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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1904)
L I i I , 1 : ! h i N t ' ( f. MARSHFIELD, OREGON flCCII V TA A CT MAI! !cfl kinds. Ouo kind Is steadfastness WfcttVLfl vUAM illAILjto oouvictioiM of right nnd wrong, Mid lu thin our candidate stands sec ond to none. Of tho steadfastness which clings to a nnnio nnd takes no noto of changing conditions or chang ing issues; which will follow tho Dcm- j ooratio tanner, whether it be .carried , by a Cleveland or by i Bryan; vhoth- D&Uftd In tWj Poitufftce at Marshfleld -' . el iSiCdlU' Cl&ci Hatter. COOS BAY PUBLISHING CO., w$ -' , tSditorvnnd Miwgv Wr lead to tho gold atrfudart or to free, ut only iu , . silver or to first money to ? free trado through J 000, at G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman TELEPHONE, MAIN 451. DAILYi Bv null, for advance payment . only, 30 ccntO mc-ath; 4 months for tho greater supply $1.00. when not paid la advance tue price Is 50 cents per moms, siraij;iii. Issutd every morning except Monday. or tariff for rovonuo or an abortion 4 like iho Wilton bill; In faot no mat ter what It may represent, just so it havo the brand; of thin kind of steadfastness Mr", Sherwood may have lift THH BULLETIN EXPLAIN ThoJoqulllo Bulletin, whloh, by tho way, ist; (Democratic paper just now, calls on John S. Ooko to ox. plain on what phaso of tho monuy question ho "went out" of tho Demd oratio party, aud tlio Bulletin goes on to rIvo soino history lu thu ondea'vor to show that Mr, Coko "atatd(?) in,? and-' '08 but alaft after tho DemporaUtf National Convention 'had rontllriuciV WEEKLY Issued Every Saturday. Terms: la Ad vance, 31.50 a Year, Sx.oo Six Months. tho money plank of J 800. " Now, the MAIL hurt not consulted Mr. Coke, but will glvu somu facta whloh arc doubtless. fwoll known to iltn Aflltnr of Mm llntli.M.i . it... It is refreshing to noto that tho ccrtn!llly nw t0 ho p,atlonum lu Democrats havo at lust formulated ouo specific ohargo against A Republi can candidate aud havo put It iuto plain English. Mr. Herman, whilo a member of tho legislature, kept his fingernails clean "without any ro- Regular Republican j suiting benefit to Cooa County." Ticket STATE For Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore J of Columbia County. . . Dairy and food Commisidnert J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah Connlvi " ' For Qongreoitnan, list district) Din ger Hermann, of Douglas county. SECOND JCDICVL DISTRICT . Forjudge E'O Porter, of Eugene. For District Attorney Geo M Brown, of Rorcburg. ' ' ' PlbTlUCT For .loint SeuatoT John S Coke, o! Mar$hfluhl. ' For HeprejentaUvi iSehiller B Her mann, of Mprtlo Point. For .Joint Itepreieutativo Story Tierce, of I'ort Orford. cou.ntv For Commissioner year6)E A Anderson, of Marshfleld. For Commissioner (4 years) Lord 8pire, of Myrtle Point. For County Clern Jamca WaUon, ol Cooa City. For Sheriff Stophen S Gallicr, of Coquillo City. For Assessor E S Dean, of Myrtle Foint. For School nuperiotendent W II Lunch, of McKinley. For Treasurer J B Dully, of Ccqullle City. ' For Surveyor C S McCollocb, of Bandon. j ForCoronsr E Mingus, of Mar eh field. ' rBKCIiJCT For Constable John W Carter. Tills is indeed n serious ohargo, but aro tho voters willing to substitute tliis man Iahj because he is likely to let his finger nails go dirty? There is another point they might make in from that standpoint : Mr Ilernnum also took to tho legislature, and re tained throughout tho uecsibu, a clean and unsmirched character. His man ners, na well as his fingernails, are also mpre "polished" than his oppon ents aro ever likely to bo. As for tho "rare eloquence" with whoso interest ho endeavors to distort them. Mr. Coko "stayed InV In 1800," in nplto of the tho money ques tion, iu tho hopb that tho Democratic party would return to what ho con sldered "honest money. Ho stayed In through the state campaign of 1808, still hoping that Iho National Demo cracy would como back rortho position whiph ho considered right. Hut tho Bulletin Is lu error for whloh there pcolally adapted