Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1929)
9 CENTRAL POINT STAR FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1929 VOLUME TWO More Than 100 00 Cars 1 er State [JACKSON COUNTY HEALTH AH8N. M EET» AT PROSPECT T iie Jackson C ounty H ealth asso cia tio n held its b i-m o n th ly meeting at Prospect, Wednesday afternoon. S lxty-llve persons attended and felt w e ll repaid fo r the trip . The beauty of the h ill-s id e * w ith tiie ir autum nal foliage, tin* boun teous lum l i o n served oil tile hotel grounds o f Mrs. Jim Grieve», the in fo rm a l and inte re stin g ta lk by the President, Mis-; C arlton , and the tine vie w * o f the health parades of the ch ild re n by Mr. B rom ley o f the Copco gave all a most d e lig h tfu l time. Story Tells News Gleaned Tale Of Early From all Over Rail History The Nation NUM BER 1.1 PLANS UNDERWAY FDR RED CRÖSS ANNUAL ROLL CALL Gas Tax Over Three Million Paid To State Al Hu- reg ula r m o n th ly meeting of Hie Jackson C ounty Board of the Am erican Re«1 Cross held al Med fo rd on October l t l h plans were made fo r the Annual R oll C all held each year from A rm istice Day Io T ha nksg iving Day. In M edford th is year Hie d rive w ill tie made ttiru Hie C om m unity chest D rive hut in a ll the parts of the county Ihe w o rk w ill lx- ca rried LARGE INCOME RECEIV on as in fo rm e r years. ED BY SATE FROM GAS From Hie e d ito ria l page o f the P ortland Oregonian we «juole the SALES DURING CUR fo llo w in g . "As usual Hie Red Cross RENT YEAR. is on the job c a rry in g fo rw a rd re lie f w o rk among Hie distressed peo ple w ho were burned out in the lo r C o n tin u a lly increasing sales of es! fires that w rought such havoc in the v ic in ity o f C o lv ille W ashing gasoline and d is tilla te have made August the peak m onth in the am ton. ount o f tax collected from sales We o f the Rogue R ive r Valley silice ihe gasoline tax has been in have been m e rc ifu lly exempt from force. Summer m otoring, increase alt m ajor disasters re q u irin g help in to u ris t tra ffic and a dd itio n a l auto from the Red Cross hut Miss L illia n m obiles in operations have c o n trib Roberts the local secretary tra v e l uted to the m onth’s sales, b rin g in g ing up and down the c o u n try on her an increase in to ta l collections fo r errands o f m ercy sm oothing out a August o f th is year o f 858,029.63 ov neighborhood q u a rre l here, and er August, 1928. according to statis keeping a destitute fa m ily there, ex tics com piled by Hal E. Boss, secre tending aid to ex-servic? men anti tary o f State. The amount fo r th is th e ir fa m ilies in o b ta in in g govern year was 8540,382.40, w h ile August, ment help, in lie'r service w ork 1928, the highest peak in the year, w h ic h is a large p art ut every Red showed a sum o f 8482,352.79. Cross program «Iocs a w o rk fo r hu I Gallons o f gasoline sold in Aug- m a n ity w h ich no one can fu lly com i ust reached a new level o f 17.700,- prehend. 925.8, w ith sales o f d is tilla te amount T i those associated w ith her it ing to 374,185.3 gasoline. F or the seen:, in c re d ib le that there should nine m onths o f 1929, a to ta l o f 3,- tie one disinterested person in the 166,074.04 has been collected, b rin g e n tire county. ing gross collections since the tax T o give a d o lla r o r m ore is a became effective in 1919 o f 25,778,- sm all th in g yet in th is w ay you do 036.07. O f th is am ount, w ith re yo u r h it to help c a rry fo rw a rd Ihe funds and a d m in istra tive expenses w o rk o f the Am erican Red Cross at deducted, 824,371,959.93 has been home and abroad. tra n sfe rre d Io the state highw ay Join th is year—A rm istice Day to fund fo r co nstructio n o f highw ays. T hanksgiving day. --------- 0--------- ----------o--------- CONTRACT AWARD*ED FOR T he Grants Pass and Josephine Rank o f Grants Pass has let Ihe I The early days of Oregon’s ra