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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1902)
rr"l)WS (f Great Central Railroad r IS THE TALK OF ALL UTAH 1'EOI'LG prosperous Times ---L. II, Gorliam "' Tells of Tlicynlliusl-asm. will derive great beneflt-'froai the line ri well m the country through which it travorsea and the buelnoH men are zeal ous that it should be completed. ll'ortlnnil Journal) L, H. Qorhnm goncra! went of the Hock Island has ruturnod homo from nn I'Xtondwi huelnois trip In and around Bolt J.nka pity. "Thoy nio luy thnroj tiionnru continually on tho hustle and everything seonis to be in a moat pros perous condition. I bollevo that tho whole Western country Is experiencing a moot phenomenal period of prosperity and urowlh. ".Not only in Salt. Lako but in every section where J was tiioro Inn remarka ble amount of business being done hut I am proud to nay that right horo in Portland wo are as weil off us anywhere olso. Wo are not behind any of them in tho yolumd of business or the gonoral prosperous condition. I find that In that section thoy have a most flattering opin ion of us and consider that this is tho coming section. "The entire country thoro is stirred up over the proposal Bait Lake and Cooa Hay road. Thoy am more llian enthus iastic and arn doing everything in their powor to help the matter along. Tho agitation in Halt Lako is tomothing im mense. Dusinoni mon nro continually talking about it and aro willing to go down hoavy to make tho project a sue cots. Evory effort is boing pu forth that Utah bnll carry out Its duty in hav ing the road built, and thoy are hoping that Qrogon will not bo wauling. "I think tho road will be ft great help to this section as it opens up anew cuun try. Tho proposed lino of Iho road is not directly in opposition to any trans continental road and opens up n section that is almost unduvelopcd. Salt Lake " ""XJvmiI Vxnussssl n J?w,'fVafWrBm BLINDFOLD. IHlmlfold woman and ho lou'N nil conli denco In hrralf. Her str-p is slow, licsitntlujj ami uncertain. Her lunula arc raicd to ward tho im aginary blows which threaten licr. When n nick woman necks the means of health she is often like n woman blindfold. She has no confidence. Shu cannot tell what her effort will lead to. She turns now to thlri side and then to the other in uncer tainty and doubt. The -.ick woman who uses Dr. Plcrcc'a Favorite l'rcbcrlplion may do eo with nb.solutu confidence. It inviten open eyed Investigation. There iicd be no hchltutlon in following the lumdrcdj of thousands of women who huvo found a jwrfect cure for womanly ilia in the use of this medicine, "Favorite Prescription" cures irrcgu lari.y and dnett weakening drnlus. It heals Inflammation nud ulceration and ' irea female weakness. ' Willi a limit full ofKrtitltiiil? In you for end In out over llif IauiI vour wonderful nimllcluo t urn I thrse lew Hum, (ioiiIiik Hint koine ioor mif fti 't women will trv l)r. riurcc's iiicillcliivti," wr . Mr, rorn i.. kooi, oi urrciipriux. I'ur- female Muknca i nclie, backache, nud imln In Irlt sMc when lyliijr tc women will try Mn Torn I., lie n .r. Washington Co., M.irylHiiil. "I hurt mif f, ml trvctlv Irani female wuknes and lintl to lie In lied i irrent ileal of the time. Had head nclie, backache, niul imln In idt si.ic when lytnji ilnwii. I iiiinniFiiectl tnkliii? I)r l'leree'n I'nvor. lie rrocrlpllmi, nntl (mil not taken two l6ttlcs wlirn I wan utile lo lie uiotiml :,ilu and tin my work with lmt llltlo iifllu. Cuu now vat any. tlilui; niul It nevvr hurls me any mure, llac taken seven liolllunf Dr. lietee'u I'avorlte I're; Krlptlun, niul one of liln 'CguipouiKt.KftJrnut uf liiii.Ut-YVccdiHml Mvernl vlalx or III U'ltsMUt tfVlel),"il'eellnK"itilttrevery ilny, My bus liiil vavh i look better eyery iiiy." ' i Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellet curcbil outness nudick headache, $ GREAT CENTRAL RULROAD ACTIVITIES Promliiciil Contractors and Capitalists Looking: Over tlic Situation Hero and Well Pleased 14 During the past week many strangers hayo visited the city and among thots tho railroad capitalist and contractors have been largely in ovidouco. Nelson Donnett, capitalist and well known rail road contractor, left yesterday morning after having looked over tho nltnatlon. Ho is expected to bo largely identified in tho construction of tho Great Central railroad. He made an examination of the