The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, September 02, 1937, Image 1

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i n
No Matter H ow Thin You Slice It!
« ¿ 7
tiy an Innocent Bystander
Will wonders never cease? We
had a rain in August! But it wasn't
such a terrible flood, at that. About
17 drops, according to the latest
But it chauged the air and
made us think of what is to com*
W e were pleased to hear that 'he
labor agitators who made a lot of
trouble in the valley last year were
nit having things all their own way
about the packing houses this year.
. . .
it, fact they are not allowed to enter
the plants or hang about to bother
th- workers Which is all fine and
dandy. No one wants to be bothered
. . .
with labor troubles when our fruit
crop is being gathered
The packing
houses are paying fair wages once
more and there is no earthly reason
for union agitation. ^
I .
T<>o much wine and a bellicose j
disposition proved a poor combin-l
alion for Paul Bibb last Saturday[
night. 'Bibb is a transient farm work-J
er and has been camping in the Tolo
district for a short time
Saturday evening about it o'clock
i Whb and several companions ob­
,, p0JHeK1)l0n of „
lk>n of
wlne Takln(? „ around the t.orner
r (he 8a(eway gtorp the ,mblbt.d '
, « , 1 ™
rat,ler strongly. Soon aheated arxu-
meDt , Ur|ed and Bibb and a coni. ,
panlon began fightiuf, city Marshal
Hedgpeth went t„ the scene t o ’
atop ,bp dlgturbanw
Bibb b<>cam<.'
very ablIslve and \|argbal Hedgpeth
" h e n the Economic Wiixards juggle astronomic sums
With a prestidigitation that bedazzles and b numbs.
Ac they dentonostrate by airy and imaginative proof
How you build a "nfadern'’ structure— working downward from
the roof:
It’s a nifty, shifty spectacle of iridescent brains
And of pyrotechnic magic— but the simple fact r- mains.
It's Baloney!
It's Baloney
Like a ballyhoo at Coney;
And though Supeimind- may greet It with acclaim.
As It glitters and it blazes
With the fanciest of phrases.
It’s Baloney
It's Baloney
Just the saute!
When the Th ore tic Pundits very brilliantly contrive
To add two and two together so they total up five;
Or th Prophetsaud the S e ra paint a sweeter Bye and Bye
Where, by merely pulling boot-straps. We’ll go soaring to th- sky.
Where, with out a lick of labor, we'll hive money by the chunk.
-It's delightful, it’s dellc’ ous, it's delovely, it's de hunk!
It’s Baloney!
It’s Ralon v
It’s Utopian, but phony!
It's a humbug and a thiityble-rigging game
Though its label may be tony.
It is none-the-less baloney.
Though you call It b> an esoteric nam !
Nev-r mind how they price It.
Or how wafer-thin they slice it
It is still the old Baloney
Jut the same'
Past Matron’s Club
Meets With Ashland
The Past Matron's club of N't vita
Chapter. O K. 8 . was invtted to
meet with the Pam Matron's club of
the Ashland lodge Wednesday aft r-
nopn They planned a picnic in th*
McNair garden, but owing to the
drizzle of rain they enjoyed a ban­
quet In the hall Instead.
Those attending front here were:
Mesdames Elizabeth
Martin. Bertha
Freeman, Elizabeth I«ecver. Head,
Lvlia Kyle. Neal. Klizah th Scott and
Miss Alice Hanley.
W alter Abbey Holds
Open House Tonight
The Central Point School wtl open
on Monday. Sept 12th. Most of th?
first day wil be taken up with regis­
tration and arranging class sched­
uled and giving out books. The
teachers in charge are as follows:
High School: || p Jewott. Prin­
cipal and mathematics instructer;
Kenneth Halbert, science, shop, and
physical education; Ethel Fleisher.
