Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1929)
TH K CBNTR.xL POINT STAR - r — r DI'I IKY, SEPTEMBER tu. 192# - The tam p of « Id age then ini »lants its sting. »1 » ■ 1., ease « f this pool >,«ul aimlessly wandering over t't land, eotlM well tia e h the younger men anil women the need to conserve their si engih, their health and to concentrate their elf. i ts in < lnainm • >r them selves a p<> iiion in lite which will insure them against meeting a similar condition in their Id age- on the shady side nt lit» when elv er a d nifort is more needed ,.;nl welcome. CENTRAL POINT STAR Published by Mae’s P rinting Co.» Cold Hill. Oreg n C. J. SH OE IL Editor An Independent Newspaper ; »« in Central Point Oregon a >t C ónti \ ♦ ♦ ♦ FUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY E ntered as sew nd cla-i m a t t e r , ( » post office at G» Id Hill, <?, eg. n under ike ;• » » .' 1879. _______ At Hack 'm ore, California, last Saturday another • hl en Spike was driven c< inm eiuorating the c««t 'p h ti 11 f • > I r r dlr »ad pr ieet in this great common wealth I tits This new advance, on .ins little to this part of 1 '« in a direct way hilt indirectly it may mean much it w ill bring a g reater prosperity Io a neighborin'.' part ot ib is state an 1 when one portion of ( )regoti prospers it e\ 11 tually means the development of it all. Then too, some day a railroad will penetrate the Cascades in Southern Oregon and then this portion of the state will he enhance«' bv what has already come to our neighbors on the other side of the m ountain. Also, some day there will he a rail road to the sea hoard at Crescent City, or some other near by port, then the development of this portion ««I ( )r« n from the standpoint of railroads will he complete \\ e w ’’ then have direct connection with the east thru the rout« just opened by the S. 1’. and direct connection with a por thru a new' line. These developments are hound to come Ei r vears they have been the goal of the forw ard thinking men of this part ot the state. Much time and effort as well as money has been spent to bring about these developments and the fight is not over yet. The plans which are hut dream s today will he realized tom orrow and the men who have pioneered in this work are not going to quit now. They will he reinforced hy the younger men and the project will someday be an actuality. Southern Oregon needs tin; railw ays and they are going to have them. The harder we work the sooner we will accomplish our purpose. I he u n it ed, unselfish interest of all cu r inhabitants is needed. I.e, the success of our brothers to the east add incentive and energy to the settlers 1 n the west slopes of the Cascades that our dream of years will cease to he much longer an air castle. M a r it Subscript’on >_> m 31 ( ar il Office A ii h Ai A A f* <àA — — * «2 AI An aged woman carrying several bulky bundles \v picked up on the Pacific highway by a passing inotoris and given a ride of several miles. 1 on questioning ti woman it was found that she had ti> k me. She had o destination in mind. She was “a tra lev . she said. Al of her worldly possessions were contained in her seveia packages. A pitiful case. A w» man > . av; ye 1 , of m build and at an age when he slv u have 1 ecu enioym, the com forts of life and a h< me vet he was as a piece o hum an driftw ood, floating along thru he turbulent sea 01 life, going from city to city the m ark of sym pathy lor the passing throng, sleeping along the highway s with the chill of the autum n biting at her aged and trail body. W hat a moral can be draw n fn ¡1 the ex . rt nc» • 1 this unfortunate one. Young men and women, in t h . 1....» whirl and surge of life with their simple m in is and hi die too often perm it them elves to d rift—’■ n ' t: of least resistance with no thought of the future. It sure ly seems pathetic to w atch such pers »ns—u n k u l . t th« opportunities v 1 ch they are pa ng by. I e which thev migli. empli " to improve their p «sition in 1 e i w a n ed in the pu ' us m ortals here on earth is >h rt, c en . ’ . and it n» ♦ ♦ ♦ w astes the younger days when cares are few and body At Portland, the other day one man died after drink stro n g and mind alert it surely will bring regrets when age gets in its inevitable work. W hen the body is unable to ing gin purchased from a bootlegger of th at place and a carry the burden and the mind is untrained to lift those young woman 22 years of age lost her eyesight. This is just burdens then the world and its w ays seem hard and cruel. two more argum ents in favor of prohibition which will probably never be heeded. 