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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1902)
k I - I Ik Xv mfnwMfK .- Vfiww ltniea'u'nnMHtt&'rxr,jivimnjn wmmmm BBMJIIBKiMiilBMIBBBMBBKBMIBBIiffcliilTii'flfc' fTftmii tfi Tho ICInil You IFiivo AlwiiyH la urio for over 0 yearn, &t& Allow (Zt All CnunlurfoltM, IinliiitloiH and' JuKl-aH-irond" aro lint; Kxiiurlintjui that trlllo with and ondniifroi'flio lienlfli of Infant and Ohlltlrou-Kxporluiico ni:nIiiHt Kxpurlniout. What is CASTOR I A CaNtorlu la iv ImriulcHri nubntltuto for Cantor Oil, Pnro Krlc, DrniiN and Hnothliiir Hyrtiii, It Ih Plentmnt. It oanlalnti neither Opium, Mnrpliliio nor otliur Nitrcotlo miliMtnnro. Km uiju Ih Uh friiuraiituo. It tlcatroyii VirniJ Mild allayri Fovcrlfihiicifi. It cure Dlarrlauu and AVIntl Colic. It i'oIIovch Tue tlilnir Trouble, curuH Contitlpiitlnu and Flatulency. It iihMiuIIuIi'm tlio L'ood, regulate tlio Bttnuucli and llnwclM, itlvluir healthy and natural nk-en. Tlio Clilldruu'M Panacea Tho Mother'i Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS Boars tho 0t&fy Cc ThB Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Don't Force Your Bowels with lurch miners! which always leave bad n((rrcltc!3 on the entire system, and where their use h pmh'cd in, tend to complete' wreck the I'.onuch And bow. It. (w Edga Cathartic cil Confections The cnty Iwrmftjj, vccetaMe, towel recuktoo and liver viutirer ,, " A . . . . . A rleAunt to the taite ai cuviy, And as positive as the lurih- Cit mlnrril. No jripc or pain. w JO, 25, 50 cents. fanrl r.mir. rril ftlnrfl. V 1 n r 11 - I fifilr rnrrfllllV JLUUIV VCli UUUI.V To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills CAtise the LitlucvH to work na Battue Intended they hhould. They build up the .shrunken trails of tin; kidney, nn no liiown remedy huti been fuund ti do before. )iA o cure for urinary troubles they huve no equal. 10, 35i 50 Cents Rod Cross DriifJj Store JLfl A Subtle Foe "ei u?tm Kn SU l)vM'n'.i b 11 trccPKiilml in lull'tliu 1 '.. H divilvw tin unUiiowIn,! MitTiiir. It iimiiy varlailuiu wurk idonj; tlio wcala at llnui of llu nyiitviii. To luttlo u.rilimt only otiu of thrni Id vntti. OiirbtK)klAt'xjilaliiiltanyitif toiiH. Our lyH'wlu'I.WfUBlvo complete n id lammr ruiui. GJLES' DyspepsiaTablets 100., 2sc. K9 AilO OOO. HcdtOross Storo fYOUR. FAITI? will be aa 1 itrotig n oura II you try- Shlloh's Consumption ?i , . la .. vSSSSHm V llrouclittU and " y ..;.'. Tr,.Hi,ir. will etire a count, or cold Hi dav anil thu nrcvciil aerlou rrJiiua. II fua feci uob.B tlie-e Ihlug. for H) y. 8. C. WMixa Ht Co.. te Koy, w. ' opt I p c oOj.i.l..'. mid oura U o Hronx wo I At1?