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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
B1 B UMBER LAND, AOT JUSE3. 1878. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statks OrrtcK, Roseburg, Oregon, May 7th, 1002. Notico la horoby given that In com pliance with the provisions of tho net of ?ongressol Juno 3. 1873, entitled "An net lor tho ealo of timber lands in tho State of California, Orecon, Nevada and Washington Torrilory," asoxtended to all tho Public Land States by act of August 4, 1SU2. FREDERICK K. TAYLOR, of Fnlrvlow, county of Coos, stato of Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollico his sworn statement No. 2350, for tho purchase of tho Eouth half northeast Suarter Sec. 23, south hall northweet l4 f Section No. 27, in Township No. 20 S. Kango No. 11 W, aud will offer ptool to enow that tho land sought ia moro val uable for its timber or etono than for Agricultural purposes, and to chablitdi his claim to said land beforo N. U. Douglas. U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marshfleld, Orciron, on Saturday, tho 10th day of July, 1U02. He names aa witnesses: William II. Morgan, of Marehfleld, Oregon; M. J. Wilson, W. A. Flinn, E. 0. Whitley, cf Fairview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho nbove-decribed lands aro ro quested to tilo their claims in this ofllco on or beforo eald UUh day of July. 1002. S 10 p J. T. Bmdqks, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land OrncE, Roseburg, Oregon, Slay 7th. 1102. Notlco is hereby given that in com pliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ot for the role of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all tho Public Land States by act Of August -J, 1892. MARVEL J. WILSON, of Fnirviow, county of Ccoe, slate of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllco uis sworn statement No.235.", for the purchase of tho north hall northeast quarter Sec. 28, north half northwest quarter of section No. 27 in township ro. 20 S. ranco No. 11 . and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is ; more vaiuamo lor us iimuer or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshfleld, Oregon, on Satur day, the lllth day of July, 1002. lie names as witnesses: William H. Morgan, of Martbfiold, Orecon; F. R. Taylor, W. A. Fllnn, E. C. Whitney, of Fairview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands nro re quested to Hie their claims in this office , on or ueiore earn jyin oi jui.v, r.u.. 5 10 J. T. Bsidqes, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon. May 8. U0-4 Notlco is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 187'j, entitled "An act for the salo of timber lands in the stateB of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington lerritory," ae extend ed to all tho Public Land States by act of AuKUSt 4. 1802. JOHN W. CHAPMAN of Ma'shfleld, county of Coos, State of Or egon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2.W2, for tho par cbaeoof tboSEMof NWJf, NEM of SW1-1 of Section No. 10 in Township No 20 S.Range No 11 W.and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpoeea, and to ei.ablibh his claim to said land beforo W.U.Doug, las, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marshfleld, Oregon, on Monday, iho 21 day of July, 1902. He names as witnesses; J. W. Tibbetts, J. D. Clinkenbeard, Alviu Smith, Ernest Smith, of Marshfleld Oregon. k Any and all pereons claiming adveraly the above described lands nro requested to file their claims in thin ofllco on or be fore said 21 day of July, l'.K)2. 