Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, October 11, 1917, Image 4

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Eagle Valley News
Straight, Truthful Direct
C. & Thorp
;Enter,od as second class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post otlice at
Richland Oregon, under act 'of March 3. 1879.
Membor Oregon Stato
RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. OCT. 11, 1917. Vol. 5, No. 4S
Length of a Day's Tramp Da
pends.on the Methods Ucad.
Jlf the Load tho Soldier Carries Is Prop
erly Adjusted It Lessens tho Amount
.of Energy Ho Has to Expond nnd In
.creases His Staying Powers.
There are two things, and two UiIurs
only, which determine the length of u
day's inarch for u soldier. Tho tlrst Is
the amount of actual labor or niechau
deal work done while marching, tlm
.second Is the degree of even distribu
tion of this labor among the chief inus.
-cles used in performing labor. Now.
llabor. or work. Is simply tba product of
tho force overcome and the dlstanco
through which It is overcome. The
forces to be overcome are by no means
confined to the weight of the man nud
his pack. Many other forces are called
into play In the course of a day's
, To "illustrate, suppose the marcher
. has to carry u five pound weight on the
.end of a five foot stick. Suppose he
.places this stick across his shoulder
with four feet behind hlrn and one foot
lu front, Hy the simple cxcrcise.of bad
Judgment lie multiplies tho weight of
"his load by four: he has to pull down
.contluually with a force of twenty
pound, and the shoulder must contln
. ually push up with a force of twenty
Hve pounds, all on account of that five
pound load which is carried on the end
.of the stick.
Another way in which energy may
he wasted is somewhat more subtle
nnd perhaps a bit harder to understand,
but of equal or greater lmiwrtance.
lies in the principle that work lias to
be doue w!iiover a maun of any kind
islciji tinged In Its motion. It lakda more
onergy to start a street car, for lu
ntunee, than to run it at uniform tipeed.
It taken more energy to make its speed
a little faster than to maintain it uttlie
lait speed that Is. whenever a Ixaly
ig given an acceleration a new force
liau to, bo used. Now. every time a sol
ijljjr Iwbs up and down when wnlklng
lit J to start the welgM of ui body
.and pack and gun upward and let them
down again. To do this uses up more
' energy than simply to keep then) mov
ing up or down. In the one case only
tins pH of gravity has to be overcome,
in the otI:i r the Inertia of the soldier's
head and body. And the faster this Is
done the more energy Is used up poi
nt op. Hence It is that n slow walk can
be maintained, not merely for n longer
time than a fast one. but for a Iougor
distance on a stretch.
Under tho prluclplo outlined above
would come the loss of energy due to
all swinging articles, such us bayonet
BCabbnrds, tin cups, tassels, etc. These
hu'vo to be put lu motion, thou Jerked
back nnd stopped by bodily contact,
( then put in motion again. All this con
sumes energy, and work has to be done.
Again, any weight on the breast of a
soldier or u tight coat or shirt, has to
bo overcome every time ho breathes.
, And the deeper his chest expansion tho
innro work ho has to do with his breast
every t'f! takes a breath. This
amounts iu enormous total during a
day's march. A I nso coat and under
clothes will cause h,..i to travel with
less expenditure of energy. It must bo
jremembereji Uiut.tlil8 is jiciuuL energy
Kditorinl Associution
How'g This?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
tor any case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Halt's Catarrh Medicine.
IlalV-f Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
uvo years, and lias become known as tho
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall a
Catarrh Medlclno acts thru the Blood on
tho Mucous surfaces, expelling tho rol
ron from tho Blood and healing the dis
eased portions. ... , .
After you havo taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will aco a
great -Improvement In your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medl
clno nt onco and get rid of catarrh. Send
.'or testimonials, freo.
P. J. CHENRY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
used up. taken from the store of en
ergy available to march with.
Besides the up nud down motion of a
soldier while inarching, he sways from
side to side. Every nrtlcle he Is carry
ing and his own body are.thus stnrted
and stopped In this swaying direction
also. Thus energy Is used up. Now,
the upper part of his body sways fur
ther than docs tho lower part, so If the
pack thero must be. the heavier part
of it should be placed Just as low down
tho trunk as Is convenient or comforta
ble. The heavier articles should also
go as close to tho back as possible, so
as not to Increaso the leverage on the
straps holding the pack to tho body.
To sum up then: The gun should be
carried with its center of gravity Just,
a wee bit behind the shoulder, so ns
to balance the weight of the hand nnd
forearm which keeps It steady (this Is
the usual practice, be It said); the pack
should be us compact as possible, close
fitting to the bnck, the heavy articles
tightly packed In the lowest available
space; no swinging articles should be
nllowcd. not even tassels; the coat
across the breast should be loiw fitting.
as should also the underclothes; a slow
gait should be used; ns small a rise and
fall as possible of the body should be
Indulged In and ns short a sway an pos
sible. To tho above may be added that
the shoes should not have Htlff soles,
for every time the sole of n shoe Is bent
energy Is ns: d up.
