Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, November 19, 1926, Image 2

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W e ekly P a p e r P u b lis h e d a t C e n t r a l P o in t, O r e g o n , a n d
V.,!ÂT!! û V *“ S
¡. Matter
>k-”»' *• s-“"d C1-
PAUL ROBINSON, E d ito r and Publisher
One Year
$ 2.00
All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance
Advertising Rates Given on Application _________
C O U N T V ’S
El >I'n )RIAJ
"O ettinjr business,” says a local
advertiser, “ is ju s t like courting.
You have to o ffe r inducem ents and
keep on calling.”— H. M. B utler in
the H artshorne (Okla.) Sun.
---------- o----------
O ur neighbor paper up in the north
end of the county is showing signs of
prosperity and is greatly improved
of late. The Gold Hill News is ably
supported and the editor giving
them a good paper.
Ashland has more school buildings
and church buildings than any city
its’ size in America. The assertion
is a guess, on our part, based on our
pleasant observation of the beau­
tifu l stru ctu res in a recent drive
around the “ Normal C ity” and the
“ Mineral Springs C ity.”
---------- o----------
W ithout try in g to o ffe r any criti­
cism or being a least bit dictative,
we will venture to rem ark in a low
and m odest tune, our opinion th at
C entral Point m ight possibly be a
little more peppy, m ight secure a
few more needed enterprises and a
few more people, if the city had a
good, sound, hard working Com mer­
cial Club composed of business men,
citizens and farm ers.
fitable alone in C entral P oint or
Joplin, Mo., but all cities depend up­
on it above all other civic endeavor.
In Medford some of the business and
professional men have, this week,
listened to Mr. Hass, who has given
them “ W rite ups” in the Gold Hill
paper and in Jackson county’s wid­
est circulated weekly— The C entral
P oint Am erican. Mr. Hass has w rit­
ten descriptive articles of various
firm s and
individuals which they
have ordered printed in this paper.
Like goods on the shelves of a m er­
cantile store, the space in a new s­
paper is fo r sale, and space in the
Am erican is valuable a t the price
often quoted.
Along this line we
would advise some extensive, good
sized, descriptive, honest Christm as
advertising, rig h t now— if you have
any offerings fo r Christm as,
the many readers about it. No one is
---------- o----------
E d ito r’s note in Iowa paper: “ Ow­
ing to lack of space and the rush of
editing this issue several births and
deaths will be postponed until next
week.” The ed ito r has m ore than or­
dinary influence in his home com­
m unity.— Viola (111.)
E nterprise.
Feast NOT COM PIETE ......................
To the ringing chorus of praise to
corn and wheat, o dariy cow and
beef steer, to fa tte n in g sheep, we de­
sire here and now to a<fd our piping
voice in a word of praise to the
punkin. Not pum pkin— punkin. N est­
ling in yellow,, globular beauty a-
m idst the corn rows, the glorious
---------- o---------- .
pie punkin gives prom ise of gu sta­
tory delights in the im m ediate fu-
fu tu re . Gazing upon the punkin”s
golden ro tundity one may alm ost
Publicity isn’t acknowledged pro- catch the incense of spice and cinn
By E. R. Waite, Secretary
Shawnee, Okla., Board of Commerce
No. 4
---------- o----------
The Pilgrim s celebrated T hanks­
giving on Decem ber 13, 1621. This
was the firs t celebration of this oc­
casion. It is not a reg u larly observed
festival until a f te r th e Revolution
and the adoption of th e C onstitution.
A fte r the y e a r 1789 it was custom ­
ary to observe it. T hanksgiving day
is a peculiarly Am erican institution
and it n o t observed elsew here, ex­
cept in Canada. Of course, days when
the than k s of the nation are offered
to God are observed from tim e to
tim e in foreign countries, b u t this
is done with no reg u larity .
---------- o----------
---------- o----------
A newly established weekly paper
is The P o rt O rford News, edited by
Geo. W. Saranson. The first issue of
The News, last week, was an excel­
lent little paper with all the business
houses advertising.