il- contract fo r a b u ild in g to cost 840,- V ISITO RS load h is to ry , when Joseph G a sto n,1 o f Jacksonville, and Simon G. E l- | 000 to be used as the home fo r that S H O W AN INCR1 in s titu tio n . b o ll, of C a lifo rn ia , together w itli OVER LUMBERS < )l pioneer residents of P o rtla n d a n d 1 Douglas county w ill dedicate (he ir I -R I? •US YEARS. Salem, prom oted Hie riv a l com pan 8175,000 c o u rt house Saturday at -------- U--------- ies that b u ilt tlx- first ra ilro a d lines Roseburg. The event has been ITEM S OF IN T E R E S T on the east and west sides o f Hie FROM T O W N O F R O C H E R IV E R made a gala event at the Douglas V illam ette riv e r, is to be to ld as . W ith t -y m onth o f the year ex county seat. p ari o f a slo ry e n title d , “ F rom empt F • try exceeding the r o r- Mrs. Ilu r iic ll is helping in O’Kel- T ra il to R a il", now being published respoit m onth in nuy year «litre ly ’s store 'lu rin g the absence of o r. The P hiladelphia A thletics won re g is * o f n on -rcslile nt auto- and Mrs. O’K e lly w tio have gone on in Hie Southern Pacific B u lle tin . Hie w o rld series by ta k in g fo u r o f itiiJ iit ,s started by the state, the a hunting trip. 'Hie first chapter appears in the Mr. and Mrs. John Wright are tiie October issue o f the magazine tiie five games played. T w o of the r- .to u rist bureaus show* a new ow ners of tin- local butcher .vliich is now liv in g distribute«! am games were won by the A thletics a f ier ittllu x o f v is ito r* in to n shop. i in \ hase u o >»<salon. te r the Chicago Cubs v irtu a lly had O 401^. is year. F ro m »tut I s tir* T ne little H epburn g ir l has been ong employes o f the company in Hie games sewed up. H al E. I loss, so i ll in liia u ts Pass Hospital w ith Oregon. The next few issues o f the c«q ,Jilrr •4hus fa r I ex peeled ttia t typ h o id fever, is s lo w lv im p roving magazine \ ill be devoted Io the his- »«•n.-etury o f state. I The U. S. Senate placed th e ir Several fro m here attended tin ,ory o f Hie organization, ro u s tru c - n w ill reach tite to u ris t regl> M urphy dance last Saturday night stamp of approval upon the p re si 'io n and development o f the various 100.000 ca r* and reoort a good lim e. a to ta l o f more dents appointees to the Farm Kt ' f c r the year. ’file high school has posted some ra ilro a d projects in the state w h ich board. V is ito r’s ears .stereii fo r the m ysterious lo lls called "Oil K a y” . \v<-re in la te r years consolidated to nine m onths cn ilin g September .10. T ry in g to fo ol the p u b lic we guess. fo rm the now famed Shasta Route Daisy Laws left Thursday night Senators Borah and Smoot had a I'.'.l. b riitiu b l a t«»t:il o f 89.071, fo r P ortland to visit her daughter o f Southern Pacific. verbal tilt before the U. S. senate w h ic h com pare* almost to the total Mary who is w o rk in g up there. ’ •T iie ra ilro a d devy'opnient o f no Florence T a y lo r, u local high Other western state,” states the a r upon the m erits o f the new ta r iff o f 90,218 fo r the e n tire year o f 1928. regulations as proposed by Senator T tie |H*nk year since re g istra tio n school g ir l has taken a few steps tic le ,” offers Hu- student o f trans Smoot o f Utah and Congressman in m atrim ony and tier name is Mrs. started was 1920 w ith a to ta l o f 92 • Law rence. F lorence is going to p ortatio n a more fascinating field H aw ley o f Oregon. 