& Buarauteoarureoricluiid VUI iitoiicy. and we end you free trial bollte It you. vrrlto lur M. o t,i. Mini brill cure uii (I Karl's Clovsr Koot Tea corrects tit StonncbJ j-ii,-n r.i 1 ' ' iJniiRht, miiI which linn liocu lia fionm (lio itiiriintnro oC m and linn ?)iuii iiimlo timicr Iilrt .icr , ROimlMiiiorvInlou iiliico IU InfHncy. no ono to ilovol vo you In thin. Sirjnnturo of WU Coast Hail. M Ml IUI.I) OR1.UON ADDITIONAL LOCA M. I). Sun ik'i, deputy jwst iiiastei, linn moved into the Chimes house on Fourth street. Educate Your Dowels. Your howeh can be trained as well n vmtr liuurli-n nr vnnr liraln. Cat- carets Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do right, ficnuine tablets Btamiicd C. C. C. Never sold in uu'k- All druggliu, ioc. ', C. K. Dole, of Gl.isco, reports tlmt wihl cnt.s nre liccoiiiini very uuiiirtout in lift .section. Mr. Dole 5iY' lie has hM.wventecn (cose and ciulit hcep diuiuj; the ( inst luu wet hi Olid lins nlnccdll, IMrr Mkh4rtlnlnk,fciryoiiCiilrer 95 ! e. , .7 ,lsCrtthM. iinelnR. hlinsirpotu... 17 bounty of 2ouevciy eat killed uontiitMc.Uu,.. ..! 351 j() Qr ,'Icar rjlaxo. !J.l1,'Urt,J' '""V. TcBmltetrefk.... 57 qqntt TOBACCO SPIT and AM OKU Vourl.lfcawoyl Vwi can I ruled of ally form of lobarro u.lnit eullr l ma.le wtll. .troug. liunnic, lull nl new lib and Mit-r by laklnc MO-TO-BAO, Dial nitk.a Me.k inn ationi; Many r.ln tin pournla In ten daya. oier 300,000 ruled. Atldtueyi.u Cuco cuarantreil. kwk H ati.l aJtlce I'KIII! AdTlieu HTltUI.INO UUUU0V CO, Clilcjuoor New Vk. 4J7 The entertainment which was to be Riven bt the l'rutcrnal Union on the lbMhinst., husbecu iMst)oncil to the 23d, to secure the assistance ol some who hnd other appoiiitmeut.s for the date .first sel. OA0TOHIA. The Coquille llulMii. kcs our "barhilulet, and l.ins us wiin 'MjiitLiuiltiluesa." We pass. OAOTOniA. Bwitu lrilM Yea iljiMir Bast MMw mnrlifiLul smnllnok lins reached Sumner, and is reported !.. .1... r... ..:t:.. r r,...i.ii a n 1 111 llic liiiiiiin..-. u. S..-J .:" line, n Mull Mn son 11 lilt A ex "-v.... , , MlltiOll. ' """ - Dun'l l,lo Ti'jji'llu'r ' Comtlpullon and liftdlli never K'l lofielher, IJKJiUo Win. tdutu liir Mm piomlc e.vy, UClonorilelK)i.ll wlllioui iiuirrii. "i 11 e Utii liiiulilnl with lo.llvenrii nine ycaia." wy j. COieene, l)rni I ""I. "I ,wo "lci1 mM trmrdle but Utile I'jrly Kiieri filve belt re- aiilw.-Mcil Crow Uiub Store and Sengjiackru'i. 1'h.triiucy A Good Time al Cole's On Saturday night about a do, cu of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Cole's friends met at their .home on 3d nudA street and enjoyed the hosp italities of the home. It was a rcg. nlnr old. fashioned sociable good time and all this was topped off with a delicious luucluou at the piopcr nour. The evening was a very pleasant event for those pa-scut, CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children, Tha Kind You Have Always Bought C0UN1V COURT PROCEUDINGS. KXI'l.rlSltlf VACATION ArTRK SCIT., I'yOI, KiLiiicu(ullivrr $1331 w I'pul Atit biiljc. . . ..i. ...... ...... 9j 38 Indigent ami Imnne, ......... ....... 47" P" IVIrpliond ,,,,, ..... .......... ... 8J 78 Clllllll COUfl.. ii.k. i... 7 5 Jicalpt .. 54 l.mNH.1 OK im.UMK JANtMMV, !, TKSM. 1 ju-iif.i:icuTrxi'Hir.t. Ijolm Hntdir, ImauiI for jiritoncr, I. 1 Norton ..nt 1 5 I W lloitfIMmueil on iiandrrlln, ...... 10 00 1 1'. M IlLitki-ihy, iclrflicntitjc arrant ol i mrnt of Wett .. ....... .. . . ... 