harbor, going out over tho bar in n tugboat nud also inspected tho proper ties secured by tho company for termin als' aud went over tho Holt Lino routo with tho view of familiarizing himself with tho tituation and all conditions. Ho oxprcetod himself as highly dollghtcd with the situation. Tho advantages and oxcellcncoof tho harbor woro a revolatlon to him. Tho case with which ships arrive and depart through tho entranco iuteroited him greatly. However, bo was non commit tal na to detail of plans of tho company, but that big dovolopmont in tho nffnira of tho Great Central railroad aro near at hand is the conviction of all closely obsorvont of tho moves being mndo by thoso supposed to have Inside informa tion. W. 8, Small, formerly oi Small Mros., fqrraet.NoUmra-IMclflc"rs!li'oft"(l con tractor. Is now located hero with bis familp. Ho has tho contract for clear ing and grading tho licit Lino road ready for track laying. Ho is pushing tho woro energetically. Tio Great Central Land company is rapidly getting tho llangor townsito In condition for tho erection of buildings. A largo forco of men aro employed lu clearing preparatory to grading tho strooto. Iho first two buiidlugs to ko up will bo a 1 25.000 hotel and nn ofllco building to cost n like amount, both , buildingH to bo erected by the company. Tho elto for tho hotel is now being grad ed. Cleveland, 0., Sept. U Considerable Interest attaches to tho annual mooting of tho Ohio Liquor Lcgue, which opened in Olovoland today, for tho reaeon that an effort is to bo mado to amalgamate all tho liquor organizations in Ohio in order to strengthen their political Influ ence. Among tho organizations it la proposod to unite arc tho Knlghta of Fi delity, tho Royal Arcli and tho Iudo- pendent Royal Arch. Newport, It. I,, Sopt.O Tho autocrats of tho canine kingdom had things protty much their own way nt tho Casino to day. Tho ebowH of tho llhodo Island Konnol Club nro nlwaya well worth witnessing, but tho proEont ono ia more interesting than any o( tho pravioua onefi, tho oxhlbito including tho pots of all tho wealthy Nowport cottagers. Among tholnnors woro distributed tine afternoon tho . trophies offered by tho Eases' Kennoll Association of America )i) othororganizgtlona.of,, dog fance,. C Confers Wiffc fiaji PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOI ! WAKING FOR SETTLEMENT Coal Operators Willing io Concede Ten Per. Cent 'Advanceiln Wages j ' Now York, Bopt 0 Gov. Stcrao of Pen nsylvania arrived this morning and went to tho ofHco of tho United Steel Corpora tion, Stono is in confnrcnco wltbMorgan and bis partners Steel and Perkins, and President Ilaor au J other coal operators are holding a session bollovel to bo in touch with tho Stono conference. It is roportcd In Wallstroot that the operators aro willing to glvo tho miners ten per cent incroato in wages but rofueo to treat with Mitchell or representatives of the United Mine Workers. Gov. Stone gavo out the following: "Attorney General Elkins, Senator Flynn nnd myself hr.vo been in confer enco ecvcrnl hours with Wiener director of tho Stcol Corporation, representing Morgan, who Is anxious to havo the atnthrncito olriko settled." Stono refuted to cay what progress had been mado. Morgan is known to havo been in conversation with Stone for somo time. 4 . t "JC iW v ' " . Y; MM w- Now Orleans, La., Sept. 0 Oncol tho most serious questions with which tho planters of the Delta are face to faco Is the-eenrclty of labor for gathering the cotton crop. Tho yield promises to bo unusually largo this season in tho Delta, with tho poselhlo exception of lower Micslsesppi, and yet thero ias never been a timo when labor was 0 scarco or unreliable A M0THE1H0D Tho grcutcit ambition of Amer ican men nud women U to havo liomcs blessed with children. Tho woman nillicted with fcnialo dls oaso is conhtantly menaced with bcoomlng a childless wife. No tuodlclno can rostoru dead or gans, but AVino of Cartlul does rrgulato derangcmcnhi that pro vent conception; docs prevent niiscnrrlago ; docs rustoro wiatk funotlons and ulintterod ncrvos and does bring babies to homes barreu nntl'tlGSohito for years. "Vino of Cardul gives women tho. iicaiui anu strengut to bear Iionl- thy children. You can got & dollar bottlo of Wlno of Cardul from your dealer. WINErCARDUl 143 Mftl-Vol. Klrn- Memphli.Tonrt., XpriUI.1001.' ,," rw'unry. iwi, i ioOK OUU OOUIeor Wlno of Usraut una ono iiaokara of ThcdfonPs lllaot-Drnught. I hadlow unrriL-u imocu years mm una uoror B'von birth to i n child until I took Wlno ot Cardul. liabynlrlv Tlio baby i fool well ns ony poraon could Xoel, Now I amiuothorot ftflno Now my lipm Is happy and 1 noyor will baby ulrl which ts bora March 81, 1901. Tho baby weihs foftrtcen pounds and I bo without Wluo of Cardul In ruy hou m. w. o. sairwi, r adrtoa tul mmtur.. riX I ynipUiiii. 