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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1902)
i -" r Tf p- .. vrim v'V (Concluded from First poro) Circuit Jiul((i flrny, ix-tcimtor from Dolnwan, who, by reason of location, would Imvo no preconceived notions In ovorlurn or confirm i Fourth, cither Henry Gcor;n Jr Carroll l. Wrlulit or Jacob Mis, tlio Now York, uoololoKlst. Tliu fifth member wilt bo u herd one la coli'Ct, nml a hundred iininua nro men Honed. TJio president will probably select nml nddross tho men, nakliiK them to accept tho responsibility, Immediate ly upon Mitchell's acceptance. Now York, Oct. I t-Oporntora nro divided in opinion nn to whether tho proposition f nrbitrnllon may bo rg- Konlcd nil n concession on their pari, but keep up mi outward ahow of clnlm h)K no relinquishment from nny former attitude. Ollphant say II In n concession to itumnnlty only, mid will help tho wliolo country. Ho luya tho operators could contluuo tho abut down Indefinitely un til tho minora wuro tired out. Tho or.uratoro claim thnt tho ndmls slou of a iocloloulst to (hi iirblrlnllnn nnco or nrnuloicuucu in tho form of set committco woulu naturally mean thu I , , ' tloniont propofisd by tho oporatoro bo- toluctlon of n laboring man, but on tho ! , . cause ll rottrictod tho pruBldont in bo- poiutaa to whether thu uiiluu timy ho' r iit-iu niLuuuinuiUi my wmi ig ior uio president to decide. Wt'.koibarro, Oct 1 lib.-. Tho dlntrict presidents aro now enrouto bore, having been summoned by MItcliill to droldo on thu etrlUu lottlemont proportion. Mitchell says nothing will be ulvcn out until n decision has been rcichcd. Ono Sf'lhTlfndersTayrirS'blinSWnfioopP ntora will hnro to mollify thu tormr, making btniness men lako thu place of military or navy oilleore, an tho latter mo nut in close touch with tho labor problem.' Thero is crest rcjoiclni; today among tho strikers. A (oncral celebrationis planned for tonight in every town in tho conl ds:tric(M. Tho minora accept tho titration as n victory. Mitcboll Bays it is n rulo of tho United Mine Workers thnt no settlement can bo mndo by tho editors of tho union with out tho consent of ft delegate convention. It is believed it woulti tako four days to koI tho convention together, nnd no definito decision can be expected in Icon than n week. WnshliiBtdn, I). 0,; Oct. 10-Tho members ol tho arbitration commission nro na follows: itrlndbr (lenernl John M. Wilson, K. W. Parker, Washiiitjton, I), 0. ; Judjjo George Gray, Dolawaro ; K, K Clark, Cedar il'nplde; Thomas II. Wntkliis, b'urnntou, Pa.: Bishop John L. SpnldluK, lVorla, III.; Carrol D. Wright, Wobhlngton, I). 0 Hecordnr, Wilkosbarro, Oct, 1U A convention of tho niiuo woikors' oxficutlvo board was hold this morning, in accordance with MltclieU'fl plau to call n convention of tho Btrlkora on Saturday nnd hn,vo work resumed Monday. ; yhat occurs fjrqm now on ia oxnootod 'to bo nmoro nUttor of form na 'it is thoroughly undorolood that iht ottiko la ended. '- A call for tt convention will bo iraped todny nftcr n short eosulon. It required nnn day to roach nil tho minors in tho different locations Orccl effort hnvo boon mndo to uut tbo dulogalos together. It la expected that locals will elect delegated nt special meotliiKS tonlKht, nnd tomorrow iiiifht tho delegates will moot In convention! probably at llnzul tou. Ureal joy io manifested throughout nil districts. Kvory plnro, whorovor possible bulletin boardn wcro put out nnd nro surrounded by happy minora, women anJ children. Many women nro crying unrestrainedly and their hnpni note is almost child liko, SB Is tho confi dence ulvcn Koohovell nml Mitcboll. whoso actions nro lauded upon nil sides, At one o'clock thin morning President Mitchell Knvo out tho following otatc ment: "Appreciating tho nnxioly nnd impn tloncuof tho public nnd tho mlnuwork cro for uu nuthora'.ivo ctatcmont from this ofllco, I Ihsuo n bulletin to say thnt I wad unalterably opjwzcd to nny accept- luciiiiKiutt mon io uuiermiuu uio iiucs- lions suvolved, Theso rujlrictlons hnv ing been removed, and reprcienlntion Riven to ornnnhed labor as well as organ ist capital, 1 am now prepared to give my pcntousl npproval to tho settlement of thu Irsuon Involved by n commission leluctid by tlio president. I thnll re commend to tho ozeeutivo olllccrsoi dls trict one, oovou nnd nine, in tho meet ing todny thnt an immedlnto cnll bo ie suod forn convintion, whoao authoriza tion ia neccatary to declare thu etriko ended. In tho meantlmo, I trust thu people ol oui country will Ld as patient na poreiblo, na wo nro moving na rapidly na thu IntcrcatBof our men permit." Wellington, Oct. 10 It has been learned today that President Itcosovelt laid tho entire personnel of tho arbitra tion commission beforo Mitcboll, when tho latter was hero yosterday, nnd nil received his unqualified nppiovAl. Tho prbsidont then submitted tho list to