1 Charming Fall Fashions '^.easingly new are the Designs and Fabrics of the Autum n G arm ent Styles we are Slo w ing. Fall Coats in Both Sport and Eur Models The Marion Shop DRESSES, COATS, H O SIERY , and Specialty Line of Custom Jew elry N orth 6th and E S treet G rants Pass, Ore W e have heard a lot of talk about aiding the farm er during the past few years and still we find th at the farm er who is g ettin g the most relief is the one who helps him self hy prom oting his business interests to the best advantage of himself. Selling through a cooperative was judged commercially sound hy the best authorities on the subject. W here there is ui ity in the selling force g reater gains can h had at a less cost. W hy Stop T here? If a little business is g- od why -houldn’t more be better. If it is wisd ni to sell coopera tively why is it not equally W’ e t hue *: at” way. Q uantity buying and r ’ 1 :r: .r i secret of the success of m odern bit-1 • • rd- ing to their ow n story. W hy <! ' u r i '. n business house more p ro sp e riti, h the a . m ethods for hy aiding them you ar h : «-;r- self. Buy through your cooperali , e 1 money. Farmers’ Exc’ rrge Cooperative Owned and O perated by Farm ers Clay D. Parker, M anager ive step. Do you believe in allowances fo r m arrie d wom en? she uskt-tl. Sure, he replied. 1 th in k a hus band should make allowances fo r a lot o f things. crowd all your cranberries T ^ E 'ito your Christnu' an I Tlunk>Kiv<!lK dinners? They arc put up in C..111 1« 1 .1 be pur chased just as easily •», any othvr season o( the year I lie product is la ity an I has sufRcicnt tarmcss add a lo t o f zest ,0 any meat. make m ore r«> an tor cr.uiberries your menu. Here .• .1 tem pting cipe (o help you a lo n g : Man¡cures oOo MEDFORD BEAUTY PARLOR Medford, Oregon to So on re CrostAeery / ft ly V.n'a,/: l i c it the r ' -itents o f < t,. ,n , f err: <ery jetty wiH pne-hi'l run of oran li ar, of Irr.î.itt ice and t»»-o t i •!, oons of g- la- jcice. XOak tc ar t< cold S * cc, in in two tat il, llir iict, mil then di- yin and cool. melted ersnt 1 I celery Adil one r onc-fourlh < p " I eh ; , rd nuts 1“ -.. — -V y S “O w lirn bcgimcng to sufien. Pour into molds wet with 1« Id water, and chill, t urn onio let »•< e leaves and »rrvr w th u le ry hearts stuffed wiih creae cheese. This recipe is s. ,fi- cienl foi eight. Frozen C 'a n le rrz a Fine T o prepare them, boil one fourth eup sugar md ,«» tn u iili tup water it a syrup, and J e - l»c in it o ,e- , .ilf tahlr-p's-s gel «tin which has been soaked in two ta.des;*ia*ns of I water. Ad i to o lahle-prs ns ,, r n jii ie, in e h ilf cvp orange J H.C, .. I the cei lei !, of a No 2 li ,,{ c. nberry »tue. well i. • lied . • nr ' through a »,»-. W ien n|, ir - r -e to a mu h, i»dd one well- i. trees i' • ,,4»k when <h a f»r sevir d 1 • •. i- d -■»!-. Ser e, eight.* — J Getting Started A dollar n ay seem too small for an y thing except a beginning, hut it may prove the tnoihst corner-stone for a a prosperous, happy life. Save th at dollar and as many more as you can add to it from time to time. Eventually you will he ready for some in vest m entor busiucs't enterprise which will insure vottr future. 666 Is a P re scrip tio n fo r Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever end Malaria I t is the most speedy remedy know n v i ,- cc^kson ' ounty Bank X E t ’ li hed 1888 M : ’ er Federal Reterve Repairing Done ri Hit we p ro rrs e d . V', c si»"' a guarani! e on m'Wi'iiniiiii"' Perm anent W aves, Marcelling, Linger W aves Facials, Shampoos, s- QVt HY Fearless H ard ,n The Dog E ve ry club has its b< re. Mrs. B lack: I to ld my h u sfia rd I At the M aryland he was an e xplore r. was going to give him som ething o f He usually finished his stories hy m y ow n cooking, and 1 «• said I ’d saying he never saw a lion he fe ar b elte r tr y it on the dog firs t. W asn't ed. One evening one of his audi that a cruel suggestion? ence said F rie n d : V ery, and I thought yo ur “ W ell, I have often th ro w n m y husband was so fond o f «logs. self dow n and slept among I ms m th e ir w ild and natural state.” H o S u b m a rin e “I can't believe