'fh ijKiirt' Ailrliioryl)inrt. mi8r" """V "'J' - Tn i .'NORTON. NKWS DKALEIt AND AGElT rf TTflToTt San F r a n c i h c o and 1' o r t f n rt d u 1 1 1 o h. A 1 1 , t h o 1 u a d 1 n g M a g a z 1 n cTT "ITlPr T h E H Y A N J) PLAY I NO 0 A 111) I I 'Subscriptions for all papers a n d 'p o r 1 o d i c a J b . Fino cigars and tobacco. Stationery, Jewelry, notion s ii ' i .' I'M. . ' ' "4 1 V sr m J. 8. McKec'S Business College and Scliool qf Correspondence is in its 23d year. Every teacher is au expert in hisspccialconrso. Our special courses cover tin entiro range of business operations. coht op each codhbj:. COVirLCTE nusitiHsn Course, 'lime unlimited 25 Civil Service " " six months 15 Shorthand " " " $15 English ' " $15 Scleci Studies " " ' " $15 Thcoo courses aro especially design ed for thoso who cannot epara the timo nor tho means to take n conrse in collego, and or thoso who havo been deprived ot a common school education. Great carols given each etudont personally. Diplomas award ed. Stato which course you want anu aic lor particulars. II. M oKek, Anerback Iild'g Principal. Salt Lako Citv. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Freut andA'strects, 3IAR8UFIELD,; OREGON, JONH SNVDER. : : : : : proprietor THIS WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE HOTEL, has lmt been entirely refined and rcfiimlihcrt tliroughout and is again open to the public for patronage. New beds and sprlag mattresses have beci placed in almost every sleeping room of this house and neither trouble nor expsn z been pared to put everything in first-cuus order, TXKMS. Hoard and Lodfilng, per week J5.C0 Hoard, per week 4x0 Single Meals ..-..,. . 35 THE STEAMER ARCATA. It. C XELSOX,M(tsta. Will KliiKe ItcKularTriiik BETWEEN- COOS 33A.Y AND SAN FEAMJISCO -OARRYING-- PASSEKGERS AND FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Propriotose. F.S.DOW, Agent, Marshflold, Oregon 8.0, CO. Agent, Empire City, Oregon visit DR. JORDAN anrvrl E nt' ivs- utr anai! iKiHinscTST.iSiircumet.Mi. 1 Tfc AutomkU Mu.uai Is ti i W. IU. H Mkout.i m cy omit tct.d dli..t tllitrlrriiM4lylkM.,l blUU.( on Iht Cmil Lil limn. , DR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN mrrBii.m ioutWr .rdiciJ , i a I cwro (or MupCvrv. a quick tnd iiuicm vuifj ir eraasisj vtMut- 4 BSUIW, OJT tJIJOlUUH ipcutp4JA frefttaitlitfkife I tarullr rif b 1 . . . -i. 7. ' t MAHHIt.ClC, WAlUiD VRiUU (A vUaU Uok I k Wr P4 VUI T WIUV tS- i JwHvAN m 9wm IWI BRMMt VC M Flanagan &Bonmott BANK, JDIREOTORS: T. R.aiicri dan.J. W. Bennett; FIlES.f and. H. Flanagan, VICE FIf.ES.: R. F. "Williams, aASUIER, Capital, $50,000. llAUSZZVlT.iAi . OXKGO.1 IHHIKNHI : GEE FEE. " DEALER IN iROCERIES FRESH FROlS, YEGE TA BLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST Q TJALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. : : m m u ;A Street, MaVshGeid, Ore "! IHHHSiai Wo promptly obtain U. B. and Foreign rsnd model, sketch or photo cJ invention for (irt report oa rAicuuiuuty. I or free book, a : Hi Ilowtofiocure'rOinC Uievo -nrlte i llHuc'lAno to I'atonu and NIXHsliri: lULiUMI i P t i,L-iiiMiit: I Opposite US. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. .. .- 999WW99WmWmSW3Q !IF YOU WISH TO ADVfcRTISE IN NEWSPAPERS ANYWHERE AT ANVT1MB Call oa or WrlU B.-e.-BIDK AMERTISIHG IGENCI 64 65 Merchants' ExchMg SAN PDANC1SCO. CAf . , sjat)(ttJ BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mK "SHilSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJMr A BBkV Trade Mark Designs Copyrights 4c Anyone lending a iketrh nnd description mj wuuiaer an liiTsntlon l probably patenUblo. CoiumunVfa tloniatrlotlyconailenUaL Handbook oufateet isnt troa. Oldest aseney for leeurluv pateuu. I'utonu taken throunU Munn X Co. rcclro HW votic, without otiargo, tn tno SSferiunwpf Scientific flHKrKaH, .! A handsomely Illustrated weekly. oar i four months, h Bold byall newadealssa. v roar i four taontl Tjurt-Mt sir 1 "ir'',",:r"r r !13iim.NsW.TQiT - Si'Bt,naulliOB,v. , ,' . a . Jk.'1