5-10 J. T. BitiDOEH, Register. TILBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Robeburg, Oregon, May 8, 1002. Notice ie hereby given that in compli ance with tho provision!) of tho act of Congress of June 3, 1178, entitled "An act for the aalo of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa extend ed to all tho Public Land States by net of August -1, lb'J2, h NELLIE E. BOWRON, of Temploton, county of Coos, Stato of Oregon, hai this day filed, in this ofllco 1ier sworn statement No. 2303, for tho purchaea of tho NKVf of SW. NWtf of SE1 aud SJ of SEK of Section No. 21 in Township No. 23 South, Ratigo No. 13 West, and will offer proof to ehow iAliBt-th8 land sought ia more valuable lor ite timber or etono than for agricul- "tural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land befpro W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshflold, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 10 day of July, HUE. Lio names ns wltnosstR: Frank lSow ron, of Temploton, Oregou, W. II. Noble, Nancy Noble, L, M, Noble, of Marsh Hold, Ore icon. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly tho abovo-doscribed lamia aro re quested to tile thotrclatmn in thin otllcu ou or boloro said 111 day of July, 1102, tvlO J. T. Biiukum, Rculstur. TIMBeITlAN I), ACT "l UNEr 1S7S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Slates Lind Office, Roscliurg. Oregon. April, iS, iQoi. Notice 1$ hereby given Out In compliance with the provisions of the net of Congiess of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the-Slates of Cahfornhi. Oregon, Nevnda, and Washington 'IVrnloiy, ' as cv teiulcil to all the Public l-and Stales by net of August 4, 189a, FRED J. liATKMAN. of drelrosc, county of Douglas. Slate of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice hi? sworn state men t No. 21x7, for the pmchaeof thet.ol 4. SW K ofNWK. W,t,ofSvVKofSoc No.alnTown ship No. r South. Ranr,c No 10 Wmi, and will eTfer proof to show that th- bind sought is more valu-ihle. for ill limber or stone ilvan lor ngricul tural purines, and to eitablUn hi claim to said land liefore the Register nnd Receiver of this office at Rocburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 341)1 davof uly, 1903. He names us witnesses John Ttiom, PranU II. Bong, of Cleveland. Oregon. Charles Kite, of Melrose, Oregon. 1). C. McWIUIanis. o( Roseburg, Oregon, Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described lands are tcipiestcd to file tit ir claims in this otticc on or t.clore Mid 341I1 day of July, 1903. . T. ItKitxtKS, Register. 4-so-p TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I-ind OftV e, Roseburg, Oregon. . .Vay 3. fM Notice is hereby civen llmt in compliancy with the provisions of the act of Congtrw 0 June 3. 1878, entitled "Anna for tire sale of timber lands in the States of California, U;rcmi, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory,' a ax lewd cd to all the Public Land Slates by act of Av. CUSI4, 1893, CARL ni'.CKKR. of Roseburg, county of Douglas, state ol tiie gon, das this day riled in this office his sworn stitemeni No. 3328, for the purchase ol the let 3, of Sli 1-4 NWi-4, Sl-3 Ntit'4 of Sec tion No. 18, in Township No. id South,! Rango'No. West and will ofler proof tokhots J 111,11 tne lanu souKni is more v.tuiauie iik in timber or stone than for ngriculturnl purpotes, ard to esttbltsh his cLiim to snid hnd twdKf tlve Register and Receiver of this office at Row burg. Oregon, on Friday, the 15th tUy of Aucust, 1903. He names as witnesses; John Rccker, John Thorn. Frank I-ong, Frank Mietman, of Cleve. land, ( iregon. Any and all persons claiming nilverseiy the. nlove-described kicds arc reouested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 15th d iv of August, ipos. J. T. IlKIDOF.s, Register. 