The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 12, 1879, Image 1

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    r ,fSiiit?f' n
(-' 1
Published svory Bnturd ajr Morning
lrilinlit,Uotit (Jo,, Orrguii.
On Tsir i m
nix Moulin 1 fto
Thr Mnnllm I fro
To ulterllitri t guriite lbs mutt
Htorauts Until uil fair dialing.
Tlio ItitcroHt.i of SoattieVu tlre
goa Always 1'orewwrt.
. ... ,.,.., .
The Development of onr Mln,tbltirov
ment of onr- Harbor, and fUllroad Com
munlcsllon Willi Ihe Interior, Bpeelilllei.
vol. v
NO. 28.
WfjfJOinin tint - lm ,mi ,l9, H i.. f "
ltd Hllll.
IK Al.WIt (Ull t,
Until, 1)1 III (J 111(1 Mlllt lllkl flOIII lllU Yllf,
Ablnu hiiIi tiiu (It ii o' ill nun
No.poor llllln pitiful IIIIm
IkHtpotVut a life tut I ilariu t
Ant oiii i ftlmluw, u HkIiIcii
Tim weiUimi0limlrrof iln-
Tliotyrof my lUrling will lirltihlrti
To to llm nrn liIMi itln.
UliixwatiiiiM with a lullaby llowliiK,
And li'K lliruiiKli Ida watoliyou kt)
1U fl wllli your coming Mid H'dntf
II suit I alio U Milan li'.
Ah I Wlut would my lllu l wltnutil lier?
I'm 01 tint 1 Hirer nuy imw J
l)tr filfiiil", ujim tillnrli(iut lir,
Haluw wllbyuur Mwplnc-Ulow.
bliiR ,litr, nlii Miflir mid nlowirl
J I or et cluck U IimIiir Hi iwIj
HIuk low ajo, Imk lwr mill lower
lb llll I oli, l Ull I IiU(UmI,
(lolutr iu n Chomlcr J'ariy.
When u ninii bus received f nloiico
of death, I tmllovo (Imt In) in thereafter
a dead limn, In tlm i,vo of Hit) law,
whether In) Ik) oxcuutwl or liol. Tlio
luuky Individual tlm wipes olT nil III
debts Imt oni', which liu is not per
mitted to ilU:lnrti Ki-t rid, limy bo,
of it trouhleuiio wife, mill leave IiIh
children luiulimlly fatlierlmi. Hut
how I it with it inuii Iio linn In on
drownrd poaitltuly defunct mill wlm,
but for tlio Molii'itiiiln Mini itrnMratu
rxiTtloii of hU fill-lulu, would )iav
bii'ti tit tin iiioiuvul in n "ilrKutnlt'ftn
ili'i ' lu UririiMooil CVniitturjr ? I
conli lid llmt 1 Mioulil injoy nil tlm
jirtvili'ft tf niliuit uinu, 1 bail no motu
to ito hllb toy ir.-()iil i'xUliiito limn
when lltil 1 wat "ti-nt into tbix lumlli
loir xiorlil." 1 mad rolliul mill rtibbcil
niul l ( i'il iulo 1 1 fn -litomlly mKmI
llllWlWlir lltMTMlli0ll. It nn tuo to
oiiii tlmt 1 mnir rw i villi but I imi to
-d, un it hukiiiIi Iriiiul rt'iiiiuUiil, tlii k vi'm iitifii Hint, IiovIuh bcvn
ilrOMin-il, 1 tit not linm boon Imuii to
tlmt Itili', niul lli rxloru ulioillil I'KOnjH)
limiting. TIiId wmriotiu)niiiiilluoiiiiiiiii.
tlou.LH'ltnliilr.utiiitU' tliomniiifolil nil"
t'ile of tlm llfu to wliloli 1 hir broii(;lit
book, mul Htiotlur l, Hut, bavlug lit
turiuuto Ikvii "burn nKMlti"borii of
" wlr mul ilia ilnt, forlnwaltowvil
InrRu niiAutltli'i of loth- I um obttiil
a climici! of iii.ji'vlun a Imiipjr In ninftur.
With llii liopu I tiy to In'ar my f.ito
philoMipliirully, unit lmvu nxou jmlil
thoaHiiiMi of tlm orootMut by uhluli 1
" 1hukuIIk'.1 into lllu."
Tlio Hilvtiiitiiri) 1 mu nUint to reUlo
iubv not In) tiuliitnn-ntiiii; to ottiunt - to
iuu it in n luitrrollou rcuiinincoiico :
it wm urraiiKnil tijr n rt uf u. hut
iiuiiinr, tlmt oiih tUy wo kliotiltl hlrti
a kail boat, mitt fjo up tlio Houuil to on
joy n uhowtliT I'urly, uml lmvu n kim
tiiuo KL'iiurully. N o wro to Uko with
in nil tlm iincntiiuy luntcrialii, oaIoIi
our own lUh, mul ibou cook Via mul
cat 'om
It wiot a bright, bittiitlfiil iiuiriiluK in
tlm mouth ol July, whon tlio juirty,
connUIHiK of lilno or ton iHirnouii, iu
Iwrkiil in tlid Juhntit AhMih on tliu
iuloiiilitl lrii, Tlio boatwumuiitiuthiiiK
Ixjtwnou a, yacht mul n eiiull llnliluu
murk; mul Iiit oiiiiilut ttmltml pro
portion, I coitfM,ilU not linprrtui im
Ittvornbly. iimnuiuoli u tlio party w
lari;i, mul hoiuu of tlitim, imrthuilarly
tlio rx ulili!rmi.u'n brother, wi-rn UrKu
IiihI linllvliluuN. llowcmr, my inutUi
lw) in Who'll ufralil?" niul Willi
IUK.U lllit inlH(!ivlii i muppvil Ull
bonnl, mill wrii iuooo UhI, with union
Kcnllo brZ4, thtouyh Holt (Into, mul
nwmy down towunU OyU-r lUy. All
wont wry plonnuntly. Tlmro vras n
Unlit rlpplo upon tlio litwom of tlio
wntitr, nuil Johm.y ullilotl through il
vary KrMcufullt, mul iiroiuiitly obnyoil
tlio will of tlio ntwrummi, Wliollicr
it worn tlm Mtlliiu proj)inkit!oi of tlio
omul, or tlio brut of llio nun, X knot?
