00
11 lbs Head Rice 1.00
14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00
16 lbs Broken Head Rice LOO
12 los White Beans 1.00
12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00
1016 ozpks Raisinns 1.00
Get our prices before you buy.
The Grocer.
in nil iniaii inn 11 iiiimw iiiirnmnuiniimni n ihhiihimi i i i mnm htm j
crder to find bidders he should freely gains. Frequently the broker has not
advertise the property for sale seen the property. All he knows about
through the best advertising mediums, ( it is what the owner has told him.,
and in the most effective way, and by ! He is ignorant of its appearance and
every means bring it to the notice of 1 surroundings, of its state of repair and
as many as possible of the people who ! actual value. In a word, he knows
are in the market for real estate of ' nothing at all which a purchaser needs
that general character. j to know. The prospective customer
Such is a partial summary of the looks at two or three of the bargains,
duties ot tne conscientious and efhc-1 no one of which comes within a mile
Corsets Made
to measure.
All the New Styles
$1.00 to $35.00
Hlms and Film Packs. CompleteSAssortment.
Free Instruction to Beginners. WoOllWOrtll Drilg Company
I am agent for the famous hygienic
Spirella Corset, for girls and women.
These corsets are made to measure
and guaranteed for one year not to
rust or break. Come and try on my
models. They will bend with the body
and still retain their shape. Absolute
ly indestructible and can be laundried.
Pi-Ir-i S.I 50 nml nn
ing it on his own account, the broker be expected under adverse conditions. I Also maker of fancy gowns of beau-
1 Of a thousand items on his sales- tiful designs and superior workman-
oooks, nearly an are usicu wuu nan ; ship.
. ient brbker.
j Under prevailing conditions of em
ployment he can do none of these
things. The property being listed
with a number of brokers, and the
owner retaining the privilege of sell
of what he wants, and all of which
are priced far above their value. Then
he gives up the fruitless quest in dis
gust and goes home.
It is the system that is wrong. Per- ;
haps the broker does as well as can
; wonderful ? mark, for with his
streniiosity he has stood for a high
standard along moral lines, and this
has counted for good. It is not an
easy thing to figure out the balance.
Entered at trie j-oei effice, Albany, O
second cape maii matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, U.K.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year 3.50.
The Weekly Advance per year $1. 25.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
Fireplace Goods,
The Albany Hardware Co., 211 West
First street, has the finest stock of fire
place furnishings to be found, 25 styles
and paterns, in and irons. Are sets, etc.
fine decorations for the fire place.
F. 0. WILL, for Watches
LOST OR S'iOLEN. A Scotch Collie
dog, eight months old, from farm of
A. Fallow, R. D. 2. $5 rownrd for
information leading to recovery.
WANTED. Butter, eggs and poultry
at tho Imperial Rostuurant 822 W
2nd st. Albany. l it
FCR SALE. A seven room house in
first-class condition, good barn, large
lot. Price, $1600. Call on Mrs. J.
Morle E Uth St. t21
CRAThS JFor sewing machines, at II.
Neolevs, 2nd street, opposite the
armory. t20
WANTED. Two lady demonstrators to
travel. Good wages. t&Cull room 20.
Revere hotel after 6 'j. m. and all
day Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Hyers.
FOR SALE. Go-cart and baby buggy.
Inquire at Democrat ollice.
LOST. Lady's gola watch, heavy long
chain, initial C on watch, between
Bandbox and 618 W 4th. Rownrd.
Report to Miss Carol Richard" 618 W
PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries,
red and white Currants, Rhubarb.
Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew
berries, Phenomenal!!, Hedge Plants
and Sago. Iveh C. Duedall, 1
Albany, Ur., K. U. No. 6, Home J
Of course the corporations owning
property in Linn county will want
their assessment as low as possible.
