Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, January 28, 1927, Image 4

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More Income
on Farms
“ The Agricultural Review fre­
quently has pointed out that the in­
come o f many American farmers is
not confined to the receipts from
sales of products o f the farms; that
the aggregate earnings o f those en­
gaged in agricultural activities is
far greater than the total net farm
The reason for this is
that most farming operations are
seasonal in character, which leaves
much time to be otherwise employed.
Not all farmers are located within
reach o f steudy outside employment
nor where they can profitably en-
ffnK<‘ in a supplementary business en­
terprise. Rut the number who are
so situated is large, und is rapidly
“ Highway construction, and pub­
lic works of various kinds give a
great many furmers opportunity to
profitably employ their otherwise
spare time. The decentralization o f
industries, which now appears to
have fairly started, is bringing em­
ployment within reach of previous­
ly isolated farms and in addition is
supplying vnstly greater and better
local markets.
Improved highways
arc bringing customers to rural doors
and making it possible to conduct
profitable side lines.
"Electricul development promises
to greatly increase these opportuni­
ties, and to make rural life easier
and more attractive by supplying
power and light to all farms within
a considerable radius o f the newly-
created industrial centers. A com­
petent authority declares that elec­
tric current, at reasonable rates, will
be available on more than a million
American fnrms, or one in six, within
n very few yenrs. The development
o f super-power systems already is
opening the way for industry, de­
centralization in a large way. A su­
per-power system is one in which the
power generated at various favorable
points is connected up by means of
h'ghtension lines, so that it can be
delivered at any point within the sys­
tem, in such quantities and at such
times us may be required.
“ Modern industrial tendency is to­
ward smaller production units, em­
ploying from a few hundred to a few
thousand people each. Skilled factory
mnnngers in most lines pronounce
factorial o f this size more efficient
than the larger ones. Standardization
o f machinery, and o f all parts nnd
most products thereof, renders these
smuller units independent o f the
great congested industrial districts.
smiled and said, “ I’d be ashamed to
face my children again if I shot that
The incident ’rss vrii«.-*! to *Y«»»ii-
ington. and Clifford Berryman, car­
toonist .drew a cartoon next day
called "Teddy’s Bear,” which repre­
sented Roosevelt pulling the little
creature by a rope up the White
House steps
This was followed by
another called “ Drawing the Line in
Mississippi,” in allusion to the agi­
tation then seething over the color
line in the gulf states. These two
cartoons started the teddy baer fad.
— The Mentor.
------- * ----- .
The other day 1 saw a young fel­
low deliberately bent a bill o f three
or four dollars— and then slink away
like a whipped cur when the victim’s
back was turned. That young chap
right then and there sold his honor,
his character and likely his future
good prospects for a beggarly sum.
Talk about selling n birthright for a
mess o f pottage— it is done every day
The young fellow who starts his car­
eer by beating a few bills imagines
that he is just about that much nhend
of the game. If he could look into tne
future he would see a millstone big­
ger than an elephant hanging to his
neck. He would see himself one of
the “ ard luck” fellows o f the com­
munity; the fellow who never gets
along; the fellow who is always look­
ing for a four leaf clover and never
finding it; the fellow who ekes out
a miserable existence by the sweat
o f his brow for nobody has any con­
fidence in his brains and he can’t
sell them at any price. Honesty is
the best thing that paves the way to
the green fields o f plenty and liens
the clouds with silver and shining
gold. Then think of selling out for
three dollars.— Bert Walker.
---------------+ --------------
A Washington cartoonist was re­
sponsible for the teddy bear fad that
■wept the country while Theodore
Roosevelt was in the White House.
When Roosevelt went on a bear hunt
in IPO}, he assured, the reporters
he would bring back a bear.
After nine days in Mississippi
hunting grounds, w o r d reached
Roosevelt and his party that a bear
had i»een sighted. Heavily armed the
»! ortsmen set out, to find only one
small black cuh about eighteen in­
ches long. Two strong men were
o* »t with ropes.
-------------- * ---------------
“ CAN THE W O R D ‘S U P P O R T ’ ”
From The Nation’s Business a Merle
Thorpe Editorial.
Do you “ support” your chamber
o f commerce or your trade associa­
tion? If so, don’t do it! Which may
seem strange advice from a maga­
zine which has fought from the day
of its foundation for organized busi­
ness, which has stood for the right
of industry to get together for the
common good.
But a chamber o f com -iorce or a
trade association ought not to be
thought o f as asking support, but
rather as offering “ for value re­
ceived” services which can be had
in no other way.
The man who pays his taxes isn’t
supporting his town. He’s paying for
protection fro mfire, for street pav­
ing, for schools, for the dozens of
other things that well organized
communities provide. We deal with
the corner grocer; we don’t support
him. We buy his potatoes and can­
ned corn and are willing to pay for
So, too, with a business organiza­
tion. It' has something to sell, serv­
ices that enn be bought nowhere
else. A member who feels that he is
getting his money’s worth is a good
member to have.
Same applies to newspapers.
-------------- * ---------------
The greatest vulgarity is spend­
ing more than you earn.
Most o f us want to be respectnble
There is nothing so respectable in
all the world as living within your
Somebody asked Chaunccy Depew,
how much it takes to live on in New
York. He answered, “ A little more
than you have.”
Every city is swarming with fools
who are trying to maintain their
“ station in life” by spending $100
for every $30 they take in.
Sometimes it is the man who is
the fool, sometimes the woman. One
is as had ns the other. Worse. Quite
often it is the children.
Which is
still worse.