not. bm tlm parly noon bi'h'un to com
plftlii of thint, mul Hutu npprannl to
homioztraoriliuitry aurioiiity with re
gard to Jlui con ton I of tlio n run 11 1mm
per. Well, lu doptlm wuro aoon ox
plorod,mul cittlululy thoiu wn no fear
of our driittr tllliur from huiiL'iir ur
thint. " Obi Uoiirbon " wiu n popuUr
uriiiK, mui uiu tx.muurmmrn nrolliur
nun not buuhwiinl iu nhowlutr us kikxI
oxiuuplo. "Jf it In nu (iii'tuy, 'who'
nfruiilr' " ho would My, mloptlii( my
motto;nnd thru ho would courgiioiiNly
put it into hi mouth, uud with tho
urnno nontlmUimf. too, with whioli Van
AmburKh pluoo iiin houd iu tlio mouth
of tlio lion, i lined not Buy tlmt hi
oxamplo wna uuivormilly full wod; uml
iu fact thoro hiointul to bo quitontiiirit
of iiinii'mloii urtmtod, no fur nt luaat tut
nwulliiwiiiK tlio co ii (en H of tliu dumi
John wuro oonoorncd.
Tlio hourn pimiMid uwuy very pUnu
mitly. Wlmt with olmttiuu, niuokiiiK,
" uiillu " mul miIIiiik. mul now ntnl
tliuu UkliiK u " blto" IIiomo wiro tliii
only "bitim" wo Imd, by tlio wuy,4or
oiuohow wo ovorlookfd tlio particular
oiijooi oi tlio trip wu liml mi "im
iuouho' lliuo. mul ut loiiKth xoiiui ono
niiKKVBlml tlmt it mlht bo lulvimiblo to
" tuuk Hhip " mul tior towuriU tliu
city, An thuro worn ludicutioiin of tlio
vrluilM rlNlng im tlio nun wont down,
tho miKKuMlon wuh mi tod upon, mui
"nbout ' wo wont. Tho wind, how
oror, did not wuit for tho nun to dU
upptmr; but camo down upon tut iu ro
ulur loitiiK Uoroau ntlo, onwtlnu; u
iinty ohopplii( bcii, which stmt tho
l)oatdMiolnK, to tho throntouud tUor
guulutlon of our iutonml nrrmiKo
mont, ontiroly doHtroyiiiK our np.
potlloti, mid rondoriiirt nuoosmiry fro
oiioiit upiilioallouii to tho bruudy hot
tlo. ThoHtoorBiuaU, who lmd boon hlrod
vrith tho bout, wim tho only ono un
iiirootoilj and fortiumto for tin that it
m no, for tlm inorocnud Halo roiiuirod
all tho uttoutloii ho uoulil lvo to tho
proper iiiiuiuuomuiit of tliu boat, 1
Muy " propur mnuuiromout ;" but it
oomod to mo (but ho wu not oxuotly
tufait to imulioul mattorH, uud tlmt hi
xuowludgo of nuttiiimuUlp vra oiuu-
wlmt Ilmllod. Wo, liowcimr, got nlong
jirolly woll unlll wo worn tinarly oj
poHitu ThroHK'i Nook, whon it wuh pro
poHi'd to run iu thoro. "All rlfsfit 1"
nld tlio utmirtnmi. " Look out forynur
honda, Koutlnmon, I mu KllK " J"'
Imrl Mow, jlbcn or jrom wfiro nil tho
aiiio to im, for not n until on board
know wlmt it mvnnt; but wo took euro
of our litiiuU iKivorlholrin, nud uud'
dimly tho boom diudind with (ronl forco
from ono nldu to tho other, mul In n mo
tnimt ovor went tho boat, and ovor wont
f, mid down, unlll I thought I nhould
nnvoritopl How dccplhunk I kuownot,
but nftor nwhilo I found inynolf bmohiI
lug. niul on approaching tlio tuirfaoo, I
roumuibor nevliig tho x-alilcrn.aii'w
brother nillliiK toilriiln of tho bottom
of tho boat, wllli it boltlo in bin hand,
Uko n jolly old llacohua nitrido of a
I rrcollccl brnting tlm wntor frntili
oally with my nrum, for I couldn't
nwlm, 1 triuif to recollect nil that I
hnd hoard nbout trending witter, mul
moving your log mi though you worn
milking of throwing yourntdf upon
your buck and having no four all very
woll uud rory f"y of accomplUhmout,
no doubt, cxccjit tlio four; but tho lack
of tlmt being nbnolutoly Decenary to
tho Mieoc of tliono lift) Raving in ran
uron, my cfTorU rntinly failed. He
Mldca. I Imvn u iiooullar propotialty for
carrying nbont mo a largo num. of
uioiiey nluioiil invariauir tu goiii, loo
and on thin occasion I wi cnouni
be nil with tho woi(htof aovorul bun
dnl dollara, which interfensl with tho
natural buoyancy of tlio human body,
and nililod to my downward tendency.