5 10 . TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oitick, Roseburg, Orrgon, May 5tli, 1'j02. Notico is hereby given tliut in com pliance with the proviMonB of tho act of Congress of Juno 3, lb78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Ncvadn, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Land States by act of August 4, 1812, CHARLEY CHURCHILL, of Cleveland, county of Dougluit, stato of Oregon, ban this day filed in this ofllco li is bworn statement No. 2332, for the purchase of tho east half east half of 'Section No. 31 in Township No. 'Jo, Kango 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is morn val juable for Its timber or etono than fur ' agricultural purposei), and to disclaim to raid land teforo tho Regis ter and Receiver of this oflicu nt Koto burg, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 1 tit li day ol August, 1002. He names as witnesses: Charlna Thorn, John Thom. Ed. Von Perol, j ut.u.hv w. ..-....., w. w,- .wu, w. 1 ,.,,., 1 I .bnri.ii :nilrnntll nf I :lnif,lntif I I Ir.,.,.,, I Any aim an persona claiming niivoreo jly the above-dt'ECribed lamia uro re- questeu tome tfielr clainiB in tills ollico on or befoiu fatd 10th day of Auuunt, 1002. J. T. BntDOKS, Register. C 10 p TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statkh Land Oitici:, Roseburg, Oregon, May flth, 1002. Notico Is hereby given that In 1:0111-1 plianco Willi tne provieiona 01 inn act 01 Congress of June li, 1S78, entitled "An act for tho Halo of timber lands in tho States of-California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4, 1802, LOUIS J. SIMPSON, , of North -Bend, county of Coon, stato of Oregon, has thifl day filod in thin ofllco hia aworu atatemont No. 2310, for the purchase of tho west half uorthweet quarter, and weet half of oouthweHt quarter of Section No. 8, in Townahip No. 23 B, Range No, 12 W, and will otfor proof to ehow that tho land caught is moro valuable for ita timber or Htone than for agricultural purposes, and to estahllpli his claim to raid land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. y. Coninilsslnnor for Oregon, at Marelittchl, Oregon, ou aatur Inv. tint nub ilnv of Julvi MV. Ho nnnivb as wltncrjen: Carl Al brceht.L. A. Whereat, of Marslilltild, Oregon; .1. M. Quick, Jiunca lllbbnrd, of Like, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ailvorso lv this nhnva dutciihcil' lautltt nro re quested to tile their claims lit thle olllru on or lieloro satu win any 01 .urn, i'jw, OH) J. 1;. liuiDliiy, uegintor. TIMBER LAND, AC'NUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U nltcd States Ltnd Oft'ice, IJ.uscburg, Orrgon, Aptil 14th, 1 90 j. Notice Is hereby given lint in compliance with the provisions of the Act of I'ongicss "I liim 1 !!!.. I'litlllril "All nol for the uli of limber lands m the States of (.'nllfurnkt, Oregon, Ne.Juda and Washington Territory," ns extend ed to all the Public I .mil Stitcs by nqt of Au gust 4, 109a. WlI.l.lA.V. N. MOtn.TOS of Two llatliKS. County of I-nke, Statr nf Mintiowta, has this day hlil In this oiticc bis sworn statement No. sjio lor the imrcluni oftheSWJt' of Section i, rWnshlp a Nitilli, Rnnge 10 West WilLimrttr Miii'lnn, mid will offer proof to show that tlie l.iml sought li more nlti ible for Its limN'r or sione than fif agtiuiltural purVjsM nnv! to his claim 10 (wkI land before the Register nml Receiver of this ofitcr nt Rosebirg, Oiegm. on Tnrsdav the aJ day of July, 190J. Ilenamosas wltmisos. wph WtMtliediy. I). I.. Maitln. John (iivms. f Roseburg. Oie jtcn. II .1. .Snillh. Myrtle ibhlt, Oregon. Anv ami all rvms dnlnlug advvrsely the itlw.. ,I.-.iImI l.iuilt :iri rMtiii Imt to fiV tlirir I clalnn f this Whce on or Inline ai. ajd day 01 Jul), iwr. j-iy p ,T. !ttltM!l.s, Reglsier. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE .'I. 1878, NOTICE FOR ITRLICATION. United States Uind, Jliice, KMfLnrg.Oron. ,Ur 15. 1 j. NV'.e Is hereby given that in cowplionc Willi the urottOHt of tlw iHt o CoflgrrM if une3 1K78, iflliil.l "Anict for iIm Mk ol timtvi lutds in thnMaus (f OMfefHtH. Ore gon. Nevada, and Vt'.tihiitgtin Tttrritoi," as extended to all th lubiic I jikI Stale by act of Aucust 4, S;3 GhORCJIJ W. mcai.i:. of .l.irslifWId, cotiRty of teos, sUle of Ore gon, has tint day lllcsl in this otlice hK sotn SUIeiitent No 3438, ior Uiv (Mircliase at tin-SKl-4 of Nt.rm No. 13 Township No. 36 South. Runne No. 1 1 Wrtt. himI will offer proal to show that the I mil smivt is tnoie vslu-Mr for 1 s timrMir or ttniiii tlwti for ngiicultuml pur imim'I, and loestabHih hltchim to safct land tKfore W. U. DutJglns. I'. S. Coinmlionrfrr Oregon, at Marshfleld, pvgoti, 00 W'eifrnudny, the 30th day of July, irfrt. He nnim-sai vitB: W. P. Murphy. 1C . nan;an. J. W. Tib!j. Alice As I'ltrtteltt ol MHrshlieUI. Oregon. l. Any nnrl all )eroiii clniining fidvtsely tlw above detcrilMHl lands are rerjiiestcl to fil their claims in this orike rn or befure tuid ynUy uf July, 1903 J. T. IUUkjm. Rcgisu-r. j--i TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE II, 178. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I-ind t ihc, Roseburg. Oregoi, Ajwil 26th, 190a Notice is Iwfvhy iC'vn tiuit in coinpluswe wilh the provisions oi ilw act of Confirms if June 3. iSt, rnlitlwl "An wt for thtt saU- ri I imbvr I .amis in iIm1 Main of Cnhfurna, On gon. NVvnda, awl Wa.hwgton 'Irtritory," a extended to all th I'uLlic l-uid Slates b) act uf August j. vti, AVON K. KK'iST. f RoselHire. county of Douglas, state of Ore gon, lias tins day filed in UiU ullice his in suti'iiieiit No. M99. for the purchaM of ihe Noltl est ((iiarlef of eitioi No. 19. Town-sli'- .j nth, irf Range t Writ, and will olfer pr of to flio that the land weight Is iimh val uable for its liiuber or mme than for agiivultur al pnqwsel, and to Ml il.llsh Us cliiin to said land before the Krgivter ,,im1 Receiver of this otfke nt Roseburg, tJiegon, 011 hrttunUy, the 91 li iluy of August, iry'u Hit name ns witnesses: Charles Thorn, John 'I horn, tf CI-viAirrJ, Orsrcon: M. M. Wolcotl, of Min5-oHili, Xtinn. ; Harry I'. 'I hoiuas. of Kowbury, iion. Any and all persons clumlitf adversely the abrve-ikuribel lanU aro iKlMMteil to fife lln-ir tlaiin. in this ofhee on or bifore said 9th day of Auguu, iir 5 3 p J. T. ilHIItaKli, Keglstar. TIMBER LAND AC'1 JUNE !J, 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nited Males I.and.Offitv, Rsnb.-rg,OrKon. April 30, isjm Notice li heraby (Sen thst In compliance with Hit- provisions of the act of CongruM of J urn' 3, 1B78. entillnl "An act fur ilw sule ol iiinirj lands in the states nf ( 'alifornla, Oregon Nevad K and Washmeion Ismitory, as oxUriiitvrt to nil the Public l.ind Suiti-s by act of August 4, io?, ( KAMI I s ( AWIAOK, of Kiifene, counly ofijin. Slate of Oregon, bus this il'i) filed in this oilvcti his sworn i.m-nn-iit No 331;, for llv: piHsfwseof iho W'K at Wtf of nation No. 10 11, Township No f, Kangi-No. 10W., aril v.i!!offr proof to slw. that the land Mingitt is more vulu-dJi- Tor i' tiiiiliT or stniic tluu fur .. nirpo-. and to iitnbhdi his cl.i.m ht Mid land before 1)h: Kegisti-r and Rrteivur of tins otfice at Rosrburg Oregon, on Wrdeiisday, the 13 day of August, 1902. lie names as witnesses Merlin Hn.iginson, Nti Ciilson, Mmwu Ophuf, of Uugnnu, Orug 011. M.inin O'soiijof Itlue Klvstr, Oiejjon. Any and nil persons dunning uovtuly tin nlovv rlt-criliiMt lands are rtripieatrd to lil their cl.inii in this olfk-e on or Ixoie sflld 13 day of August, 190s. J.T. IlKio'.Kfe, Kiigltr. 