Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1929)
? n r CENTUM POINT STAR PWDiT, W T lff M R W. 1»M llo c li that I» ta king n new Interest In I iday 1» the hom etown paper, bet h ie amt u e tu a ll) seems to be t r y te r know n to most of (is us me •I ing to make up fo r a new interest in co un try w e e k ly ." life amt a ctua lly seems In be try in g to make up fo r the tim e they lost FARM POINTERS before C harley learned Ins lesson. W h ile this ease was an extreme It is lies! to feed young calves one. the same story is being enacted three times « day, according to the £ZCJ many lim es over ami not alw ays Oregon Experim ent atution, us w ith a huppy ending. W ith proper young calves w ill u tiliz e u sm all co nstructio n o f bouses ami equip amount o f m ilk fed often Io heller ment, proper sanitary arrangem ents advantage than a larger amount fed ami an occasional elean-up ami d is at longer intervals. Calves fed at in fe ctin g campaign, (lie problem of sh orter Intervals are also less sub AU plates are made in o u r ow n m odern labor«- verm in is seldom encountered. ject to digestive disorders, it is to rie and are made to t it . You are assured o f \ \ here those three points are not found. co m fo rt and good appearance, in having us «to observed. how ever, v e rm in take pos y o u r plate w o rk . session and p ro tits suffer w ith the There is no advantage in feeding IMHiltry. Lice, fleas, ticks, mites, pigs an excessive amount of skim Protect your tooth health bedbugs am i many o ilie r pests in m ilk and c u llin g dow n on the grain r I. H. G o v e in fin ite v a rie ty e ith e r suck the life ra tio n , as the anim al w ill not make T H t - B E S T - D t h T I J T B Y - D O N E - P A IN L E S S L Y lilood rig id out o f th e ir u n w illin g econom ical gains on such a diet, re 2 3 5 E. M A IN S T . hosts o r cause almost unbearable i r ports the Oregon Experim ent sta rita tio n . In e ithe r ease, the fo w l is tion. A pig w eighing 70 pound* re seriously weakened, and the various quires about seven pounds «if skim bodily fu nctio ns, in c lu d in g Unit of m ilk anil 4 ’ -j pounds o f corn daily egg laying, are seriously hampered. to make tlie most sa tisfactory gains. F u rth erm ore, the parasites are sel dom d ire c tly responsible fo r death HOME PO INTERS except in eases of extrem e neglect, they do often sap the v ita lity to such (F rom School o f Home Econom ic» Bv D r. L. D. LeGcur, V.S.,St. Louû, Mo, an extent that fo w ls become easy (F ro m School o f Home Economies Oregon State C o llrg s) prey to disease. V eterin ary C o lleg e, 1892. T h irty -six An ideal fr u it je lly has a b righ t o r These pests are preventable. It Is years o f veterinary practice on diseases of live stock und poultry. Eminent au no disgrace Io lei them show up on delicate co lo r, is nearly transparent, thority on poultry and stock raising. yo u r premises but it is a disgrace to and has no scum o r bubbles nt the N a tio n a lly k n o w n p ou ltry breeder. let them rem ain. Not o nly that, top. Such a je lly , w hen turned out I ,'oted author and lecturer. aside fro m humane considerations o f its container, w ill fio h l its shape, w h ic h are too p la in to need empha is tender, und q uivers when moved. sis. it is m ig h ty poor business to It w ill cut easily w ith a, vet take a cut in the p ro fits o f any bus breaks w itli II sharp cleavage line the already disgusting litte r. In iness w hen the cause o f such cut and shows s p arklin g surfaces. short, if I had w anted a p a rtic u la rly can lie so easily removed. h o rrib le example o f alm ost a n y th in g M ilk is fa r ric h e r in calcium , a --------- 0---------- one should not do in p o u ltry raising m in era l w h ic h g ro w in g c h ild re n GREATEST NEW SPAPER K ill the V erm in o r the V e rm in W ill I 1 could have found it here. I re a lly need fo r bones and teeth, than a l K ill Y o ur P rofits— F o w ls that are m arvelled that the p oo r b irds had • There are some publications in most any o the r food. Skim m ilk , Free fro m V erm in Lay Better and been so lu c k y as to su ffe r noth ing tlie large cities w h ic h "a d m it" they w h ile it contains p ra ctica lly a ll the worse than ttie ir p a in fu l burdens o f Resist Disease M ore Easily. , are the w o r ld ’s greatest newspapers. pro tein , sugar and m in era l m atter lice. In an address at the MPA meeting o f whole m ilk , is lacking iu butter- T u rn in g to m y acquaintance, I by G. S. Crane, o f the Cam pbell- fa t, w hich contains a vita m in es N ot long ago I was asked by an am ateur p o u ltry