I aiiccetulril. liowever. with ureal dllll-
oulty, In diveming in j no If of portion
of tliu monny, fur il waa valuuloMi tliuu
in compariHoii wiin nit?, ami i muni
lmvu co mo una inteoiid time, na I waa
mibwiniuiitly found entangled among
llio ropea uiiilnr tlio noat, I roeoiicct
nothing, howovor, but n fearful mulling
uoliH) iu my ear; mid wluu this conned,
tho montibdlghtlul cmoUoiiaaucciHled.
l'liey wuro iuxt audi nunwiliona na 1
orico )XM'rituu'td idler awallowiug nil
opium pill, ilie lovolluot aceiiva that
tho brlglitint Imagination of mi nrlUt
uter Miiicrlvud pamiil beforo mo.
t'liein were truea whom verdure glowed
iu ray of iiuagiiiablo glory- ilowora
of gorgnouvhilfa, aiitfh oa earth Dover
daw, There went mountain nud val
ley., whoau velvet idope of tho bright
el emerald wero dolled with butter
oup of idilning amber, nud daUie
that aparkbtl llko diamond, lllrda
tinted tu mid fro, with pliunago of tho
licheat colora, mid lllleti tho air with
muakal wutblliig M) delicious, that
my aplrit aetuntsl " lapmnl iu olyaium."
Tlien mothoiigbt 1 heard a dlataut
auiind of human voicea, bltnidiug iu
ravl.htng harmony: mid one, aweetor
that) tho mat, MUtf iu a gmitlo toiio Ibat
full llko it breath upon tho car
lUlk I llf y whlfjivr, aiit! ,
r)iii i'iiuooiii )'.
After thi all wa a blank; mid the
next M'liMtiou waa ono of oxqtiiaito
palu that extended to every portion of
uiynyatom.oa though tho current of
Uiu had bccouio fctagnaiit, mid waa be
ing violoutly fotcd onward. Theru
wuro aharp paiua iu every joint, mid
tho aurfauti of my body aeoiuml to bo
pit no tu red by myriad of noodle,
uhioh uu tend every pore of tho akin.
Hut tho ngouy 1 nurtured nbout tho
region of tlio heart waa iul-nw), xcru
outing, Indescribable. Whun tiica
aeuaaitoit had partly panned ovor, I
Ural uwokn iocouactouauoaii, and, open
ing my eyoa, reoollcct experiouoing n
longing ilonlro for n hearty draught of
portor, but waa unable to oak for it. 1
heard a rumbling uoiao, nud felt u
jatriiig motion; but it waa aeveral
mlitutua before I realised my truo alt
nation, mid could tell whether I wa
iu this world or another. 1 then die
covered llmt I waa iu a railroad car;
tlmt 1 waa ontiroly nuked and packod iu a
largo quantity of aalt; and that my
mouth wa 111 led with n largo lump of
it -a they atiok a lemon iu tho mouth
of a aucklug pig uftur ita untimely
deceiiMi. My body waa torribly aoro,
mid my limb ao a tin that it waa with
dllllaiiliy 1 could movo them. Homo
puraonn woro ataudiog around mo, but
in tho dim light 1 could not rocog
nljui them ; mul, iudeotl, could
1 hnvo tlouo o, 1 waa too weak iud
faiut to afford thorn any indication of
It. I waa perfectly aouatblo, howovor,
ami vividly recalled tliu fearful nd
venture 1 had panned through. Ou
reaulilng Now York, I waa placo.l in it
outriago ami conveyed tu my residence,
and for boiiiii time lay on my bod "llko
aouweed ou a clam, uud for aorcrut
tluya expectorated nothing but brino.
Indeed, what with.thunaltaubaociuoutly
uppliod outwardly mul inwardly, i
must lutvo been something in tho cou
dltlou of Lot'a wifo.
Everybody aaid that I had hud ft nar
row encapo, which I readily believed,
and tho particular woro nflorwurda re
counted to mo. It deems tlmt nil tho
other parties clung to tliu boat, or to tho
muni mid null, ami woro roomiod by
aomo periton from tho alioro; iin-l,
when nil littniU woro inuttorod, I wua
found to bo mining. Thoy say tlmt
((lilt) llftcoii tulnutea liml olapmul from
tlioilinuPi uiu iicciuoui, nun my lato
waa Hiippoaod to bo sealed. At tlio mo
ment, howovor, whon thoy woro about
leaving tliu aouna, aomo ono ohnncod to
aeo my htruw hat iloitloghy tho aido
of tho boat, uud kuow it ut once, nud
recollected tlmt It wuh Jastonod with a
ribbon to it button-luilo of my coat.
An export anluuuer thoruupon bravely
nlungud iu, uud, diving under tho
bout, found mo attached by it portion
of my dread to tho rigging. I was con
voyed to tho shore, upjiarontly pur'
footly lifoloaa, mid not ono of tlm party
entertained font moment the slightest
bono of roaiuciUting uiu,
Ou touching tho land, howovor, thoy
met itHwodUh sullor, who profcatod to
know nil about such oases; mid, us ilea
iioruto ouo require doaporuto mean,
no ndvUod lolling mu ou u barrel.