050 ears com ing into the state. In fin ish school. fo r studs than does the chain o f S iivllln H o 'e b ritc is c le rk in g id evi nts fo rm in g Hie genesis o f the accordance w ith the w ay re g istra Great B rita in has at last com plet tio n has gone d u rin g the (Inal three C orey’s store fo r a w h ile . Mrs. T a y o lr B a lly was operated ra ilro a d lines in Oregon. Across the ed the construction of her huge ap m ouths o f previous years, it is an upon last week and is in a ve ry pages of such an h is to ric a l review artm ent a ir ship. The great ship ticip a te d thut at least 12.000 more e r ilir a l c o n d itio n . H er daughter (lash Hi«- c o lo rfu l |M-rsonulities o f w ill be capable o f • c a r ry in g 100 a rt iveil today. cars w ill be registered to b rin g the some o f Ihe W est’s most e n te rp ris passengers and was five years in Al laive lias been doing a little to ta l to 100,000 fo r 1929. ing and resourceful pioneer r a il the building. e a r|ie n le r w o rk out on Applegate. "A lth o u g h enforcem ent o f the law B row nie Hanger! and Gus Suth road prom oters. To Simon («. E l p ro v id in g fo r to u rist reg istra tio n is erlan d are «town to Galiee on a i lio tt. Joseph Gaston, Ren H olladay, A Sun Francisco man w ho attempt H enry V illa rd , R ichard Koehler ed to com m it suicide and was in a as s tric t us possible w ith the num hun ting trip . Several local people view ed tbe | ber o f tra ffic men p a tro llin g the haltered safe io the (io lile a Rub- anil W in Reid is due the c re d it fo r , hospital as the result fe ll out o f roads,“ »ays M r. Boss, "m y ow n Store in (Ira n is Pass. The mess of launching and c a rry in g fo rw a rd Ihe bed and broke his neck. BLAZING INDUSTRIAL TRAILS various projects that in la tte r y e a rs ' STATEWIDE A D V E R T IN G o p in io n Is th u t We register but about an nitieteur burglar. T ile I. ailit-s aiil is giving the were completed under the d ire c tio n (10 per cent o f the fo re ign cars The H o lly w o o d club o f the coast teachers a reception next F rid a y of C ollis P. H un ting to n. I »land Stan league won the post season t ilt from w h ic h enter the stale. W ith th is n ig ht at the C om m unity h all. There is an old and somewhat po Announcem ent has b * n made by |M-r rentage used as a basis fo r com etic sentim ent to the effect that if W . G. Ide, manager, state chamber The Freshm an are going Io travel fo rd and ('.has. C roker.’ the San Francisco Missions. p uta tion . it w ould he safe to estim u w ie rd tr a il o f tric k # pid on by you build the b ird houses', the birds o f commerce that the contract fo r R ailroads were projected in Ore T bursd: ” ate the actual num ber o f out of Hie h ig he r classmen. gon as e arly as 1850, but it was not Jackson county received 814,230 w ill come. A n il, strange to relate, p re pa ra tion o f copy, booklets and n ig h t, listen fo r th e ir cries. state ears at 105,000 fo r th is year. I f there is anyone Hint re a lly u n til 1863 that substantial headway o f the slate h ig hw a y fund, Josephine in many o f the p ra c tic a l a ffa irs of o the r adve rtisin g m a te ria l w h ic h T h is svould mean w ith an average w ants good in fo rm a tio n as to how was made to w a rd b u ild in g a road county received 4.606 and Douglas business that is Ihe procedure fo l w ilt be used in the statew ide adver o f three persons to the car, that of to k ill a deer jusl ask K ew oie O'- th rough tiie W illam ette valley. In 88884 in the apportionm ent o f the lowed. tis in g and developm ent urogram , some 500,000 tourists w o u ld he in 1 K e lly , he k ille d one last Monday. F o r instance, n ea rly every d is tric t fo r w h ic h the recent le g is la tiv e ap Hud year E llio t came to Oregon rep m oney from m otor registrations. Live Dak Grange is p la n in g to the state «luring 1929. W hat th is give n real c a rn iv a l in the near fu resenting a group o f C a lifo rn ia men. o f Oregon readies the p oint o f p ro p ro priate d 825.000. has been award*- means in term s o f money to the ture. 11« sought aid in financing the m ak A lb e rt B. F a ll is again on the duction w here there is too much ed to the W. S. K irk p a tric k A dver Mrs. Shepherds sister Mrs Music ing o f a survey fo r a ra ilro a d fro m stand to te s tify in a tr ia l brought raised fo r local cnsoum plion and »tale can o n ly be eonjectured ns the