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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1902)
' ,(? J JLv, v " IP . -41j MiifiawMiw(WBMiuMitMM , r " - - ffffiffi ' '. '?;f ' ' ' ""'It " v f 01 ; . ; rr: n$X ?v X f i - Horribi Brings Swift e 4' , ,r i-wwnWiHsir ifPTiMtiw'tr' vlyt ,.v J' Crime! Punishments if 4 i r ', NE&RO RAPEIST SHOT TO 0EATH WHHLE ATTEMPTING TO ESCAPE discovered iii Hiding I FATALLY WOUNDED BY A RIFLE A Body Swunjr From South Marshficld Bridge poroner's Jury Finds No Crime lias Been Committed. From Thursday's Dully. Alonw Tuckor, n negro, was arreitol cliorlly beforo noon yesterday, on a char go of having committed tho crlmo ol rapo tion tho person of Mrs. Don. Dennis, o( Llbby. Tho Information was telephoned to Marshal Carter, with tho request thnt ho intercept Tucker, who was said to bo on his way to Mnrehflold, and plnco him under crrpBt. Tho luurehnl had soon Tuckor coming Into town a fow minutes beforo, nnd hud no trottblo locating his rr.nn and landing him in nll. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis canto (o tho Day tho latter part of laat yenr. Thoy lived for a whilo in Marahfluld, whoro Mr. Dennis workr. d na n pnlntor. Last spring thoy moved to Llbby, whoro ho had ob ai nod cm ploymont in tho mlno. Thoy have two children, and thoeo who know thorn speak in tho highest tormtiof Mrs. Dennis. Tucker has bcon on tho Bay (or eorno time. Ho worked ivt Llbby and alter ward camo to Mnrahttold whoro ho blacked boots In iv local barbershop. Ho profoiRos to bo a prUo-flghlor and recent ly opened a 'School of Physical Culture" In tho building formorly occupied by tho Y.M.O. A. Various stories of tho outrogo wcro curront on tho etreot, but tbo facts as Htnted by Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Fa'rrln. who visited Llbby intboaftor roon end talkod with tho woman, is that Mrs. Poinds had bcon in Marshfleld and otartcd homo about 10 a. m. When sbo reached a point oh-iho wagon road uot far bbytmd tho I. 0. 0. F. cemotory, tho Negro emerged from tho brush. Ho seized hor and placed his hands over bor mouth to stifle hor cries. Carrying hor Into tho bushes ho choked hor into submission and accomplished Mb pur pose Ho tbon loft hor mid started toward MarBbflold, Sbo mado hor way aB quick- , y ab pbBfliblo to bor home at Llbby By Two Small Boys, Runs For His Life j j SHOt PISTOL BULLET STOPS HIS COURSE where sho reported what had occurred. One story is that Dr. Tower ovortook hor on tho road out and took hor to Llbby in ills buggy. "s The yillago was soon nrousod, and P. Honnosioy nnd Alf Nichols at onco armed thomsolvcs and startod out after the black fiend, arriving in Marthflold but n short timo altor he did. Tnoy said tho lady poBltlvoly rcognlzod hdr assailant, and thnt thoro could lo no inlstako as to his identity. Tlicro was naturally much talk on tho streota of making short work of thd porpotrator of this crime, and tho opinion was frooly expressed that a crowd would bo down from Llbby Jast night to take vengence on tho porpolra torof this dastardly outrage. As night approached it was reported that a crowd of arnud miners woro col lected out at tho railroad depot appar ently waiting for night to como. Just at dusk thoy enmo in about ouo hundred strong, and n largo number of thorn arrncd with rifles. They march ed down Front street and out to tho jail, which is located on tho wharf back of tho engino houeo. ' Tho minors wore evidently bent on do ing business. Thoy mado no unnoccs eary noleo but went swlltly and silently to their objoctivo point. Tho floating population of Front strcot went with them. Arriving at tho jail, it was soon dis covered to bo orapty, and tho crowd fell iuto confusion. Then tho word was passed that tho Negro was loose, in tho Immedlato vicinity and thoro was a scat tering of tho party In search of him. 4 The d,tsappo(uanco of Tucker was ac counted for by Marshal Carter nnd Con- stablo Sundorlaud in this way: A fow momonta boforo tho mob reached tho jail warning was brought that thoy woro coming. This was soonor than tho of ficers oxpoctoa any troublo, arid thoy worn not proparod. They nt onoa took Tucker from tho jail and ran him across to tho boat slip back of tho I. 0. 