Homubodyolsu thought tlmt blooding
would bo preferable; but tho sailor for
tuuately icotited tho Idon, nud ho was
permitted to follow his own course, an
I lmd roason to know from llio
nbraaiiroa of tlio akin, nud a wound in
tho till of my aloraaoli, tho effect of
whioli I fool to this day. Whnlovor
olao thoy did to mo, I never knew; but
it is certain that nil tlinlr ffTcirta woro
only partially successful, nnd I was
f;lvon up as ft nono cast), nnd placed
u n car, packod in salt, before a largo
II ro which they kindled in tho slovo,
Must unaccountably I revived. It may
have boon tho jolting of tlio car, or tho
horriblo bent to which 1 was cxposod;
for, can nfiy ono imsgino s. plnco morn
llko I'andnmoniutn, according to tho
general idea of that locality, than it
railroad car heated by n largo 11 ro iu
tho month of July I I havo no doubt
that my naturally "pnro spirit" ro
vol led nt tlio idea, nnd preferred tho ten
ement of clay toan uncertain change. Do
that as it may, I survived tiro and water,
rolling on it barrel, mid the other in
numerable tormouU to which a drowned
man is oxposod, escaping without bro
ken bones, ami urn still n man of this
(mundane) world, instead of it spirit of
tlfo next. 1 still maintain, howovcr,
that I have a right to claim tho priv
ileges of a dead man, and to repudiate
all obligations which attsohed to my
former oxlsteuco,- JVts York Huuday
Intituling' Heiiaiors.
A correspondent writes, "I read with
interest tho urticlo published iu o
March number of tho Companion, de
acribiiig tho pages employed iu tho
Capitol at Wanbiugton. Tho faot men
tioned in tho description, that their
moral education ia neglected, remindod
mo of a nee no I witnessed in tho Bcnate
Chamber ouo night lust winter.
" It was tho night on which roemotial
scrvicos in honorof tho Jato l'rof. Henry
woro hold in tho Hall of Representa
tive. Tho hall was packed, nnd in
stead of trying to pimU my way in, I
went over to tho Bonatu Chamber.
"il waa brilliantly lighted, and
though the Senators woro nbneut they
wero attending tho memorial services
their seats wero occupied by the pages.
"Thoy wero holding a mock sesniou.
One of their number, occupying the
Vice President's chair, was returning
thanks fur tho honor of a third election
as their tireaidinit ofllccr. His Lean
was warm, ho said, and though un
worthy of tho position, ho would strive
to till it to tho boat of his ability.
" When ho took his seat, amid gen
eral applause, a bill giving tho suffrage
to women was read.
"A page representing tho Senator
from arose and began a speech. It
hurt him to tho very euro of his heart,
ho said, to wee tho way tho country waa
goiug to tho dogs, lio couldn't think
of tho WomaiiVItighta question with
out shedding bitter tears.
" Hero ho gavo way to hU emotions,
and amid his sniflliug several glasses
of water and two or tlirvo towels wero
offered him. Wiping his eyes aud
moistening his lips, ho began again.
" With violent gesticulations nnd
loud vuico, ho depicted tho dark, proa
iKHils of tho country until, aaain over
come by his emotions, ho dropped into
his neat, took up an ovouiug paper, and
Boomed absorbed iu tho uoara.
" Hovcral other amateur senators
spoke, aud so Krfoct waa tho imitation
of senatorial forms and peculiarities,
that tho audience regretted when a mo
tion to adjourn flutslicd tho mock ses
sion. " I saw and moralised. Tho little
fellows hail picked up tho ways of tho
Houalors they waited ou. Ferhnps tho
pago who called for 'a gloss of lager' at
tho restaurant's bar had picked up that
iniy from n real Benator." Wathwj'
(oh, in Youth' Competition.
What Ho Wanted.
Col. JJavy Crockett's original exhibi
tions of chaiaclor and manners at Wash
ington havo been tho thomo of many a
story, nnd matter for many u hearty
laugh. A Washiugtou lottor-writor do
scribes a similar gonius out of the
woods, who made his first visit four or
lire years ago to tho seat of Govern
ment on oflieial businoss from Tuget
Bound :
Ho put up at a fashionable hotel, and
at ditiuor that day, after astounding tho
waiters by his extraordinary appttito,
having tasted of every dub, ou tlio
menu, tho i'ugot Bounder touched bot
tom ou the dessert.
AmotiKst other things thoro woro
apple dumplings, with u sauce of sugar
and butter, aud a strong iufusiou of
ooguao, a combination of ingredients
not oujoollouaulo to tno irouiioroiuciat.
Tho steward, iu doling out his dump
liugs, utuiguod to each a becoming ra
tiou of sauce.
Tho I'ugot Bounder, by a partiality
for sutico, caused it to fall in its distri
bution to dumpling, so that the supply
of tho former wua soon exhaustod,
leaving but a leathory mass of buru
Tho frontier official in bis time had
swallowed worso tltiuga thau Washiug
tou hotel dumplings, but after nibbling
urottud tho doughy, mass, nud selecting
from beneath tho covering all tho apple
ho could scrapo out, tho waiter, uottoi
tug tho situation, stepped up nud in
quired " Governor, will you havo aomo mora
Tho official, first looking ut tho waiter
to see if ho was iu earnest, unci than at
his plateful of excavated dumplings,
replied, " No, thank ye; but, if it's all
tliu same to you, I'll Uko a lootlo mom
of that -ii(0Mtm(."
Tho empirical philosophers are Uko
pismires; they ouly lay up and uso
their store Tho ratiuiiulisla are Uko
tho spiders; thoy spin it all out of their
own bowels. 11 ut give mo a philoso
pher who, Uko Uio boo, hath u middle
faculty, gathering from abroad, but
digesting that which is gtthorod by its
owu virtue, Lord Jiucon.