The assessor should see that it is as
high as possible. The spirit of the
age is to make idle land get into ac
tion and do something for itself. A
great many people for this reason
10 ACRE TRACTS. -Tremont ten acre wish to sc vacant lots in a city taxed
tracts. Close to Albany. Fine soil, high, making it an incentive to build
excellent location Best of fruit, unon it or sell to , .
vegetable and berry land. Buyatenin-i- . . .
acre home of the owner. Owen Beam, lllls ,s a Pct ltem wlth the single tax 1
Room 4, Stark Bldg., opposite post : people, and is a good one to think
dozen other firms. If they arc list'
ed on an average with four agents,
his chances are slim of earning com
missions on one out of a dozen. The
owner is only too eager to sell di
rectly to a purchaser, and wry likely
he has given the broker a fancy price
expecting to find a buyer himself at
a much lower figure. A broker may
believe he has a customer at a good
price, but he will seize the opportun
ity to sell at a lower price rather than
run the risk of having the sale snatch
ed from him. "
(.To be continued.)
119 East 7th, Cor. Lyon.
Albany is to be hooked up with Sa
lem and Portland to the north and
Eugene to the south on an electric
line. This is making every land own- I
er in Linn, Lane, Marion and some ;
other counties revise his estimates of
nr Tf rnilrH n.l -M . V08 10 "r " neW
r. " . ' F -"" dainty patterns in Wat Paoer. New.
obtain all the land values they cause clean, stock just arrived, many new nloce slinp rondii PV nf
to spring into being they would be shades in brown and olive. Let us help , ltton olluc 1 cI'aA ' 01 a"
ropfor sUonsnaiawhe Pri"CeS "C"B eoec Buhkhart & Lee. j " SHOe tOre.
To have yourShoes
put in a first-class
condition by a firSt-
ENGRAVED CARDS.-For a limited
time Rawlings will furnith 103 Cop
per pi 1 to Engraved visiting cards
(plate included) for $1.50.
FOR SALE. Those wishing to pur
chase apples for family use, phone K.
C. Baldwin at "Wricht fruit farm"
on Home phone, or Tf more conven-, ' "C UCSl ' . cm
ienc phone G. W. Wright at his law J." "lc meantime tncre is no oc-.
office or residence over Bell or Home, j casion for reducing the assessments
asked for. Instead the inclination is
about. It may be endorsed by those !
not believing at all 111 the single tax :
plan as a whole, something that will
probably never prevail in this coun-
try. Wc do well, though, as we go ;
along to take the good in all things i
ami make the best of them.
In the meantime there
Have You a Patent
Phone 7102. 16t
WANTED. A girl to do general house'
11 ACHES CLOSE IN, very desirablo
for platting. Veiy Reasonable.
Ethel E. ... ilk-r.
FOR RENT. Rooms, furnished and
unfurnished. Mrs. Upham, 132 Water
street. t2,
FOU SALE OR I11RE.--A team.
Phono red 1)72.
FOR SALE. River bottom farm, in
Hintnn county, 26 acres, 2 miles from
Albany. Write D. W. McKinney,
Saginaw, Or. t 20
NOTICE. The public is requested not
10 transact nusmess witli S. A.riiud-
APPLES. Parties wishing apples for
decoration or other purposes may
secure them by calling upon D. W.
Rumbaugh, Home phone 1336. 19t.
FOR RENT. 7 room house and barn.
$15. See G. W. Wright.
WOOD FOR SALE -Big fir, J. "B.
Ellis 906 E 4th, Phone Bell Red 952,
FOR SALE. -New saddle, single har
ness. 1 carriage, good as now, set
double work harness, one rubber
tired buggy. J. D. Ellis, 906 E 4th,
Phone Bell Red 952. 14t
FOR SALE. A Jersey bull calf eligi
ble lo registration. Inquire of II. M.
Palmer, Albany, both phones.
FOR bALE.-Two fine lots on South
Washington street, at once, at a bar
gain. Sea P. D. Gilbert.
WANTED. Young man to wipe ma
chines and do porter work a few
hours each week. Magnolia Steam
FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms
ver Stevens store. Apply tozG. W. 1
to increase them. But we have all
been raised, and arc in the same boat. ;
The business man who has been rais- '
ed materially is not kicking, why the
corporation. ,
to Your Home ?