0. F. building, whoro thoy oxpectod to And a boat in which to tako him out on the bay or "to Ernplro." Carter was ahead wjth tho Negro whilo Sunderland brongbtupintho retln Reiobing the He Comes Out aid i Uuli. I slip, thoy saw that no boat was there Thon Tucker gave Carter a push and sprang to tho mudflat under tho wharf it bolng low tide. By this time the mob was on band, and to them Marshal Carter confided his troublos. Search under the wharf showed tracks in the mud., These were traced to a point back of the O'ConnslI hardwate storo, where the trail was tost. No furthor trace of the fdgltive could e diicovcrcd and matter? were fairly qulot until juet before ten o'clock, when watchers on tbo wharf discovered a boat two-thirds across tho bay toward the Katt MarBbflold wharf and apparently heading in that direction. Tho noat could bo plainly teen in the moonlight but no occupant was visible. Repeated bails bringing no responso a fusllado of r'fle shots at once com menccd and was kept up or several minutes, probably a hundred shots bo lug fired at tho boat. Thon a boat load of men put out from tho dock and mado its' way across to whero tho suspected craft was still float iug peacefully Upward with the flood. Thoy overhauled tho stranger and pass ed around it, and then a still small voice wafted back tho tidings: "Ho alnt hero." As this paper goes to press the wharf is guarded and tbo search is bolng pros ecutcd by the miners, whd aro deter mined that the blsck fiend shall not go unpunished, From Friday's Dally. Within 21 hours of tho time when tho Negro, Alonro Tuckor, committod a crim inal assault on tho,wbite woman, Mrs. Don Dennis, his lifeless body was dang ling at tho end of a rope from tho brldgo loading oUt from South MarBbflold. Events had moved swiftly for tho black fiend in the moan time., He had been arrested ubd placed in jail, mado his eecapo from tho olllccrs with a mob at his hcols, had Epent tho night undor tho whatvea, had hoard a coilplo of hundred shots fired ovor his head et a bdnt in which ho was suspectod to bo attempt ing his escape, had been diecovorod In his htdingplaco, hadcoinooutand mado run for his llfo, bad been shot down and carted to the sroUwhoro his body ... , ' v ?' -was left hanging. To tako up the,story.,whore yesterday's uanor stopped! Iho flight raseod quietly after the incident of the empty boat It seoms that the search under the dock was discontinued at that timo and the avengors devoted their attention to keeping a strict guard on all postible avenues of escape. They were eonfldeat that the negro was still in hiding nnder some of the buildings Along the water front, and (hey patiently waited for day light, confident that their prey could not dude them. After daylight tho search was resum ed, but was unsuccessful until about nine o'clock. Then two small boys Shir ty Prentiss and Mndoo Guloveon dis covered the fugitive nnder Dean & Co's. store, whore be had crawled back on the ballast as far as ho could get. When ho found the boys had seen him, tho Negro started for them with a threat to wrlnp their neckr. Fortunately for them be could only crawl, in the cramped space, and they were ablo to scramble out be fore he could reach them'. Tho boys raised the alarm, and tho Negro made his appearance immediately after they did. He emerged at thS south side of tbo warehouse and started around the Bouth east cornor. Several men woro' on the corner of tho wharf behind him and ono flrcd a shot which passed through tho Negroes right leg about half Way between the kceo and tile hip, savoring the large artery and inflicting a wound from which, tho doctors testify, doath must havo resulted in about ten minutes, but which did not stop tho fugitive. Ho ran across from tho warehouso with the evp-Lnt intention of going west