Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906, January 07, 1904, Image 7

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Hunger thai silent monitor,
No victim can avoid
Not 11 from In assault good ilr -
Un'il 'III laliitlrd.
To rae the paln--llic only cure
Wr, all of ua must rat,
An'l ap?cd 0, whrrc? The "Hrol'er ," aure,
Tlut ii a sriu tflrrai,
III-: Hiil.J.ct of this
sketch contributes nil
other link to tin1 rlialii
Ing Dm fact Unit the
unlive SOUS (if I'nos
county art' coining o tin front In tln
management of commercial project? n ml
Hum aid In tin augmentation of hushics
unit tin1 development of our iiinnlfolil re
source, to which alt paths of industry
li'iul. "I'hero Ik no place like home,"
ami tin effort of thou who assist In
bringing It into prominence arc com
ini'iiiliilili'. ami descne favorable atlcii-lion.
When there, we choose what we will do,
It may be steak or oyster slew.
Call In on George, and then rejoice
In meals that he serves neat and nice.
You'll meet attention night and day
And gratified you'll go away.
The leisurely, also the toiler,
Kecelvgood rations at the "llroiler."
business of which wan Increasing rapid
ly, ami ulicri' In could enter with a
prospect or prolit and perHiiancy.
For those reasons lie started the
"llroiler" In Marshllchl; originally, on
a limited scale: hut, lately lie Iiuh re
mnwdto commodious iipnrtmeiitH in the
(Jnrllchl Hiiihllng, South Front Street.
A marked feature in the restaurant
business Ih the seating facility. Tin
comfort of guests while discussing their
food should not he overlooked. A cramp
ed MHltion or an excessive elevation
ought not to he tolerated. Suspended
animation I not to he desired
While nut wholly forsaking the main
Horn at Noith Hend, Coos county, May topic, casement in tint coiiHtiniption of
'Jlst WW, Mr. Fnriln Ih still it young food reminds tisor the story of an old
man hut one who has, during the lint durky who being cramped Tor rtHiiii In
thirteen year, been diligently strhlug I his cahln, to-k his dinner ontHlde ami
to ohtain success as a caterer in the husl- sat down on the ground, "Helng asked
tie of supplying and preparing f.od in
an agreeable and an artistic manner
For that purpose he nought the practical
his reason for so doing, Iiu replied:
"When I V crainiM'd in eating, I doH'nt
enjoy myself at all. When my feet an
experience ohtainahlc In the large citlc well as my body am at rent, I llmlsout
of the coast, noUhly, I'orllatid, San tint tt aids, digestion ntul laxitudes de.
Francisco and Lot Angeles.
i mii7.7.le oh de face. See?" O'ood enough
lief ore leaving California where he j advice. To eat in ?otnfnrt we must sit
occupied several prominent petitions as I at ease, the whlli', the mouth is busy;
steward of sonic well-known hotels, M r. still, there's room to smile.
Farriu received a number of compli
mentary notices which bear witness to
his ability as a purveyor for banquets
ami general entertainments in that line,
Fioui this It may ho gathered that he
has earned the cxpcilcnte by assiduous
training toeiilp him for the position
heiiowoociiples. The llcreo competition
In addition to the requirement of large
means to establish a paving business In
those cities above iiioted, led .Mr. Farrin
to the choice of his native comity, the
Mr. Farrin has provided, in an ex
emplary manner, for the comfortable
seating of those who favor him with
their patronage, lie intends sparing
no efforts to make the "Droller" an up-to-date
restaurant; keeping his Inrdor
supplied with the best articles of food
that are obtainable, ami by prompt,
courteous and efllcient service. In this
course steadfastly pursued, he hopes to
build up a business second to none in
the county
May success attend his efforts,