To decrease the rise and full of the
liody In walking the old "lii'Mau wnlk'
used by some surveyors? la useful. It
consists in slightly rookln.v the for
ward knee ns the tioiiy 1st shoved for
ward on to I lie fronj foot. Philadel
phia Press.
Lithium a Soft Metal.
Lithium Is n silver white, very soft
metal, which forms the oxide or some
other salt on exposure to the air and
wlil'-h deeantito- on water, forming tin
hydroxide of lithium. For these rea
sons metallic lithium dot's not occur hi
uature. CouipouiHla are called lithium
carbonate, lithium phosphate, lithium
silicate, etc. The chemical products de
rived from lithium mineral hnvo found
application In military nff-ilrs.
Heaven takes care that no man se
cures hwvplness by crime. Alfierl.
THE Government needs warmers as
well as Fixhters. Two mil'ion three
ini1rwl tlirmuiitul nfrcH of Orounn A
California Railroad Co. Grant Lands.
Title rein vsted 'in United States. To be
opened for homesteads and sale. Con
talninR some of best land lelt in United
States. Large CopyriRhted Map, show
ing land by sections and description of
soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, tern
peruture, etc., by counties PoEtppid
One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co,,
Uox 010, Portland, OreKon.
Wanted to Rent ICO to 320a
ranch in Eaple Valley. Address
B care Nevs( fld
.'$j 'tym-'" ' -
Popartmtmt of tho Interior, ,
P. S. I ami Otllcont U Oratulo, Oio
gun, Sept. l'.'th, 1U17. . , (
Notice Is herobv clvon that Otto It,
Pchlllor, of Klchlluid, Oregon, who, on '
November UHh, UU:l, made Homestead ,
Entry, No.Ol'JOil, for 8BW NU 1-4,
NH 1-4 SE 1.4, S.c 21, W l. NV M,
See. 'J2, Tp. 1) 8 K II. K. W. M., and
on May 8. 1015, mode Ad. 11. K. 01471'J. I
for S 1-15 8V 1.4, fce. 'Ii, and NEM.
NUM. Section 151, Township w fouui,
Kanco II Kim, Wlllameil" .Mermi
has tiled notice of ".mention to ma
1. ....... v. nr lt.iv.it l. i4tHhliHll t'lllllll t(l
'HIIV VHI . . WW. ..W . ... ......... ......... ...
tho land above described, before Wood-
son 1 Pttttmon, l.S. Commiwloner,
at his olllee nt HaKer.urenoii. on tno tun .
day of November, I''17.
(lliiiniiint rinini.H as IttUlWB : David
I). Jbcobt. A. Krancts Union, and Martha
Wilms, all of Kfihl'nd. Oregon, and
Thomas Hitch, of linker. Oregon.
.'. s. DUNN, Itegiktur.
Department of tho Interior.
V. S. Mt OllU'" ivt I Ornde, Ore
gon, Sept. P-'th, PJ17.
NoMce is hurehv given that John M.
Smith, of Durkce. Oregon, who, on Nov.
nth, I0U, itmd Ilumi'sttuil Entry, No.
O13H0O. for Lot.'. 1-U NH M, Lota 3,
I, ft, SE 1.4 NV l-l, and LotO, Mention
6. Township 11 Smith, Kangu 15 Haft,
WHIamtittu Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to nuke three-year Proof, to
establish claim to the lam) above de
scribed, beforn the Register and Re
ceiver, United States Land Olllee, at
La (irandu, Oregon, on tho 27th day of
November, 1017.
Claimant name as wHnenoa Peltner
Kennedy, W. L. Kirby. and George Ken-
nix v. all of Durkce. Oregon : and inch-
ard Kirby, of Richland, Oregon.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Ijmd Ollico at 1-a Grandu, Ore
gon, Sept. 12th. 1017.
Nniini. i. nnrmiv imvcii linn iriuur n.
MI1U. of Ulchlanil. Oregon, who. on July
7th. 1014. made Homestead Entry No
01II512. for SWIj, Section 33, Township
0 South, Range 44 Hust. Illaniettt)
Mi.riiiinn. linn ii led notice oi intention
tn mako three-vear Procf. to establish
claim to the land above described, before
A. it. Combs. Jr.. Clerk or County Uourt
of linker Countv. at llokor. Oregon, on
tho 14th day oi .Novemnor, iuw.
(Inlmant names as witecstieH: A. U
All'lcr. T. O. Welch, J . H. Sinclair, and
T. It. Jeffoids, all of Richland. Oregon
C. 8. DUNN. Register.
Department of thu Interior.
U. S. Land Olllee at U Grando. Ore
gon, Sept. l-'th, 11)17.
Notice is hereby Riven that linns P.
lll,...lti,,n ,( TliirLnn. Ori'Lnti. M'liO. on
July i!lth, 1912, made Homestead Hntry
o. uioaiu, lor iy m n ecu.-,
NK M SF, 1-i, Sec. 3, and on Jan. -I,
11115, mado Ad. II. B. No. OlVjra, for
SV M SV 1-4, Sec. HK 1-1 NH 1-1,
Section 3. Township 11 South, Rnno -l-l
Hast. Willu-i.etto .Meridian, has lllod
eotice of intention to make tliro-year
nronf. to ("tiiblisli claim to tho latid
above dccrlbcd. before A. 11. Combs,
Jr., Clerk ot County Court oi iiauer
County, at ltaker. Oregon, on thu Mill
day of November, 1017.