English. I-a.tin, program supervision;
Mildred Ross,Home Economics and
History: Norma, English,
History aud music; Miss Martha
Boshers. commercial and girls’ phys­
ical «ducation: R. A Bolts, baud ami
The most modtrn and up-to-date
automobile home and tractor and
truck headquarters in southern Ore­
gon is holding open house at Walter
W, Abbey's new salt's and s«rvlce
decided to lock hint up for a while.
plant in Medford today, tomorrow
This month marks the 150th an- Assisted by Special Officer James
Grade School: D. F. Atnick. prin­
niversary of the signing of the Con-jCummings the Marshal led the pro­
and Saturdady, Everyone Is tnvlttd cipal and eigth grade; Robert Webb.
to drop In
stitution of the United States. Dur­ oner to the rear of the city Jail
7th grade; Melba Putnam, sixth
ing all this time this country ha- "her** the drink-crazed man almost
The floor of the main sales and grade; Laura Pastorlno,fifth grade;
grown and prospered under its bene­ succeeded in breaking away from
show room is laid in large blocks of Mable Hansen, fourth grade; Arline
ficent rule. And it has remained the officers. He landed one hard
| orange and green; the main walls Estes, third grad»; Marjorie Greg­
for FDR and his cohorts to stir ui> blow in the Marshal's face and broke
are cream with a lavender trim. The ory. second grade; Mae Richardson,
all the talk of the old docm«nt hav­ for the fence. Befnr, he could climb
tntlre south and east side are win­ first grade.
ing served its time and no longer fi. over he was nahbed by the officers,
dows and added to this are two big
First grade pupils who are not
to serve as the fundamental law cf who this time took no chances, but
skylights In each department.
For six y«*ars old on the opening date
the land. However, it has been very placed th • “ conte-alongs" on his
evening there is a beautiful indirect should have the reading-readiness
Civil W a r Veteran
Grandson of Local
lighting system.
In the center of before entering
pleasing to note that there are many wris, and placed hint in a cell.
Parents may ar­
members of the old Democratic party
a huge fireplace range for this by calling Mra. Inch
The wife of the prisoner put up
Dies at Gold Hill
Lady Is Injured
with comfortable
chairs scattered at the county school auperinten-
wtio refuse to longer betray t h e i r 'SIJcb a p|tHfu| plea that Marshal
principles aud sell tUeip birthright Hedgpeth took pity on her and call-
John C. Ingiing. one of the few
The following clipping
from a about. H«-re y«’ u will »11 In stirt of deut’a offlc
Any high school pupils
for a mess of pottage or any oth“ » «.d on R-corder Tex. who consented : remaining Cirll
veterans of newspaper
published at Ceylon, courteous treatment
whether you 1 who desire to talk over their regis-
old thing.
to come down and hold an emergen- | Southern Oregon, passed away at hts Minn., describes an injury suffered conte to buy or merely to enjoy thp|tration before tin- iqe ntng dot. will
* * *
j c.v court, even though it was then home in Cold Hill early
Tuesday by the grandson of Mrs. C. G. Dun- beautiful new plant
find Supt Jewett in his office «very
can of this city. The family is well
Walter W Abbey, president and day next week.
If the Pr-sident should so far for-1 nearly 11 o'clock
After hearing morning at jthe age of nearly 90
j manager, has a very attractive of-
Mr. Ingiing was born in Michigan known here:
get past history as to run for a third the evidenc? Recorder Tex imposed
There are a number of textbook
“ Clarence Duncan received several , flee. The assistant manager has his changes this year Grade gchol pupils
H* enli»ted for
term, we fear he is due for a very a fine of $10 upon Bibb for distnrb- October 22, 1847.
rude awakening This country Iris ing the peace and a $15 fine for as-1 service in the Civil war in C'ompnuy cracked ribs last Thursday in an ac- . own office and other members ot will not I k - to any extra expense lie-
been compelled to Pu’ UP with a 1°' saultlng an officer. Not having any j F. 12th regiment. Michigan infantry, cident on the Henry Schoper farm ¡'he force also have office spac*. cause of Ihese changes since th«*
He came to Gold Hill in 1919 south of here. Clarence was driving About 35 men find employment her., texts are supplied by the district. In
of nonsense in recaut years, but we money with which to pay the fine,!
do not believe it is ready to s. t Bibb consented to leave his car as where his wife passed away in 192H. a bundle team and was rllmbtnu Paul Bailey Is manager of the car the high school the heavy burden of
and where he had since resided. Mr. back on the wagon after going for department.
aside all precedent and go in for an apegrity
expense which would ordinarily b
In January, 1932 Walter Abbey cattaed by the changes wll be greatly
ever-continuing administration. In
Upon being released. Bibb started Ingiing was the father of nine chil­ a drink. The horses started up and
firm lightened hy the rental system pro­
fact, nothing would please a lot of off toward the highway, but was dren. two of wlxmi. Charles and Ella, the lines fell from the upright on opened his first
Surviving are M>- the forward part of the wagon. The handling the Nash line of cars. Now vided. All Cxthooks may be rent d
us hard-shelled old timers more than still In a defiant mood and kept are deeceased.