A facetious ojrrojpondout calls tho
frog tho Dutch nightingale.
IUi-hara J'rclltble,
Thoro lias boon considorablo contro
versy ovor this venerable damo, whom
Wbittior has immortalized in song, as
" Uravost of all in Frodorick Town."
Homo claim that alio is a my lb ; that
thoro was no such person in exiUnco,
and tlmt tho scenes which Whitlior has
so graphically described woro only fig
ments of the poot's fancy. That Bar
bara 1'reilcbio livod, there is at present
no question, and, also, Hist she was
alive at llio limo Btonowall Jackson vis
ited the City of Frederick is also provoJ
boyond a doubt ; but for tho rest of tho
story, from all tho facts I can gather,
there scorns no authority other than the
pocra. At tho timo when thoso ovonls
woro claimed to havo occurrod, Damo
Barbara was Tory old and very decropit,
so much so llmt alto hobbled around
with a largo stafT, niul it is doubtful if
sho could havo mounted tho stairs to
tho attic for tho pnrposo of waving tho
lilllo silk flag which who kept carefully
laid away ill a bnrcan. That sho had
no great lovo for tho Confederates, is
shown in tho enrt speeches she is said
to havo made to somo of them who hap
pened to cross ovor tho bridge and sat
down on tho piazza at tho end of her
house, which was nt tho end of tho
bridge, ovorha'iging tho creek. " Off
with you 1 " sho said, with many un
complimentary porsonal allmions, and
poked them with her stau. This, cer
tainly was not vory complimentary, aud
probably wasu't intended to soothe
their feelings, us wo learn that Barbara
bad that womt of female wcsKtns, a
" sharp tongue," and, though so very
old, sho know how to uso it, as Ler
nephew, a secession sympathizer, could
testify. Barbara nscd to speak of him
as an " arrant knave," and whenever
alio drew her quarterly allowance he
always got a ull oi advico not at all la
keetuuic with his secesh proclivities.
I am not iucliuod to consular as authen
tic tho account of tho shooting of tho
flag-staff, nud of Damo Barbara's
picking it up, first, because the rebel
army did not enter Frederick City on
the oceaniou named. Tliev camo dowu
tho Biunaughlown road, tfiward tho
city, but turned oil belore reaching it,
ami look a toad running in tho other
direction, so that thoy would havo loft
Barbara's house behind them. Another
reason is that wo don't believe Btono
wall Jackson would havo ordered bis
troops to tire at a private house iu that
way, especially U Damo Jtruitctilo was
in sight, lor H is estauiuued on good
authority that ht bad grett respect for
aged, women, and it was his special de
light to engage them in conversation.
Considorablo. romanco has clnntered
around this venerablo dsmo, and wu
ahonld heaitato to detract, au iota from
tho honors that cluster around bcr and
make her famous. not do
injustice to the illustrious dead by giv
ing credence to unworthy talcs.
llitbir Prelichl' work U o'er,
Ami Jckon rules ou hu rnids uo xn&ra;
lloour Ut Utr. aud let a lcr
Foil lor Irt ko ou ttUuicwnlT bier.
And not for her sake alono, but for bis,
for Btonowall Jackson was a remarkable
man certainly ono oi tho most illus
trious of our times. No moro promi
nent character was developed by " our
lato unpleasantness," Thuro art) many
who boliovo that had his life been
spared through tho war there might
havo been a different ending to tho con
Diet. Ho could truly be said to bo a
host in himself, aud it is doubtful if tho
loss of mauy thousand men would havo
crippled the Conft-derato army as did
tho loss of this ono man. Certain it is
that tbo next great battlo between tho
Army of tho Potomao aud the Army of
Northern Virginia brought dofeat to
the Utter, aud they gained no more sub
stantial victories. Tho battlo of Oettys
burg was tho turning point of tho war
against tho Confederates, and from that
timo their fortuues declined till they
culminated in tho fall of ltichmoud aud
Petersburg April "J, 18G5.
A Piuvate or a Maine Reoiuext.
A Novel Way for a Wire to Increase
lier Allowance.
In Englaud marriages between per
sons possessed of much property aro
often preceded by marriage settlements,
in which an ample supply of piu money
is secured to tho wifo. lu this couutry
it is customary to trust to tho husband's
affection, and, that failing, to tho aid of
tho law which requires a husband to sup
port his wife. It naturally follows that
fominiuo art should bo employed in
pleasant devices to increase tho sum
when it is thought to bo too small.
These- aro often depicted in a humorous
light by tho writers of truo stories of
domestic life.
A very novel method of inoreasing n
wife's allowanco was recently made pub
lio iu tho course of atrial iu ono of our
city courts.
A doctor sued an architect for pro
fessional bervices, aud tho architect dis
puted moot of the charges. Tho do
fondaut himself took tho stand, and
testified that whou the doctor was first
called to him, ho had bcn knocked
down by a blow with a glass bottle,
which his wifo had iutltotod upon his
head, aud from tho eilecU of which ho
lay for somo timo iu a state of uuoon
sctousuoss. Tho f utiuy part of tho architect's tes
timony was what followed his account
of this assault and battery. Ho caid
that urovious to tho blow ho had beou
allowing his wifo ouo hundred dollars
a month. Alter me ussatui no increasod
tbo sum to ouo hundred and eovonty
tlvol Although tho extraordinary measuro
resulted to in this iustanoo proved sua
eossful, we cortuiuly should lot rocotn
muud its adoption by discontented mar
ried women in gouerul. In another
cabo it might bo followed Bjr vory dif
ferent oonstqueuoes.
