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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1902)
r t . A- s; A'V i. ix.uer.: 0UTKR BOUV WENT ADRIFT AND ASHORE Illustration of Hie Importance of Tel ephonic C'jiniiiiiiilcnlloii Willi 'a: Life Saving Station Kcynidiujj the outer bar bony, which wnH reported in ycHtcrdav's daily as havitifr dtifted fioiu its position, we have mccived a note ftont Cart Norman Nelson, ol the Cape Arayo I,i(e .Saving station, under dnte of Kel. 27th saying: "I bej; to iufonu you of the fact that the Outer Jlur Hony, 1st elasw can, black and white per pendicular stiipes, parted Ironists moonu'-s at a am tun morning, ' ... ... , I'l'l) "n ill .'Mill Nl IIM'.tt rMiiii,ur ' -I " '" w h 11 ihiougli the jstn f towaids the) beach stbout tf mile not ill of Noilli Jetty." This note was scut up Tlitirs- : , . ,, ... , day by Capt. Nelson, who is , , , I nhviiyx keenly alive to the inter-' cuts of the tciegoiiig ceiniuetceof this jvoit, but did not reach this office until the next morning. It well illustrates the fact that telephone councctio with the station would be of immense benefit to our shippm-; interests When the line from the life baviug station to the lookout at the bar is completed, the matter hhould b" rftiuiigly put before the department and thru: is no dpult that a cable would be put in and connection made at liuipire. 1 lie Meneley Quartette. This splendid company, of sing crs will be in Marshficld, Tuesday, ' March nth. The concert will be given in the Odd KellcwV Hall, Reseived seats will be on sale in a few days. Th:ir comii.g will be the feat of the year. J'he daily Chronicle of The Dalles says of them: "Tlic Meneley Quartette beats nil the circti?e? and luiuattcls and comedies we have ever witnessed. It was more than an en ertaiu-, meul, it was a sermon, and a set moil that will long be icuieiu-bercd." Miller LilKl Suit Settled The libel suit of O. C. V.iih ineu vs. the Schooner John i Miller which has been pending in the U. S. distnct court nl Port laud was settled Kiiday afternoon, in favor ol the plaintif, allowing him $119.30. on his claims f $i39'.10' U S. Marshal llmnhprcy was notified of the decision ofthe court by wire, nnd the claim being paid the vessel was released from cttstoday, INO TROUBLE ANTICIPATED FOR ALLIANCE AT EUREKA The Slcnmcr Alliance sailed Yesterday afternoon for Kurchn and San Francisco, being the only vessel to cross out or in. There has been some doubt here as to what sort of reception she would meet with nl Kurekn, as the reports from that point in dicate that the Kureka authorities have a Miialipox icarc. It seems that they requested the Gray Steamship Co. to IcaveCoos Hay off the Alliance route,, on pain of being foi bidden to lar.d at Kureka, and to this the Gray Steamship Co tct.lied, to th ef led that li cither Coos ISay or Ku . r,.lfi flllttit llM 1fft Mllf if ivim1I,iI f .W.I. WV. I.IV Will. 1. "UUIVIM I I US I. WIS nay. Then the Kurck- Jans modified their views, and on the 20th had sobered off to the I jvoitit of allowing the Alliance to .land anything from here except passenger, , , Uefoie the steamer kit yester- ... oay sue was vi.micu oy vuy Health Officer Miugus, who care fully inspected passengers and