Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1929)
CENTRAL POINT STAR VO LU M E TW O An Extensive Analysis Of Crops Given FR ID AY. OCTOHER 4, 1929 A l’DlTH TO BK MADE OF Al l, STATE INSTITUTIONS =*Be¿ N U M BER l t D R IE D PR U N E CROP BRING GOOD PRICES _____ A u ditin g o f a ll stale in s titu tio n ', Good progress has been made in m id a ctiv itie s as provided fo r by disposing of the Oregon dried prune the Iasi legislature is w e ll under output, only about 6,000,000 pounds v. ay iiiu ie r I lie d ire c tio n o f Secre remaining unsold, but just now the ta ry o f Stute, lia l 15. Iloss, w ho is market is quieter. The crop prom also stale a u d ito r ami charged w ith ises to aggregate about 70,000,000 in- re sp o n s ib ility of checking the pounds, if all Die prunes are saved, lluauccs of u ll departm ents of the wiiich seems probable. Sizes will I common w ealth. be comparatively large and a good T lie first departm ent to lie o rd e r sugar content is indicated. The fo llo w in g extraéis fro m a re ed audited by Mr. Iloss was the state Export buying has been very ac Oregon stands second and Wash pot t made p u b lic by 1« II. R rieth- ile p iirtm e iit, w hich includes the mo tive. European demand is more ington third in the division of more to r vehicle d iv is io n , ami w h ich hus uupl, A g ric u ltu ra l l.c o u u iiiis l, and for the medium sizes and less for than 11,600,000 due 30 states from Gordon Rouls, J u n io r A g ric u ltu ra l required a crew o f accounts since small prunes than in the past, and tbe federal government as their L con on iist, o f the Oregon Slide C ol June. T he w o rk is being done by this change benefits Oregon grow share of receipts of natiuPal forests lege extensión Service give* much an Independent firm fro m P ortland, ers. The California export market for the fiscal year ending June 30, in tc ri •»ling in fo rm a tio n uboul crop w h ile the most o f the re m a in in g de has also been lively, but relatively 1929, according to the United States c o ii'iitio n s over the state und na partm ents w ill tic audited by the less so that the Oregon market. The forest service, Portland, Oregon. sta ff men frm n the aud itin g d iv k io n tio n . I California crop is shorter lhan us This suin represents more than 25 si • arv i f state’s ofllee. C rop p ro d u ctio n in the U nited of I ual, totaling about 200,000,000 , per cent of the gross receipts of the M u lc t Is expceled to be 9 per rent M otor vehicle funds had not been pounds this yeai, against 430,000,- j national forests for the year, and lex* than last year and 6 per cent audited since 1923 and conscqucntl) 000 pounds in 1928, and for this rea the great bulk of it conies to wes below average, conside rin g a ll it bus been a herculean task in Hud j son the California market is averag tern states, in w-hicb the principal crop« und fru it« , Drought affected p a rtic u la r departm ent, w here sever-1 ing 2 cents higher than the Oregon areas of national forests and other crops udversely d u rin g August over al m illio n s o f d o lla rs are collected ' market.— Oregonian. public lands lie. California leads m o d of the c o u n try. If prospects each year. in total received, Oregon second, There are 207 state a c tivitie s to : do not im prove more than sem i t MORE RANGERS MILL BE Washington third, and Idaho fourth lik e ly , cro p yields th is year w i’ l be audited, i nil o f that num ber o nly • ADDED IN OREGON FORESTS The state shares of national forest m ira g e uboul Ug lo w as in any re 77 have bad reg ula r annual audits j | receipts represent a federal pay- cent year c 'e . pt 1921 und possibly U nd er the new system each state The first examination for forest , ment in lieu of taxes which the 1911. Oregon ig one o f the few in s titu tio n , com m ission, board o r : ranger in Oregon and Washington 1 states would receive if the national s la b s se’ v , . ||1(. composite c o n d i depnrlm ent w ill lie audited at least since 1927 w ill be held some time forests were in private ownership, tio n o f crop» on September I w h s once each calendar year, ami a spec during the latter part of October, and under the federal statute pro equal Io the 10-yeur average, u’ l ial audit w ill la- made w henever 1929, announces the Portland office viding for the apportionment the o th e r Pacific (o a st and Pacific there is a change in the a d m in is tra of the U. S. Forest Service. i money must be used by the states tive head id any departm ent. N o rth w e st states being average. The exact date of this examina- for schools and roads. The supply of hay and teens is lion is not stated by the U. S. Civ "That the federal government al now expected to he sm aller fium es S O USE I U TTIN G J E L L Y il Service but all applications on lots the states such a generous p jr- OOZE OUT SAYS (». 