0 oj 1 l.ipvntrilii ce Stale of Oregon v i UwttJohiiKin, trlnllxfotej II Ucll.. 3 35 I Urix-riittlniiueMMeof dicton vi T Hlicril, UlrdWoreJ II tVcll U 70 ' I'.ipemet In cute htaiu uf Ofeon v ! lot Idlaml ...... IS IS Hiwn,t III cms Stole of rjirron vt 1. ftoitun, tricti i-iwe w 11 r njue. Si Jor terrier of lurort l S'ileinltr) ij, ... ........... OS 40 luitiol (IiciiIUouiI,, i:inc.of wllnrut-i Ix-fmr illUMiy ... 47 & lilLIJ AI.IJKU. I. It Ihunl, (oiti;(i, etc., tlrik office.. 11 Bo MOIIirr, " " ili'ilffofrice., 8 16 J II Uullfj, " " luoi otiice.. 4 jo "Xmil I'utiOM'UlillilihK nolle... 3 00 (J A Iknntlt. pilnling lUnki. 6000 CxUllle City llmlJ, hUnki for county olficiuliinil lotitl pfocrciliriK. 4... ...8 7$ Coulllc City llullrtln, I.Unk fur county ottkUli ftnd cvunlircouil inocrnllnici. B4 35 li.h.i l'iruii. I.Unk b.xik lor urcyor. ... 10 cm . lion It Moaitt A to-, blinkt.,.,, 308 i UUn iitiil I'lU'llii'iniiir, Ixioki, tic..,,., M 07 IimIii. I ludton lu . firtflUmllonbaoKI,., x 5 I'yot. t'lihmu nnil ( o. lutloiury, etc. . 30 60 (,oluiiiUi'l)rrli'r Co, itlinge of iii.itiliK Hifl riLboi. . . 4905 INDIUUST ANIIIHiANIU J Iwobton, uiflin for IJrown, ilrctiKJ.. o 00 1 T Mttomuc, ttrtlc. Iwnplul, etc., .aio 75 )', A Ainltrrw, ullnjr toffin to Newpoit, is Mr Wkkltam. ImmiiI for Uxletlo, ...... 3 00 (I W Mmlln. fair for Wmloilh 6 jo Alx Attrll, fjic til KowbutC S 45 John 1'ituki, mrUtclnc... 9W1 ltilt hlminoiK, UikkIiie tfie 300 N loifiti. cloilnnj: fur Mr bun 3 7 l)r W Culm, infiliiMl itrrwljncr, 34 40 I S Miller. on wildcat cln a bo IlJr McCoimic, rrnlnne (irtion 5 00 Ur l.rri, cim jniri ly, liiunc, ,. 500 . Clulttei.un aril lolmion, coffin 1000 N lirrn. mrfclmniliw lor oor bim,,. 09 I A IJiiil)nnilC. Iiriliie l Bo C MM.rH, nictilmndiM fur poor faint .J A l.)biirl'.tllr, lunilwr " I' lng nml .Son, wldl. etc., " I W Klcfi, roilMmll, etc, " 31 Bo B6 01 .. n 0$ .. 5083 .. 11 40 ..i7 is ,. ii 00 .. v y .. 5' .. is iB .. 3 IS .. 7 5J I I C Shield. MKn otk I Die, Ulxjr, rlc, 1 1 liai l)) faniliiK, etc. Y I 1-oiHMi, lir., ric, ilnrvry hKltrr, cslllo Dmrm and lletinlngrr, inl, M II llrrwy, Kiooertr. etc, John CflVeM. Ulor, It S KiMilien.drug(, etc, l)r Culm MMdicat altetwUnce 9 00 It II (iowdiiMn. Utiar on poor Utni 70 50 IWAIhhuIimii wUty 4 monlhi 817 01 Oca Waller, win lor poor brm 7 jo I K l Stnlo'd, ixunei " 100 Geo (5wlmin. llor " . ..,. al 75 ' lilAe Irlmlune Co. I'lrnlione 7 4 W 'I l" kpemef. teof II Caniniann... 61 k SMihn Oirerwi Coipnr, itipple 3 Clirultnoii vml Jotintort. eotlm., ... . low C I- Mclullcin, altlfHio reiiitloy. ... a jo In llw mutter of I'ltiflS the contract for u iirtlntrndine the r bun for )er endlnj I'cU IB. 1003, futlonlDR l.ldl vine tutmlttrd C II hry, JJ75; W A (Joo-Jmin, 1710; len Crow. jlco. t- W l))e. JJ90. Contract award. eiltoCllr'ir . . Oideird tUat the allowance of S pc month In bvoi of Mrt I'lnu jini.t:ll it Intufficlenl to lupiwtl rlf and four children, llut tame be In crrateil tou fiom n 1, ior OrdrftdthtlliCirlrnMlonofS I. Hoberd at ImlK of ll mcc of ditttlct s be accepteil anilllMl O MMiortbe appointnl to fill Uie tacnncy HOAIS AND PUIIHltl. Ilullnsan.l l.undr. tupptle 7' 6S (i irAibin. hi or Middle I'oik icwd.. 4 o Mlr0 j, ,0, iUmtxr A Umb and C, imIM, etc jo 03 .... jo 95 .... 