Myrtle Mills- boy reached to catch the lines, one the White and Indiana trucks and by the Jiupil at twenty-five cents
• o i ave Mr. Itoom-vek tr y Just Htal shouHiig profane comments upon In» Mlllepaugh and
! the ctly and its officers.
Marshal ; paugh of Portland; Alta VauEman. I foot touching and resting on the the Hardie Sprayers and other lines a semester. The average coat per
• • *
The of implements are sold her«'
Hedgpeth instructed Officer Cum- Pasadena, Calif.; Jessie Akins. W »-i tongue of th. bundle wagon
pupil for all bis books will not le*
The old building formerly occu­ over two dollera. Changes have h en
Hut he gpd his ringmaster, Mr. niings to telephone
Is undergoing a made in the biology text, home eco­
Farley, are up against a pretty hard police to take the fellow to th Hill: Harry R. Ingiing i f Medford .((UR <1 ot( pus »tiXiio) oi |4 111044 tiro; pied by the firm
thorough renovation
will he nomics, world history, and alg -bu.
proposition to find a suitable 3ttccfs- county jail.
There has been a steadily in­
sor among the dyed-in-the-wool New
While the officers were phoning two sisters and one brother survlv to cling to the rack so that a fall us«‘d as a used car shop.
Funeral services were held in th under the wagon was prevented. As
creasing demand for shop work of
Dealers Not that a lot of them do Bibb sneaked up an alley and slipped
Mr and Mrs. Theodore Steinhoff some kind for the boys and a shop
not fe;l themselves perfectly capable into his car, which was still on the I. O O. F. hall. Gold Hill this after­ he grabbid the lines and pulled hack
son of Hornick. Iowa, visited at course has been planned for this
of handling the boss's job
Bn? to street, and
started off
make the voters overlook thMr past Hedgpeth
commando red
another officiating.
Interment in Gold Hill he was caught between the rump of the E. C. Faber home over the week y ar. The workshop will be fitted
They were old acquaintances up as near aa possible to duplicate
foolishness is another story.
«ar and gave chase, coming up tol«|m ctcry
Conger funeral parlors one horse and the wagon and squee­ end
« :..
AA M rp,,1 *
n shn Sfvn it / n »«.n n w-.n« -t I
zed with the result as slat d above. in Iowa and were 'orm «r customers an ordinary home work shop situa­
Ihe fugitive
Tolo. HafilisInS
Realizing 1 in
charge of arrangeni nt*.
He went to
Rochester with his of Mr Faber at that time. They arc tion Every effort will be made to
Darn it. why do all th» Interesting ihat the officers were closing up on |
on Saturday now visiting Mrs Cleveland at Butte make the course very practical and
things have to happen while we are him. Bibb suddenly stop|>ed the car { $ U r e a U t o C h a n g e
) but owing to a feverish condition as Falls. Mr and Mrs. Steinhoff hop«' the projects will be worked out to
out of town?
Or at least hom lu and jumped out and ran Into th
Pear Advertising Plan the result of his injury he whs un- to locate on the Coast,
give training which will have a r al
That fight episode the other bushes.
able to give any of his blood for the
carry-over into practical situations.
night must have been a dandy. We
A few minutes later the state
Ratification of advertising plans 1 transnfslon given his sister, in which
Very little If any power machinery
would have
enjoyed seeing Bert police arrived ou the
scene and as-
new material for use in prontot- transufusion his father and brother
will be initialled this y ar.
chasing that
fellow from the back slated in towing the car hack
is coining
Indications are that there will be
door of the city hall to the a lley! Central Point, where it was look d ing pears was one of the muln ac gave their blood.
The officers then re- , ootnplishments of the Pear Bureau along fine now and hopes that h--,
a larger enrollment than last y ar
fence and nabbing him just as he In a garage
Clifton A. Phillips,
cleared the top. And also we would turned to Tolo and after a short executive and advertising committees 1 will still be able to do considerabl ,
Mr and Mr*. Charles Gay of M--d
like to have seen Bert slapping the [search found Bibb sound asleep In a' *h,' lr meeting In Portland last threshing before the fall Job is com-
Approximately $55.«on pleted.