8. C. tim ated eurlies in the year, and pas form 2600 for these tests must be in tion of national forest receipts is tures are e xtre m ely poor generally. I Washington, D. C. before October not generally known by the public,” Do you rem em ber last year bow H a y—A lthough most o f the hay 14. says District Forester C. M. Grang crop lias been harvested before the proud .i, u were as you surveyed the The 1929 examination, it is said, er. “Moreover, the states do not drought became serious, the estim- shelves o f clear s p a rk lin g je lly all w ill be more difficult than hereto have to bear a penny of the burden nted U nited Stales p ro du ction of all ready .' a w in te r use? And do you Amos Barg of Portland, camera explorer and adventurer, and Dr. George fore, a new requirement being that of national forest protection, ad buy has been reduced to 100.000,000 rem em lier how you fe lt a f< w Rebec, dean of the graduate aehool at the University of Oregon, spent the applicants must show’ that they have ministration, and development. In tons o r p ru e tic a lly the same us last weeks Inter when you reached fo r summer oa a 8.000-mile canoe voyage ef exploration that carried them had at least nine months of field ex the fiscal year ending June 30, 192X. year but o ver a m illio n tons less a glass o f th is same Jelly and en along the Athabaska, Slave and Mackenzie rivers to the Arctie ocean. perience in forestry work dealing the federal government spent more countered a s tic k y mess—J e lly all than average. Here a 90-mlle portage was made ever the summit of the Rocky mountains w ith such activities as lumbering, oozed out over the p a ra ffin and run to the headwaters of the Bell river, where the two men embarked in skin grazing, surveying, forest.flre con than 820,000.900 on all national fo r The hay su pp ly In Oregon and ests, including 810,020,835.29 for (town tlie glass? canoes for a 500-mils float down tha w aste» slope of the Rockies, the trol, and the like. several o th e r western slates Is ex roads and trails, and more than Bell sad the Porcapiao to Fort Yukon, Drawing shows map of joarnoy. You can prevent that m ishap this pected to be sh o rte r than fo r the From the eligibles resulting from Insert is Burg upon departure. 82,000,000 for purchase of additional year, says tile home economics de c o u n try generally. Oregon tame this examination, vacancies w ill be forest land. The great bulk of this buy pro du ction was rstim u le d at partm ent o f tlie Oregon State C ol filled in forest ranger positions on expenditure went for development o n ly 1,703,000 tons on September 1. lege, i f you pour the je lly in to the the national forests. The entrance activities such as protection against glasses c a re fu lly so as not to get o r about 81 per cent o f the 1928 o u t salaries vary from 81620 to J2000 fire, roads, trails, planting, etc., put an d9l per cent o f the 5-year drops on the edge, then a llo w it to per annum. which w ill ultimately greatly in stand u n til th o ro u g h ly set and the average pro du ction . Forest rangers are responsible to crease the productivity of the for surface w i ll d rie d before covering the forest supervisors for the pro Pastures and Ranges—T be gen ests and consequently increase glasses may be covered w ith e h e s e eral co n d itio n o f pastures in the tection of districts consisting of the productivity of the forests and from 50.000 to 300,000 acres. Con-» U n ite d Stules on September I was clo th am! let stand in the sun a day consequently their revenues. o r two before tbe p a rrllin Is poured siderable travel is required, and reported at 67.1 compared to 83.3 u “Most of the receipts came from Rotate tbe glass a fte r Hie hot para rangers must not expect to spend year e a rlie r and m onth since June timber sales and grazing. No ef much of their time away from their 1911. Some im provem ent has been ffin is poured so that it runs up tlie fort is new being made to push na made rece ntly in pastures east o f , rim and form s a high ridge. Then headquarters. Protection of the tional forest timber sales because of as a final precaution cover the district against fire is the primary- the Rocky Mountains. chronic overproduction in the lum glasses w ith tig h t-fittin g metal tops, duty, and involves the supervision Heeds— A short (lux crop und pros ber business. U ltim ately, however, and store in a cool d ry place, and Compilation of the proposed con of fire guards during the dry sea Medford expects to enjoy the dial |>c<*tive decrease in the su pp ly o f you can be as proud o f y o u r je l system of phones w ithin the next stitutional amendments and meas sons and the handling of fire-fight when overproduction is cured, eith cottonseed ure now being reflected er by some form of control or by the ly when you use it as w hen you two years. ures to be submitted to the voters ing crews. Fire protection calls for in a firm tone in the m arkets fo r great inroads made on private tim put it away. of Oregon at the general election, careful