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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1903)
,'"wTSwww!!py,5rr,Wiv" JSli -.",. -W-r-ft ,., -K .i , . ., w i wim wwimrwwuwiiiiwiiimiiiiwwwiwwn imh m i, i muniif u tn up ... t J2&J2?V sp iiwm,.,, ' 1 ir Tnr,'fTr,n' 3"fi JttLi&r TJii r U --- IWHHMI A 'l I' I! "'' ff ' Hill's Coast Railroad PROJECT INTIMATELY CONCERNS COOS BAY i " Will Take In Coast Harbors and Terminate at San Francisco f , is. f. cnii) nr ;TJio report that President James J. 1H1I of tho Northern Securities Com pany has hta sgents at work in Califor nia with n view to securing a right of way for the Great NorthetnRal'.war from Portland to San Francisco has created widespread Interest, particularly in this city and in the coast towns which havo bf en mentioned ns probable connections of his now road. Thoio is no longer any doubt that the Great Northern Railway magnate iB d6 terminod to make his road a formidable rival to the Southern Pacific for Califor nia traffic and that ho is rapidly perfect ing his plane for effecting this end. Fccts have developed that leave no doubt that a number of railroad corpor ations recently formed In the State are really the preliminaries of the Mil pro ject and that by the time Mr. Hill Is prspareJ to admit his intentions half of Ihe distance between Portland and Ean l'rancls.'o will bo railed by his agents and terminal facilities secured on the biy of San Francisco. Through the most reliable channels il has been learned that one of Mr. Hill's intimate friends, and to some extent a business associate in the ast, has al ready started on a railway which will be extended north and south from Santa Kosa and eventually meet the other portions of the projected ro3d as tbey are extended down from Oregon and np from the bay. This friend is none other than W. W. Remington, the arms manu facturer of New York, who is operating in California through the agency of two gentlemen, one of whom is J, M. Beck of 210 Sansome street. Mr. Beck as ho admitted yesterday, resigned some months ago a lucrative position in a local insurance company to engagb in the railroad business. At present ho has surveying parties making a preliminary" survey between Santa irpsa and Pctaluma and southward for fffEBTOj)'$1 BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL iwra MffiirciNFJ f r&j 4m m dstw-svv - s r rllrl ' r ri . - ... .. biliousness anu a coated tongue are common ind,:t"ns of liver and icidney disea ei. htomach and lowej troubles, wvere as thry are, give immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidney troubles, though lost painful ut the start, uro inucn naniw to cure. Jhedfords ?5 Bluuk-Uraiiclit jiovt fai!n to br-iit- U (If A ijtmviuX lifir fiiiil .' 11. 1 -Li M.111H.ltflLI .Mil. IIUUIIMJUMRIU neys. It i-tir-j np the torpid liver to throw off thr genus of fever and ague. It h a certain preventive of cholera r.nd Bright'a disease of the kidneji. With kidnova r. inforced by Thedford's Blfick Draught thousands of persons havo dwelt iinmuno in tho midst of yel low fever. Many families livo in perfect health and havo no other doctor than Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on hand for U3o in an emergency end mva many expensive calls of a doctor, Mullini, S, C, March 10, 1901. I have used Thedford's UI-uk-Driiicht for three years and I have not hadto'go (o a doctor since I have.bcrntsklng it. It Is tht best medicine fcr me that Is on the market for liver and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complalinV Rev. A. 0. 