totiurnoeds, Vhi policy of tho qtfABT MAIL has nhvnya been to lead thu van Jm tlfo march of nowspapor pwuress, and tho addition of this umohtuu to Its outfit Is an Important step in advauoe. Thu Slmplox will enable us to set more typu with loss ox)eiikor and to glvo a bettor paper for tho monoy than wo havo been able to do boforu. This Is In lino with the determina tion to glvu Marshfleld tho best Hst bib newspaper that thu patrouago would justify, and that policy will bo adhered to. Thu MAIL has Ihmmi, and is, a strictly business enterprise, asking no bonus nor graft. Its ownership and Its management, up to n very recent date, have Wen Identical, aud thu eoutrol still rests with tho manage ment, with no strings on It held by 1 anyone behind the scenes. It is to the credit of Marshfleld us a I m POLITICAL ARENA The Chnmberlaln Domooratlo Oluh has at last boon forced olit into tho opon Hold by a iovr well placed ahoto from tholb'puhlloan ranka,nd aa nntlo olpated, thflr method ol conduotliiR tho coming politico) contutt In of the sordid typo aa U revealed by u connminkatlon from them In tho last liauo of (he Coos Bay News. In replying briefly to this half bnkud uplitlu thu dlnnlly of tlio Hopubllimn party does not propose to Indulge lu a a almlhtr article. Tho high boiiho ot honor and justice which nnlmntca tho feollnRn of those who nro cunciirncd in tho vol faro ol tho ltopubllcau ticket doos not permit base methods ol attack and unkind personal rontarka about tho qualities ot the Dornocratlo candidates. Wo will extol thu vlrtuea of our own SSa.'g.MSirSg lias a elean record, free from misdeed! on Important political quoiitloiiB, lie Ik liberal with IiIh followmcn mid does not wonr a oollulold collar to o!9t h wnnhorwomnu out of a Job, Mr, llormann Lad followed an honor- nblohualnein and J Identified with the buelneM Industries of (he county, He la no parAtiltoaltdliiK forward mid back ward on moral questions, ''off again, on again," Ho has a olonn consalunco h well ni clean flngernnlls, Mr. i'lorc6 has been wisely sulectod by the Itepub- lluana ot (Jurry County for tho office ot joint roproaontatlvo, hla fltnoss (or tho position will burn n laruo liolo In tho votes of tills district, so Hint only tha ulmrrod ednon will bo loft for.olhore, ess1" j .a progressive business town that It has cnmlhUtca nnd soo what they aro nnd favor of their candidate whilo aTgnlugl u ., , ,L . . ' it . f s Isiio excuse when it states that after the National "Democratic convention, in July 1000, reaffirmed tho "mouey plank" of tho 180G Chicago conven tion, "Mr. Coko still staid in." It f ght there is where ho ceased to "stay in." Doesn't tho Uulletln know that Mr. Coko was appointed committeeman by tho State Demo- supported a dally paper employing at present writing eight adult person. Nor would wo fail to express appreci ation of tho patrouago that has come from outsldo tho limits of Marshfleld and has materially helped to make possible tho improvement of tho paper. Eveu with the addition of this lalr saviug maohiue, the plant is not all that could bo desired. Othor addi tions will be mado as fast as Is Kssi- 1Y fl-lin Ttiktim 4-t it (ntnirlnnflAii t 1 .uvu uv uuib,uuiuu " , mn- tlint ... ll,.J .1.,11.. J .-" cujiiivi; miiii vests their candidate, it may bo said that tho mere ability to talk and rt aro not. It has been tho timo-honorcd(?) custom ol the Democratic party to try to climb by pulling somothlng down that has boon already uicful. She has such n small footing of her own to stand on that littlo could bo expected from her principles so (ho trios to create condition in hor favor by calling atlontloti t tho monster llepuhllcan party. Thu hystorlcal character of tho monlal cd to berve, for tho reason that he was not in sympathy with the party? readiness to turn looso ti perennial ;tI . , , ., tl ,, ., , . ., 1 ' How could thu Bulletin look up the EDITORIAL SOME COMPARISONS Tho Democratic spokesmen say: "Wo afcsert that Mr. A, J, Sherwood is mere able, more experienced and more steadfast than his opponent, Mr. Coke." The Mal will BUggeot to tho bretheren, that assertion is