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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1902)
ihn'i'fti'M-Art " $ a VOL "jfc-Xl vr MARSHFIELD, 000S OOtJNtfY, OREGON, AUG-. 16, 1906. T ( wrv I I ''WJ JWV OtJ Vy .XJiK' -! ' :- sJ: J-f J A -L J . -fJKi i hihwi im r winrMiiHHiMHw iii)iiiwiiwiii nimiiiwiiwuim 'ininiwrifrinMff jWiMumnimwumt wbui iiiiihiwiwmiiwwMh miii Cream of the Published Every Day In WnahlnRlon, Aug. II Mlnistor Buw un, nt Carnon. canloa tlmt tho Vono ruutnu rtivoltitlonlHiii hnvo cut tlio cable to (inrciiloiiu and that their troops woro eitturitiK tlio tptvn. Washington, Aug. 12 Tim Dally Htnr, l:okod upon nt lliu mouth pfrco of tlio iidmlulslrAlInn, thin nfturuoon nnuouric oil tlmt tint I'ronli'uiit hnd dt'oidrd upon mi extra toiiion of tlio mnito In Iov umbor for tlio purposo of ratifying tlio reciprocity trea'.y with Oabn. Ban Francisco, Aug. 12 Tho fiwt hiikluois aiculuii of tliu etipremo lodgoa of tliu Pythian Knlghta of. Khornssmi unit the JUthbono nlutorj woro hold tit la morning. Informal recoptlous wwiu held throughout tho day. I'.ukcrburg, 1'iinn., Ann. It! All tlio Cm tod mi no worker In jnll huro for contempt of court accept John Ciclir Mtiro ruloAMid thin morning by .Indue daukson, acting upon tliu application Hindu Monday, Tho men nramlsM to oboy strictly tho mandates of tho court hereafter upon prtln of thulr rearrest if tho older bo nynln violated. Tho diatrlct nttornoy and tho coal com puny cotintjnl opposed tho rolonso. Shenandoah Ii. Aug.ll Das pi to do nlnla of tho loaders many utrikorn Hro sulTnrlng for want of fooJ. Women nnd children surround tho eoMlun' iuoi tunto nl moal tlmoa, waiting for rcrnpa of food, nnd tho commander hni lajimd orders to tliu uiun to bo saving ol tU food luft over nud glvo It to tho hungry utrikorn. Tho ox pernio to tho atnto of maintaining tho military lnro nt $1200 a day continues. Thorn la practically uochnngu in ihoatrlku altuntlou. Tliu mon linvo entered tiiKin tliu fourteenth week of etinponalon from work in a qulo rnnnner nud moro contldout than uvur Belief work (a prcgronainir ratiafnctorlly about f 1(13,000 having buuii expended. WAShlngton, Aug. 12-Unllod Htatca Mlulitcr ltoiun, cablixl from Caracas. Yeutxtiulu, today that tho U. H. consul nt Barcelona hnd informed htm by wlro that Harculotm had boon taken by tho riivolutloniata, who woro nncltlnjr tho town, nud tliu protection of war thlpa wb uouded. Bowon cays ho cabled tho cruieor Cm rinncll to rutnrn without duluy. TIiIb government regard o tho nttuntlon in Ycni-ztileu nurloiiBly, but It la lwllov (d thnt tho proaonco of Amorican wnr ehipa will htivoii rootrninliiK effect on tho rovohitioniBla. Uommnudur Nlch nla. of tho ciulaur Toioku, has boon ordered to ctnud ready. German warahipa hnvo lnudod inn rhioa nt Puerto Cnbollb. (iormnny'e action rtj tho reaiilt of nn uiiderftandiiH Iwtwuon h'ccrotiiry liny nud Amhucundor Ilollouboud nnd la not n violation of tlio Mourou doctrine. Bcrnnton Au. 11 A mob of minors this nftornoon attacked tint gnarde on duty nt tho Wnrnock wnabor nt Duryoa, whero work wna resumed tliia inornim;. Tho Kiiurda fired into tliu mob nud wounded nomu. Itiotln( la still in pro Rreaa,nnd thochorlff in tho city huu boou iippcnlml to for nld, A tolopbono imiHeuKO from Dnrycn nt , :i anya thnt 10 alrlknniuud two doputluo woro woundud, A forco of doputieu hue been fiont to tho Rcoiiu to tulnforcu tho I'ltikorioiiH nnd It la feared that nn nt t.clc may bo mndo nt nny time. Hun ilredsof etriluiru, many ol thorn nrmed, tiro Mocking to tho aceno, Pnria Aiif II Olmrloa 1'airnnd wlfo i.I Ban FJftticieco woro returning to Viirla from Trouvillo todny whon tliolr auVbuiobilo bocnino unmnnn(onble, crnbhuiK Into n treo 15 milou from horo. Doth woro killed, and tho chaff our iu n tno na n reoult of thg shock. I'ortlnnd A8 I4-rOhlol KnRlnoor Kinnoy, of tho Groat Central llnllrbtul hkVb that ho ling boon ordered to puoh t) o cotiBtruotlon of tho road from Cooj Hay to Salt Lake; also that a ,)ino will b'AvbulUJrnin.FrJtco td l'ortlanilup. tho Week's News, the Daily Coast Mail. Wnnlilufslon, Auk. 1-J Tho Novy Do nnrtinent received from Commandor McLean, of tho cruieor Cincinnati tide morninir tho ollowinK dlapntch dated Unicolona, Vonczuoln: Barcelona ia occupied by tho rovolu tionlat, nnd they hnvo imprisoned tho civil nnd military ofUclala nnd nro in poaweatlon ol their diatrlct. Somn nlllnRlng hna been dono but ovory thine. 