1EWIS. 1 ft number of miles. Tho southern ter minus of tho road is to bo somen hero xn. tho San Erancisco Kay, most likely near Tlburon. This much Mr. Reck candidly admits, but whan n Call ro portar turned the interview to a question of a northern terminus or tho objoctivo point of tho road the promoter of tho linobecamo evasive and finally begged to be excused from further Matcmentt. I1CCK EVADKR QUESTIONS Mr. Beck, who displayed a keen em barrassment over tho fact that his Iden tity with Mr. Remington had become known, stated yesterday that his pro- posod Bus, connecting Santa Ro?a and Pctaluma with tho bay, was to bo op crated by electricity, but a strange fact has been -developed In counoction with this plan and that he proposes to con struct his road as a standard gauge, with the heaviest rails and ballast it with decomposed rock, which would readily .,,, ,-.. .-, w.v-w tractor the probability of being finally 1 used as a steam road. When askdl as to whether tho lluo would be extended eventually farther north, Mr. Deck reflected for n momcut, and then with apparent reluctance answered that it really was part of the plan, that is, thero was serious talk of running it through tho Napa Valley up to Clorerdale, touchinc at various points en route, and then taking a northwest erly course over to the coast and con necting with Eureka. ueadi.vo ron coos bay "You know, probably." said the gen tleman, "that Humboldt Biy and Coos Bay are tho only harbois on tho north coast that are not touched by one of tho great transcontinental roads." What significance may be attached to this remaikMr. Beck would uot sugcest, but it was evident thatsomo part of the plans for a railroad of moro than an ordinary magnitude concerned Coos Ray the very point that report cays the new Hill liro will connect with. Answering another nuestlon put to him.QMr. Beck slid: "I cannot tell you, for good reasons, who is associated with Mr. Remington and myself in this project and I would not have mentioned bis nsmo nau you not como to me with tho information. Whatever his connections are, whether with JamcB J. Hill or sonio other rail-, road president, I am unablo to cay." ' 'I There are teveral men of tho .North- j irest, including two prominent mining ' men now in this city who, so it ia claim-1 ed. have been bondinu land up the coast along tho lines recently aurvoysd by the two Hill parties, for no other purpose than holding them as Investments. They all seem to be eomewhat acquainted with Hill's plana and aro takiug advant age of their knowledge. r TO ADVERTISE COOG Work Viil go Ahead Without Long, er Waiting The delay in organizing tho new Chamber of Commerce is not to bo Al lowed to postpone all tho work to bo djno in connection with that body. President J. H. Flanagan and Senrotary J. S. Qoko ot tho old body, who are among tho leading spirits iu the now, are determined to go ahead with tho work of gathering information prepara tory to gottiug ont literature advertising Coos Bay. They aro communicating! with tho commercial bodies of other towns and cities, with the Oregon In formation "Bureau and with pther parties whomay be iu u poeltion to yivo yplu ble ppjntors as to tho method that havo proved successful In advances tho interests cl other places. TT Datn will nlto bo gathered nml llio matter which It la doslicd to issuo in printed form will bo prepared, nml milcsa tho aiew Chamber locijulpptd for business by that 'imp, tho printing will probably bo ordered. - It is