Bible School, 10:00 a in.. Roland ford and niece Margaret Gay of Bea­
“ come-alongs” on the
T o 'h i s c a m p He was taken to Medford
was reported as being available from
’ ’Wesley Duncan and three ()f hts Hover, supt... A marked increase Is ttie w re guests at the Edward Farra
say nothing of the ’ haymaker” and lodged In the county Jail.
which land d on Bert's proboscis and I Monday morning Bibb was taken numbers'
which is ;0„ a drove to Rochester Saturday expected.
numbers commitments.
home last Thursday afternoon
started all the fun
before Justice of the Peace Coleman *20.000 more than last season
evening to visit their daughter and
Communion and preaching 1J:«0
' *
. . .
who. after hearing the entire story. ' A r t work and color drawings on sister. 111 at a hospital in that city. a m Special singing and a meaaag«-
Mid we are looking forward to a lot ' imposed etill another fine of $10 'he new window display mater'al and They found the little girl somewhat to the church on ” Our Winter's
t ?
of fun when Dm starts carrying out and costs, making a total of $49.5« > a r cards were exhibited, and here improved with physicians holding W ork.”
the mavor's orders to shut’ off the now against him He was released , »he Bureau departed from past prac- out more hopes that th? infection In
Children's Church, 1 1 no a. in.
cltv water from all persons who are „ „ promise to pay the fine .s soon . tlce of bright colors, changing to her foot, which took her to the hoa- Mr*. Phillips, minister. Your boy and
in rttuning
Frogs do not croak
dellnquent In Ihe payment of water'as he could earn the money.
His » « f ' ^ colors designed to attract (he pj „ i . wll|
tint* he checked
The girl are Invited. The Bible la her** water.— T. L. Haines.
th- war ' car Is still being held here, pending women.
Dctors now agree that Osteomylltls taught In child's language.
But to Judge from
payment of the $25 fine.
A Pear Week poster which will which was causing the Infection was
We overheard some of the Civic
Senior, Junior and IntTmediate
the money has been rolling in at th-
be displayed by all grocers during caused from an Injury received when C E. 7:00 p m
Carl Hover I* In club ladies threatening to take ac­
city office, maybe thert won t be any
the week prior to Thanksgiving, will her bicycle fell on her foot a week charge.
tion about papers being allowed to
dellnuueuti tMa month
But we Mrs. McCarty
t r Thanks
■ nunn^
° 1
combine autumn colors of yellow and or so ago
latest reports are that
Evangelistic service H.ou p m We «blow all over town. Let's check and
sermon on [see If we might be one of the guilty
deride*the^pre^ent restrictions on the
H e r Former
F o r m e r Patrons
P a t r o n s brown
Since freah pears are the drain tube was removed from the will present a chart
on _________
Tuesday and altho hot "Where Are W e ! ' 1 Will answer the parties,
iable In a limited number of cities. wound
_____ ___
use of city water for Irrigation, and
Mrs. McCarty, who recently sold ^ canned pears also will be push' d packs are still being us*d there Is a questions: "'Will the Earth Soon Bel
defy the authorltiea to stop
, her
h « * 1'
Constabl - B« rt Hedgpeth getting
her jntreBt
intrest In
In McCarty’s
M cfa rtys Dress
Dress I Shop^^
tbljl campa|yn- as hy combining! • continued Improvement shown Mr* Dissolved” and “ Is This
from using the water whenever thev | ^
MFdford w,*he, to thank «h e lboth fr„ „ an<J fannf(,
Pe .r j IMl„ ran. who has
b»r Trouble the Beginning of Armaged­ a rather warm welcome from *>me
I- r- of Th** American for their Week can then be pushed natlonallv. laughter gt Rocheater all last week.
of the water users as he deliver* d
don T”
w *t»r notices this past w*ek
Canning interests will probably con- i , »me home with Mr. Duncan and
Prayer andd Hlble study Wednes­
Su.h folks are not playing fair
She states that while she feels it tribute to thia campaign, according | the boys on Sunday.”
day at 7:45 p m Woodrow Phillips,
with their neighbors
And w to be for the best Intrest to accept
Little Johnny Deuel buying sal­
to a preliminary survey.
devotional leader and Mr*. J. N.