03 5 95 00 4S 00 W IVnvoii. . ... 3 w rrl Aibini. " ' .... $' 00 .... 38 00 .... 5' 6 10 30 00 A IVnion, " Kird KoUiti. " " North IVnd Mill Co, lumlcr, William Unk, lumUr C M Mreli, rvjvtderand fuie I It Dullev. vtoik nnt tfani r 4 75 vtoik nnt truii r d 16. , ... 9 co W C llenhain. luullnit liiniljrr. 5 00 Iiuim Wili.-hl. ttlinkinc imid Bq 3 as I'd l iiniilncham, cpliluroyinj:,,.. 60 48 U 1 1 Xljmrll. Ikiulini umber 4 59 1 Mat Good nun, woik on laid dltt 16. . , . 19 50 I I Ikilker, Will Snider. 18 75 18 Co Clmtlir. Itay llamlrn, llartrvOllinan, John llulUk, Klley Ciuvt. jk liiesory1, (To beContlnurd) The Scniistnckcn Company nf this citv filed nrticlos of of iiicorporutiou in the department of state, at balem a few days ago. MM.,, rtnmitniiti ttfilt r"irrv nil fl TXiele ami retail drue " , ...,..: s.i. .CL lu.unens in this city, with a cap ital .stock -f, divided into shares valued at $100 each. II. SeiiRStucken, II. I.ockhart and J. S. Coke, Jr., arc the incorpo 1 a tors of recoul. KduraleYour Unwell With Cmcareta. Cntuty Cnttinrtle, cure 'snitlpatlnn foretea ., mm ill..:., ,1... ,niilnr the m - i-i Coos river farmer was in town S.ittuday giectitig his numeious friends. ,J J, CtnuM .Utnpid C.C.C. Nrvtr 10M Inbuilt. thwart ol the dealer who tries to sell "somtthlnj Just at food." Clms .S wanton, a late nnival, brother1 of Uenuctt Swsntou, has accepted a position in II. Seng Mackeu ding department. Fire at Empire. A fite. was liscovcred in Kritz Getty's general merchandise store at Kmpiie City last Friday night nt 11.30 o'clock. The alarm was immediately sounded, and owing to the prompt arrival of a number of citizens, what might have been a serious con flagration was averted, The damiuge is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $60, The Iojs wtts fully coveted bynsuraucc. 8 7S .... 19 " ....10a as .... 3 75 .... 40 Zfr CANDY CATHAHTIC . ' ft. AM,Wfc. W.WCI1.M. BAD BLOOD "VAUVAHtTTH l all UlwM f.r Ib.M atlflar. itruir wpnOerftll DiMUIn. , I h.otwn (.t.bol for amMfelno plMMNtto ub.andatla.l h. found II In Ct wtiM, WnM taflna il.cai.iny blood h ia.ii noilnod and ror wRilaloflnalm 25 CANDV TOf UAH MT(0 Pl.i.ant. Palatafct., euitt. Jtptojlonfl. . fv, Oood, Mtrtr Bicaaa. Weak.n. lit Cih. 10c, fcc Uc ... OURR CONSTIPATION. ... amn. tt-t nunt,funu in Twi. in M'loMvs'mxfss&'iissr The Coast Mnil niniingctncnt has turned over a new leaf, and started n daily paper. This is a new venture in this section of Oregon, and we wish the Daily Mnil success. Hnudon Recorder. A I'rofltublo Investment "I wa troubled for about ren yean with my Itomach and in bed half my llnx,"uy II.Dtm ick, Somertllle, Ind Iapenlabout Jioco and nerer could el anything to help me until 1 tned KodolI))ieptU Cure. Ilie uken a few boillet and am now entire! well." You don'l lire by what yen eat, but by