fully renlUed that vnluablu time in patting and that whatever la douu this season tuujt bo dono aa quickly as possible, to got result. Tho time uuvor was so favorablo for this work, and tho gentlemen who nro awake to tho best Interests ot Coos Bay aro anxious that tho ball shall bo sol lolling. EXPERTS IN WOOD. The Old Violin .MiUr ami ttie Mate rial They Unt-il. Tho great violin mnUors nil lived within tho cvuipass of loO year. They chose their wood 'rom 11 few great tim ber fftliHl In thi Miuth Tyrol nml Uontwt down tn ntfts-plno and innplo, pycaniotv, pear and ash. They ox muliuHl these to llnd tUreufcn and veins nml freckles, vnhinble uierllclally when brought oHJj-H:ltilJliiR. They learned to tell tho dyuuaty of the pieces of wood by touching them. They weighed them, they struck them Ustoned to Judge how fust or how slow or how tveonnntly they would vibrato In nnswer to Hiring. Some portions of the wood must be porous n'nd'soft. Mime clo-e of liber. Just the right beam was bard to Hud. When found. It can be traced all through tho violins of some great master and after his death In conic of his pupils. The piece of wood was taken home nml .enoncd. dried in the hot llrvschi nml Crvinoim sun. The house of Strnd. Ivarlus, the grent master of all, Is de scribed as IihvIiir been as hot hs an oven. The wood was there waked through and through with sunshine. In this grent heat the oils thinned niul dlmmcrcd slowly and penetrated" far Into tin? wood until the tfiruUh became n jmrt of the wood Itself. The old violin makers ucd to save every bit of the wood when they found what they liked to mend and patch and Inlay with It. So vibrant ami so re.-o-unnt Is the wood of good old vlolliw that they murmur und echo and slnjt In answer to any mmiiuI where n number of them hntiR together on the wall, n If reUearsIng the old music that they once knew. A New Jcrney man who Uvea In New ark kissed n widow of that town with out previously giving Warning of his Intention. This may linve been the reason she smote him w grievously over the head with n broomstick that he had to plaster It with vinegar and brown paper and may expect a severe headache for several weeks to come. The moral of the Incident, if It has any, Is tliat n woman nicprliK'd can ( dte,,lay ,,ult0 ns muci, fur). as wo. an Bcornul. A statistical profossor In tho I'liiver- Flty of Chicago declares that "ChlcStgo I I tho second large-t Bohemian elir In I tho world, the third .Swedish. Ihe Milid Norwegian, the fourth Polish, the fifth German (New York being the fourth)." Iu nil there are some forty foreign lan guages, lucludluf the English Ian- guage. ... 0,,, n,n,,., Although the United State nt nock Island, III., Iiuh been destroyml 1 fl"-'. may be of Interest to boim- of rur Kuropean friends to know that wo ,mV(. anotll(,r ut sprlnglleld, Mass., 'ivblch is Jn excellent working cruer. Again thoro nro symptoms or nn out break of controversy between the church und the stage. It Js hoped, however, that Jt may bo Isolated and brought under control before It be comes epldomle. rrosident Cfostro having declined Mr. CnnwxIe'K offer of ready cash, the Macedonian patriots might be prevailed upon to nccept the money If the good man Is really anxious to get rid of It. It is nnnounced that there' Is to be no woman's building at the St. Louis exposition. 