1h now qulot. Twenty hiulnon hourca wern aackedj moitly furclKti, nud llfteon dwclllnua. Commaudcr McCrea rallied tho nnvy dopnrtmunt from Cnpu Mnytlnu tills morolntr thnt tho blockade by tliu re vol utloniatH hnd proved iuuffectuel uud had been nbniidonrd. Mlnlater l'owoll, at l'ort uu rHnco cnblud tliontatodopnrtmcnt Hint It la ImpoaFtblo to communicate with Gonnl vnit. raid Id bo in tliu rovolntlonlatn Jinnd, hecnuro tliu wlrcu nru cut. ' Oummnnder HoJera of tho gunboat .Mnrlntln cablud tliu lollou Jnu to tlio navy department from Tort of Spain: In l'ort of Kpnln: Llfo nnd property of AmoticAtiH In. Anj-oi-turn, Vunezula, waa aafu whon tho rhlp Railed. Tho city waa controlled by tho rovoluMonlata. Forolun citizens woro alarmed at tho nltuntion, 'Mail Tube Service. AVnalilDBtou, I). U., Aug. H Thla wna tho Inat day for receiving bide for tho in Htallatlon of tho pneumatic tubo mall turvlco In Now York, Ohlcago, Iloaton, Bl. Loula, I'hlladelphh and othor cities In which tho establishment or renewal wets authorized by (Jongrcaa at tho Iflet euailon. Itia probable that the reault ol tho bide will bo announced during tho coming rrook. In arranging the bids caro wna taken by tho postofllco depart ment to prcvont nny furthor comblnn tlon among contractors to exact cxorblt nnt prlcee. Kor tho eorvlco rccontly or dorod dUcpnllnued in Now York City tho government waa charged something like f GO, 000 mile, in addition to paying part of tho coat for transmitting tho nmile. Under tho now call for proposals tho limit waeoplacod nt 117,000 per mllo por nnnuin. Advertising Douglas, Tho following from tho Roaobnrg He. view gives n hint that might profitably bo followed in Cooa county: Messrs. 1). b. K. lluick and 0. S. Jack son havo returned from tho Sou(h;rn part of tho county whoro thoy wout lu tho interest of tho now lltoraturo to bo oontont, ninklng known thorosourcea and ndvnntngoa of DouglaB connty. About ?100 wne pledged for tho purposo at Oakland, oyer 50 nt Olondalo nnd about $25 each nt Cnnyonvlllo arid Rid dle. In this city It la propoaod to at leaat dupllcato every dollar rnleod by outaldo points and tho largoat fund over gnthorod her atrlclly for advortlslnc purjioaca will soon bo on hand. This, with tho advantages, now offered by tho Ilurrimnn bnroau for tho distribution of literature will doubtloas provo a profita ble Investment nndjnduco tho coming of n goodly number of doairnblo citizens into Douglas, county within tho coming falj nnd spring. Callao Celebrates Coronation, Calluo, 1'oru, Aug. 14 Thocorouatlon of King lidward wb eolobrnted horo to- .!.. ...1.1. ntlilntln tnnrlg. uamnR nnd othor fcBtlvltlofl. Shoclul sorvlcoa woro hold in tho Anglo-American cmircn ami tho British flnK waa freely displayed In tho utruots nnd othor ptibllo places. v Quiet In Coal Region i operators awaiting arrivIl of troops Large Contribution -Made, to the Strike Fund From Australian La bor Unioii Duryea, l'a,, Aug. 15-An omlnotn fjulet icsta ovor DurycR this mornic(r. No trouble lit ospccUd today, as no nt tempt will bo mndo to start tho washers. None will bo mndo until troops aro sent for protection. h7 York, Aug. 15-Tho South Wales minora fraternity contrlbuto 50,000 for tho aaalntauco of the striking minora in tho United Statce on thoP ground that tnoy nro contending for a' principal of national Importance . YESTERDAYIS DIS- . PATCHES SUMMARIZED Tho transport Sherman bus arrived nl Manila. King Kdward'a recovery it reported as boinn complete. , A new gold, xeef ofjUjalaBlable valae has boon discovered IntliTTraajvil;''- In Lombardy eovoral Italiane were killed nftor a serious encounter with troops. Woman frnnohtso bills hnvo pasrod, bothhotisoa of tho Now South Wales cglalaturo. Tho French police mot with strong rcai&tnnco by tlio populnco whon attempt ing to cloco tho rcliglpua echoola. Tho forco of Shana who roebntly mndo an attack on Lackou, Slam, havo beon defeated, losing 20Q men, and tho Euro peans aro