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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1902)
.' iim-'.fJiliW'X-v Wsiii;fc.v I A . ZZZ-ni'MtmuvKtsa.' jri Jt. ' M1 wrapnopnano Prices $5 W&Rt&l WHtE $r the pqfcs CJtfifA- 1 . v to.. i . aK" '&.&TE8T EEVf P!Rfi$& RROQBBB Grand "fU::rtJ ix tacit. t5rr"t 3t3r;& 50c etc';. 5 pr sImm. wen:: !sr Snd & trltr yr.i r ! jcotU QZ.a&?&tA pcsnnonnAPH KortPAM r-rn .-,.- ,, " -.,--, .-..J v .. V.i.. ww-l I MBaisa ai 7 av . . isw ra ffl3?(.v ai . -. m sir et'&Raiz estiva? graham. m :&fo$iBpg&1Esti0 M'intlu liHtrt 1 J Tk 1 Pjh trcfi V xti.i i l ' ' . . V i 7 ' . TOW 4 . tV A , ' Cu.'ft'.i Y f : ' ; -. 'ir.v. far f '" :-". . StgE 'nit ."''r. Kia TUf i2VK:.9!:' -j- tr ii'ifl..' j- LTV.' W. Jin ''". . I-Ai' ii -JJL uaaana.'aAcc'as'ixtsaBcaBi rr-.r iir"7l''iJ'Vf.',j"Cw"W ! '..'U.Mnfll kvL..4n..!'. ttO i iiit:-H? tii r. Mr..Cb)( i (pnwc4 vnm-Jf IV UMi l.tlfc, IKHC Hi tTflnMliajllinpfflllflMt." ' . 'rrTaannffwiii wmyicirfa l '. ii. .! f ! m iM I t . ti -nfnl ii 1'jll i tiiii "--"- -.-"--"- . : .-:.-.-: i - III li AM .J.ui M.lrunr Mi tHH0u!Qtt .f o i r. U-'.-w Jttl iu Mi . Ji''ti I PH I lili . ' OtltCI j " - u -'-iLiiw ui'CAiva ,n.iia. AC ii - ' IT ' .' V . . T ..IMP"-" w Aitok w J r wX i 'i'n u aeiufexn&u .. w.; yxiysv .1 mwimk tin IT. irli.l WtivST'tfi' - .:Vto Pubilsiw: !t:.V-.:'-"r5Uwi ,o Wny ti AVviillli. Short If 1 hail iih Hindi money ns you Iimvo. I wouldn't lio bo blamed fctln y with It. I.nni; My dear lioy, tlint Ih tlio.vory rciihoii you will nuvor li.vvo It. Clilcnco ytii 1W " "Uj.' "&'" '"Jl" f C 0. D.. GROCERY A fall lino of choii'o Rrncorios, food, Hour, hum and baron alwayii on hand, frovli frultrt and vegotablcu received on ovory utonmor j-issr ,?o z r vo fox phoouoe. b'jttgr and raoa Tree Delivery TdcpliMiCi ll?nlh'!'l. to $150. H GMIN8 PRSZE EXFosmau. Jfcintertams Everybody Jbv6rvwnere cr '.rte. .U Lt ir.i'u C.O.D. To: the balance c rr-' :c" a r.v! KJ ..f I f . .Vi'JV.'! Will I na. SW77FTrij'KvjrinMi1tta i .''J' Stf 3? BShttSfWEjR .rr.rt. , - wit ,sM. j.ri .vc w l.-n ,?y i w w- f s iIiiiki Hi I . n N. I " lt ri -a '! itii.M l I". " II f I V I ,u l'V"l ..U 1 1. !( I(U :i .lull.. it ,.M J HjH Ml. VT'Aa Asfa-atf $yussswio&& ks&oto er 4h amp l - mit'. r ' l 1 f-J. . m !, r ! J'ttlar I itlkt.' I t . f'K K if t-ly, lnvli.4 1 tn iiil; 1 ir-.i Ti l. i: ) u i. "-ii nif rn. wk! n-.eBl 1 if U ii" ' i iiir a . r; m... ii (nrli "f JUn t-rr nf hi miwmptitt K'Otlil fli I fl 'Ok .I l I J. Il- HllW l M.fltrf IfMll 114 t!, nciK la. ninwii' ! -i'.. ncuu:v. m .rt., cuu:v. Itf iiM 4rmir .. -fi, r.MtuiHJ i h -1 '"V Uwff"-'i M ' ".: " T' u L.-HI. (hi- "i'uaMi ,j . .(ftttM." am! tcMIm luiivtM . i it' KiUtna ilii. ul UM CMHtal IM"U. naaonx n IE t rTV VOii- IlirA v.r. "Mr. . . . . .. VA (Utt i lr :h l;'.c 4 l,t. Imi : t lk I. it I'll. i d lalM III wdry rt-U UK IlKlr nrtM tM, II (ti fc'-il u , t-.i.ii)i:." 9 MmMrTUBrjB7inaKiLrx3!i.' I'Vli t'i ?V : ! lyboly iwJ f" . r- .. .. . . - .. ". iv i ! ' i-'W. un-i i r. v r.i-.n i..ji." vf timtrtfrpu. T..i, n.r t.n I t ! 1 1" ' ' I IK m wiii'ln, il'il ! 'kH piV rtJjh "-Hill m'VtH ty.'l U.. Kc . I'm i;-..i.l.'tl' U;it'li. HHI'lffX. ,ei o I. r'r'li M HKftr , CWjfr-'U- ...'