5-3P TI.MBl'.R ,ANI. j CT JUNE .'I. WU. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. United Status Uml Office, JtBttbtirg Or(on, . , , April ifUli, 190a, Notice lalicroby jjivoii that In compliance with tho provision, of tlio act of ttmgiess cf I line j. Ub8, enlllletr .Annct for Iho s.iln of inmicr Minis in me oinics in i.iiiiiiiniii.vrie;uu, Nevailit, nml Washington Tetiliory," us ex tended to all tho Public html States by act uf At gust 4, irtiij. IIARRV P. THOMAS, of Roseburg, county of Douglas, statu of On, gou, has this day tiled In this olllte Ills sworn statement No 3ol), for ilw purchase, of tlw Southwest quarter of Section No, aH, Township a 5 South, of Range It W., W. M and will oifcr proof to show that the laud sdught is imuu valuable for Its llruhcrar sinuo than fur agtkul turn! pilljiOM's, ami to establish his claim to said land befoie the Register and Receiver of this ollico at Rovebutg, OiegOit, on Salutday, the yth day of August, 100 lie u.iiiiis as witnesses c'liailes 'Iboni, John 'II10111, of Cleveland, Ofegun, M, M. Wolcotl, uf MIiiiiimhjIs, .Nrimi.i Avon V. Frost, of Roseburg, Oregrn. Any and nil persons cUlmlng ndvwsely tltn above-ileserllietl lands ntvMeipwstiNl to file their chims In this nlliir on or bcloio said oili day ol August, too). J, T. IlKjUu.s, Reglsier. S3P TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE . I87H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'nltcd States I-ind Office, Rosebuig, Oiegou, April 31, 1 90 j. Notice It he-eby given that In compliance, with the provisions of the act ofCimgrr uf June lB?q enlltleil "An act for the wlc of timber !',mils In Ihe States of Callfmiil.i. Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tlie Public UiiMlStatesbyactofAiiKUit.i, 1H0J, JOHN URIKSAIIUSIRUM, of town ol WeM Suivetlor, county of DaugUs, Suite ufWiscwnsin. iuis tliixiU) filnlm thiollice hissworn statement No a:4.fortliepiiicliaMof the liK of NWlj. WH of Nl'.Jf of See. lion .No. 10. lownshlp 36 South, ol Ran ic Waft, and will oltt'r Proof 10 show that life Urn, souijht Is more valuable for Its timber or skoii than for agricultural tmrtKMs, and to cM,blil his rlaini to s.ud laml Ix'lote the Rrgtsler anr. Reeerver of this olhcv at Rottiburg, Oregon, on Sslunbiy, Ihe Mh ill) of July. 100a. He nann-s as wiinesves: lulward ,1onson. of West iiin-nof. Wis. . Matiln Haagcnson, Si mon Kbvdahl, ol Ktiirne, Oregon, .laitln Ore son, cf (Hue Rivrr, Olrgmi. Any and all persons claiming mlvrisely the abosr-deKrltieJ Unds am teqursle't to hie llilr clnhns in this otiio on or belote vaht soth dav of )ul. 1 90 J 4 p J. T. IlKlttng'i, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE .1. 187H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'nitetl States Uind OlTiee, Kosoliurg, Oregon. Apr. 36. iiM No:..rlsbtehs";ien tltat In compliant e with the provisions of .'w att of CoiiKras of June j 187. eivJlUs' "An ait for lit vile .rf umber Unjlv. In, die Mates ol Olirlrnia, O'rgon. Ne visda, arul Washington Teintory," as exlendetl to all the Public ltnd Stales by act of Augu.t 4, itoa, HamiiI.D C Stkvkm.. of ( IrvrUml. county of Dnsiglas, Suite of Oregon, has tin day fi!d lathis olllce his sw-or 11 stAlnuf ut No tx for th ptirelhiv of the South half of tlie North half of Sec. No a , township 30, South Range Na 10 West, and will olfer imih f to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its limlx-r or stone than fur agricultural por poses, ami to establish his claim lu s.t,d land ! lore the Register and Reefiver of thia olhce at Roseburg, Oregon, on Suturilay, the 91I1 Uy of August, lyw. He names as witnesses; Chattel Thom. I0I111 Thom. of Cleveland, Oregon; II, P 1'bomas. A. V. Krot, of RoselMirg, Oregon, Any and all -i sons rlaiuiittg adversely Oie nbove-ilcsciibed Unds are reuestwl to file I lien v'.itms in this olltce on or Ueforii sultl 9th day ii August, 1903. 