what you dlit. If yo ur itonucli donn't dlKrtt our food youaie really ttatvinr, Kodol I)ypepUCure dor the .lomath't wora by Hgnllnt the food. Vcu don't late to dkt. liat all )ou want. Kodol Uyifptlj Cure cures all ttoniach Iroublet hnl Ctott-Orug Store and Sengilaik en' lluumacy. The owners of the Coast Mail have begun the publication of a daily edition, which uffords the people of Mrtrshficld vicinity a good, newsy paper. It has a telegraphic report. Uorcburg IMniiidealer. Children Kcclully Liable Hutni. bruUei and cult are ntiemely painful and If neglected often retult In blood poiioning. Childirn jc rtcclaly Hible to luch mhlupi becAUie net to eutefut. Al a remedy D Witt's Witch llarelSJlre. Draiout llio fire, stops the naln, toon brail the wound. Ikoate of counlrtflelk Sure cure for piles. "De Wilt's Witch IlaelSalte cured my baby of cctenu after two phytkunl pure her up," write James Mock, N. Webiter, ImL "The lorn were to luditiethewfied tolofiTcdfeei a day. Ked Cron Dm.' Store and Scncttacken'a I1ur nuty. BANDON, JAN. 10 Totlny tlio iiir Tritunpli tnwed 0111 II vo schootior , nml on the mini tiil ihostoanii'ra Mmnlulay nml ArKO, lo Kfthur lth tlio e,niohno roliooner llt'ltlo K. went to tea. The .Manilnlii)' it rrporlrd from llif I.xikoiit nt liHVlne n lino uu tne 01I.1 It I nlro ctirriuit (n tlio Mit-it 1 1 1 n t tlio 1 ti Hunter w.111 bo clown fiom llio hay thla evJiiinjc ml ! Urn Miiinlitljv In u Inst grand elTurl to diivloilgo tlio Kiilmli Lark from hrr rtitlnc iiluco on llio sands of Fotir niile. It is (0 be hoped :hul tho etrori tuny (iroo nicccn.ful , n Cnpi. Iliirtts tlui I ti r . f jr 1 1 twrrlt" for tho Seoich tliipfiwnoi , Iiuk Intnl.' u bravo ntntK uleln clthu craft iilbut, and has, inndentnlly spriit niiieli money hero m we would huvo nuked. Thin liitlrrHtiEKrstloa limy eaior soinowlmt if (ho rplilt ol ibe lunch rcinlier, but I am onlv rillectliu tliu eoniineroUl fplrlt of ihn timcH wliluli would lraf llo on nnothurf ciihiniity. Tliu Hoard of Trusti-us hnvo become so pnnto sirit'ken that they would plui-o nn einturgn on Ihu U. 8. mull. Ono does not Konutrlde tho town litis iu without rtiuuliiiC tho risk o! ru niitlningit ''rank oitlnider" indtfltilto ly. Verily, men nro only grownup children, utter all. Child Worth Millions "My child It worth milllont to me," says Mr. Mary llird, of Ilatrnbute, Pa., " yet I would Inve IMI her by croup lud I not purcluted a hottle of One Minulo Cough Cure," One Minute Couch Cure it it lure cure for cough croup and throal and lung trou' let. An abso lutely safe cure which act Immediately. The joungcit child can take it with entire safet . Tne little ones like the Ute aud remember how often it hcled them. Kvery family trould he a bottle of One M Inule Cough Cure handy. At this teatou especially It may be needed tudden ly. Ked Crott DrufMore and Sengjlackcn's 1'ii.itmary Death Of Chester Lawhorn. ' From Sund i)'s Daily Word has reached here of the death of Chester Lawhorn, of McKinley, yesterday, whose ill ness with smallpox was chronicl ed in