Different cities in Oregon have as
their slogan population of a certain !
number for the city, "Ashland 10,000
in 1912," for instance. A reasonable j
ambition for any city lo want tu '
double its population in two or three i
years, and, yet. in the ordinary dc- j
velopment of a city it is not often one '
gets double its population in three .
years. Ten years is a good period,
as tilings go, for actually doubling
one's population. The spirit, though,
is one of intense commercialism, :
which is the one that prevails in the
affairs of men today. Rcallv the '
0rFSb7hrar;..anlnfinnwg7 , ""P" .' ' ",0uW.
. on, lumber wagon, nil for $250. G t b Rood place 111 which to reside,
Mi.ssman. 1st and Pentiwinkle. Horn
111 6t
FOR SALE. -Dry nsh wood, by Ola
Saltveit Home phone black 167.
1016 E. Water. It
MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm
nt seven per cent On choice farm
lands nt six per cent. A-ply to Geo.
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore
gon. Both phones- Office, corner of
1st and Ferry.
1 HAVE a demand lor city property
and for acreage. What have vou?
Ethel E. Miller.
clson. of lungont, incompetent on ac- j MHr. INbUHANC E. O. F. R. A. ot
count of his old age. John B. Hudcl-' McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mil
son. I tunl company. C. C. Itrvnnt, Albany,
FKE1C.-Edgingd biuk at tho Al !. V' "k BJ:
buny saw mill. Get some. 1 A LOT. Of oak timber for sale on
I stump. Win. Ritchie Lund Co.
SAUKR KRAUT. Cabbage for it. Or-1
der of E. L. McKecver. Bell 2X1. to! EGGS AND CHICKS. Barred Plv-
mouin hock, wni'e L.egom, HlacK
with a reasmi.ihlr rnmnplf ncp fnr
. one's labors, good associations, good !
government, law abiding, healthful
I surroundings, a place for a home and
; clean influences as well as for growth,
which will take care of itself. i
j Anyway there arc a good many bet
ter things about a city of six or seven
thousand people lor a home place
than one several times as large. Nev
ertheless every city should do its '
best to grow, along sane lines, and '
the Democrat hopes to fee Albany a
place 01" fifty thousand.
Kcever. Phono Bell Farmers 2x1. tD
WOOD SAWlNGi-CallGco. F. Brown
Home Phone 802.
TO LOA N. -$'0 0(H) on real property
J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bunk
Albany, Oregon, rate ot interest icu
J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker
and repairer, does first class work at
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat o(fi:e. See him.
Any furniturditor nn tntc Albany
.loaijuin Miller blann
oi the prevalent crime
Theodore Roosevelt,
that Roosevelt ruslie
into all sorts
mis theorv o
Minorca. Pnlouse Geese and White
Pi-Kin duck eggs, pure bred, also day
old chickens. Mrs. J. C. Porter, R.
D. 2, box 15. Home phone 3651. 15t
at n. nonien s. j activity. He
run rvc.Mi. ine store room formerly js resnonsibl
s a good deal
oi the day to
He charges
1 lhe people
All style, at all hours ' ing the peoph
i crime, that his strcmi
lite is criminal, inicct
' with a sort of insane
.lec lares that Roosevelt
for much of the mania
" -( j, .lffc,.,itlK 1C pcoIc of ,
WANTED. -Farm land' in large and colll"r'
small tracts. Ethel E. Miller. I The charge is a serious one and
FIRE INSURANCt. Beaver State " bc accepled by a good many. Mr.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera Roosevelt is only responsible so far as
House Bldg. his yum(t gocs jlt is ctrtainly a
A patent from the United States
is of as much importance as your
Did the man who deeded to
you have his deed recorded?
If not you have no title.
Are your taxes paid?
An abstract will make you
Don't buy a piece of property
without having an Abstract
304 Broadalbin Street,