Thirty year ugo a careless little boy
threw au oraugo skiu ou the sidewalk.
A few days ago ho was huuged, Tho
rising geueratiou will peroeivo in this a
terrible warning,
The JflliilisN In New York.
Tho following communication was
furnished to tho New York Herald as a
copy of ono addressed to Ttlr. Pierre
Kartchowsky, tho Russian consul in
that city:
0. O. It. R.
A not amU, tatut I a not tnntmlt, It oVf
Tho Russian R&volnUonary Commit
tee, In special session assembled, has
adopted tho following resolution :
Whereas, Piorro Kartchowsky, con
sul general of tho aitocrat Alexander
Nicolaijewitcli, at Noar York, ban ot
to red certain slanderous insinuations
and baso falsehoods in Now York no
cioty against ono of our most honored
and trusted friouds, a gentleman whoso
personal character uud patriotio valor
stand so far aliovo t'at of this desjwt'n
hireling that it is superfluous to say a
word in vindication thoy havo been
tested both in th) Hold of battlo and di
plomacy I
And Whereas, All this has been dono
in order to prejudice our just cause
and deprivo un of the well-deserved
sympathies of tho hnmeno and liberty
loving American peop o, in onr desper
ate strugglo for emancipation from u and unworthy bondage, in
consistent with tho progrossire spirit
of the nineteenth oontury ;
Whereas, furthor, Tho abovo-named
Pierro Kartchowsky has made himself
particularly obnoxious to our order by
transferring to this free noil tho con
temptible system of Romanoff espion
age ;"uow, thenforo, bo it resolved,
"To forward to tbo above-named Piorro
Kartchowsky tho Cist warning, that
should ho persist in his infamous con
duct, tho conaeqneiiccs will certainly be
disastrous to him, as they have been to
thoso who havo disregarded our warn
ings." Tho abovo-namod resolution has been
unanimously adopted, and the secretary
it Loretiy instructed to forward copies
of this resolution to those it may con
cern. The Rcshiax Revolutiokabx Cou-
A Monsieur lo Prince Pierro do Kart
chowsky, Consul General do Ruasio,
Now York.
Mr. Kartchowsky informed tho re
porter who called at his office that he
iiau received tlio original notice, and
was ra'her unab:o to account for it.
" In regard to too second portion of tho
communication," taid ho, I may aay
the Russian Government has agents iu
all the largo cities of a rope, just as
tho German Government has, who re
port to their respective police depart
ments of St. J'etersuurir aud Berlin.
t'fueea attest are quito distinct from
the diplomatic branch oi the Uevern-
" In Isow York there aro no such
Russian agents, probably because uutil
la ely tlio number ol revolutionists bete
has been insignificant. These things
aro dona so openly uero tuat espionage
is nuiui unnecessary. The Govern
v mout makes no appropriation for work
ol Uiat kind. I am lrcqaontly m re
ceipt of letters the writers of which de
sire lo know if such or such a person has
ever been connected with the diplo
matic service. They aro generally
from Americans, aud 1 am compelled
geueruliy to reply in tho negative, as
tho named furnished me are merely
thoso which the individuals may desire
tu bo known by iu this country.
" I am obliged to reply to theso let
ters somewhat bliudly, and I think it is
in some such way that I havo been con
strued aa traducing tho character of
one referred to iu tho tiist part of this
letter. I ouly know of one person to
whom the language used might possi
bly apply, aud with him 1 am ou ex
cellent terms. I am not called upon
to inquire into tho standing which
people who apply to me herb have with
the Government. 1 havo helped many
to situations who wero unfriendly to
the Government. I am not required
to know what thoy do hero. They
come with parsporta from Russia, ami
having remained as long as they wish
to, 1 indorse thoir passports without
1 was consul iu Roumania in 18(37,
just after the Polish revolution, and
was surrounded by political refugees,
yet my Government never called upon
ma for any secret service in regard, to
them. With.auch a load, diplomacy
would bo too laborious and dangerous.
Iu the Uuitetl States it would bo espe
cially distasteful, nor should I have ac
cepted tho appointment with such du
ties attached to it.
Tho second part of tho ' first warn
ing appears to bo added simply to
complete the first. There woro no
grouuds for it. it is tho first intima
tiou I havo hail of the existonco of au
organized body of revolutionists in
Now York. I presume thoy are organ
ized, from tho faot of tho head lino and
motto being printed. You may say
that I am in no hurry to receivo warn
ing No. 2," said Mr. Kartchowsky,
Tub Death, or Gux. Wow. In a
graphio rud interesting sketch of the
history of Quebec, which Mr. U. N.
Fairbanks lately prepared for tho Ban
gor (Mo.) H'Aiy, ho thus retell brieily
tho story of tho death of Gen. Woll :
Support mo," said Wolf to tho of
ficers tiear him ; " do not let my bravo
soldiers seo mo fall, Tho day is ours ;
keen it." Water was brought from a
well to queueh his thirst, Tho charge
was coutiuued, when tho officer upon
whoso shoulder tho dyiug hero leaned,
oxolaitued, "Theyrtflil" "Who run?''
asked tbogallaut Wolf with some emo
tion. Tho officer replied, "Tho ene
my Bir 1 thov give way in every quar
ter." " What l" said ho, " do thoy ruu
ulready? Bend word to Col. Burton,
aud toll him to march Webb's regi
ment dowu to St. Charles River to out
off tho retreat of Moutoaltn from tho
bridgo. Now God bo praised I dio
Josh Hillings' Philosophy.