But whoever it is, attack said fool
at once. It will make trouble, but
you'd better have $10 worth of
trouble now than $100 later on.
And no matter who you are, wheth­
er a bedecked lady driving in a lim­
ousine you cannot nfford, or n shop
girl wearing a silk blouse that is
beyond your menns.
Don’t forget
you arc just plain vulgar.
Because anybody can do it. And
it is he commonest, cheapest, wishy
wnsiest and most inexcusably thing
which the mob does.
There will always be inequallity,
always some who have more money
and make a greater display than you.
Why worry that you are poorer than
some around you?
If you are going to have a pain
whenever you see anyone living in a
finer house than you, or wearing
costlier furs or giving more georg-
eous dinner parties, or riding in more
expensive automobiles, you would
well make up your mind to accumu­
late pangs right up to the grave.
Clean yourself o f this nasty feel­
ing. For envy is the nastiest o f all
the spoilers o f content.
This way out is simple. Just don’t
That’s all.
It may hurt and humiliate and all
that, but what o f it? Have not better
men and women than you suffered to
retain their selfrespect!
V omen have killed themselves
rather than lose ‘.heir virtue, and men
une gone to prison and the gallows
alber than lie or betray and can-
j t you unuergo a bit o f privation
’or the sake o f being decent
Resolve that from this day on you
silt at least not he vulgar, that you
will not spend more than you make.
-Dr. Frank Crane.
— -----+ ----------
Attention ia railed to the responsi-
ì*y ofthc individual for community
•«. TS * is an old but ever new
theme. Without acceptance o f this
obligation by the individual, no com­
munity development would ever be
possible because mass action in any
direction is impossible, without a de­
sire on the part o f the individual to
So, in order to get improvement,
every citizen o f the* community must
be “ right” on the question— at least
a large majority must be convinced
that they are obligated to do their
share o f the work that is required.
The citizen who is satisfied with
everything, who wants to “ let well
enough alone” on the theory that ad­
vancement will require some extra
effort on his part, will sooner or la­
ter slide into the rut from which he
will never emerge.
When this type o f citizen suddenly
awakens to the fact that he has been
following the same line for yenrs and
that he has spent the best part of his
life without accomplishing anything,
he blames the community, his neigh­
bors, his friends and his job for his
If he will analyze his own attitude
carefully, he will find that he alone
is to be blamed. If he is honest with
himself, he will recall how he repuls­
ed every effort o f progressive citi­
zens to get his co-operation in pro­
jects to improve the community.
He will look back over the produc­
tive years o f his life and see failure
written there because he resisted
every movement that sought to have
him shoulder his civic responsibility.
. . .
*°, community advancement rests
j - js - sj
— i individuals —■
live in it.
If they are listless and
not alert to their opportunities, if
they fail to accept their obligations
as citizens, then there isn’t progres­
sive communities that are growing
and constantly becoming better
places in which to live.
------------------- * --------------------
to Mrs. Mary Watson Barnes, prof­
essor of English literature, who has
made a study o f the Russian as re­
flected in their literature.
“ The Russians, child-like as they
are, glorify simplicity, and idealize
the straight-forward and frank spirit.
They lack reserve. The human soul,
to them, has sanctity but no pri­
vacy. They do not restrain their
feelings or their confidences,” Mr3.
Barnese said.
“ The people are jfloomy and in­
clude the base and the criminal in
their pity. Contact with the Orient
and the hardships and dangers o f
Russian life have given these people
less o f egotism and more sense o f
the community than the Anglo-Sax­
ons. Therefore they are more readi­
ly subjected to despotism and
authority than the Westerners, Mrs.
Barnes declared.
“ Like agricultural people general­
ly, the Russians are deeply religious,
seeing a supernatural force in the
destructive elements o f nature than
surround them.
They acept all as
coming from God. They find mystery
in life and therefore, poetry.”
bride or groom is an actual resident.
Geese driven long distances to
market in Poland are first “ shod”
by being caused to first walk through
tar and then through sand.
Mrs. .G. Garner o f San Francisco,
was granted a divorce after telling
the judge that her husband cursed
and struck her when she trumped his
ace in a bridge game.
When Dad was a school boy there
were the three R’s, reading’riting
and ’rithmetje. They have the three
R’s yet but its rah, rah, rah.— King­
sley Mercury.
Housekeepers are becoming so
shiftless that they will soon be buy­
ing hot water in tin cans.— Atchison
If it wasn’t for schools and high­
ways it wouldn’t cost much to run
the state. But if it were not for
them it wouldn’t be worth running.
with the
Ashland the first city in Oregon, on
the paved Pacific highway, just 22
miles from the California line, has
many attractive features that are not
found in many other cities. Lithia
Park astonishes and delights the vis­
itor and proves a source of rest and
chmfort to the weary. Mineral springs
of a variety and quality rare indeed
bring relief to many and a climate of
equability and rareness satisfies the
year around. A city o^dOOO people,
State Normal, pretty homes, business
and wealth.
-----------* ----------
A “ sun school,” high among the
Alps, is being established for sickly
children by the Swiss government.
Italian marriages must take place
in a community o f which Either the
They A r e Deeply Religious and A c ­
cept All As Coming From God.
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Jan. 20— (Special.)— Russian litera­
ture has been called a “ hymn to the
injured and insulted” nnd one o f its
outsanding characteristic is t h e
glorification o f suffering, according
^ P ilo n e .
4 7 4
A Personal
You may see a copy of this issue o f The Ashland
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Simply address it to Ashland American,
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will fill out and mail today. Every issue will be more
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