tising Service, P ortland. The length o f stay o f each ear is d iffic u lt left fo r tie r home hack east a fte r some point on the C entral Pacific, against him by the government fo r the cham ber o f commerce is asked aw ard was made by the d ire c to rs o f spending her vacation w ith tie r to secure a cannery to absorb the the state cham ber and approved by to determ ine." (no w Southern Pacific) in C a lifo r p e rju ry . parents and sister. surplus and affords an o p p o rtu n ity the state board o f c o n tro l. M r. Ide Paul W rig h t is near Roseburg as nia to P ortland, He met w ith little Figures fo r the nine m onths give an assistant to Hie Stale bridge in success except in southern Oregon C a lifo rn ia 02 per cent o f the v is it The trik e o f the gas tru c k d riv e rs fo r the continued g ro w th o f the in states that a great deal o f sta tistical spector. The cham ber contacts a in fo rm a tio n and p ictures o f a g ri in New Y o rk is becoming threaten d u s try . w here Hie little inla nd tow ns w ere o rs ’ re g istra tio n , W ashington 17 Mrs. M artha Rangcrt and Mrs. The Standard O il company successful cannery m a il, w ho inves c u ltu ra l anil in d u s tria l operation in yter rent and Idaho 5 |>cr cent, w ith Geo. Radley were M edford visitors, anxious, fo r b e lte r means o f tra n s ing, p o rta tio n In-tween San Francisco aid that it w o u ld be a fight to the tigates. and reorts. “ You have a Oregon have been collected already every stale in the union registered Wednesday. finish w ith them. Many o the r U n surplus tiut not sucicient q u a n tity and P ortland. in the lis t. m l pre pa rin g the booklets and lit - Increase c fo li re w ilt now go ahead. The ad- MUCH COPI ER ORE IS SHIPPED ions threaten sym pathetic strikes if to w a rra n t a cannery. W h ile in P ortland, E llio t enlisted FROM GRANTS PASS DISTRICT Hie assistance o f Geo. It. Belden, a the gas d riv e rs ’ s trik e is not settled. y o u r production u n til you make x irt'S ln g campaign in newspapers N A T IO N TO OBSERVE yo u r d is tric t attractive to an oper am i fa rm p ub lications w ilt sta rt on c iv il engineer, and d u rin g the sum LIG H T 'S GOLDEN J U B IL E E The Queen o f Bronze ami Cow m er o f 1803 the tw o men started the Three Russian aviators are now a to r.” January 1. and a ll fo llo w -u p lite ra Again, d a iry d is tric ts in the course tim and m a te ria l w ill be ready to Hoy are sh ipping copper ore from Hie survey fo r the ra ilro a d . E llio t in the n orthw est a fte r a tr ip to this N ext Monday, October 21 sl, the the mines o f W aldo and I akilm a. as headed a p a rly n o rth fro m M a ry s -! c o u n try by a ir from Russia in a o f th e ir development reacn a point answ er in q u irie s on a ll phases o f produced Oregon opp ortu nities. w h o le nation w ill celebrate “ Light** is also a nother large p roducer of v ille . C a lifo rn ia , through the Sacra plane know n ns a Land o f Soviets. w here there is m o.c Golden Jubilee” ami w ill Join in copper in southern Oregon, the S il mento V alley and was met at Yreka T h e ir plane is a huge trt-m o to re d than the local m arket can consume --------- 0--------- paying trib u te Io Thomas A. Edison ver PV-ak m ine south o f R iddle. by Belden. Together they located ship and the flye rs expect to con and those interested in crea ting pay TWO 4-H CHAMPIONS ARE upon the 50th ann ive rsary o f his They are also sh ipping Io Tacoma, a lin e over the Siskiyou m ountains tinue th e ir tr ip around the w o rld ro lls ask the cham ber o f commerce REGISTERED AT O. S. C. m arvelous in ve n tio n , Hie first in- and produced in Ju ly and August and reached Ja cksonville in Octob to show that the Soviets b u ild as to secure a cream ery, condeiisery or cheese m aking plant. Ttie chandler good planes and have as good fly e rs condescent e le ctric lump. Com m un 137,910 poum ls o f copper, 3420 ounc- er. , T