-. nava'Wi rawonVT. Force of llnlilt. Oertlil Your father kicks about my cnllliiK ko often. Oeralillno Don't mind lilm. It's only a fako kick. Ho used to bo a football player. Now Jt'ork Times. ' u . mix wraiatwai HMIMMWIMl I fci m irJUfM1 'TTVt'wy, yE "J J . CONGRESS PREPARES , 10 CLOSE UP Vole l.o be Taken oil Philippines Hill Tuesday Afternoon -Cnnnl Ng.-tj WnihlnKton, May SiKoxt week rnnrlfs tlio IjoInnln ol tho end of tlio prcecnt kobbIoii of conrcm). Not only will tlio dulmlo on tho PJiilippInu Civil Uovornnicnt bill bo brouulit to a con cliiHion, but tho program of action upon tho Cuban Rcciprccity and Itthtninn Cntinl bills will be marked out. Ledors in tho nonnto expect an nd jonnnncnt in June. .Monday and Tueidny of next wcol: will bo dcvolod, to 1i ntlnutoepoofheo on tho riiillpplnu bill, with tho understand liiK that a vote will bo taken at 1 o'clock Tuotdiiy. That will paea it Ih aforcne conclusion. Tlio Iblhminn Canal bill will then be taken up, tho dobato continuing to the end of tho week. Tho Cuban Reciprocity mensuro will prolmbaly lo reported to tho fcnate Wednesday. KX-GOV. P12N10YJ?R . DIKSSUDDENLY 1'ortland, May m l?x-6ovornor Syl veiter I'onnoycr died suddenly of heart d!teno at hii borne at Wit I'ark, Mor rlton street at -i o'clock yoeterdsy after noon. Jfo won aloaoin his library in tho upper ntory of bis reuidenco at the t lino of hN death, and was not discover ed until about f o'clock. CHICAGO UKIvLY TO GO HUNGRY Tcanislcrs Strike Slops Delivery of Meat and Ice and Coal, Supply TliT&tenc'd- Chicago. My Ml Tho ittuatlon in tho tcnmetcM f triko this morning is serious. The block yard report) indlcato tlmt not a pound of meat is being delivered. Hotels and' rostuuranta bavo been notillcd Hint if tboy coutjnuo to patron iz tho packers their eupply of ico and coal will bo cat off. Court Adjourn'J Washington, I). C. Juno 2: At the conclusion of busiucre today Oniof ifus ticu Fuller anuouuesd tho adjournment of tit United Statiu SuprcmcTourt (or the term. UNXLAIMED LET1ES Lift of unclaimed letters remaining in tlio, Oregon, rostoflleo, .lune lat, 11)02. Toroits culling for tho same wl'l plonio eay ndveiti;d: GeorgoAn dorian, It W Brown, Kid Bloomqulat, Witt Bunch, J A Iluuson 2, Ullbiyrt Hall, U L Handel, M S Holme;, Chug 1) Johnson, Mteo Mary .TohiiEon, .Miss B.dlo Johnson, John Jones, Win Judd (i Mosso, Aug l'olorson, It Itossott, Capt T II Stavnes, H Jv Smith, Harry Taylor, Atiltiouy AVulslt. Y. B. Cuiitih, P. M. jja.wix.gxaaJ33?iicnTggraaEisaiiBt rfitiftoffi'Wi ffimR say "Consumption can bo cured." NiUuronlonovon'tcloIt. It needs holp. Dootora say "Scott's EmuSsion is tlio best holp." But you must 1 Inontlnuo Its use even In hot! woittnei'. If jju liavc not tried It, fern! for free sample. scott s lio-w nt;, ciieniitg, 40J-415 ltarl Street, New York, 50c. amJJi.oo; mi druggist. . , uwmammmmmmmmm If You Could Look Inlolliefuliirenndtodlliecoiiillllon will bfliiK you, ynl w(ju1(1 -vyk relict nl ouce ttiid that nniurally vrouta hi llirougli Shiloh9 8 Consumption njvv OunrjintwiJ to ctirc.Ci- H ,H ! 