hereby serve notice on the blamed I the offer she has received for the
mon egg* In preparation for a hig
Cornutt, Bible study l«-ad> r
Nip & Sip Service
IJits we will print their nam*'- e'*1' , plircba*p nf the ttore. she has enjoy-
fishing trip when hi* grand'athev
T i­
HaP New Owner
on the front page with a bim k » " ' ,d b ,r dav« in the »tore r-ry nun h 1 W R E S T L IN G N E W S
was going to take hint armga t h -
der if we catch them at I*
Right | and hopes to continue the
many .
river that came clear up under hts
Two new faces and one old will
Mr. and Mrs W J. Moore of Har-
Is right, and when th»re is a short i friendships made there.
appear on next
week’s wrestling vard. Idaho, have purchased the
age of water such a« *t present
card, which will be moved back to |„a*e of the Nip * Sip Service station
Rex. R.
le s i» . l*»»tor.
Vivienne Ross
being v> ry
_ 1 p i
i the Medford Armory, Promoter Mack from Mr and
proreni no one has a right to Uno-
T o w n ie ild C l U D
Phone iE I
much pleased with a baby brother—
Every one take notice All even- at first thinking a sister would he
<nd took possession yesterday. They
th- rights of other* and pay no at­
Holds Large Meeting l.itltard announc'd todav
Young Zityiiko of Poland, a neph- state they plan to gly» the public the ing servlc«-# begin
a half hour , much nicer— but now
tention to the rule* wh'ch are msd«'|
Incllm-d t«>
The Central Point Townsend clnb ew of the great Stanislaus Zbrszko. -ame ronsrlenrlnu* service the for : earlier,
for the protection of th? town.
(believe that a brother will be nl«'*r
met last Thursday evening at th" former champion of the world, will mer owner* gave but do nol plan to; league* a* < 30 p m
after all.
Evening services 7:10 p m
There are a lot of ns who are «ad- Coffee Shop with ahout fifty mem­ make hi* Drat southern Oregon ap- serve dinner* at the elation. How-
Gorilla Gogi of «ver. they will »err« hamburgers and
Prayer meeting 7:10 p. ni
ly looking at onr dying lawns and ber* Insld* *nd a number ontside on pegrtnee, as will
Health Is Priceless
Buenos Aire*, a hairy monster who j coffee.
| Rev. D. D Randall w»U h a v e rhsrg
flowers and watching the work of the sidewalk
¡la rated one of th* dirtiest in th«-j
Mr*. M«w>re I* a sister of
Mr ,,f both morning and evening ser-
year* going to the dogs by reason
Two thousand horses have sleep­
of not having sufflc nt wat r to ke'-n I dress, talking on. re«overy and so- |a||# i^es Wolfe of Texas will als> ("harlea E. Clay, manager of Snider'» vices
ing sickness In Minnesota
R»v Williams was a ba on the card, returning after in • i r*-am»ry In Medford
• hem alive
But we believe the con cial aeciirity
Mr and Mr*
tterean dass paty wil b> at th*
Fltty-flve In Jackson County
Church of aheeace of over a year
dltlon is going to be remedied a s! former pa*or " f
Moore plan io make this their prr- honte of Mrs. Roy Nichols Thursday
Humans sometimes g»t diseases
u|lard aa|d tha, h, ml){ht hold manenl h«w»H-
soon as possible and w* can start a I t'hrlat here and is now aa evangel-j
Hept. *
Mrs Wyatl's rla*« t» < «*r- j from animal*.
Hi. talk was much Maraka„ Car(er 0„ r fof morP )ora,
over again with the assurance Mist 1 st preacher
dially Invlted to rnm*
j Clean premt*»* hclp preveni dls-
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Isaacson hav"
Julias Raplee of Ortnorn ease.
it won't happen again At l»a«t th» enjoyed by all present
r»eerved a cabin al ih» Hotel Val- Mission will h» with n* Sept 12 an«i ( \ word to th wlse Is suffteten'
patriotic citizen* and especially tho««
|,luK Harriett Powell of Medford I andra and expect to return here Prl- will s h " « pirtnr-s in th »v« ning
» h o believe In Ihe Golden Rale ar» and do our best to Iw- patient y*t a ,
Esrs»-r* 1 Erwttgr«»w»-r« ll»wh
going to abide with the regulations! while longer
Is visiting at the Clem Flaley home ^ day.
(Ih luewrcdl