5-3 p J. T. I1UIIM.K.X, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNK. 'I, 1878- MTICK FOR PUBLICATION. UnlUsl Mates I nd-Hike, Rosclawg, Orrgon, . April aOih, itui. Nosr hi hereby given that In compliaiitr with it) provl.fonsot the net of C'oigrrss ot Iute3. 1878. dntitleil "Att Act for llie .ie Timber I jnd in the Stales of California, Ore gon, Nevada, apd Washington 'lenllorv, at eUntl to alnhe I'ublk i-iad StMej by act ol August 4, it. I'Afl. S. WARK, o(,tinnea;ol;s, county of Hennepin, suite ol Mmoesota. ha this itay filed in this ollue his sworn st.itrrm'Nl No 3990, for the purcnase of ihf V-ist Im II of Ihe IU'l half of Section No. 10, Township 90 milli. of Range 10 W and will orTer proof to show llmt I Ik land sought is more vnluabtt: fur Its timboror stone ilia 11 fur ngricultur.d uriHtM', nnd to establish Ins (Willi to s.iid Linil'ltefore the Rrgistei Mini Re ceiver of this office nt Row-burg, Oregon, on I'lUlay, the Bill day of August, irn. He tmmesas wltnpsvjs! olin Thom, Cliarlet Thom, Hugo Cluck, of Cleveland. Oregon, 'epli Whltcimh, of MinnnKlis, Minn. Any and all wrsou claiumig adveisely tin. above'descrilKHl lands nro reiiii!Sted 10 lih llicir claims In this ofhoe on or before said Nth day of August, 1903. 5-3 p J.T. IlKllMllis, itegUter. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE H, IH7H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales IjiikI Office, RtMoburg, Oregon, Aprfl a6,t 190-j, Notke is Imruby given 'I1.1l In coilipli.iiic uitli ihtl nrtfivlkli.iLL tf iIim rl i,f ',i,inr,s ,. Jumi 3, i7, entitled "An act for the sale o' .!...!.... I,..'l. 1.. .1... l........ -r .Uf 1. . ii,iif.ji mini-. 111 iiiu 011110A tii . iiinoriiHS, 1 in gon, Nev.ula, and W.iiliingion Territory," .1 cxtrililud to all the Public l-nin! Slatm bv m.1 of August , ibVyst, l-IAVARI) I'AI.MKR, of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin, stato of Minnesota, lias this day filed In this ollico hit. sworn statement No. 3390, for iliu purchase of tlio North half of iho South half, .Section No, 3 1, 111 Township No, a(J S, Range No. to West, and will ofllco proof to ihow that the I Itld Sbllliht is iiiorn valn.ililx for lin lln.lwr iw stonn thnn for agricultural purposes, nnd to Jis- 1.11111111 mi tuuiii los.iiu i.inu ucioru inu iscgis ler nnd Rneulvnr of 1I1U nil,., ni tncluir.. Oru;on, oiibatiirilay, the ritli day of Auriiii' . . U .via) Hq names as wllprvvm Harry Tliomai, Avon IC. I'rosl, of Kojnhtirg, (Oregon! Cliailvs' Thom, luhu 'Iboni, of Clevclnul, Oregon, Anv nml nil persons ilaliylng adversely tho iihote.iloscrlhcd (audi me leipie.sted to II In their uhtlms In Ibis fllliceun ur iHifote said 9th day uf August, ioj. 5-j p J. T, llmiKins, Register, TIMBER LANU,ACTJUNEII, IH78.- NOTICE Foil PUBLICATION. United Slatel lawd Ofllsc, Rossburg. fegou, April 'joiIi, too?, Notice Is lirrrhy ghcJi that In couijilf.i'iica with tho provisions uf tint nil uf Cuugrets of lunc j, 1II7II, entitled "An act for tin) sale, of flinlscr lands In the States of California, Oie gon, Nevada, ami Washington Tcrtlloty," us extended to nil the I'ubltc I. mil Suits by net uf Augutt -,.iHja. MARK M. WOI.COIT, of Mliineaimlls, county of Hennepin, stair of .Ulniiesot.i, has this day filed In this ollice Ills sworn statement No a97, for the puithase uf the Souih half uf the Nnph half of section No, 3 In Township No. 3QS, Range No. to West, nnd will oiler proof to show that 1I.0 land sought Is more valuable for its limber 01 stone limn for furlillllnnit ttnrlMttr. nml In .,.l.,l,li.l, 1.1a i Mini to said I tin! U'fote the Register and Re ceiver oi imsouirr nt iiosciiurg, Oregon, on Siturday, the 9th day of August, 1903, He names ns witnesses: 1 Ii.iiIm Thom, of (levrhnd, Oregon, Hdwtrd Palmer. Hugil (lluck, of .Mimieupolls, .lltinesoia; 'Avon IC. 1'iost, of Roseburg, Oregon'. Any nml nil kr sons il dmjng adteru'ly the lands are 'teipicsled to bin their claims In this ofllce uu or lieloie S.1I1I 9th day of August, 1903. 