raiser, w hom I said: “ C harley, there are a lot o f E w ald com pany, one o f the largest sential Io the w elfa re o f the c h ild k n o w s lig h tly , i f 1 w o u ld look over things that ought to he done here, a d ve rtisin g agencies in t ie U nited ren. h is flock and see w h a t made them but I have a little s to ry that w i ll I States, the fo llo w in g interesting Although the common idea has so droopy, d is p irite d and unproduc help you to rem em ber out o f the statements w ere made: long been that the fe ll— the th in tive . They were “ a ll outa pep” was most im p o rta n t.” Then I told h im “ The greatest newspaper in N orth papery o ute r covering on the laud* the w a y he put it. It took o n ly a that sto ry nbout the m other skunk Am erica is not published in New carcass— should be removed before m om ent's exam ination to disclose and several little ones w ho were be Y ork C ity . Chicago lias none that cooking, it is now believed that I* the reason fo r th is undesireable ing pursued by a h un ter. The h u n t compares w ith it. F lo rid a o r C a lif fla vor of the lamb is nut affect ' state o f affairs. H is hens w ere just e r gained ground q uite ra p id ly , o rn ia ’s large cities kn o w it not. F or | the fe ll. Leg i f lam b k c ps it about being eaten up by chicken w h ic h alarm ed the youngsters not the greatest newspaper in N o rth , sha|ie better i f cooked w ith the f " a little , “ Just be patie nt, c h ild re n ,” Am erica w ie ld s ten times the in f lu lice. but shoulder, saddle, and chops I asked to see the hen house and admonished the m other. “ I ’ll te ll ence. is read by a hundred times 1 cook better w ith o u t it. w h a t I saw was w h a t is a ll too often vou w hat Io do w hen the tim e more rea l -rs. ca rries ine stim a b ly , seen. An old ro u g h ly b u ilt shed had co” ,es- I He h u n te r continued to m ore pages o f a dve rtisin g than any W h ile sugar its e lf is a d - I. been h a s tily converted in to a hen Ra’ n- nn<1 fin a lly the m oth er called a newspaper in any great c ity in this p art o f the c h ild ’s diet, P I, • house. To say there w ere ten thous- halt. As the h u n te r, seeing eon'm er.t o f ours. fu l i f feil in Targe qu:ed and h id in g places fo r ve rm in w ou ld success at hand, plunged b o ld ly fo r ’ I'h r greatest newspaper in N o trh tween meals. Sweets, if g' »1 . w ard, the m other skunk rem arked be a most conservative estimate. N'o Aineriea gets closer to its readers, is ch ild re n between meals or du attem pt at sanitation o r d isin fectio n ca lm ly and c o n fid e n tia lly , “ N o v read longer, believed in more eon- the firs t course o f the meal, w ilt had ever been made. A ncient table i c h ild re n , let us spray.! iid e n tly , determ ines the outcome o f rp o il the appetite fo r o th e r es n- scraps in various stages o f decom- O f course, the firs t tilin g to do more elections, exerts a greater lia l foods. The p ro pe r tim e Io p osition proved a ttra ctive tid b its fo r w;,s 1° make a thorough clean-up o f pow er fo r progress, sells more m er serve sweets is at tlie end o f a meal m yria d s o f flies. M ouldy stra w la y the w ho le place. Then, a strong so chandise and rig h ts more w rongs about on the d irt flo or, and d ro pp ing lutio n o f D ip and D isin fe ctan t was than any m etro po lita n d a ily ever boards being som ething this chap sprayed in to every crack and c re v published. had never heard about, the d ro p ice. Lim e was dusted lib e ra lly over "T he greatest newspaper in N orth pings served to s till fu rth e r befoul the d ir t flo o r in o rd e r to neutralize Am erica is issued in 11,500 editions, j its sour o do r and make the place 52 times a year, published ill 11,000 ' s till more u n co m fo rtab le fo r lice, separate newspaper offices in 8,000 ; mites, I .dbugs and o th e r insect d iffe re n t tow ns and villages through 1 pests. Then the hens w ere dusted out the U nited States, w h ic h offices w e ll w ith lice pow de r to k ill the occupy a com bined door space fa r parasites on th e ir bodies, and the M EDFORD in excess o f that afforded by the j dusting was repeated in seven days great W o o lw o rlh b u ild in g o f New tim e. N ow . w henever I meet m y Y o rk and the great W rig le y b u ild frie n d C harley, he in v a ria b ly greets ing in Chicago. ine w ith a gesture w h ic h indicates The business o f th is greatest news the m an ip u la tion o f a spray pump paper in the aggregate w o u ld as and w ith an a ir o f m ock p ie ty ex S P E C IA L IS T tound even the president o f A m e ri claim s, “ D octor, let us s p ra y !” He ca’s largest in d u s tria l co rp o ra tio n . in In te rn a l Medicine fo r the also has a tale Io te ll o f a reb orn | The greatest n |ier in America past fifte e n years zr/^/zr/ MMMMC& nauranee earmtce The case o f the 5 lu *ln w Indian» is . the United States Is now before the c o lili o f claims, says the Sluslaw Our. The Indians, o f w hich liie re are ghoul 300. asks judgm ent against Hie U nited Slates fo r the Value of 370,180 acres of laud at «2 io per ne re; 1,223,710 Heil's at «1.25, mid lo r w a u '.. j . j v «» v ja the loss o f the use and enjoym ent of said land fo r a period o f 74 years at «50,000 a year, o r a total or «11,177,- 587.50, w ith interest. D aniel It Henderson lias been em ployed Jo in t ly’ by the Coos Bay. Umpqua and Siuslaw trib e s as attorney, j • 1 . ■' ■ : ' ■■■ The Shoe Box Pbone 989 223 E ast 6lli St. U C arpenter, 1’rop. D . Features Smart St) les Sh oes $3.95 and up Stylish A nice Iin«’ oi el i.x lo |iis i r o n t S-’ . $ 5 .0 0 . Kiddies Shoes 75c to $3.25 t e if t 'C i'C . Ï -sr* \ ’ C /C .’ T A Ÿ iY ’ C ’ Dr. Mellenthin G enafrw O r a n /» lo s s o m n e w s t y le ■KXjntinir O *. a rt m ountinir N o IC l®70*. W ith T ra a b q u a lity dia- ¿1" f . *4. I v à ■ ? . . ¿14 - 4 h v . y ' S’» U ONDFIÜ 1 I II of On ’ ’ gon predert- s ,\ »’ns nt horse rae ng; Anto «h, . t h rillin g features ilnily in front of «l.'itl.OOtt Grandstand. Iteitured Fare* on All Railroads. Turks in Kitchen Temperatures Dumber, îi£3.pop“1 " W ill be at H O L L A N D H O T E L, T U E S D A Y S E P T . 24 Office H ours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge fo r C onsultation D r. Mel.’e n tliin is a reg ula r gradu ate in m edicine amt surgery and is licensed by the state o f Oregon. He does not operate fo r ch ro n ic ap p e n d icitis. gall stones, ulcers o f stomach, tonsils o r adenoids. He has to his cre d it w o n d e rfu l results in diseases o f the stoniaeh, liv e r, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidn ey, bladder, bed w etting, ca ta rrh , weak lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal a il ments. Below are the names o f a fe w of his m any satisfied patients in O re gon w ho have been treated fo r one o r the o th e r o f the above named causes: Mrs. H. H. Blake, M arshfield, Ore. A lfre d Clemmens. C orvallis, Ore. Chas Deseli, P ortland. Ore. Mrs. J. C. H untsueker, Toledo, Ore. John Lucian, Echo, Oregon. Bert Lampa, St. Helens. Ore. Mrs. M ayhelle Snyder, Alsea. Ore. Miss Emma T u rn e r, M ikkalo, Ore. Mrs. John Van Pelt, H a rb o r, Ore. J. H. Wood. Eugene. Ore. Mrs. Jennie W oolerv, Salem, Ore. Remember above dale, that con su ltation on th is tr ip w ill be free and that his treatm ent is d iffe re n t. M arried wom en must be accom panied by th e ir husbands. Address: 4221 West T h ird Street, J,os ^ngeles, California. Y e a rs o i p a tie n t stu d y in t u it iv e k n o w le d g e ' o f g e m s anil preciou s m etals — these are attributes o f you r jew eler who sells you value not p r ic e in a diam ond. H erein lies the marked difference o f our t m erchandise—it is selected by m en trained by years o f exp erien ce. W hen you buy here, you do so with fu llest confid en ce that you cannot obtain better value elsew here and that the price you pay a -¡sure* p ositive value. Even in zero weather it is “always Summer” in the kitchen. You know what that means to perishable foods. G overnm ent a u th o ritie s have found th at 60 degrees is the danger paint. Above that tempera ture, foods spoil quickly, and arc a menace t<> health even though they may "taste all right”. Buck-porch, cellar, pantry, window-box, all are unsatis facto ry , in sa n ita ry . T hey keep food t o<) warm—or what is equally dangerous tooeohl? H e a lt h Kill horities, every where. recommend adequate artificial refrigeration theyeur around as the only satisfactory solution. Only I!» days a year, on an average in the I'nited States, afford satisfactory outdoor temperatures for the safe preservation of perish able foods. Ohl fashioned methods mean a waste of money—danger to health. Safeguard your family’s welfare will re. f r i g i 'i a v io n i t i i u io u iiil. ' JEWELERS MEDFORD. 0 R L Oruwe T r a a b G e n a in e O r a n t e Blrwaom — n«w styl« rwodem n n a N o. H W «, set T r a a b G enu ine , Il • -»OTTI f w e ird rin g ‘ . A m » tar ptv . o f destai baa u t / . |4 ie tB. 2 ^ ^ ' 11 v 1 ’ "a 1 FIGHT T Coming to DOES NOT OPERATE t 'p l ’ u tu | and 'l ies $3.45 to $6.00 How to Raise Poultry L et Us Spray \rcli Support Shoes iu T he C alifornia O regon P ower C ompany