crew. He gave the boat a clean bitl of health and ..cut a letter to the Kureka authorities giving them official information of the conditions here, and it is not an ticipated that the steamer or her passcngeis will have any trouble landing at Kutcka. There would now be fully as much trnsou in our quarantining against Kureka, as in their qintr auliiiug against us. Registration of Voter. Hollowing is the total number by pneiucts of voteis registered in this county up to the time of goiuy to press: Jlnndou 55. Ilutton I'rnirie 13, Coalcdo 2, Coos City 3, Coos River 8, iVuith Coos River 3, Coqu lie i.j, Deer Park r, Dora 20, Kmnire 28,Ku- chanted 9, Four Mile 7, Lake 3, North M.ushfield 20, South Marslif.ild ., Missouri 9, Myrtle loi,u lI0 Newport 3, Norwa 25, lkersburR 8, Prosper 2, rnjrJtr.xm!ivrjccvttM Oaa JcXS2c9 protcrvoH nuilTTctnoff, xpronil utlilntuutliurof mm mvm m 1 'j P1 M ivJ Will l:wp ll'm nlaolutslr moUturo nm p: i.ciii iMur. rinoiiiiUHHii'iiriiuinuiiHiao iiurul In 11 il ion nttior ii ulioiu tli-j Iiciua 1'ull liri'Ct'niiii In oach ii.ickuttf. HoUiwryuiiu. GTANDARD OIL CO. uvnnai ni'MiT .- ,-v v y.i.iAriiv.iv! RS3s t t&mmm m ' til J5 fiy GTANDAHD OILCO. vi Rivcrlon 8, Rowland 5, South Slough o, Sumner 3, Tcumilc 5. Totntl. 538. Coquilfc bulletin. A TRAGIC TAIJj-' FROM EMPIRE CITY Man f.oses llii Purse anj Contents While Seeing the Etc pliant It is reported that one of the pa scngers who have been wait ing at Kinpire City for the Area ta to get to sea i.'ra poorer and perhaps wiser man than, he was day before yesterday. As the story goes, he was drinking with a crowd in a saloon Wednesday evening when a well known daughter of one of the I'Mrsi families of Oregon came in and joined in the festivities. The hero ol the story and the voting female soon joined company and adjourned to more private quar tc rs. When the adventurer appeared again in rociety, clothed and in his light mind, lie reported that his pur.c, containing $40 in eaih, his trurk keys and checks, had mysteriously disappeared. So far as heard Ironi his prop ertv had not been recovered. The bar was reported to be un usually rough Thursday afternoon and had not abated last night. A man Ironi the light house report id at Kinpire that the waves were 1 leaking clear over tl.u bridge that connects the lighthouse with the main laud. Several timbers from the jetty fiqated up the bay an fur us Kinpire so it is surmised that considerable damage has been done to the jetty, but just what the extent of thedsinnge has been cannot be learned at this issue. John Merchant of Dean & Co's store measured one of the hail stones that fell Thursday morning and found it to be fj of an inch tluough and J4 of an i.ich long, Hail stones of this size aic curiosities in Coos. CASTOR a A For I .font? and Children. fha Kind oi!!syb .toys Bought Boars tho Signature cf i&7&i Capt. A. M. Simpson Tin lM-niinv innnlior of tho rueot Sound l.iiiiiliormim linn nn cscoltiMit pirtniit ot dipt. A. M. Niupwii and a vit'wot tliiSlinp.un Lumber Compaiiy'ii mill at l-'oulli lU'iiii. Miwli; aim the fol low iini personal ineiilion of tlio man wliolMhlirinm elosely iileutilled witli tlio industrial developuieutof Coos Unv 'roiii tho Hi-1: I.......... 1 ti tj in rtt Mm ..iiiiiitod. (2 KOTIXB I 1.