not proof, and before tho Republicans, from whom tho votes would havo to be drawn to elect Mr. Sherwood, can be pursuaded to knife their own candid ato it will bo necessary to do more than "assert" tho superiority of the gentleman named. Now, with all duo respect to Mr, Sherwood, since his friends have jnadethe comparison, it mayj bo al lowable to look into this matter u little. In what way hns he shown this superior ability? He has been located ut Coquille City nearly cr i quite a quarter of a century, and if ho has ever set tho world on fire, oven in that small place, thu conflagration has never spread across tho divide. True, lie is older tlian Jolm S. Coke, but no well-informed person would cay that he otands higher in the legal profession than our candidate, and only at this timo could oven n hope lam Democrat bo made to bollevo that Jio stands as high. , And tho fact that 3Ir. Coko has in . a very few years reached a staudil'(r higher than his op- pcint has been able to- attain in a ' quarter of a ceutuary of effort", would Indicate .that tho superior ability lay on the' sfde of the'y&ungef "man. ,. lAi for itejHlfftsiiWM there are eov , i fountain of gush on demand, is not really ranked as eloquence where tho real article exists. Further, in tho Orpfmn !lpiirttntiiTO n ivni!lintit for' O-" --o - j- "hollering" does not bring results at least, not thoso desired. To the assertion that, "Mr. Burns is also a better man", tho MAIL will add a prophecy: that ho will'bo -elected to stay at home, and this will provo a good short-rango prediction. recorord so closely without discover ing this fact? And if the Bulletin was uware of thu fact, why suppress? lis it possible that tho Democrats I would purposely make uu unfair and miss-leading statement? Aro they getting, demoralized by reading the awful doggerel which tho Chamberlain Democratic Club is per petrating? Let the Bulletin do a little "ex plaining." WILL KNOCK OUT THE BOSSES Under the present system of nomi nating conventions, tho delegate is elected on one of two theories. Either bio without overstepping tho Ixnuids I of business prudence, and Marshfleld j k-wp of tho Democratic party la well can rest assured that with reasonable oxempllflcd in tho Nowa article. Wo encouragement tho COAST MAIL -ro Informed that from present Indlca will keej up with thu procession. STAND PAT Who was it first used the express ion, "stand pnt," in connection with a political situation? Wasn't it the he goes to tho convention to do the lflto lamented Mark? Anyway, that will of thoso who sent him, in nomiu- i8 ,lU tlmt Repnolionn voters havo to atinga ticket, or ho is picked out do ln thlM option. Stand pat and and sent to tho convention to do aB he ! voto ynr ticket ftud itfl Hnocw'' Irt n jolly well pleases about tho ticket. Tho last is the Hamiltoniun idea that tho people at large are not capn dead certainty. Tho Rupnblicau majority in Coos County cannot bo overcome by the combined opposition, ble of knowing what is good for them, I0"0?1 h' mo Mtion ' our and thereforo should delegate thoir rnnkfl for whloh thoro conld l) uo powers, to a few superior individuals, aud then tako their medicine. If the first named is the right adequate excuse. Line thu two tickets up opposite each othor, and man for man down theory, then the system of putting thoitho 'trl"?' tho vuutago is with tho will of tho people into effect is an ex- 'publicans. Tho Democrats aro tremely awkward piece of machinery. The delegate may iu somo instances havo a pretty good idea of tho prefer once of his friends and ne!ghtxrs, as to who should fill ono or two of tho places on tno ticuet. lie can never bo absolutely certain' even of this much. As to tho most of tho tioket, ho iu practically at sea and must fall back on his own preferences, which brings us baok to Hamiltonism at oueo. If the American people aro capable of voting intelligently for delegates, they aro capable of voting jnst as in tilllgently on candidates, for nomina tion. If they are capable of govern ing themselvos, they, aro capable of ohoosiug their candidates and their own laws, for that