on A street. Seeing guards in that direction, he then turned north and started down Front street. Uo was running easily with his Arms At his sides, as if taking his exerclso. When tho fugitivo was nearly in front ofi D?an & Co's. atdW he Btaggerd and throw up his hands but did not fall. Turning, he ran in at Iho front d?or of the Btoro. Seeing Eli gab Lowls in tho Btoro, Tucker again throw up his hands and ejaculated, "Oh Lord, have morcy." Ho thon ran through the opening into tho sido waroroom and to tho back door opening upon tho wharf. Boeing armed mon closing lu from that direction, ho passed through tho email door into tho main Btoro and started up tho stairs, loading to tho Eocond story. When half way up ouo ot his pursuers armed with a rovolvor reached tho foot of tho stairs. Ho called on tho fleeing man to stop but tho warning was unhfjodod, and juat as Tucker ruuehod tho head of tho stairs lila pursuer fired, Tho Negro reeled and U headlong through a doonfUtAltal ' Intc the loft over the ware reem; This shot was from a 33 caliber revol ver and took effect in the 'backf It lodged against and broke a rib, 'and while the wound in itself would not iiavi been fatal, the'shock and Impact of the bullet was enough to stop'the actios of he becrt, already about io collapse froat An immense loss of bjood. ) t Several mas reached him a Baoaaeat later and found him stretched poa, his back, as if dead. He was Bot dead, bow- M ever, as he bad life eiough to jsake sorie resistance when be was dragged1 'id tho wide back door of the loft from which' he was lowered on a rope to the wharf Ix-low. ' 4 Here a rope 'was placed around bis neck, and loading him upon a store truck the crowd started with him for tbc scene of his crime. ' Before tbe outskirts of town' were reached, however, be was discovered to bo dead, And whoa the bridge leading from South Marshfleld toward tbe ceme tery was! reached, tba rope which wac already cround his neck, was tied to a timber cf the bridge and the body was pushed over tbe side and left hanging about six feet below the roadway. Thle was a few minutes before ten o'clock. Tbe crowd which witnessed the last act of the tragedy la estimated At About three hundred. They were quiet and orderly, and it is safe to say that no such lawless preccedlng was ever conducted with less unnecessary disturbance of the peace. Coronor Horsfall being notified pro ceeded to tlio scene and impaneled a jury for the inquest.. At 1.35 p. m. tbe body was cut down and brought into town, where it was taken to the room whoro tho dead pugilist had been conducting a school of physical culture, where the inquest was held. Thecoronor'a jury consisted of the following well-known and responsible citizens: W. B. Curtis, foreman, It. Walter, Dr. A. B. Prentiss, Cbas, Btauffg A, 0. Kruso and J. W. Flanagan. Examination of the body showed only the two wounds mentioned above. Doc tors McCormac and Grots testified that the wound in the lee was sufficient to causo death in a very limited )me. ' - 1 Dr. McCormac had met and joined tho crowd As they carted the Negro out of town and had examined him before tho hanging ami ho stated positively that tbe man was unquestionably dead before ho was swung oft the, bridge, Somo other witnesses' were examined but no ovidunco as to tbe identity of the parties .responsible for the death of the Negro fiend was elicited. It was shown in evidence that the Negro was a fugitive from justice, and that tho shooting wao undoubtedly dono by parties who were Assisting tbe officers in hlR ro-capture. r Tho verdict of thejjury was to the ef fect that the deceased came to his death by a Runshot wound in the thigh, in flicted whilo reacting arrest for a felony : that tho persons who inflicted paid wound were unknown to iho jury; and that no crime was committed thereby. This seems'.to srttla the raattartaffiefal ly, so far-aiany complications are con cerned, ana it is not niceiy wai any ac tpmnt will be made to go behind, th rdict of the jury. - , i nmA