The paper is
boosting the g re at southw est Ore -
gon country and broadcasting the
lum ber industry, m ining industry,
fishing, agriculture and stockraising
industry. We gladly exchange with
The P ort O rford News.
anion, and taste the richness th a t is
soon to be. Flecking the brown and
sere fields with specks o f gold, even
as th e au rifero u s m etal flecks the
q u a rtz w rested from M other E arth
by th e pick o f the m iner, th e pie
punkin adds to hum an co m fo rt while
co n trib u tin g to hum an delight.
O f hum ble station, with few to
sing its praises, it has been the stan d ­
by of succeeding generations.
m anding little, i t g i v e s much
W ithout it Thanksgiving would be a
hollow m ockery. It graces alike the
table of the rich aristo crat, and the
table of th e to iler in hum ble place.
I t has all season fo r its own, fo r it
m ay be dried in festoons from the
ra fte rs of th e hum ble cottage, or
canned fo r storage in th e cellars of
the well-to-do.— Om aha Bee.
THAT the stores of your city are in a
position to supply your every want.
THAT they sell at reasonable prices the
highest quality of merchandise, and at
them you will always receive courteous
treatment. It is not necessary for you to
go or send aw ay to buy anything.
THAT along with the growth of your
city, your home merchants are alwrays mak­
ing improvements and adding to their
stocks to take care of increasing business;
always keeping in stock the best mer-
chandise at a price that can’t be beat else-
THAT your business men do not sob and
moan and wring their hands on account of
the peddlers and mail order houses. They
just go ahead and offer you better quality
for the Price.
THAT local merchants aim to ret* In
trade by furnishing better service and bet­
ter quality at better terms and prices.
If you don’t read local advertisem ents
and buy from your local m erchants, you are
a loser— not your city— because you a rt
not a loyal citizen and should not be con ­
sidered a citizen.
P eop le who earn m oney in one city and
spend it in another should m ove to the other
city. T hey w ill be no loss to the hom e city
and w ill be no gain to the city they m ove
to. T hey never w ill m ake good citizens any­
__________________ Copyright 1925 _____
ride in as good autom obiles, eat
b e tte r food, and have th e same books
and g en eral e n te rta in m e n t th a t they
do in bigger cities. The tim e was
when th ey could spot a stra n g e r on
Broadw ay o r Michigan A venue or
Broad S tre e t by his g eneral ap p ear­
ance. T ry and do it to day and see
how easily you can be fooled.
We h ear a lot o f talk ab out how
th e radio, the telephone and the
moving p ictu re have lessened
distance betw een th e big city, the
sm aller town and th e ru ra l com m un­
ity. The g re a te st single fa c to r in this
developm ent o f th e sm aller city and
town is n o t given p ro p er cred it, and
th a t fa c to r is th e home new spaper.
J u s t stop fo r a m om ent an d com­
pare o u r home new spapers w ith w hat
they w ere a dozen y ears or so ago.
You will find th a t th e change is as­
tounding. Even in th e very small
cities th e home new spaper is now
generally a thriving, up-to-date in­
stitu tio n w ith m etropolitan airs.
Through its outside news connections
it keeps th e people in touch w ith the
very latest th o u g h t and the latest
custom s th ro u g h o u t the nation. And
by its local e ffo rts it encourages
progress and good citizenship a t
home. Give, th erefo re, th e
new spaper its share of cred it fo r
lessening the gap betw een th e home
town and th e m etropolis. "
Yes, th e era of the sffialler city
has arrived. Ours is one of them .
I t ’s one of th e best places in A m erica
to live. Why n o t pull to g e th e r to
m ake it even b e tte r? If i t ’s good
enough to raise o u r children in, it’s
good enough to boost.
Read home m erch an t ads, if they
advertise. The bigger the ad the big­
g er th e business.— Oregon O bserver
---------- o----------
been placed by her secitno manager
n ex t to an inform ation booth with
in stru ctio n s to “ stay th ere and hear
th e questions custom ers asked.”
They ran g ed all the way from the
sensible to th e insane.
The prize query cam e from a little
elderly gentlem an
w ith a white
“ W hat flo o r’s th e basem ent on
The new sales clerk stared, lie
didn’t seem to be kidding; anyhow,
one could n ev er tell, and it was best
to abide by th e ru le. The customer
is alw ays rig h t even if occasionally
crazy. So she said, “ Over there,”
p ointing to th e stairs.