Tho man who cits bit twice hi tlio
satnodog iz bott-r adapted to that kind
ov iiizzness than any otlior.
Old things aro tho best old wino, old
shoot, and old checze, for instanso
and I will add to then (beg pardon)
old phellows.
Adversity iz tho only thing that ksn
show us the trno from tho false ; pros
perity makes them both look alike.
Tho ordinary brain snecumbs to
whiskey, Imt real Kenioiis kant lie
smothered bl whiskey ; it may bo de
stroyed, but gives up tho ghost iu tbo
glare of a bontlro.
Mi earnest prayer iz, and I hope al
ways will be, save me from inKratitudo
and hipokrasy.
Tho very best posAtblo condiauun
that 0 tenths ov tho world kan be placed
in iz to liav plenty to cat and plenty to
A man or mere talent iz a phool io
work for fame, ho should git lu'z pay in
money az ho goes along ; tho man ov
genius kan uamo hiz pneo in glory, and
obligo futurity to settle with him.
Man iz a knrious kritter, nothing will
dhkourago and disgust him moro than
to Rir him all he asks for.
What iz worth domic at all iz. no
doubt, worth doin well, but i Ji iv seen
lots or things suilto bi tricing to do
them too mutch.
Tho man who don't kno how io do a
thing himself, and won't learn from
others, makes himself a phool without
truth iz like tbo Bun. tho it sinks ont
or right, itallwuss rizesagiu with a na
Gratitudo iz ov tho noblest, and nho?
one ov tho rarerest pashuns or senti
ments or tho heart.
If tharo iz such a thing az good Ink,
tho phools in this world t(it tho largest
sharo or it.
Poverty z no kuro for extravagance ;
a panper bad rather bar one feast than
3 tqnare meals.
Frugality ami industry makes a na
tion ; indolenco and luxnry ruins it.
Euvy aud snpersiishun aro over the
companyuus or iguoranie.
Cunuiug begins by cheating others,
and alwuss ends by chea iuu; itself.
Orate wtlth iza grate knre ; it makes
moro trnbblo thau happinens for lis
whilo hero, audi! wo could take it with
us when we die, it would often bo the
worst witness wo could havo at the
judgement seat.
Charity, whozo author iz unknown,
Iz like manna from heaven.
The multitude praza those who aro at
the top or the ladder, without asking
how they got there.
Uncivilized people aro all alike ; their
mnhucs aro alike, they even all look
First impreshuns aro alwuss the
stroogost, but not alwuss the trnesTT
Tho best judges or karakter aro thozo
who take every mau to bo boceat until
they kan prove him guilty.
Eunff iz happiness, but wo havo no
standard to meazuro tho quantity.
I am not certain whether tho good, or
evil a man duz unintentionally konnts
or not, bnt they may offset each other ;
who kan tell?
All that i kno about good Ink or bat',
Ink iz this our good luk we attribute
to our shrewdness, our bad Ink we
charge over to sumboddy's else ackount.
Tho man who iz anxious ou all oc
kasbuma to tell all he knows, iz pretty
sure not to know all he tells.
The only real safe advice to follow iz
that kind which strengthens our own
If y u lend money to a spendthrift, tho
chances aro that yu will loza the prin
cipal, aud git nothing but abuse for the
Hoi sea are ticklish property; I
should az soon thiuk or picking out a
sound deukon bi looking at him, az a
sound home y u havo got to take them
both ontrkl, and pray for good luk be
Ho who learns bi the experience or
othors, and never lets others learn by
hiz, iz just about az shrewd az men ever
Kit to be in this world.
We all pray for long life, bnt a short
one is tho safest.
Tho man whom prosperity makes
proud, adversity will make Insolent.
Erery one expekts to bo remembered
after they aro dead, but rery few kan
truly tell for what.
Flattery iz an evidence ov a craven
spirit ; wo never flatter thozo whom wo
Yunir man. watch vuro ODnortunitv.
and, when yu seo it, lay violent hands
on it ; it iz sure to cum once, auu may
not cum tho beckoud time.
I allwuss uotUa that thozo yung wim-
mln who aro afradu that every yung fel
low who coma near them is a going to
steal them, und run away with them,
aud brako their parient'a harto, seldom
sueaceod in gttung kanght.
Wn.TTliv " Tlm fnllnivincrlhtnrv
is told of u MethodUt minister, named
T. o. Day, wuo received an appoint
ment ou a circuit iu a Western State :
On tho first Buuday moruinct he
started from his domicile to tho meeting-house,
half a mile distant. Tho
mtuister observed several bojs playiug
in ami about a poud of water, bathing,
making " mud-pies," oud indulging iu
divers other thiugs iuoident to the rcck-les-tueaa
of youth.
ir. u.Irmii-Hil nlnurlv towards the
crowd, and addressing au intelligent-
looking voy, origin as a prairio uower,
f)iimn Iinrtv mv nnii."
The boy stepped up to him, and the
otuers couecieu urouuu.
" Do you know," said tho minister,
l wlm) iliv lliix in "
" Oh, yesl ' they all shouted, " it is
.air- JJ',, our uow Aieiuoousi mimsier,
Youtn't Companion,
A Doruwot. IIohoii. Do not seek to
ho intrusted with your friend's secret ;
for no matter how faithfully you may
keen it. vuu mav be liable iu a thousaud
conilugeucias to the suspicion of having
bttlrayod It.
Frnit Trecf.
I find that limo, wood ashes and old
iron pnt around tbo roots of declining
frnit trees, havo a very beneficial effect.