(1(11.11 1 r'UIll-l'll ir mil' v, iiiu nuiv-i-.-n- Sg&J 1 fill veteran lumbermen and .-hip build :$tfl$a vr of ihe t'lielftc r-iwt, a native of tho w&w5 -'ate of Mniiie, hmiliiK to thin const in V'K lie !. iiaorlainnl, eo-iioinlc, nie- ei'-lioinic. me-lin . . ... ...... .1.1. . .1 . .. in. hhexei'lent jinlKiiieiit J11 fliiiuiceeriiis lube biisi'iuf brt Rreiit HUccewi. In oil- dltiou to his luteierlse.t Hoiitlt Rend he ban mills at Ki'appton. Vanl1.5 Coos Ray, 11.. 1 i....ii..i4 illt Pil mill iiiiiiiai'.ii I'liiUlli'iu uTiini'. 111111 uiif, iiiKi'iiier mi!n vhjuju a: juj u , linil'lll llllil .mil llllllllll'IMIn,,... .iiilllni mill Imlll il t I'll (llfnriwf .1 ! J llllll'l IHIIIIIIi 11.111 ...1.1..-1..I1. ...l.V..l eattered over the elates ol California, Orefrou ai'il Wnifliinulon, besides liavinu recently dd tho North Western lerCo., at liiiiialiu, Yaeh. Tho Cap Min takee rival intenwL in liuililini: vi'-mIh. and linn built on. 111 average of one a vear for the past :it yiars, in order l.ceii piiee Willi the .developiuent of of tho lumber and f lilpplnjr Industry of the raellle Cj m-t. llio Captaiu ! brilliant eonvorea tionallst, and one who. Is fortunate enough to lieav some of the Captain's remlnlncehi!L,.,. wiileh usually have a moral in them, Is fortunate indeed. .Ifc I)'. P. N NEWS DEALER AND AGENT .?. 'J. L a t c h t Han F r a 11 il a 1 1 I c H. "Ail tlm outtt . e iiya ndPayino 0 a jcd 8 11 1 s c r I p 1 1 p a p ( r h a n il Kino cignrit mid tobacco. .0. That is what we jgj gq iTiT J i tb wHTSwi TiW'rt it rU & l 1 ttpfSfg Ztjg KiXVi ElLi? we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY ' ' is gnaranteet andtjie. price is riht. OUR STOCK anything required in Fir, Spruce, Red and White SIMPSON LUMBER GO, Pliane Main 151, NOftfl Beild, Of 1 " X" 'ui" iif "cjt'1 a ajj iad 'ijy '.i C 0. D. .GROCERY ' . full lino of clioioo Kroceric?, feed, flour, hum anil liicoa alwu.vH 011 hand, fresh fruits anil vegetables reoeived on every steamer H O -tZ5r PrllCZ PAIDIFOR PRODUCE, BUTTER AND EG3S Free Dsllvcry . i- m. .v .fptw NTTim TSTtTHTTl n . n . vtiinii li ki m 1 0 B u ? n m til Bh.Sk"rO B (3 DRAI.HU IN GKOCEHIES, g KKRS1I FRUITS, YKUKTA- H 1J,ES v no visions, I Fl.OUli KlilSD, KTC, OF e TIIK EST QUAMTY. H ntlOKS ltKAKONARLK. F It 0 'A K N 0 Y S T 12 11 S g 1 a a w KYEKY WAY. U li g A Street, Marshfield, Ore g a raiaraca KuiBiQSBaaaihiroui P w 0 B T 0 W. tmti - c I h c n 11 it l'nr t J a 11 d load In K MiiKazlnoiiT . v it ?; PSW w 0 n h for all periodicals, r Stntloiiory, Jewelry, notions 1 w 4 have to sell, and . N 1 INCLUDES .' -r Cedar. , . Telephone; ninInMf - ifftr ifffh rfti a CENTRAL HOTEL Comer of Frout and 'A'strcets, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JDNHSHYDHR, : : : : : .'Proprietor ft niltilS VKI.L.KNOWN ANDFAVOUl'IK J. HOTEL ha lust len entirely refillcfl anrt a'lurnislicit.lhroiichcutand is again open to d,e ' pnli!i; for iwtroiugc. New beds nnd sprinn mattresses hdve been i plr.ccd in almost every sleepinj; room 6f tul botue and neitl'er tmntile nor e.xnrns lw: bv (micu 10 jiui everxiur.s la ursi-ciass oraer, TERMS,-. V Pcard mid LodKln, j-cr vrcck rs.i c lioarrl, per wetk j j &is!o Weals'. , , ; 4 . 14 -w V. f '1' : - i ", .: 1 l) t, m t