w o national cham pions in boys contacts a successful m an ufa ctu re r ity , c iv ic and business organizations er o f silv e r, and 147.75 ounces o f In the meantime Joseph Gaston as any o the r nation. and g irts ’ 4-H club w o rk are now w tio investigates and reports. “ You e veryw h e re w ill honor the great gold a to ta l gross value o f 829.293 70. Incom e interested in the project enrolled in the school o f a g ric u l have a surplus but not sufficient Am erican benefactor w ith appro They are now in s ta llin g 822,000.00 and it was th ro ug h his p ro m o tin g Oregon’s F ire loss outside o f In - ture at Oregon State college, a Co p ria te progress and special decora w o rth o f m achinery, w h ic h is all that the C a lifo rn ia and Colum bia P ortland amounted to 8434.825 in q u a n tity to supply- a plant. incidence not believed equaled be tio n * and elaborate e le ctrica l effects paid fo r. T h e ir engineer, Mr. II. II. R iver R ailroad company was organ 147 fires according to a rep ort put crease vour p roduction u n til you fore in Ihe U nited States. w ill be featured th ro ug h ou t the en I.olz says th is record is hard to beat ized at Jacksonville in October, out hv the state fire m arshal fo r the make yo ur d is tric t a ttra c tiv e to an Edgar Grimes o f H a rris b u rg .who operator.” tire nation. In many cities p ro cla m il we ««mid make more properties 1883. W h ile th is company lived but m onth o f September. w on the natio na l Moses leadership We have used the examples o f the m a tio n * w ill lie issued by the ma here, but it lakes men w ith m in in g a few months, it had Hie d is tin c tio n trophy last year lias registered as a canning plant and the cream ery y o r c a llin g a tte n lio n to Ib is big na •xperienee to be successful. o f being tl.e first company Io make freshm an in a g ric u ltu re this fa ll a f tio n a l event and asking I b id the --------- 8---------- real progress in advancing the r a il linth the east anil west sides o f lh<- w h ich are but ty p ic a l o f many of te r devoting the summ er to leading «lay be observed by all citizens. PO RTLAND T ER R ITO R Y road. Ttie company's a ctivitie s W illam ette riv e r. Gaslon appealed the m a n u fa ctu rin g establishm ents 1 I clubs as a "s id e lin e ” to his reg TO GET ( HEAP POWER w ere e o o n lin a te il w ith those o f the Io the state legislature fo r aid at its num erous com m unities desire. Any L ig h t's Golden Jubilee recalls Oc u la r farm w o rk . He was greeted C a lifo rn ia A Oregon R ailroad Com session in 1804 and as a result the person at a ll fa m ilia r w ith in d u s tria l to be r 21. 1879, when Edison turned here by Alex C ru icksha nk o f Mc development can appreciate the Cities and tow ns in the te rr ito ry pany, organized at Yreka in N o state voted its firs t b ill in behalf of the e le c tric cu rre n t in to a bulb f it M in n v ille , last ye a r’s cham pion, and the ra ilro a d but the m oney provided problem w h ic h Hie local chambers ted w ith a filam ent o f carbonized adjacent to P o rtlan d w ill p ro fit by vember. 1863. now a senior in a g ricu ltu re . Both It may seem strange in th is day, fo r was not sufficient to be o f much o f commerce have to face. "S na il ro llo n and produced a light that reductions in pow er rates w hich own considerable stock nnd boys glow ed fo r fo rty hours. That lam p have been announced te n ta tiv e ly by- slates the magazine a rtic le , “ that the assistance and Hie b ill was never we, in spite o f the present surplus, both plan to take up fa rm in g after encourage o u r farm ers to fu rth e r in was the parent < f the efficient lights pow er companies and Ihe pub lic first successful e fforts in behalf o f taken advantage of. they are graduated. o f today. From it Edison has de service comm ission, members o f the Hie ra ilro a d should have been taken • Congress passed a la w in July, crease