1'erlmpn It Is Just as well. The chances arc that If tho women had u building they wouldn't stay In It. llip I'rlcKly J'enr or Alrlen. Mischievous though tho pri pear Jh, it Is not wltlumt its good Its juicy fruit, though rather dHicJent lu flavor, Js delightfully cool mid re freshing Jn the dry heat of tie- Hum mer, anil u kind of treacle In niim ot it. Great caution Ih needed in peeling the prickly penv, tho proper way being to Impale tho fruit on it fork or Htlclc .while you cut Jt open and leinovo the Hkln, and woe bfttldo the lingerx of the unwary "now chum" who plucI.H tho treacheroiiH fruit, In dry weather nt tho capo IheBO spiteful Httlo Htlngs do not even wait for the newly 'arrived victim, but fly about, light iih thistledown, ready to nettle on any one who has not learned by experlefico 'to give the prickly peiir bUBhoH a wide berth. "Homo Life on an Ob WcU.ramulLj ,.K i.-.'h NOTICE Noticola hereby gmm that tho herein n(ir set forth putlllou (or tho Incorpora tion ol tha City of North llutul, Coos County. Oregon, will bo prosunlcuV to the. (.'tunny Court ol t'oos County, .Ore gon, for action thereon on tho ltt Moil ilivv In Aptllof tho April HKKt, term of jnhl County Court, for Coos Count S; Oiegou. w hint riuil petition Is in ords anil llgurco nil loilows, to-vvii: -To the lloiiuriililu County Court, ol Coos County, Oieuon. We, I lie uuderriguodi iiunlllled eleu tors of Coon Count), Oregon, resident within the boundaries of tho herein after dcrcilhed land, do heroby petition to your honorable body that the heroin -iv (1 or described tract of laud may be Incorporated nml known as the city of "North Uend" under the guuerul law for the incorporation ot Clllcn ami (owns In the state of Oregon, and des cription of the boundaries of said pro posed eltv in as follows t lUgiiilug st the South-west corner of lot six uf Section Nlteeii, of Township 'Twenty-live South, ol Uange Thliteou I West of Wtltntnetto Meridian, run I thence Northerly along the Wcbtllno of , lots tlvo a.i'.l six of fivlil Section fifteen, and along thuWest Itouudry two, three nml four of Section J paid Towns ipnnd ltunue, and of loin ton in thuueo linater v nloiiR Ue orin lino of Iota one ami two of said hection ten, thence due :x to low water llneol t oos Hay, tl.eticti Southerly along tho low water iiltiootCoof Bay to point due Knst of the line dividing lot (our ot Section 15 of ' nld I'owmhipnMl Uunge equnlly into I North and South halves thereof, llienco idue West on mid lino to tho Went . iKiuudary line ol ridd lot lour, thence 1 North along the 'et boundary linn ol lots three and (our of said Section fifteen to the Klh boundary Hue of the North west quarter of the .North castqtmrtor 01 ttd Stclion tllteen, thence west along eaid South boundary line of said North west quarter of North-cnt quarter und of lot six of said Section fifteen to tho olnct) of bi'uinuiuir. And we do hereby state and represent to your honorable body thH we are moro than one hundred and (If y people I who nro residents and living rlhin the boundaries above detenbed and ol said ' proved City. ! Win Vaughn, J W Flanagan, L F Falkeiittein, K K lticg, V II I.-ckwood. SU' lluntron, CM Bylur, W .M l.awler, Jr. Alius Kingston, Ira I. Wel'zul, Chin K I Kaiser, T T tiolden, 0 K McCollum. ; John l.indren, M P I'endergrats, J W Urout, C A Pointer, TI109 Itookti. U 11 IJonci, A Wirih. A F .MorrK F Kaiser, )C 11 Starbuck, (i K Walker, KM Khnnur, W II Condart, John 11 Kckhoff, I'hns 1 I.I I II I. I II IIII......MV I'.lKllou .ir., J vi mini, .1 . tiiiius, j . illpjord, I-: to 11 Mi-lsou, J (' Toello. Kmil Fortell, C II Kiiicrolt, Victor Amlerrou. Walter S ('arsons, D B Barton, J U Bridges, Ike Freelund. Frank Klvepor, T U Cunpmnn, Fred V I.illeiithall, K B Fiith, Mike Berghuud, John Sundin, Johu BcrnaUi, 3 ll-t orvTiri-ii)jir-EiijjK'ii.a5.e;i;.iM:rar OKOSSMANN'8 PATHNT WUITINd FMNG Thu mini Imonriant ininrnvctiicilt of , 1 - ..