yesterdays daily. The young uinu was about 21 years of age, and of strong physique, and it is supposed that he relied too much on his constitution nud being far from town or close medical attendance, the disease hud its way. Deceased was tie son of Mr. and Mis. Lawson Lawhorn nud was a promising young uuiii whose untimely death will be deplored by a large circle of friends and relations. Took tlio Book. V. 1$. Wilson the energetic young faruiea of Sumner, was iu town yesterday, and captured the book which we offered the day before for the first person paying one year iu advance for tne daily Coast Mail C, h. Ho .ebrake, of Catching slough, took thu "I.ife.of McKuilcy," wlucli we offered several weeks oyo. There is nothing slow aboutSuiuner and Catchiug slough; ' . NORTH BEND. Another daughter niodo hoirnpncnr itflec lit tliu Iionm of Mr. nntl Mrs Iko Krcrhind Tneoday inornliiK Jan. Mtli. Mothor nntl child nro doing well ut this writlnK Llttlo Dorothy Hylcr linn bcon kick tho Inst wsck with ffiint is supposed to ho the measles. Mr. and Mra.B. Hanson aro slop ping t tho homo of her pnronU until thoy can prociiro n hotiso. A ncwcottagols being built on the vuranl lot next to Ilnrry Ix)cnwuor hoiiKO. "Who is It for?" Is tho noes- til) n aflont. There nre o many applicants for houses here that this nppnrantly small question carries with it much weight among our people. Jerry Lingo is again at work nfier his sick spall and J. C.Toclld Is able to boitround. Knill IMck.on Is running the bund aw nller his vaeallou nl u few wei-lr. tie says Imdid not and will not huvo tb nieaslc and w will not doubt his word : nevertheless, wc Know ho his been a sick man. Victor Xyluud who went to Han Francisco for medical treatment Is not Improving as his friends would wish. Mrs. I. M.XoijIo was here shopplne nnd making call Haturday afternoon. Every day of the psst week has seen three or four traveling men, representing as many firms on our ftrerts. Mr. L. J. Simpson was unablo to alcup Monday night from pains 111 hit l,.r, .. nrirrtdml down In tho hack of his neck. TucMlay morning l.t. H ... ..Ham mIi.i, 'rim f.Mll.14 of troublo m tiiiknuwii at this writing THE HOME COLD CURE An Ingenious Trentmonl by Wlj-o It Drunkards nro Ilelng Cured Daily in Hnite of Thciiisclvea . Xo Noxious Doses No U'cokontng o the Norvcs A nleasand and Fosl- tivo Curo tor tlio Liquor Habit. It Is now generally known and undentood that Drunkennett 1 a dlieate and not weak nets. A body filled with poiton, and nerves completely tlutlered by periodical or conitan live of'lnloilcailar liquor, require an antidote capable of nfutrahiing and eradicating this pot ton, and ilctlroiinz the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers nuy now cure themtehe at lionw v ithoul publicity or Ion of time from ty ibltwondtfut"HOMi:OJI.DCURE" which hat been prefected after many years of dote ttudy an J treatment of inebriate. The faithfu ute acrordln: to direction of this wonderful dit coiery It potltivtly guaranteed to cure the mol olutinate rate, no nutter