planning, an efficient organ high p rotein feeds, p a rtic u la rly lin John Philip Sousa, famous band November 4, 1930, has been made ization, and often long and strenu ber and consequently greater na seed meal. A lfa lfa meal has leader is suffering from illness. by Hal E. Hois, secretary of state, ous hours of riding and hard man tional forest timber and consequent OLD LAND MARK OF CENTRAL strengthened fo llo w in g advances in ly greater national forest revenues POINT WII.I. RE REMOVED Sousa has long beer, considered and is available in pamphlet form. ual labor. Rangers carry out plans the cost o f a lfa lfa hay fo r g rind ing , and larger sums to the states. lli-st of all bund leaders, and his for the development of the physical ca rb o h yd ra te feeds, also advanced he seven amendments and two The Hotel C entral, large frame band the w o rld ’s best. “These national forests revenues in price d u rin g recent weeks, in flu measures referred to the people by resources of their districts and for three sto ry hotel in C entral Point are perpetual. National forest tim enced by sm aller prospective sup Premier Ramsey McDonald of the 1929 legislature include several the growing of timber. They hand and au old lan dm a rk o f the c ity ber w ill never decrease in amount; le the field work in connection w ith plies o f feed grains, p a rtic u la rly Great Britain sailed for this country' ' that have been the basis of much is being to rn dow n to make room the sale of timber, the grazing ot it is a permanent asset handled by r o r n und oats. last Friday. He is coming to this discussion. A proposal for a state fo r a new, m odern stru ctu re . ’sustained yield,’ so that when an country to try his wits against the cabinet form of government, an in livestock, and other business activ A firm e r m urket outlook fo r feed Mr. and Mrs. Andre C hom el the area is cut over it w ill grow up ities in their districts. They also do diplomats of the United States. come tax measure and a new’ sched g rains as a result o f reduced pro ow ners o f tlie b u ild in g have operat again to timber. Thus, cutting and such work as building and m aintain ule for compensation of members of d u e lio n because o f d ry w eather has ed the hotel and d in in g room fo r regrowth go in an endless cycle. Eureka, Fortuna and Arcata, Cal a lready been recognized in the fo rm i tlie past tw o years and Hu y are go the legislative assembly are among ing telephone lines, trails, cabins, Likewise, the industries based on ifornia arc each to have new Amer and fences. o t advancing prices. The prosper- j the questions that w ill be placed be ing Io rem odel the e ntire p ro p e rty. ican Legion memorial halls. the national forests are perpetual The law requires that rangers fore the electorate next year. fiv e U nited States corn crop is ex- ¡ They expect io replace tlie old and a permanent asset to the com shall be selected, when practicable peeled to tie the smallest since 1921,1 s tru ctu re w ith a modern Bungalow Costa and Rellonte, French avia The full list of referred amend munity. Contrast this w ith forest from among the qualified citizens around 13 per cent o r 380,000,000 type Hotel o f one sto ry and co n ta in tors left Rorget field nt Paris to set ments and measures follows: lands that have been completely de of a state or territo ry in which the bushels less than last year. the w o rld ’s long distance flight An amednment for the repeal of ing fifteen rooms equipped w ith nuded and left unproductive, a bur forest is situated. Preference in P ro du ction o f feed grains in O re hot and cold w a te r and baths. T lie mark. the state payment of interest for ir den on the community. Many such certification is therefore given to 4 gon and Idaho is expected to ex new b u ild in g w ill he o f stucco fin lands, in course of time, revert to Governor Patterson of Oregon rigation and drainage districts. the residents of the state in which ceed lust year s lig h tly ami to total ish and w ill make a handsome im An amendment providing for a the forest is situated. No particu the states for delinquent taxes. All slated that over 85,000,000 w ill be m ore than the 5-year uvernge, but provem ent to the p ro p e rty. A m od available the coming year for new cabinet form of government, w ith lar period of residence is required, in all, both in direct revenue and in in most o f the western states p ro ern to u rist camp w ill be operated in rond building. One of the major three elective state officers, a gov but it must be bona fide, as shown permanent industrial development duction w ill lie less than in 1928 connection and Hie grounds w ill lie undertakings this year w ill be the ernor, secretary of state and s .a te by the statements in the application and watershed production, the na m id if w ill he less than average in planted to law n and shrubs. The tional forests are contributing very construction of the bridge across treasurer, and