matter. Tho proposed direct primary law l directly iu lino with the best develop ment of popular, government, and it ought tojearry by a practically unan imous. ,vote. , K . , concentrating their fire on the head of the ticket, but that need alarm no one. There aro Republican votes enough to eleot by u handsome majority, and till tho hullabaloo raised by tho opposi tion, will not 1m) counted among thu ballots. "Let file" helitho'n roge," stand pat. There is no reason on eurth why a sin gle Democrat should lx elected, und It will only lx) a matter of carlessuess or joor judgment on tho part of Re publican voters if tho majorities aro not all on tho rht side. It is cer tainly a good timo to stand pat. Tho incoming Alliance brings a Simplex typo-sotting machine for tho COAST MAIL, nils miiohlno was ordered early iu March, that being tho first order over sont iu from this part of Oregon. It has been nearly two MORE BULLETIN INACCURACIES In Saturday's Issue, tho MAIL called nttentiou to muiiu inaccuracies lu a purported statement of facts mode by the Coquillo Bulletin lu an attack on John S. Coke, Republican candidate for joint senator, That article was written without consult ing Mr. Coke, who was out of town. Further investigation has disclosed still greater variatico from tho truth In the Bulletin's statement than wns there set forth. Iu 1800, when Mr. Coko used his. influence to help elect J, W. Bennett, tho latter was running as n gold-stand-ard Democrat. Ho did, also, as sist J. W. Bennett in his canvass against Thomas Buckmau, iu tho later campaign, when Mr. Stauff was also doing all he could or Mr. Bennett. Mr Coke did not, as stated by the Bulletin attend as a delegate tho Dem ocratic county convention iu tho spring of 1000, nor any other Demo cratic convention of that year. The last Democratic convention at tended by Mr. Coko was six years ago, and previous to that he had ojmnly announced that unless the Democratic party abandoned tho Bryan principles, ho would 1h obliged to leave tho party. This makes it clear that Mr. Coke's repudiation of Bryauism is not a mat ter of recent date, and tho Bulletin's attempt to put him lu a false position rests on a fictitious statement of fucts. His course has been open and straightforward from tho time tho party went over to Ilryiuiism, and has been uo secret from those who aro now wilfully misrepresenting it. Tho ;ery fact that Mr. Coke's op ponents consider It necessary to dis tort the facts would iudloato a du oldod weakness in thoir case. Thcro is no candidate on either tioket moro worthy of re-election than our present county treasurer John B. Dulloy. Mr. Dnlley is un old residout of Coos county, ono of tho plpneers, und a man of ability aud in tegrity. Ho not only is deserving of any honors and favors that the people can lestow, but ho is a most efficient mouths on the road from tho factory at Brooklyn, N. Y.lthe Western agen- J ,ccr' H"(1 ftH ho h,lfl ft la auaiiit. J . . .. , I "P00 HU(l K10' porhonal popularity, by not having a machine in stock es-' he will undoubtedly euocoed liimuolf j tlous tho Dornocratlo ticket (meaning ol coureo tho whole ticket) will undoubted ly bo elected, and In another place they virtually bog .for Republican support, in that they say there is no prospect of tho next legislature being Dornocratlo, and wo aro theiefoto Invited to assist them to elect thoir candidates for tho legislature Democrats In othor coun ties of thu ststo will likely uso tho same argument to sccuro Republican votes. Now if tho Chamborlatn Democratic Club thinks it can lull tho votora Into sloop by such childish arnmont, and undor thorotento of advocating local issues, subordinate tho main ono, thoy will havo to bo wiser than Gov. Cham berlain waa whon ho signed an unconsti tutional bill which cost tho state eovoral thousand dollars to corroct. Yea sir: Tho noxt legislature of this atato la going to bo Republican, aud Re publican votes aro going to mnko it co, and J. S. Coko Jr., 8. B, Hermann and Story i'iorce aro going to bo thoro to give able uaslataucu to tbo legislative on actmonta of that body. Tho