how bard a drinker. Our record 1 thow the ruarvelout traniformatlon of thoutandt of Drunkard into tober, Indus liious and upright men. WIVES CURn VOUR HUSnANDSlI CHILDREN CURE VO'JK FATIIERSII Thl remedy It in no tenceanotuum but U a ipeclfic for this dltcnse only, and t to klllfully devited and prepared that it Is thoroughly solu ble and nleatant to the Uttr, to that it can be given in a tup of tea or coffee without the knew ledge of the perton taking it Thousands of Drunkard hare cured themtelvei with th dricileti leinoty, and a many n ore have been rurd and made trinitrate men by luring the 'CURE"odminltrredby loving filendt and nktiivc without their knowledge la coffee or tea. and believe today that th.iT dltcontlnued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and mltleadlng "improven-ent." Dnvcoulthe du- rate at once and fo all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" Hold at the extrerrely low pike of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more eft'cctual than others rotting $s to 5o. Full directions ac company each package. Special advice by tkill- eil phvtklans when requetel without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any tart of the world on lecelpt of na Dolla'. AdJresi D-pt. 1.0571 EUWINn.OILBSCMl.NV, 3330 ind 3331 MaikctLSt'co hllidrlphli. All correjponi ence ttrtctly conStlrntU. The Daily Coast Mail is receiv ed at our office regularly, aud is n hrinht. newsv little sheet which speaks well for the enterprise of the management ami their town They explain that its present "abbreviated" size is due to the "barbindedness" of bay steamers, mid iiroinise more space when steamers aarive. Ccquille Bulle tin. A Good Recommendation 4,I have noticed that the sale on Chamberlain's Stomach & Live. Tablets is almost invariably to those who have once used them," says Mr. J. II. Weber, a prominent dtuggist of Cascade, Iowa. What belter recommenda tion could nuy medicine have than for people to call lor it when again in need of such a remedy? Try them when ou feel dull after eat ing, when you have a bad taste iu your mouth, feel bilious, have 110 appetite or when troubled with constipnliou, aud yov are certain to be delighted with the prompt rebel which they afford. For sale by John Pretiss. 1 ...' A Cure for Lumbago W. C. Williansou, of Amherst, Va., says: "For more thau a venr I suffered from lumbago. 1 finally tried Chamberlain's Fain ILilm nud it gave me entire relief which all othtr lemedies hud fail e,d to do.0 Sold by John Preuss. LUMBER That is what we have to sell, and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THIS QUALITY is guaranteed and the price is right. OTJRSTOOK anything required in Fir. Spruce, Red and White SIMPSON LUMBER Phone Main 151, Saved $15.00. ;t "I saved f IS. on tlic order joii sent mo Jait. befdles receiving better and. fresh- ( cr goods than I obtained here." I Kxtract from one of our letters. i ' We beliero there are many otberj who can send to us with the samo natWae- tory result", and wo Invite a compar ion of price In our cataloguo with local rata.' V i fiuarantee quality of our good, safe packing and delivery. ' , L in become better acquainted, We iave coinpleto price lists for the asking. Postal curd lnsurw eamo yr: '.am. iu SMITH'S CASH (Dept) STORE KamllitM pupplletl at wholeaale priced. 