1 6- sumption, JJronc-liltl In. T' AMlimn, n nml nil I.nnif Troulilc. Ctir c Cough mid Cold in a tiny. Si renin. "Write lo 8, C, VI Lto & Co., 1: Iloy, If. V for free trial toillc. Karl's Clover Rooffea purifies the Blood CHAMBER OF COM MERCE RESOLVES At a meeting of the Coos Day Cham bur of Commerce, hold on tho 221 day of May, 1002, tho folJowinB resolutions woro unauimotuly pasted: WitKitUAn, thoro has been appro priated for tlio improvement ol Cooalhy at tho present sosti'on of Congreas tho sum of f'OOO.OO as a result of tho com bined efforli of tho Oregon Delegation in Congress; and Vi'iiiiuuah, owing to the ndvcrr.o re port of the U. .S. Knginecrs, it has re quired more than ordinary efforts nn the part of our Fid Delegation to securo recognition at this timo for Coos Bay and w WiturtKAA, in vl07. of the'dcvelopmont of extensive cosl fitlds and general in creased activity in tho development of the great natural resjurcesof tho C'ooe Day country, appropriations for tho im provement of tho Cobb Hay bar and har bor nt this timo arc of special import ance; Now, TiimiEroitt:, Bn It Resolved that this body and tho pcoplo of Coos Hay in goneral appreciate the successful efforts of our eaid Delegation in tccur ing for Coot Bay tho said appropriation; Keoolved that the Chamber of Com merce, also representing and expteseinc .' tho feelings of tho cltfxcna of Coos Hay, herpby express their gratitudo to the niPtnuorft of f nid Oregon Delegation ; Ui:olvki that tho Secretary bu and heroin- is instructed to forward copies of tlioko resolutlonh to tho mombcre of the paid DoIotrnUon. Coes Uav C'haiidek Or Coumkhcs Jam. II. Flanaqan I'reiidont. IIe.MIV SnSOSTACKEX Secretary. Ship Carpenters Organize A Ship-Carpenters' Union was or g.tnizod in Mnrshtlcld Saturday night with CO charter members. Tho Mill-Mcns' Union hold it regu lar mcctluj Saturday night and in stalled permanent ofllcers, and tbo Kngineera will soon organize. Shoots Twenty-One Miles. Now York-f Juno 2: Arrangements aru being mudo at Ft. Hamilton for mounting tbo ;iow 10-iach guu which baa boon in conrto of construction at tho Watorvleit Arscnol for tho past four years. Tlio gun will bo placed at tbo fort-as soon as it lias boeu officially tested at tho Sandy Hook proving ground. Tho teat is awaited eugorly by a'l tho gun makers of the world. It is "claimed tho gun wllMiurl r. obeli twonty-ono tuilos. In order to discharge tho gun it will ro quiro 1,000 pounds of powder ami a 2,000 i pounds projociilo. Tho weight of the I guu ia 150 tons. BLEOTECOITY Aro you MifTcrhnr front llhiiinnthm. i r . .. " iai lmt'K' -pvvouri trouble or tienoraiiy n tipwi raiwur ist Kit-cirio nuns and Batteries. For njon and wtuuon. KloctvIO Insoles koj the foot warm nuil prevent catching cold. Koi bo l;Iet ami circulars, mltlresn, iSl.HCT!tIO Al'IM.lANCE L'O., INledford, Oregoiit LORD KITCHENER S?22? " SIGNS PEACE TREATy- British Wii Pay Thrcp Million Pounds For Stocking Boer Farms The Rank and Pile Disfranchise, London, Juno 2 In tbo Hotuo of Commona thin effernoon Balfour said tho terms of peace with South Africa oro that tho Bocni lay down their ar'rnh and tfcofrnizo tbo eoerergnty of th6 king, that tbo Boer prieonerH will brf brought back as soon ns possible, wijh- out loss of liberty or property. "" The cabinet' held a half h6ur cession this morning to consider tbo form of an nounccment of peaco terms. Dense crowds thronged Downing street and cheered tho minister? enronto to. the consultation. Chamberlain, secretary' of