p ro du ction in lu.pes that a greater surplus w ill be sufficient "to 1866, a u th o riz in g the b u ild in g o f a at tw o small in te rio r to w ns then veloped so much to aid h um an ity comm ission said today. less am bitious, the less determ ined. When Hie new schedules are made more than 300 miles fro m a reliable ra ilro a d fro m ihe C entral Pacific in a ttra ct c a p ita l fo r a p la n t? ” Ih u t Inst year he was presented w ith R igid here is w tiere the business T is is the type o f b u ild in g that re a Congressional Gold Medal. At the effective the cities o f Vancouver. seaport and s tilt o ff-th e m ain lin e C a lifo rn ia to P o rtlan d anil provided presentation C alvin Coolidge, as Gresham, Salem, Oregon C ity and o f Ihe ra ilro a d . Rut in 1863 Jack fo r a land grant to assist in b u ild in g leaders must do some m ig h ty clea r quires vision, confidence and often President o f the U nited Stales, paid other tow ns w ill have much lo w e r sonville and Yreka w ere logical the road. In September that year th in k in g . R ight here is w here they (lie long struggle. There is much in th is western h im lid s trib u te : “ Noble, k in d ly pow er rates than are enjoyed by points from w hich to launch the Gaston started the organization o f must get a ll the facts, a ll Hie in fo r T his m ation, alt o f tiie experience of c o u n try that s till calls fo r the en servnnt o f the U nited States and small cities and tow ns in the Puget C a lifo rn ia and Oregon ra ilro a d p ro another Oregon company. ject. T hey w ere im p o rta n t points company took the nnnie o f the Ore o th e r com m unities in lik e matters. te rp rise and s p irit o f the pioneer. benefactor o f m ankind, may you Sound d is tric t. It looks as though the Oregon on Hie main wagon road n o rth and gon C entral Company. In October Here is where they must exam ine The chambers o f commerce should lo n g be spared to continue yo u r w o rk and Io inspire those w ho w ill J o u rn a l’s campaign against the p o w south th ro ug h the tw o states and the same year it was designated as c a re fu lly w hat Ihe fu tu re m ay rea get ill, the facts, a ll the experience er interests in the n o rth e rn part o f were the centers of trade fo r a large the company to receive the land sonably be expected to hold fo r the and accumulate thought on our c a rry fo rw a rd yo u r to rc h .” area. Produce and supplies had to grant and to b u ild the ra ilro a d , l.a t-I g ro w th o f th e ir d is tric t. problem s and then select those ac Hie slate is bearing fr u it. lie transported by wagon trains, er another Oregon C entral Company j I f Hie decision is to go ahead, let tiv itie s fo r w h ic h we are by nature As a green manure crop, o r fo r pack horses and stage coaches more was organized by a group o f Salem ’ them lie fo rtifie d xvitli Hie k n o w l and loca tion best adapted fo r even- M an*« G re a t D ntin silage o r hay purposes, oats and than 400 m iles between ttie steam men and the tw o factions fought . edge that many a farm home, m any h ia l success and then steer a The whole duty of man Is embraced boat te rm in i on the W illa m e tte nnd back and fo rth fo r supremacy. G a s-, a fa cto ry, m any a business, m any a straig ht course ahead. Business like vetch are hard to bent The Oregon In the two principles of abstinence and to n ’s com pany was know n as the ra ilro a d has been b u ilt and lias birds w ill come i f we b u ild and pre experim ent station finds that the patience— temperance In prosperity Sacramento rivers.” Surveys w ere continued n o rih West Side Company and the Salem . prospered when co nditions at th e ir pare fo r it. crop is best w hen fa ll sown, in and patient courage In adversity.— from Jacksonville to Portland on company a* the East Side Company, r inception m ight have deterred the E. G. Harlan, in Oregon Business, Seneca. OUT OF.-Jt ATE ASE .western Oregon.