-.-- ....,.-.--. ..... ! . the age in tho nrt of penmnnihip rmiMiH the jioortU writer a fpieiiuiii peiiinitn in n few weeks by tho lire of thin ring. KndorEcd by prominent Coilcgo Preel dtrntHiiiul Boardt of IMitcation in Eu rope nml America. Sample do.jn n Horted mz?h fent l paid for 1.00. tin gle sample tWc. When ordering hlrigltf ring, statu wiiethcr for inuu, woman or child. PENN MPG. SUPPLY CO. No. Mi) S, I'ourtli 6t, Plillndclplilri Tin: NEW YORK WORLD Til RICK-AWKKK EDITION Bead wherever tho Knglhh La'iguago tH Spoken Tho Tiiriic-A-Week World was a brilliant euccerR in the beginning and haH been steadily growing ear rdrice. Time is the teat of all tiling, ami has sot its spal of approval on the Thrice-a-Week World, which is widely circulated lu every State and Territory of thu Un ion, and where-over thero nropeoplo who an read our mother tongue, . Thin p.irr for lw coining winter and iho year M, will make Its newa oer ;ice, if pokfilhle, more cxlcncivo than wer. All events of importance, no mat er whern they happen, aro re ported accurately and promptly.' Tho eubacriber, for only one dollar a year, gels three pajicrb every week and more news and general reading than 'noBt great dailicft can furnish nt five or dx tliiica the price. Tho Thrice n-Week-Wcrld U nlicf) ulely fair in llH political news. Par Mean bias is never allowed to affect its news columns, and Uouiocrnt and Ku mibliean alike can obtain iu its tinges truthful accounts of nil the great polili , cal campaigns, I in addition lo all tho news, thu Thrice-a-Wcek-World furnishes thu best ferial fiction, elaborate market rcportH and ojher features of interest, Tho Thrice-a-Week-World's rrgular BiibEcription pricftis only 1.00 per year and this pays for 5U papers. Wo offer this iineiiinled newpaper und Weekly (JOAh'J MAIL together ono year for I $2,00 I Tho regular Btibtrrlplion prlcoof tho two papers is J-.fK) R-I-PA-N-3 Tabulqs Doctors find , A good prescription For mankind TI10 R cpnt packet in enough for usual occasions. The fuiiillv bottlo (() cents) I contains n supply for a year. All drug- gists u'jll them, T1MBKH LAND, ACT JUNK !l, 187H NOTIC'K FOlt PUIHilATlON. U ultcd Mutes binil Oilier, Uoichurg, Oicgen, Jan. af, ivoj. Notleo li lierrhy given in cnnipllmics with llio tirovhlons 01 Iho Acl of ConKiett ol lime 3, UI78, vnlitlrd, "An net for llio mlo el limber l.imli in die Sdite of Gil I Tom In, On'Kon, Nevnil.t itiiil Watliliigton 'rcTtllory." m tiMenil rtl in nil dm I'ubllu l.tnil Sinter hy ucl ol An (tut ., ilioa. WILLIAM It. ST UIHW, of Mimlificttl. Comity of Cihii, Smlo ol Oirgon Inn tlili il.iy llled In this ulllio lilt nMorn Mute incut No. ii, for Urn imttlmuj of the SWK of NICs-i, NWi.iofSKi.., lii-i of SV 1 I of See. No 19, In Ti No aj S.Wt No 11 W, unit will oiler proof lu lum ( tho l.init oui;lil li inoii! vnli) ililc for lit timber or Hone for ncrlcnlinrnl ptirMvsnml ID ctMhllili lilt claim 10 Mid liimi iH-foru W. U, Uoniibi, I' S, Commlisinncr for Uregon, ill .tnulmelil, Dirgon, on S.ilnnliiy, the 11 il.iy ol April, iim. lie nnnirtj n vllnrtri' I'lojil Cbllrll, C I. Smith, IM (..'ollrll, K ColTcll, nil of Mitnlc lielil, OrrRon. Any nml ull peoon el.ilmlng ntWcrvly the. iiUivc iloictllwil l.imU tun iiiiicteit tj llio llicir ctilnii In llilt elllcc on or befoic ak. 11 ility of