C EN TR A L POINT AMERICAN CENTRAL POINT AM ERICAN A I W e ekly P a p e r P u b lis h e d a t C e n t r a l P o in t, O r e g o n , a n d A V.,!ÂT!! û V *“ S ¡. Matter .k. >k-”»' *• s-“"d C1- PAUL ROBINSON, E d ito r and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $ 2.00 All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance Advertising Rates Given on Application _________ JA C KSON C O U N T V ’S W ES K LY PAPER El >I'n )RIAJ "O ettinjr business,” says a local advertiser, “ is ju s t like courting. You have to o ffe r inducem ents and keep on calling.”— H. M. B utler in the H artshorne (Okla.) Sun. ---------- o---------- O ur neighbor paper up in the north end of the county is showing signs of prosperity and is greatly improved of late. The Gold Hill News is ably supported and the editor giving them a good paper. o - - Ashland has more school buildings and church buildings than any city its’ size in America. The assertion is a guess, on our part, based on our pleasant observation of the beau­ tifu l stru ctu res in a recent drive around the “ Normal C ity” and the “ Mineral Springs C ity.” ---------- o---------- W ithout try in g to o ffe r any criti­ cism or being a least bit dictative, we will venture to rem ark in a low and m odest tune, our opinion th at C entral Point m ight possibly be a little more peppy, m ight secure a few more needed enterprises and a few more people, if the city had a good, sound, hard working Com mer­ cial Club composed of business men, citizens and farm ers. fitable alone in C entral P oint or Joplin, Mo., but all cities depend up­ on it above all other civic endeavor. In Medford some of the business and professional men have, this week, listened to Mr. Hass, who has given them “ W rite ups” in the Gold Hill paper and in Jackson county’s wid­ est circulated weekly— The C entral P oint Am erican. Mr. Hass has w rit­ ten descriptive articles of various firm s and individuals which they have ordered printed in this paper. Like goods on the shelves of a m er­ cantile store, the space in a new s­ paper is fo r sale, and space in the Am erican is valuable a t the price often quoted. Along this line we would advise some extensive, good sized, descriptive, honest Christm as advertising, rig h t now— if you have any offerings fo r Christm as, tell the many readers about it. No one is /»fused. ---------- o---------- — ------ > E d ito r’s note in Iowa paper: “ Ow­ ing to lack of space and the rush of editing this issue several births and deaths will be postponed until next week.” The ed ito r has m ore than or­ dinary influence in his home com­ m unity.— Viola (111.) E nterprise. o---------- Feast NOT COM PIETE ...................... W ITHOUT THE PUMPKIN To the ringing chorus of praise to corn and wheat, o dariy cow and beef steer, to fa tte n in g sheep, we de­ sire here and now to a