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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
GOLD n7T?rTTW GOLD rond m t STAMPS! 4ft DTI r.. 3 rj j " -w.; v I o BOND STAMPS J Oir August TO-NIGHT at the opera house Richland, "Tho Silent Drama," Parker's motion picture plays, four screen masterpieces typify ing love, adventure, comedy, and other emotions. as portrayed by some of the worlds greatest motion picture actors, 25c and 10 New Bridgo tomorrow night. rOOOOOOOOOOOO00OOOO34s LOCALS ! Our Buyora havo roturncd 4Paaoooooooooooo0,ooool,,l from Portland, and alao thd in voices of tho goods they purchas ed, and whon tho goods arrive Lm0oo000W' wo will certain! v need more room wo therefore nro cutting prices A good lino of writing to clean up our shelves for tho "t tho Drug Store now goods E. & W. Ciiandlkk Icq Cream Socinl J I Jil ! ft" I IH I T5M II it Has Been a Hummer I And we are determined to wind it up :: by giving still greater inducements to I z the thrifty buyer .HScal Brand" ThoCoflcoof ' Universal Appeal a To make a clean-up we will close out all our o25 off Mens', Boys and Youth Suits to OC! si$ Close- - -O OTI A 1 Ladies Shirt W aists. to clean them . ' . i ' uo. onlv a rew left, values rl I v I Summer dress goods, plenty ot I time to make it up I all at a big cut V e r Some Great Values in Street and House Dress es, we must close them out to make room for our fall and winter stock In the camp the pot of gold at the end of the long trail . because of its rich, full, satisfying strength. CEASE & SANBOEH'S COFFEE All of our Summer Hats. Ladies' f , Mens and Childrens' at a big saving 4 Shoes, Ladies' and Mens' in values I Chiidrens Shoes at a z Also big cut In 1 and 2 pound cans. Never in hulk. Ground, Ungrouud or Pulverized. ''FRANK . CLARKE LOCAL AGENT Richland .-. Oregon Mens Underwear, Hot weather s uuub to close, n. v. u. pJif Porisknit Union Suits - - OiJL sz ! .V & . Mens' Negligee Shirts, all nice. ! clean goods plain and Ol f-ff trined materials - - C 1 HKX 6CKKOpK00000K00000rOOaOOOOOk00000 BUY YOUR TABLETS and War Times PAPETERIES 'WAT Richland Drug Store GoodPiace to Trade" Everything in the GROCERY I LliNJb is Advancing it is to your interest to buy now as our stock is complete and pri f ces ARE RIGHT I E. & W. Chandler h jtacniana uregen 2CK0O0CK0OO0OK0(KO0KOWoo(0 tabloto (Adv. to-morrow (Adv. I night on T. J. Roddick's Inwn. I rt ji. t i i i . ceo mo new jjiuiius ueua at Snundors Bro's (Adv.) Mrs. E. K. Curfman ia visiting rclotivos and frionds in ISngle Valloy. Wanted 500 pcoplo to buy writing tablela at tho Drug Store (Adv.) Mrs. M F, CundifT a)d child rcn were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Young last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cliandlor motored to Bailor on Tuesday returning tho same day. E. E. Ilolman haa been very sick but at present is on the rond to recovery. Goldia Sullivan, G. Jonos and H. 11. Mastorson of Kichland were all Baker visitors last week. Wm. Willot and wife of Baker wore visiting at the homo of U. Mastersons the first of the woek. W. H. Hill tho Baker Optician will fix your eyes, hero Monday Tuesday, and Wednesday. (Adv) Mr. Parker the Principal of the Grammar School has movod into Grandma Bradford's house. One hack and two buggies at a bargain, see Saunders Bro'a (Adv.) Bad cyos made gotfd by Hill the Optician, here Monday, Tueo day, and Wednesday. (Adv.) Fit the boy out with a new suit for school, prices are right, Saunders Bro's (Adv.) Extra Added Attraction at Parkers Picture Show tonight, Ransom M'Arthur, the boy violinist. Miss Gertrude Chandler left for Berkeley Cal., on Tuesday of last week to enter the Univer sity of California. 'Mrs." Geb. Gordon and children have been visiting Mrs. Gordon's sister Mrs Wm. Gillette of Pino for the past few days. WANTED: Bids on 20 rick of wood, delivered at the School house, Richland. - - UNION HIGH SCHOOL,' Richland, Oregon Parkers moving pictures, ow ing to abreak down, was unable to show'hero last week but will fill all Eagle (tates this week. Buy now, all classes of mer chandise are sure to bo Higher take advantage of our low prices now E. & W. CHANnr.T.'p (a,u, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Pende'r grass came over from Halfway oaiuruay night and spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Chandler. As a result of our trip to Port land Buyer's week our Btnnk nf ,uumamm viiuur monograph unseam Baird Furniture Company n : i i n udrriBb Lineoimm, uarpets, Rugs and Furniture at all Tirafls W. E. BAIRD, Mgr. Richland, Oregon News Adds Bring Results. now amounts to Fifteen Hunflwrl and Thirty five Dollars. Whila our stock of Diamond Point Edi- on Ambero'as and Dise Phnnn. graphs total Eleven Hundred and forty Dollars. If you havn't one write us to day. Catalogue free. Some special bargains in Pianos and player-pianos. Very easy monthly or yearly payments. Our stock of Victor and Edison Records is tho largest botwoen Portland and Boise. TIBBALS PIANO HOUSE, Baker, Oregon;