The little m an walked aw ay mut­
terin g , “ W hat flo o r’s th e basement
on, ha, h a.” T hen th e inform ation
clerk, who had ignored all this,
tu rn ed and said : “ Didya see I didn’t
notice him? He comes around every
m onth or so and asks th a t pet joke
o f his. Asked me th e firs t tim e I was
h ere; he alw ays picks a new girl to
spring it o n.”— New York Sun.
---------- * ----------
“ E liza,” said a frien d of th e family
to th e old colored washerwoman,
“ have you seen Miss E d ith ’s fiancee?
Eliza pondered a m om ent, then
b en t over th e lau n d ry tu bonce more.
“ No, m a’am ,” she said, “a in ’t been
in the wash y e t.”
---------- * ----------
N ext m onth is C hristm as.
Notify the driver and
It isin’t a “ crim e w ave,” ’as re p o rt­
ed fo r Jackson county, th a t acounts
fo r a few recen t b u rg lars— m ost of
them now in safe keeping behind the
The new sales clerk who was W ill delivermilkat your door
bars. “ Behind the B ars,” will rin g in “ learn in g all ab out the sto re ” had
th eir years from now u n til the end
o f tim e, and fo r why? Local people,
follow ing a crim inal inclined lead er;
young men w ith too much idle tim e
/ V / / V
and the resu lt— “ behind the bars.’”
Millions of dollars are spent o f tax
payers m oney in A m erican schools
W E R E N O T S A T I S F / E a U N L .E S JS Y O (J A B £ *
fo r play grounds, ath letic q u arters,,
gam es, stunts, football, baseball, any
, ^ P P lO T ie. 4 7 4 +
thing fo r sport, play a good tim e.
The Devil finds plenty fo r idle hands
to do. O f course “ all work and no
play, m akes Jack a dull boy, b u t le t’s
balance it a little in fav o r of work
and a learning and am bition for
honest labor.
Young men som etim es fo rg et the
m eaning of “ m anhood” or ‘good
The best. jazz step p er may not
m ean much to the financial world or
to the la te r title of “ substan tial citi­
zen.” Business ability is not acquired
by p u ttin g all one’s thoughts to
sports, card playing, pool gam es,
Interesting essays have been w ritten -
dancing or eventually robbing stores
pages long —describing the calamities
O ur recen t robberies are not a
that would happen if the world ran out
“ crim e wave,” ra th e r some good
of electricity.
young m en gone wrong. R esult of
“ boys thinking th ey are sm a rt’” A
Interesting—but idle.
m anly, dependable, polite boy is a
prince, and the sm art o r uncouth
The practical question is—what do you
youth with a desire to loaf is pit-
do •with electricity ?
Riverside Dairy
PP^hat w ould you do
w ith o u t electricity?
---------- o----------
perts o f various kinds the era of the
According to th e m uniciple ex­
small city can actually grow bigger
than is good for it, and some au th o r­
ities are claim ing th a t the g re a t m e­
tropolis will in tim e arriv e a t the
stage where it will be impossible
physically to grow, in e x ten t of te r r ­
itory a t least.
There are perhaps m any reasons
why the sm aller com m unity is com­
ing into its own. Perhaps the most
potent of these is th a t the sm aller
com m unity is no longer w hat it used
to be— is in fact a g re a t deal b etter.
The city o r town w ith
stre e ts is rarely found in this day of
good roads and autom obiles. Civic
pride has grown in the sm aller as
well as the larg er cities. Ramshackle
buildings are being elim inated every­
where, and the sm aller com m unities
now have fine public buildings in­
cluding rd e q u a te schools and
raries, up-to-date hospitals and so
on. They are all com ing to have fine
parks toe, i.arks th at would do cred ­
it to some of the larg er cities o f the
But the im provem ent has not all
been along inanim ate lines. The
people have improved too. Out in
w hat was once the broad, open space
they dress ju st as well, if not better.
Few homes have as many convenience
outlets as every housewife wants—but
they arc easily and cheaply installed.
A vacuum cleaner—an electric sew ing
machine—a washing machine—an elec­
tric range—these take most of the drudg­
ery out of housew’ork.
Would you—if you could—do w ithout
is the cheapest service
you can buy.
Medford, Oregon
Roar burg, Oregon
Grants Pass, Oregon
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Yreka, California
Dunsmuir, California