5-3 p J. T. llMiiKirs, Iteglstci. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE .'I I87B- NOTICE FOR PUBI.igATION United Statue LmiiI Ollico. Randiitrir, Or. May 10, Wi, Notlco la hereby glvou tliul in comp. nncn with tint irovlnlntiu of llm ucl of' Cougtean ol Jtiim It 1K78, t'lilltliil "An nut fur Iho rnlnnf timber Ininl lu Hid States nf California, Otegon, Nuvaila ntul Witihinglnn Terrritory," n tixtuiid ed to nil tho Public Laud Hiatus by act of Atigiut 4, imi:, WILL H. SPOOR, of Marefleld, County ol Coon," of, Oregon, hart this slay (lied In thin ollico hlrt nworn nlittumiitit No '.'1 17, for tho titiri'hnMi of tho HI-'J of SI-'J of Section No. ,'H in towtiHlilp No. 'Jil H, Range No. 11 W, nml Mill olfer proof to tdiow that tilt land nought In tnoro valuable for Itrs tliubur or rttoiut than for agricultural purporrn, tttnl to oitnbllsh hU claim In fait! Unit Imlorii W. V, Doimln, U. H. ('oiiiinleBlotifr (or Oregon at Mnrr-hlluld, Oregon, on Friday, the It! day of August, llrO'.'. Ho tinmen ni ultncBfM'i: Jmld Mills, Willia-n JoluiRon, W. C. Illckford, B. B. Cutlii, all of Marnhllotil, Orrgon. Any nnd all person claiming ndvurso ly tho abov-eduncribed I.simIh tins reipioiit. ed to lllu their elnluis In this ollico on or beforo said 1st day of AuguM, IIIU'J. 0-2 1 J, T. BR I DOES, Register. t MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM fait Vnu Not so I or I'roso Tlint It Cmiiiot lln flolsettr At n Iccttiro ut tho Roynl ItiNtltutlon 011 tho fiiHclnntliii; nulijcct of "Muglo Ktitntres" Mnjur P. A. MiicMnhon, V. It. ,S ii'inlndeil IiIh iitiilleiico of the vxhU fiico of it cuflotm probloiii which, tip Hplto Ita iiiiiuirciit Hltupllclty, linn never yet been Kolved. Uu coiiiiuuiitk'il It 16 tho attention of tiny otio pt-fNeiit who, tli'Hlrcd to exorclriu hlu Ingenuity n ml pfiHuiire. Tho probleni Ih na follows: Tlicto 11 to thlrty-Hlx olllcciH of hIx dlirerent nip Us ntul drawn from hI illfTViout rejjl tui'iilH, nml It Ih n'MiiliTil to (iitiiiii;ii tliciu lu 11 Hiiturotif thirty-nix coiiipiiit tnonln, ho Hint lu each row iin well ur In ciu'h t'oliiinii thi'te (iiiprnia tin olll err of each in ni: nnd iiIhu iiii ofllcer from each regiment. EuliT'a "Ri'clierelH'H Sur lino Nouvello Enpoeo do (jutirroH Mnghiucw," which nppt'iirod In 178'J, iIIhciihhuh HiIh prob lem, but glvr-H no Holtitlou, and the Into Profi'Ntior Cnyloy, writing; moro thnn n contury uflerwnril, coufcuHed Unit It wna beyond iIh jiowiTH. Mnjor Miii'.Muliou, who Iiiih milled mi milch to our knowledge of the theory of groups 11 fiiHclniitliig hritiieli oC inntlii'iimllcH which Iiiih iiii Important bcfirlui; on ninny liniiiclicH of phyhlcitl Hcli'iicclinK not yet fouiid 11 key to tho inyalpry. Whoever cnti nolvo UiIh problem or provo Hint It cfiiinut bo nolvcil will nchlevo Iiuuiorlallty on tint Hjih of tiiullieinnllclniifi nml pcrhtiiiH opon 11 door info 11 new realm of the Hclentlllo wonderland which Ih en lied ptiro math cmntlcH. London l'oat. Tito tVorat Trouble, "la thoro iinythlijj; harder to bear thnn renl troublo?" 1 tiHlted the Intellec tual mini who wit next to mo In tho Hinoher. , "Only iiniigltutry 'trouble," he replied. JtitlKC.