Apill, 190J. 1 30 , T. Ilititxiisi, Krglilcr. riMBKU LAND, ACTJUNK II, 1878. NOTICK KOIt PUBLICATION.' United States Und OlUce, Koxburg, Oieuon. Pcb. 4, iovj. Notlcr It hereby given lint In compll.incr Mllh tho ptovltloti ol thencl ol Com;iM ol nnc 1, 187a, nititlril "An net lor llm of tiiiitxr l.imli In lli Miitc of C.ilifetnl.t, OrrK1'"! Nr. sm, nml Wellington "IVrrltory," as rxl'iiileil lo ull ihe Public lind Suites by act of AuguM 4' ' Ji' ANTHONY STAM BUCK, of Manhfielit. comitv of tuM, Miit.i of Ore gon, hat tint il.iy filed in tin oilier h iiuirn tintvmrnt Ni (IJO, for llir pntcli.iw) of l)ie .S)i of I'M Jwttcn No. 31, In lon thin No, 36 South, Itntiite No 11 Wot, nml will oiler proof in show iImI thu Unit aongltt It num? v.ilu.iliW or lit tinitwr or stone iImii for (Hirpowt, nml lo rtt.ihllih hit tl 1I111 to villi L011I Ik-fold W, U DoiikI.u, U. S. (.'oni. mistioncr for Oregon, nl .lAnslilirM, Orrguu, or. .ittiitlay, ihe nl il ty of M.ty, ivj He lunirtnt tiltncuct lter Smith, teste Sinitli, Aln Smllti, WlllUm llonehrkr, nil of M.iitlilieUI, Oirgon. Any ami .ill ievins eUlmlng nilvrtwly the ib ive-ileicritml Units nic rniirttrl lo file their r'.imi in llih oIIkc 011 Of Uloir mll ad ikiy ol Mil), 1 ! J. J.'l. IIkIix.ia, Krgltlcr, a-3i TIMIIKU LAND. ACT JUNK a. 187H. NOTICK I'Olt PUBLICATION. I'niiNl Suin Liml UliWc, Hofhurg. Oregon. Feb loth. nj. S'Wk it hereby glten Itwl In cumpltonee wiili the Koi.kiiit ui live ct of Congrctt nf ime 3. i7H, entilleil "An m.1 for ttm sale of tuilKt In Mm utes ol CillfornU, I re gcn. Net.i'lii, anil Washington 'lefrllory," at ettcmieil to sill the I'uUic Linit Sutcs by act of AUglUt 4, ISVyJ. CAUL A ,MA(?N1'.V. of Harriton, county of Kettcrsil, stAlr of Mi ho. Uu thlt diy filil In tlflt oMu'c hit som sutcmrnt No 4jj. for Uw tiurtlutf1 of llm NK1-10fhU1-4ulSrc.1a.an1l N) of SWi-i, hWi-jsif JWi-4 0fSc. No. u.lnTpvs 34N It 1 1 wrtt. nml will olfer proof to vIkiw tl c LumI MMJKht it more talunble fnrilt IlinUer or stone I' .01 for JK'kullurul imipovrt, nml to rtl.ihhth InscUlm tos-ixl Imil liefoir W. V. OoukLu. I' S C'oniiiiitMonrr lor Orneon, nl llauliliclil, Ur,:on on luewUy, the 16H1 il.iyof June, 100). lie imiiMrtiit wiliKtct Jrrfm I. Mitsjnry, ol I'.fMtoo. btiho, John MtcliHhrink. Henry .Mi.hclUinl.. V t Fuller, of Allrgsny, Jr. Any ami nil (Vftont ihlmtng nibrrwly the 4lc-trM.'iilMt timlt Hie rcetimte.1 to file ti.f ir rhliut In this oihee on or hrlote mm! lOih ili l June, 19OJ. szi 1. T. IlKUMirs, Kegitter. 'il.MBKIt LAND, ACT JUNK !5. 1H78, NOTICK I'OU PUBLICATION. I -tied amies Laml oih tr,Koetmig. Oregon, Fel). o, 1 50 j Notice is hefrlty m thnl in lomtilMiice u fl. Ih. .if tliM Jl I ftf (.'lllivrrlt fit June 3. iSyt, rniuW "An .! for the sale of tiriUr lamis in Hie flairs 01 1 aiiioiini, vinnn, .SeiAila. (tml Witkhinicto'i Territory, nt extend- 111 to nil iih! ruuuc iinu amies uy nti ui iu gutl 4, 1803, VAI.1KK I. CONTmON, of anlifio!il, county of Coot, stale ol Oregon, 1. 1 f 1,1. .Irtw fit..,t In Ihlt r.flin lilt tunfn Mitt. inrnt No. .8j, for the pmehatcof the I'H tit .M'.l-.j, .nwi-4 01 .iii-i, arc. i. nun - i olSlCi). of Sec Sto 3 111 Tp No. si .South, Hani.- Kn 11 U'm anil uillciffrr nrorif III lliow Hint the I in I sought It moir valuable for Hi lliuoer or uut; iimii iui ..1,11111111.11 ii,iinjw9, no I to establish his cLiim lo sntd I mil iH-furc W. U. Dour.... V. J. Commissioner for Ore gon nt M.irslificM.' Oregon, on haturdiy, tlic iith day of stay, nty lb- naniei ns 'vitneisen Chat Noble, W II Nohle, I. M Nobre, D.olil Mustcn,.3,ll of Marsh nelil, Oirgon. , Any simlnll ij'rsons claiming die uljoviwlr cMhcd Umll are ri-iilct'.d lo file tln-lr iLuins in llilt i"icu on or helore S.1I1I ytli 1l.1v of May, irjj. I . "I . fluii)Oi:i, Ki-jjlster. 