nine state depart for examination. W ashington and C a lifo rn ia , Prices ow ners are p la n n in g one o f the fin largely to the western states.” ment, the heads of which are named the Rogue River at Gold Beach and These tests w ill be conducted at fo r barley have fended recently to est camps and hotels along the en Following gives the states in the other improvements along the oonst by the governor w ith the consent of each of the fourteen forest super be firm e r in the western stales than tire h ighw ay. northwest which have national for the sennte, and consisting of the de highway. visors’ headquarters in Oregon and in the eastern states w here im p ro v ests and the amount of receipts dur partments of agriculture, labor and the eight in Washington. ed pastures nod more favorable E. O. Immel of Eugene was nam industry, financial administration, ing the fiscal year 1929: Alaska, corn reports rece ntly decreased the e ral n orth e rn countries llie re are ed ns head of the state bur associa commerce, education, public works 820,628.89; California, 356,606.1«; The senate voted to take away insufficient to keep them out o f Hie tion nt their convention nt Medford, im m ediate demand fo r feeds. Idaho, 8156,928.12; Oregon, 8265,- and domain, health and public w el from the president the power to D rought has reduced w heat p ro m arket very long and the e xpo rt- last week end. 025,87; Washington, 167,779.28. fare, state police and m ilitary af raise and lower the tariff rates. d uctio n not o n ly in the U nited aide supplies in Canada, A ustralia The Hawaiian islands were swept fairs, and legnl affairs. —- o ---------- and Argentina are not su flicie nt to States but in the im p o rta n t e x p o rt An amendment for the extension by storms, earthquakes and volcan Riots and death again visited the There were over 3000 students in g countries, Canada, A rgentina supply export m arkets fo r a great ic eruptions the past week, Florida of the bonus loan privilege to veter registered at the university of Ore textile mills in Marion N. C. the re w h ile . und A u s lra ilia . These fo u r coun ans of the Philippine insurrection, gon. Over 1100 new students are on sults of another w alk out from the Potatoes— The to ta l U nite d Stntes was also the victim of destructive trie s co n trib u te d about 95 per cent Chinese Boxer rebelion and quali the rolls. storms. uiills and the clash of strikers and i o f the 900,000.000 bushels exported potato crop is expected to be the fied non-residents after ten years union men. smallest of any in ten years except last year. The ('anadian wheal An average of 91 persons are k ill residence in Oregon. 8500 for the term of two years, to c ro p is especially poor, perhaps not 1925. Potato prices are high com ed daily in the United Stntes in au Tw o amendments relating to the gether w ith travel pay going to and Salem Oregon drum corps took m uch over o n c-h n lf ns large as in pared to a year ago w hen a record tomobile wrecks. Most of the acci motor vehicle license tax, establish returning from the place of meeting fifth place this year at the national crop was being harvested. 1928. dents are due to carelessness on the ing a classification of property J as now’ provided by the constitution. American Legion convention at On th w hole the a g ric u ltu ra l sit- part of drivers. Ruying o f wheal fo r e xp o rt from which w ill permit the legislature to A measure providing for tw o ad Louisville, Kentucky. Last year the ia lio n in Hie state is q uite favorable th is co u n try has slackened up some John McNab of San Francisco was fix license fees for automobiles ac ditional judges of the circuit court same corps took second place. liecause o f re la tiv e ly good yields w h a t nt a tim e w hen te rn iin u l m ar appointed by President Hoover to cording to their depreciation value. in Multnomah county. o f crops and fr u it fa r w h ich good kets arc badly congested because o f An amendment for filling vacan A measure establishing an in 15.000 letters left w ith the first air prices are being obtained in most investigate needed chunges in the e a rly and heavy m arketings. Re cies in the legislature in such man come tax bill, w ith a progressive mail from Medford’s new municipal instances. T lie lon g continued prohibition law and w ill make sev ceipts nr now d e clin in g and E u rop state tax upon net incomes of per air port. V irtu ally every business eral definite recommendations to ner as may be provided by law. ean b uying should get under w ay An amendment fixing the salaries sons and fiduciaries, to apply as rev house in the city sent out many let congress. (C ontinued on Page 4) w ith in a few weeks. Slocks in sev- ot L ie m b e ri of the legi salt ure at enue for state purposes. ters out by mail. Journey to Arctic Made in Canoe News Gleaned Amendments From all Over To Be Submitted The Nation To The Veters « Oregon Second In Receipts From Forests