voters of this district are not going to bo bamboozled lu political mat ters by hih hurrah or Indian war cry methods. Nor are laws mado by shout- inga and gesticulation!, Tho old custom of whipping tho nlr and foaming over, has coated to bo rec ognized f.s an argument. Justice says: Calm cold facta plainly stated, t If tho Republicans of Coos and Curry countfea assist iu oloctinit Domocrata to tho legislature, and Republicans in other counties of tho 8 tat o do tho same thing, then whence cornea tho Re publican legislature? No oir, this sort ofargnmont will not work. Republic ans both old and young aro too foxy to bo caught with tho kind of bait tho Chamberlain Democratic Club ia offer-, Ing. Mr. Coko Jb not euaye, cralty, or smooth tonguod, nor has ho thu glud hand and ael&Bh heart, nor does ho cry boforo a jury to win a fat fee. Ho la an imated bv straight forwaid honnntv. nml . . ,.,..,,.. . tuo Poopln by rccoRiilzin thoso honest u uwiuuuiimuuu w Buuts 10 mo iruwi ni minueu men who woro loft bohlnd by it -llhazarde. He la able competent and wayward DomooMtlo party. The booitora of the Democratic party oom to tako It very much to heart that tho aonelblo portion of thoir party loft thoin a low years ua for the reason tho platform which the party pur aisled in trying to shove down tho throats of tho public, hecamu so Intoler able that it la hard to undoratnnd how a, coneclontlous man lu justice to his con- i vlctlona could afford to stay with thorn nnv longur. They seem to think ouo has no porconal rights, but must be at all times tho sorvant of a domoKOKUo parly and be willing to escrlllco his ln divtdunllty for tho purpose of fottotlng a political mschlno, whoso couduct docs not commend itself to experience, ostalx Hilled facts, or the prlnclploa of honoit government. To put the situation rlht, thnso mon did not laavo tho parly, the Democratic psrty left them, that In, it became so much at varianco nith tho ftindainontaj principal of democracy that Its honcit minded Democrats wuru virtually com pelled to lino up with the Hepublican party In order to find nn opportunity to assist in tho enactment and administra tion of nood covernmunt. They beheld with shocked aslonlahmont thu sudden and unexpected sUmpodo of the party which thoy hod laboriously uphold, to ward fanaticism and hopoloss retribu tion. In rocoicnltion of tho stbiid tho hon est mon ot tho Democratic party took by coming over to the Republican party rather than bo Juggled Into principle contrary to good goverument, tho Re. publican party has placed thorn on lm portant places in its ticket, not becauta thcro was ft scarcity of matorlal among old time Republicans, but for tho reason that these, mon showed thumeelvos to bo dominated by principles rathor than party, Suoh a man ia a good citizen, nnd thd primary object of all government la to create, good cltlsionshlp and In this ro. epect the Republican party haa often taken tho longer routo. knowing tho ond would Juutlfy the courso, by re fusing to cator to immediate ronulte, ro. allzing full well that anbicqnont events would provo'tholr contention in n far abler manner than mako-ahift politics. Tho principal and ultimate object ol all soclrtl, political and ethical relations is to havo men honest, iu its fullest aoiieo, that whon b statement Is modoit la dono without Idas or prejudice, tfial . you will n:cord nnothor tlio anno frank.1 consideration that you osk for yourcolf, that nothing In over or under slated, It is only under such conditions that happiness caii ho complete. When dif ferences can exist without porconal hat red ami mini can (IIpcuh.i questions with a vlow to lottlnt; facta und not persons predominate, then will wo Tench that slnuo In mental development whon icguinont beeomm a plcaruro and ft source of onllglitouinnut I ns toad of bickcriuir. But before wo can havo thoso. condi tions honost men' must come, and It In just this objuut the Republican tPrty has striven to Inculcate In tho mlnda of "OK, 4 &, TyiMfc - - '-asnl Xic",' - rezur ;yr . JW-tf - -yy ' . Aia. v vf-tr . 4 Yp!an ?Tjr?!3iffnft' wwr w3gvMrfcr'tgr' EV:32ti-