ra(o. Benntor McMillan, ol Michigan, diod Sunday morning. Cholera ia on tho decreaao in Manila. King Oflcnr, ol Hwcdon, is writing 'his memoirs. Londonora aro still occupied with the corountion foatlvhios. Cubans Rto ondcavoring to yet nn ex. tra sosslou of their eonnto, Iloytion robole defeated tho regnlar nnd aro now moving on Cnpo Haytion. Today was celebratod throughout tho Brltlah omplro nb n day of thanksgiving for tho Klng'B recovery. Bnntlngo nud Maenya volcanoos in Nicaraugun nro crumbling nud emitting vnpors, nnd nu eruption le, feared. Gonornl Iiticna Meyer died in Bruaeela and will bo hurried nt Pretoria. No Powder Burned Thoro wore rumors on tho street Thurs day that a shooting tcrapo had occured in tho Garfield lodging Iioueo tho evou Ing before. The proprietor of tho lodg. Ing houso ea'B that no powder was burn od, though ho acknowledges .that ouo man shot down tho stairs nnd out of tho door in a hurry nnd tho other man was fired from .tho houso, whilo tho woman in tho caso was undoubtedly loaded. 8ho Jotohetf up in J(U,v s CUSTOMS PORTS HELD BY VENEZUELAN - REBELS 'i German Politicians Suggest that Un- ' clc Sam Settle the Trouble by Annexation, Caracas, Aug ID The- Venexuelan govornmont is preparing an address Ij tho nations asking tlfat tho rovolutlor. itta bo recognized an bcligercnts. The rcvolutioncats now hold tho Venc znlatj customs ports of Ciudad, Bolivar, Guirin, Cano,; Colorado, Ceropano and Barcelona. Boilin, Aug 15 Tho politicans ol Bo: lln eoem inclined to tho view that tho United States may aetllo tho troublo In Venezuela. They euggcat tho advis ability of tho United States tending an expedition to roatoro ordor and annox Venozuola. ' ' " ' Sixteenth District of Illinois. Poorio, 111., Aug. H The Democrats of the Sixteenth diatrlct aro in convec tion here today for tho purpose of nom inating a candidate for Congress. Ecv oral names nro mentioned in connection with tho honor and the result is proble matical. "vH-' ,.'., KokomrMiiTrlrirtet Lebonon, Ind., Aug. 14 Tho Demo cratic congressional convention of tho Ninth district in session hero today named Judge J. L, Kirkpatrick of Koko ma to mako tho r;ce against Congrccs mnn Landis of Delphi. O J&. 13 "DP O H. X A. . Bwitbe llu Kind Yes Hai9WwrsB!ta SUMMER B ' SHOES 1 it M FOR I THE I si? - .1 I ' jy ", "r LONDON TIMES TALKS THROUGH ITS flEADPIECE i Boer Generals to' be Greeted by the Flower of Britisli Military - Aristocracy ' ' London, Aug. 10 ThefTimesclVairBect' Earl Codoga'n and Leader BalfonrW re-' . aponeible for tho present dlaturbanco 'ic the political condition of Ireland. 8ecreUry Chammjrlaln, Lord Itobe"rtc and Lord Kftchner will personally greet tho Boer Gencrala, Dewelt, Dolaroy and ' Botha on their arrival at P ortscsonth Saturday. CARMENCITA STILL ALIVE AND KICKING- New York, Aug. 15 A Buenos Ayrac " dispatch says there la no truth in tlic ' report thatf Carraenclta, ihe Spaniah dancer, Is dead, 8no is now cppcariCR In that city. r Alabama Republicans 'Active ". . .Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 14 At a eon ference held here today preliminary steps were taken looking to the orwul' zatlon o( a state league ol Repubilcas ' lalaLa -TkaalUa-J !.. U.r::;!' i " S t'r.i--rZS-sjMWKli in"i . .. : "". . wn-HHBazM( uaeu in me can tor too coaftreoeeirtol unite tho Bi.ibllcans of Alabaina'in ' concerted action tp build up the party. ' The now organiz lion will probably bavo a representation at tho approach-. Jng meeting at St. Luia of tho N,ational Lcaguo of Republican Clubs. ' ' Wow .are Tour Xltfnayf J . , Uo rrw. Aid. tKctliorf Uciuej Co..i:ftU- j or . ft A Bewildering Profusion of Beautiful Shoes " ij s Jt SHOES to suit ovory fancy. Shooa to fit ovory foot. Shoes to auit every purso aro gathered togethsr horo in our shoo section. This shows what a determination will do to got togother tho beat tho country affords at tho leaat cost to.our customorB. THE LADY, THE GENTLEMAN. THE MISS, THE BOY OR YOUTH" will find ours the beet. Soroethhu here to fit and auitablo for ovory walk in life. :::::: A Manufacturers Guarantee, backed by our personal vouch for satisfaction goos with ovory pair, : ': MAGNES & MATSON ' Zf A i i x. i-,j K