3 38 TI.MBKlt LAND ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICK IOU PUBLICATION. United Stales l-ind Office, Koichurg. Oregon, I'll) 3, lyOJ. Motlcr is hereby given that in complianci with lliepnnl.loniof thn net ol C'oigreM ol 111111:3, ,878' onlillwl "An Act for Ihe side ol Timber I. mils in the Stales ol i.'.iliforii.n, Qtc gon, Nevada, und Wmhinglon Tciritt.i)," ut extended to nil tins I'ublj;- l,.ir,il States by net 0. AiiKUtl .1, ij. FKANK TI'.KRV, of.l.irslifwld, toiuily of foot, Main of Ore gon, litis Ibis day filed lu this illicu hit sworn iutriiii-iit No. ), fur ihu imicliase of the N.'tff NWjf, M'.K of NWjf of Section No v.TttfviishlpaftS, uf Kange n W,. nnd wlltou'e prool to show Ih it thu land sought is mote valuable for lis tlmbcror sloite 1I1.111 for nuritultural purpose), nnd lo establish hit claim to wild land before W, U., U, S Conirmskloner for Oregon, nt Mnrshfield, Ore. con, on Satin day, llm ad dav of May, ira. Jleiiniii-vlnw' w H Mor"n JcH" .Smith, O W Ik-air, of Harshficld, Or., F K Tnvlor, of Knlrvlcw, Or. Any iiH nil pcrvn claiming adversely tho tiboytihucrlli.'il lauds arc nriuesicil to filu Ihelr chimi In this olllce on or U-foie said ad day of Miy,ijioi. . , J. T, nitll)Oi'.s, Rcijlsler, Dospito tlio low prfro somo peoplo j.ut on iiiaii'lage, It may bo obMervotl' from thfiM-'Oiirt recordHof recent breach of proiiJHo huIIh that the price of bvo kon hcn"ts lu mounting uteudlly, .iy, rrcrhy' TIMBKU LAND, ACT .MINK !l, 1H7B, NOTICK I'OU PUBLIUATION, Untied .Stntcs Uinil Ulllce, Itoteburjf.Orrgoii. Fthiiy, nj. Notkfl Is heirhy given Ihnt In compliance whit llm piovlilons of llm net nl '(.ongicM of liinn.l, 1U7O, r-ntlilvd'AiincI fur the sain of limber lamlt In llm Mtiiti't of Ciillfotiiln, Ore gon, Nviil,i, it hit Wnshinuton 'IVrrltory." n I'Xlemh'il lo nil llm Piihllu hind htnles by net of Anirutt I, lOna WILLIAM !' LAWSON. of Itotrhiirg, coiinly of, utiite nf Ore gen, Imt thlt ihty llfrit hi Hilt onkt' hit smdiii Slateint'tit No. 4170, lor ijm purtliutn of llm l?H ot SHU, N-cllon No. all, Tmvnthhi No. g 1 Ninth, Unncn Nn. 11 West, ntd will olfer proel lo tlimVlhat the laml sotihl It imiie viiluabln (or us limber or stout; tlrm for nsjt Ictilltirnl iiur isiitrt, und to est.ttilldi his clWm K mIiI land (lefme llm Krglsler nml IteceUer of Hilt olhce 111 Kosehurg, Oregon, on Tuetil.iy, Ihe lalh day of May, louj, , He unmet 111 vtltiirttet: John (!ivriis,Chiitlivt 'I limn, John Thorn, Joseph Wr.tthrr.iy, nil of Kosehuig, Oiagon, Anv nml nil ernni elalnihu: mberwly Ihn nhntn ilesucjlmil Limit ntc ri'iiiettnil lo file their claims In tills" on or Mom s-ilil lathilayof .1ay, n)j. J.T, IIkiihu.h, Krglilcr. aaip TIMBKU LAND. ACT.IUNB .'1, 178 NOTICK KOlt PUBLICATION. Unlleil Smtes l.mul Oilier, Koiehmg Oregon, -1,'i'ti, loth, nij, Notice It hereby riven lhai in coiiipllaiicn with tha provisions of Ihn net. of C'oncrrtt of lime 3, 11)78, rnlltlnl "An net for Ihn mIc of timber lamis In llm Stales of r.iill.nrnl.i, Ofrcoii. Netml.i, nml Wuthlnijlou Terrlloty," nt ex-trmli-il lo nil the Public l.illil Suites by net of AiKnt I. iH'i, .lVKTI.K MAVNItS. of Mnislifirlit, Loimiy of Cool, Hale of (he goo, has Ibis ilay lilnl In Ibis oltlir her SMnrn statement No, 44,11, for Ihe iiniiliaw ol the Smitheasl imattrr of Secllon No. 3, Townthlii 97 Ninth, of Maui.. No. la Writ, nml will olTrr proof to shun thnt thn land tnught It mme nlit ilij for lit titular or stone than fur m-ilcnb IiiihI iiilrmMrt, nml lo rstabhth lirr tlnlm to snltt 1 tandbrfoir W. U. DoucUs. 