Claiinaiit names as witnesses! : James
Oallajihir and Lee llland, of Durkce,
Orecon : William L. Chnsu and WIMiiim
P. Patterum, of Richland. Oreou.
C. 8. DUNN, Roaster.
Department of tho Interior,
U. H. I and Ollico at La Grando, Ore
Kon, Sejt. 12th, 1917.
Notic is heioby ulven that John II.
Allen, of Uichland, Oregon, who on Oct.
10th, mado Homestead Entry No
011229, f.ir SK and E'j SW't, Soq
tion VJ. Township 9 South, Ranee 41
Kast, Wiilumetto Meridian, has li'ed
notice uf intention to make three-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
abo-o dcM-ribed, before C. J. Klmlton,
United States CommlHsioner, at his of
lice at Halfway, Oregon, on the 12th day
of November, 1017.
Cluiiimnt names as witnesses: R. H.
Goodwin, fl. P. Lambert. Frank Uork,
nnd J. L. Wallace, all of Rlchl.tnd, Ore
con, C. B. DUNN, RcKlster.
For Salej-My place of 12 1-2 a.
at New Bridge, Ore. Call and
get my price and terms.
ad-44t4 ,j J. A. Jellison.
?Did you boi'rovv this paper Q
Why not subscribe for it r
Lard, No. 10 pail for
T r K nnil TfiV
JbcUU, 1NU. O Jail ll
Eagle Valley Honey, new crop, can l.a
STOCK SALT - - 50c for 50-lb sack
- 95c for 100-lb sack
A complete line of Breakfast Cereals
Fancy Table Syrups in large variety
Shoes for all sized feet at reasonable prices
Our price on FLOUR is
Now under the management of
....MRS. W. E. BARBER....
who lma boon commoted with this snmo lmtol sovoml tlmus ittitl
who fully uiitlorHttiutU tho needs of tho tntvellinj,' public.
This hotel is famed throughout the country for its
Genuine Home Cooking and Good Service
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.,
E. E. Holman, superintendent.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Epworth League at G:30.
Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Choir practice at 7:30 Thursday
The Woman's Missionary So
ciety meets the third Thursday
afternoon of each month.
The Board . of Stewards holds
its regular meeting Tuesday eve
ning after tho firat Sunday of
oacli month.
Everybody cordially invited to
attend, all of the services of the
A. Thomas, Pastor
Our services until later notice
will be as follows:
Bible School at 10:00 a. m.
Communion and preaching, 11:00.
Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m.
Preaching at 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 8:00.
Ladies Aid Friday afternoon.
You are cordially invited.
William E. Bean,
Friends of the News who have
occasion to publish legal advci
tisements in settlement of estates
or other probate matters or in
cases in the district court will do
this paper a favor by directing
their attorney or the county of
ficial having such matters in
charge to havo such publication
made in Tho Eagle valley News.
oo eo
: : 2.80
: : 1.45
The Oregon
Agricultural College
Wliort trained iptrlttliu wllb mUrn lib
otintlti mil Jiqutt fulimnt tin In-
Irurllnn Iftdlnf to coilrcUU dt;trci Id lit
following iclinolt'
AGRICULTURE, with 14 dprtment
COMMERCE, with 4 drirtmnU :
EHaiMBCIUNO. wlih a dprtmtnU, In
hiding Civil, l.l.Mrlral. Illcliwtr. InduttrUl
Art. I rrlntioi. and McttaHlral i:gliilne J
roitr.STHY, Indudlne U(lD ltllnr.
IIOMC i:COi;OUICH, with 4 nnjrtr drpatl.
menu, Includlnn tialulnf In Ilia I'raillca
MIMING, with threw dtiailmnti, Inelud
Ine Clirmlcal KoglnttrluK;
THE HCIIOOL OI' MUSIC, ef.'ara Inilrne'
lion In Ilia principal dapartwantt uf vocal
and Iriilrumi'iiHl muaic.
I OUS cadeti In 1010 17, and wan rtomn
dallcn fur 0. A. C. from t tin Wwt.rn Dapart
rarnt nl tha U. 8 War DepArlmtttt a oaa (
the flftan "dlallniulah'd lnllllutlon" nf
hlcliar laarnlnit All eadaU will Ii fnriil.had
omplata uniftrmi tjr tha U. I. OHrriinrnl
and Ihv Junior and i.nlor railat anfclk-d In
lli IC O. t. C , win b elfati raaiakUtlon fat
tubalntonta, aa wvll a. all trnaMrui(ili ana
auliiliti nro al Dim all wt'lra' Humair 8nt
1017 Ir.forn-uion on raqMtt. Addrau,
Baglatrar, Otegou A4f!ltutiil CclUc.
Oorvallli, Orc.ou.
Look Here!"
If you want
Life Insurance
Investment or
Come in and let me show you
a contract that will meet
with your approval