Morgan's,, representatives, After Domo diicusslon about Clark, chief of tho railway conductors tho list was endon ed. It Is expected that tho commission will medt horo oarly next week. Ilazoltcn, Oct. 10 Tho 1'irst rcslment statiouod hero, Joined tho atrikora in jubilation when tho nowa of tho atriko Botllomont km received todny. Tho militia has boon ordorcd to roturn homo Tho quoatlon of working non-union men promisoa to becomo n stumbling block, unless tho nrbitrnllon board d'onnltely dccldca that mattor. Wllkeabnrro, Oct. 10-Tho mluorp, meeting adjourned at 4 :30 nftcr deciding thnt a delegato convention bo held Mon day lu this city. Thoro will bo no re sumption of work uutil nftor that moot ing. Burstft -' iro.Mna ww wwjn mgn Blularo t 1 a long Aeenpf ANGE Mitchell Comments on Operator's Attitude IIOPEa ARBITRATION BE PEBA1ANET SOLUTION Feared Panlfier Valley Miners Will Instruct Delegates to Re. ject Proposal Special to the Mall. Washington, Oct. n-I'rcfildont Mit chell's ncccptnnco of tho arbitration commission, under dato of Ojt. 10th, was mndo public this morning. In 2,000 words ho ozhauativcly explains tho miners' uUltudo. Ho caye tho district prcsidenta nccopt tlio arbitration com mission, nnd will so recommend to tho convention, ' Ho comments bitterly on tbo conduct of tho operators nt tho first White House conference, characterizing thoir nttitudo as insulting, and unmanly. Ho closes by saying that bo has tbo hopo and belief that tho results of arbi tration will bo completely satisfactory nnd will furnish a remanent solution for the troubltG which from timo im memorial have vexed tho antbracito fields. Mt. Carmcl, Oct. 17 Twenty lecal unions today elected and instructed del ogatea to follow Mitchell's advico for tbo coming convention. Tnmaqua, Oct. 10 It is now feared that many of tho Pnntbor valley tlelo gatea will ho instructed to reject tho operators' proposition, as tho miucrs want soma guarautco beforo going to work. eCfOOlSteSS3a9St8eaVafC9sf4MI4 Slrotyi:!? of October J Is a Our pall Sto LADIES' JACKETS Ours Kainy Day Skirts A Wf Watch , f iti, i ! Dress I Goods i Tho hcuso of foreman Dolbln was dynamited lest wight whilo tho femlly wero nbeont. ., Genorfll fjchall.announced this morn iri(f tbnl troops will bo kept in Panther valby two weoko longer after tho ttrlke is off, MRS. STEWART'S FUiNEllAL ; DP. BLAKE'S CONDITION Son Frnneltco, 0:t, 17 Kcnntor Stew nrt, of Nevada, arrived horo today and will attend bis wile's funcial this after noon. . .Dr. Blako, tbo dentist shot in a qunr n yenlorday, will live. The Cranberry Crop 0. D. McFnilln, the cranberry kinjr, brought n bant load of this ecason'a crop to town yesterday. When it comes to eating qualities, Coca Bay cranberries aro the finest on earth. Mr. McFnrliu lost 'part of his crop, tlila osacon by trying tlio method of Gathering tho hcrrics by rnking tbcra j under water. It was not a success and most of thoborries that wero wot spoiled end wcro lost, Fortunately n gopd part of lho crop wnB not floodcd' nnd U,c6 botrics wero gathered by tho old method aud nre of firstclasa quality, Washington Oct. 17lh-Govcrnor Ta.'t, in a recent speech in Manila, ccpiw of which bavo just been received by tho I War department ban given tho Filipinos to understand that when tbo proper timo comes they thall bavo the privilege of saying whether or not they wish to bo independent of thoUnitcd States. Ho soya It may'rcqnlro one or two'gecers tiona beforo they aro fitted for cell gov ernment. Tho speech undoubtedly re flects tbo views of tbo administration. PACIFIC LONGSHOREMEN . - MAY BE CALLED 'OUT ' Seattle, Oct. H If President Kccfo fails to selllo tho striko hero with tbo Pacific Coaat Company, all tho union i very interesting shoppingrhbnth newness of Fall and Winter Novelties in Dry Goods a is qovjl Qpmpl arc Eastern Garments arid ,-at 4- very complet: assortment h popular colorings, from $3. up f . . f w c maKc a specialty ot cue- dress gooas department auu m uw . -prepared to sliow you all y(hc new weaves and colorings in this season's goods jfi Ji "j o S this space for more store W1UIAM NASBUHG .3 f rr ilea oat, and an effort) will bo rha'de to ab' solutoly blocktdo all shipping till titb company is brought to terms. PORTLAND-SAN FRANCISCO " .STEAMERS FO tTe Portland, Oro. Oct. 14 Enginpora op tho Columbln, of tho 0. It. &.ijf.,8an Francisco lino bavo been given ion day? notice. Tho boats aro .likely, ,to tie qp and tbo lino will probably bo discontinu ed. The officials aro reticent. Good enough (All Havana Filler J" FLORODORA ". BANDS en A of sane valutaz tags from ." STAR," " HORSE SHOE." SPEARHEAD."" STANDARD NAVTS'l " OLD PEACH & HONEY." . "SAWLOC," "OLEVARCINY" uijr' "MASTER WORKMAN" Toiccco. fx-ac ' vj 5 1-. for Iadievs who ertjpy the . low. prices g f f .. L. J&mAM. msvnr 2i ,- s news ' JKii Jf iX .' iAV Jongshoromon on tho coast will bW call iSaDHHMHMkvK" kf l T-tfi .if Trsnsriirifc rinrr5 -