1 S Cixumltiion- rr lor Oregon, nl M.utiilirlil Urefou, on Saliu il.iy Iheaildayof .tay, vuj. Hlie names at wltnettrt It II N'oblr, W If N ble. W F NoWc, Lhai Noble, nil of .t.nsh Held. Or. Any ami all vcrons eUlmlng ndvrrvety lite alHttiMteiertbeil Umls me niin-lrd to file their clouit In tint oMki. nn or lelorc mM ad iLtv ol Mav, nj J, I'. ImtiXiM, Kegltler. aai TIMBKU LAND. ACT JUNK 3, 187H. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Culled Sutes l-ind Olhce, KotelMi'g, Oiesirr. Feb. 13, l$j. Notice it he eby given tint lit loioplMutr with llm piuvitlontol the net nfCooKivtsof Juitn , i7R, entitled "An net for the talc of ilmtfr lands in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nrrit ill, nml Washington 1 rrriiory, ' as rttemlvd lo nil itie I'uMic l-iinlSlal.bynclnlAui:mt., ijj' DANNI ".I. DIMMICU, of Marshficld, county of C ma. Stair olOrrcon. luit tins day filed in thlt ofliee hu imxn state merit No .1441, for llm iurelkwi 0 the Uii 4 See. 31,'lpa'tS, ft 11W, nn:l lajtt j anil 4, ol See. No, ', In Townittlp a; South, ol Kangc tl Wrti, ami will 'jfirr tuoof to showllui the land ought Is more valuable for Its Inr'nr or siikh. than for nxrlculturnl purvotes, ar.d lo rstahlitli ' his cLilm to Mid Umi before W. U. DoiiRlas, U. S. Coiiimlsilorirr for Orri;oit, nt Marshficld. Oregon, on Friday, the itt iLiy of May, irij. He names nt witnrttrt w II Mori(nn, of Nrly, I' It To) lor, John llaltly ol I mmrw, Or, Any nml alt persons claiming ndiertrly thn, nbote-ilescrlbel lands are rriiiesle! lo file thelt.. cIjiiiu in this olhce on or before said isl dy. of ,tar. i'3- 3Jt I. T, IIkiikiki, Ueglitcr ' TINBKULANI) ACT JUNK 3, 187, NOIIOK IOU PUBLICATION. I'nitid Htnten I.nnd Olllcu, Uoseburg Orison. Jan. 3 1103 Notice In heroby given thnt In com pliance with tin, provlninu of the not of I'ougrenH nf June 3. IS78, untitled 'An nut for tl.o fln of timber hinds lu thu Stnti'H of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tnrritory," as oxlend,ed to all thu Public Laud Hiatus by acl of Augutt-L lb!:! UICIIAKI) .1. COICK, of Murnhlluld, county of Cooj ejfafo of Oregon, has thin tlay filed iu this cilice hlr-Sworn statement No. 1321,' (or tho purchaeo of thu Lot B ntul K.i of KKl-t Hectlon 27 and NWM of Htt'H of h'ccllon No. 21 In Townshiii 4x(, u H, Ituugo No. 11 W, and will jor proof to show that tho land nought In morn vultiablu for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes nml to eblitbllHls hlsclalmlo ald Inml before W. U. Douglas. U. S.Commlsiiloner for Oregon fit Mnrrhfleld Oregon, on Monday, the .'KJlh day of March, IU03. I lie rintmiH UN U'llllaumiio A A Amlnr. fron, Allegany, Or., F A Kelly, Alnrnh- iiiiiu, ur,, rrcu rioan, Allegany, or,, Hllns Nnc.h, Mnrslilluld, Or. Any mid all perunm claiming adverse ly tho iibovu-ilorcribed lands aro re (iiuated to Ulu their claims in this olllcu on or before tnld 30th day of Mar, WW I -2 1 .1. T. B'ltimiw, iteghtur. Coos Bay fflolesalo Liior IIKADQUAUTKJIS , TOR II 1 0 I (SUADK" LltjUOUS CIIOICK WINKS AND l'lKB BUAND1KS. LHADING BRANDS OP BOTTLED BEER "pamily Orders toliciicd. SOLK AOliNT FOR TUB CKLIC BUATKD RHINiER BEER , Family orders for Pops, pinlH nn(i quarts, delivorod by tho case. Robert Marsderj.' r '.. iv i T-" .v, 1. !, iSti4 III llf 1 'I III' '! Kmms