Theso fertilizers restore tbo tree to a
hoalthy condition, and also greatly im-
iirovo tho frnit in quality and quantity,
' mado tho application on A Windsap
and Never Fall ; about half a bushel of
mixed limo and asbos to each and dug
it in with a hoc somo Ax feet aronnd
the trunk, and put tho old iron imme
diately around the baso of each.
Tho troos put forth -with renewed
vigor, bloomod abundantly, nndyislded
a good crop of fruit. An excellent
wash for trees may be mailo thus: Heat
an ounce of sabtoda to redness in aa
iron pot, and dissolve it in ono gallon
of water, and while warm' apply it to
tho trnnk, After ono application tho
moss and old bark will drop off and tho
lrnnk will be quito smooth. Tho wash
has highly recuperative properties,
making old trees bear anow.
I haro tried soft soap aa a wash vith
good results, and also a coating of lima
in the spring season, which. ia a fia
specific fur old trees. Tho question is
often asked, is it best to B&anro trea
iu the fsll or spring 1 I havo foasd tbo
summer season to boa good tiae ; have
much faith in mulching, upeoklly
yoang trees, for several season after
they aro planted. Apple trees are. said
to havo two growths during the season
tho secondary growth takes place af
ter midsummer, hence it is that a top
dressing of good manure, and also
coarse litter, facilitates the late growth,
and often produces very marked, re
sults in tho habit and formation oftbe
Tho good effect that tnulohirfg has to
young trees is, that it wards o tho in
tense heat of the ann from th-3 tender
roots, and also has a tendency to hold
moiatnre. A good top dressing of
stable manure ia the fall, around yoang
trees, with a gooJ many corn-cobs cast
iver tho surface of tho soil, giyes satis
factory results. W. A. London, in Ru
ral Jlettenger.
E;rs'E.itlnsr ifeus.
Tho quickest and most effectual
method of euro li to watch your fioek
until you detect the guilty ones, thes
catch them and cut their 'heads esT, ;
Another method is to confine-shea in a
coop by themselves for a month or
more, and giro ono feed each, day of
raw meat chopped flno, anil keep plenty
of crushed oyster sUells by the. Have
two or three nest eggs of soawtking
that will not break, in the coop all the
time. The hens will try to "eat these
eggs, but finding alt at-eraptt to break
lut-.m in vam tuvy uuu; "! .
up. The meat anil oyster sheila will
satisfy the CravTHgToraaiasalfeod and
lime, and a month or six weeks of een
fiaemeot and porcelain eggs will effcet
a cure. I used to be truabled with
egg-eaters among nay nook, and cured
several by this method, hut ahonld sot
try it again unless the hens were very
There are several woya by which hens
learn to eat their eggs. In cold weather
eggs aro left in tho nest until they
Ireeze and crack open, the hena peek at
the cracks aud aoon learn that eggs are
good to eat. Egg-shells ae thrown te
tho hens and they devour them greedily
for the sake of the lime, and soou learn
to peck at the whole eggs. From lack
of shell forming ingredients in thek
food, hens frequently lay soft-shelled
eggs, or eggs without any shells, asd
aa they doubtless feel ashamed of their
unfinished work, dovour it to get it est
of sight. .
The preventives are obvioas. Give
your hens plenty of lime in some shape
-crushed oyster-shells, barnt bene or
old plaster, and always asa pamlaia
nest-eggs. As soon as an egg-beater is
discovered she should be killed at
once, or removed from the ether fewk
uutil a cure is effected. Oaaegg-et-ing
hen will soon corrupt the sorak ef
tho entire Hock. J'tuwy FiIJ, in
Pmirie Farmer.
Tuouobts os Bhexdisq HoBsas.
We often hear it said ihat it does not
pay for farmers to rake this or that
breed of horses, but this k trae only
in a limited sense. The beet always
pays. The best specimens of any strain
or stylo of horses sell readily, at good
prices, and tho poor onea of all breeds
aro drugs upon tho market. It k no
doubt truo that a much greater meas
ure of success may be expected with
some breeds than with, .others, the
choice depending largely upon the eir
cumstaneea of the farmer, his location,
etit., aud that as a general rnle, otdi
naty farmers cannot compete with
wealthy professional breeders in pre
duoiug horsea for racing purposes,
either rnuuers or trottera ; bat even in
these classes much will depend upon
the locati n and the sort of breed mares
tho farmer may have on his farm. If
he is situated iu a region famoas for
producing turf horsea, one that k fre- ,
queuted by buyers of such luwaes,
wlinni ha o.Ul have OCCeSS tO IfSt-oks
stallions, and his brood mares are t
Btruius of blood noted lor products
urit.nAra lirt urlll prt.iiulr Aud it OS
protltabie to breed homes of thk ekes.
Whore theso conditions do not xmc, ate
will usually flud the sureit presW in
breeding heavy draft orBtylisheawkiie
homes. Nalionixl Livt Stock Jowtm,
A Vormont farmer reoommeade the
uso of sawdust as a bedding for eaMk,
to keep them clean and aheerW the
liquid manure. An exprkea el
twenty years ia nslng on a U&,
shows tuat it does not injur Mmjwm
lulni, fr..l v annlUil in th waaf. fteB
soils, no doabt, woald be kspisfsshr
ino auuitioa ot sewua, oiisi
bo iojured somewhat to a sitae
tno eawdusi aeoayea.
- ' i
Tortoise shall and horn eo-hsr ham
much louger for having oil ruM4.ns)
them once la a while.
K J -1