5 Market st. SanFranoico mi1 ijfPp,'js''"tgsi- C. O. D. GROCERY A fall Itnoof clioleo cmcirlos, fead. II mr, him and bcon always on hittid, fresh fruits and VKgoUblcs rceeived on every steamer .Hursrpsosavopo5? pdojos ajrrst avo S333 Free Delivery o H. Sens:stacken. Wholesale and Retail Druggists DEALKH IN DHUUS ANDOUNEKAL MERCHANDISE Marshfield .Oregon. rrescriptlons Skillfully Cmni'mimled ut all hoitm. Agent for WellHj Kargo & Co und the leaillu Fire, Life and AerlileiiVtainipanles. Bt2SOTKirOTarSMrROTrr,sarOTaKKrjSr3OTctali 100 YOil KWBW n maciuiirry mm wo uu lm vv i K uU 1 I S tinned iniahourt ufi r rcr t Krni. w lug are tome ol cur mt l'llgl tii, K Clinic o m oi ii.uiwn, .dr i ui j( j. iGOOS BAV STHAM ,VR- G. AMWTEIN, n2rajwvrctti::jram-raiKi3CJ5;5 -lis.lsri rtftrrTiifl rirarifvi.rTi-Mt.i-srssi--Miinn uriasi ARE YOU DEAF? ALT- CASES OF mBSB 01? HARD HEASaW' ARE ESOW.-URABILia ' by IEA ouroiswitneuU. . Only Gfall-ittH - UeinK rut.ri .y crd afvitlUUtorv of luycaw ulv-u..Jkt)o fi e vcura aerify rljtt car began o f heart ii v lu tlila ear etitlri.K I uudernettt a treatrtent for catarrh, for Hire 0 NOISES GEASS (MMEQIAIUV P. A. VV&RNiAN, OK Bl.TlWC!aC. CAVSt for catarrh, for Hire- ni-njtli. y Iter. Uc in ut cmllK-iH mr ):. Ip tue, aud even tint ouyu-m berof ti!i .iclailit. atiuini Dthera. themiit eiutheut .umticuilt I ti linnettv. hfilAM ui tnal culy an oporation could help tue, aud even then ceac, but the l.rariug In the atlictnl ear I then atvo,ir ailvcrtlMmeut accidentally teem. Afterlltad iivrd it only a few daytaccordlutrtoyour iUreetu.tuv iuhij). mier nc eeKik m- icaiuik iu vneuirc.i car uaa '.ccjjtcuiuciy re.iviu. , ,uu9. liurtily aud beg tu rnuaiu Very truly your. , " V. A. WURMAN, 7j8. Ereadvray, BaUimore, Wd, Oi;i ejvrieutcHt loea not Interfere with your umntl occtnt(Q'A, aM"4 YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME 'Vi.T.1 WTRm(&LAUWLCUeIC459(HVAUEAvWeAiU J INCLUDES mk Oedar. '" , '1? , n v"&SE'' I r! rj. North Bend, Ore ",. Telephone WaMI. - y ut- no iiijuriuu cl einicaU liettof qj? and we guaran .V'j ikm rvrwlil mvUrn 1 ill', i I t lies. laundry work can bare-! ml w employ white labor only. Follow- lun'' . N, l.o.-en, Coquille; E, A. Dodge, aio ; ui, i-iupue, LA0NBBY Prot). .iM yi s as.i'.ai,M wswn i-siairl swisi iir-ii m NOISES? thote born deaf nrc fcirwii :o it l.i ii y, lliL, MurOvjo. jj no) nit i umca;, J ill vow .vovu. --. I'.IB! ttp, aud tl.u kept en nif.lna w eric, until 1 IV .1 iu, niiDtlio. wHhcut nyjccea, rcuaulirdnnuiD' ! ui i' tint oiityK'imioiiirily, that the liiadiijiciwcuie would lie IcM u MUNY .7 ImBaifM i sjsrrww .' " lu a Nev York j-iper,' and ordend XHirlriV v i - - wi .- at mtmi kH ) ,t rT f. s. 'ft ''. i' . a '. '"'J. cy' ' r U t . i r' -'i 1 . , Y. ' 'iW