war received an ovation, and cries of, "You did it," wero heard. Tlio peaco terms aro as follows: Tho Boers are to hand over all linns and am' munition in their possession or under, their control. No action will be taken agAinst prison era except those who broke the laws of war. Tbo Datch langungo will be taught in tbo pcIiodIs. where the parents desire. Hides will bo allowed the Boers for. their protection. Military government will bo with-, drawn ns soon as 03Biblo. Solfgovernment will bo cstadlished. Thoro will be no tax on tbo Transvaal to pay the cost of tbo war. Tlirco million pounds will bo furnish ed by the British government for stock ing tho Boer farms. Lord Kitcbncr, Subsequent to signing tho terms, informed the' Boer delegates', of tho British intentions regarding the rebels not. included in the agreement. Thuy will bo subject to trial according to tho .'wb of tho colony to which they" belong. The rank and lllo will bo die frnnchiped for life. No death penalty will bo inflicted. Tuberculosis Dis cussed. New York, June: Tho conferenco ol tho American Congress of Tuberculosis,, which was postponed from list month, began its cessions today at tho Hotel Majestic. There wero present to take part in th& difcusalons eminent physic, ians and eurccons, health authorities and other interested persons from nearly-' ' every part of tho United States and Canada. Tbo cessions aro to continue, three days, during which timo the sub ject of tho dread disease, its provention and treatment, will bo discussed from every point of view. Particular atten. tion is to bo paid to recent discoveries 0! so-called cures for tho disease and alto to tho subject of government aid in tho establishment and maintenance ot institutions for scientific treatment. Reduced Hours. Antonia, Conn., June 2: Twcnty-fivo hundred men aro benefited by tho re duced working schedule which went into effect today at tho American Brass Company and tho Farrell Foundry and Machino Company. Tho reduction, which is voluntary on the part ot tho companies, amounts to 5 hours a week, without any decreaso in wages. Bright's Disease Tho largost sum ovor payed for.n pro scription, changed hands at San Fran citco, Aug. 30. 1001. Tho transferrin volved in coiu uud stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business tnon for a specific for Brigiil'n Disease and Dlu betes, hitherto incurublo diseases. They commenced tho serious investi gation of tho specific Nov. 15, 1000. They interviews tcores of tlio curort rmd' tried it out on its merits by putting over three dcz? cases on tho trcaoment and watching them. They also got physici ans for judges. Up to August 2 1, eightv seven per cent of the test cases wero either woj or progressing favorably, Ttioro being on'y thiiteen per cont of failures, tho parties wero tatiefled and oWcd t bo trausaction. Tho proceeding of tho invcetictuini! committeo nud the.' clinical reports of tVu test casea werq published niid will bo mailed fii'o-niy application. Address John. J.,'Fiiltif Company, AiQ Montgomery St., Suit Francisco Cal, J I n to- Mtfftk. i it.-ii ".. ' it 4 tbi't' . !$bfo ;: -;. ., f v VI . 1 Vi rema kl.' 1 1 TnrrgpijMMpjMT-igMr- imtmmm in mtm i u 1 hi -fta wwws-.'rf. mid SkMk -U? ffj