th a t,” said the A m ethodist negro e xh o rte r shout bore. ed: Corne en jin e «le arm y oh «le I t ’s the tru th , affirm ed the other. Lord. Were they A fric a n lions? W ell, no er, I suppose not. Not exactly A fric a n lions, hut they were dandelions. The Cooperative Way is the Bert V/ y I (¡ive Cranberries Room W e read that one of the feminine fads em ulating from Paris is decorated finger nails, stained a deep crimson sug gesting vampire talons. We take it that this fad might he a w arning to the male of the species to stay their distance unless thev want io sweat a little blood. The Mt n V. ho Knows T hey were s Itlin g a num ber of 1 rc lin tin a ry details, as » ;:ng peo ple w ill before they tai the dccis- ' -S- A New Y ork-w riter was refused the privilege of going ¿he New Brunswick woods to live as the priinitive man did, w ithout clothes or weapons. If the author still craves ; the adventure, let him come to Oregon and we will show hi, several places where he might roam unmolested to his hearts content. Experience The Teacher He was the acknowledged shiek o f his social set, and it piqued him th a t the young woman w hom he had just met seemed indifTerent to his lo rd ly condescension. Pardon nte, he said at last, hut y o u r face appears fa m ilia r. D id n ’t I go w ith you at one lim e? You ili«', s' e replied sm ilin g in- v itin ly to .oni.diody else in a fa r co rn e r o f the room, and one tim e v .; s enough. « 2 'Â " (A' ♦ ♦ ♦ THE JOKERS CORNER ------- « s a fe s ’------- Business As She’s Done • » lo r ■ l - i liin a, mu I liis h iille had been m art led once before, The W h u r’d voit jlin ? te 1 e ' Pie « groom , t 'f t w ro te across the hot- h o rte r. tom < f Pie In v ita tio n to a frie n d : Be . tu «le Haptis' eltUK'h W hy, e h ili. subi lhe exhorte«*, y o li sur«' to come T his Is 110 amateur perform ance. iiin 't in the arm »; yo’s la «le lia» y. Peur \11nlic, everv tinte I go ont I eut so titueh Ihut I mu re n lly too V ilti a in lh c r m outh Io "«* before fat. W hitt eau I do to reilm*e? ‘ he fiscal M ar o f the state game lie- AiiHe T ry goiiig oui w llli c o l p a rtin e iit e m h the r«« ords show that lege boys. 25 more cougar have been k ille d In in , ;,.a th ia In the »ear ending Il Septeilber 30 l!»2K, Last year a total IN< IIK \8 K D KN ROI » "» T c a ig 1 w i n 1 k ille d w h ile IN D IC A T I:!» FOU o . s . C. din lug the 1 li mi m outh' of the eui - rent ■ n 270 have been • died H a r Ait» t i n e perm its to register im ll- old 1 Ifn i il. state game d e p iil tmenr cate a norm al ln c ri ase in e n ro l'' believe« that tills increase is in no n ielli o f new students at Oregon III • 1,111'e lin e Io llte file, Hint h u n t dale college fo r the opening of e rs oe re a lizin g Hie gn at Inroads crcslm inn week, Mouilas Sepleinher II • cougar make among deer and .'.'I. New students fo r tin tlis , term u i mu' iag e ffo rts to w ipe the p re d w ill p ro b a b ly to ta l III excess of atory pests fro m the forests. A n o th 13110. believes Ite g is lra r E. It. Lem er th in g is that many hunters ore q u ip p in g themselves w ith train ed on. (Yuly dog« train ed D o rm ito rie s w ill he o| en fo r stu va rm in t dogs dents the Saturday before sta rt of fo r predatory anim al h u n tin g are o f Freshman week. P* vehologlcal » . i ' ii io in i m g cougars. I he u tte r esls w ill he given Tuesilay, Sep ing of s.'ino in cash prizes in add i tem ber 21 amt the placement exam tion Io the reg u la r #25 bounties Io inations in E nglish on Wednesilay. I e most stiieessful cougar hunters I'in a l reg istra tion fo r ol«l students »vill undoubtedly make a heavier k illin g in the com ing season. scheduled the itav fo llo w in g I ’se «I,me i 1 ■ c im g re g a tlo ii. Medford, nnd w hen it. mone- back ; II w o rk . ?/ YX'C T D IAM O NDS th in k of ■' , 'C W ® B 1.3 SI H a '13 n B ' » R 'B ■ ' :B n B B ■ .''mile When you th in k of ; t ? Oregon ; B U IL D IN G ! ( 1 F |llS :O ,1 M A T E R IA L S Ours i s n modern supply depot fo r the b u ild e r fo r we hand- !«• Shingles, L ull, L jm i, l ’ l :,st«-r. Eeu.enl, .lohns Mnn- ' 1 I » o " » v KS.’ <U '’ U" d " lilkc every |h |ng in Cabinet W ork unit M ill W ork, T R O W B R ID G E L U M B E R Y A R D T R O W B R ID G E C A B IN E T W O R K 5 (1II;'|1 i S ri('e.;i," 1" <1 y° Ur bil1, y°" Wi" ,ikc ,,ur ‘ Vive, Quality M edford, Oregon