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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
0 iff-' ,15 Classed Among the Best in lh(i Northwest, No Better Equlplment. Room and Board $18 to $2, Many work for Room and Board A Tuition Within Fait Term Opens Tuesday, best results One Month Free Tuition Given lo enrolling from Aug. 24th lo Sopl. 7lli, I9M, paying six month's - Com bined Course In advance. This is equivalent lo 12 1-2 per cent discount on an entire course. Secure this month by enrolling wiilili tfis above dates. Write for Catalog cr call and see ns Baker Business College v t? wMmM I ci THE LIFE CAREER "f-clioollrtf: In youth limiM liirartMily lt (turcica ill mrHi a jwukii in iiir iirn itj lor the ".rmonciit occoitnttuii for whlc lie I cfulle.,'-lrtililrntC W, KIM. This H the Mission of the m inninJiiTimi. uun ftJf Fdrt4ai!i School Year Opens 3EPTBHBER 18th, 1914 Write for Illustrated loor-inc Book let, 'Tim I. in CAWPR," ;i:id for Cata log CuiiLiinini: full iiiforiliattun. Decree found AGRICULTURE : Agronomy, AntttMi Husdwidry, Dairy Hiii bnndry, Poultry lit- ',-anJry, I turttculturc. Agriculture for Teachers. FORI STRY, LOGGING iiNOlNI;HIM). HOMI- l'CO NOMICS: Domestic Science, Uonie.Hlc Art. I:NGINfilJRINO: Electrical, Irrigation, Highway,, Chemical, Mining. Ceramics. CO.UMMICU. I'llAHMACY. Indus ruiAi. akts. VoaUional (Tflwwj-Acrlctiltiire, Dairy ing, Home M.ikers' Course, Industrial Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. School of ''i-lbno) String, Band, Voice Culture. Fumut Dy'ilneij Couru by Mail Free, AddttM THIS ItKOIHTKAK, (tw.7-18 to 9-0) r CorrnllU, Oiccon There is a wedding scheduled for next month but owing to professional work in the matter wo do not divulge the names of the contracting parties. John Chapman fell oft" a hay Black Inst week and a u result was laid up for several days. At present ho is much improved and will soon be as strong as over K. E. ITolman left for Baker the first of the week, and may not return homo for several days He is being treated by Dr. Price the car specialist, for an car 'trouble. Rail Road, Rail Road, lotovory body think and talk Rail Roao concentration always produces in tho mean timo don't forget thai wo carry tho goods you want and tho prices aro right E. & W. ,CJIANDLEIt i (Adv.) the Reach of All Sept. 1, Enroll Ear y for mt r . ... r With nev iMllIJlnirn. better eiuiin. went, enlarged y,rouati$, ami many ad d.tioo to In faculty, the University of Qxezon wilt lic:lti ira iJilrty-nJiitli year fucday, September 15. .Special truitiintr for limine.. rn... njluni. Law. Medicine. Teaching. LI- anrct and t(roiicii department j libera! education. l.ilKrv t moo ihn Sl.ttt solum f. io (iiuirptj N w Ut.M Ailmlriiilfinon iiumuids n court i conmuaioti 'I miwi t)uuierrr lor mm inJ (or wimn I, w loktu Writ tor -miog ml llluiiilJ boulilrt. university of oregon CUflCMC OAmQN FIGURE ir OU1 BECOME A PROPERTY OWNER Lots valued from .f25.00 up ward. Located in heart'of Cal ifornia great resort cente'r'jiiea: San b'ranois'co. - - 6 5 - 8 4 In order to advertize directly we will give deed ar.d title U one of our 26 x 100 feet lots to t limited number of persons send uiK us the exact solution of the above problem. ) PROBLEM: Fill in the missinp numbers now represented b dasheasj that thesums of eacl. column will be 15 each way; thai is, horizon tically, vertically, ant diagonally. A (J cress replies to Centra: Building & Financing Co., 121 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. (Pd Adv. tf t Miss Jessie Sullivan and Albert S. Cummings, were united in marriage at the Methodist Par sonage in Baker, last Thursday . Mr. Cummings is a well known young man of tho Snake river country where the newly weds will make their homo. Tne local tennis onthusists would like to meet a team from Pine Valley for a sociable game somo Sunday aftornaon, soon. This in order to create enthu siasm in this most fascinating tfame. Local players realize that Pine Valloy raquot users havo had more practice and will perhaps take their measure but will assure them that thoy will have to play and it will bo nice if a match of this kind can be arranged. Frank Clarko haa hud lm dwelling freshly painted,. Hotel Rogers First Street Near Washington Baker, Oregon A first class Jlolehat a moder ate price, Ippocial Rates ,to a idc and Pine Valley people. J. B.' ROGERS, Prop. CHURCHES Christian Church Bible ocnooi iu a, m. Mks. Dimmick, Superintendant Y.-P. S. C. E ...7:15 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Choir Pra tice every Wednesday 8:00 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH Prciching 11;00 a. m., by the pastor, theme "Evidences of Total Depravity." Sunday School 10:00 a. m., E. E. Hoi man superintendaet. Stewards Meeting42:p. m in the church Preaching 8:00 p. m., theme "The Principles of Salvation Sta ted." Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8:0C ). m., Mrs. S. A. McDowell lead er . Jhoir Rehersal Thursday at 8:00 ). m., Fred CundifF leader. EVERYBODY WELCOME ?rank Hopkins, pastor. Tobacco arid Cigar Salesmen wanted to Advertise. Exper ance unnecessary. $100month ,y and expenses. Advertise Smoking Chewing Tobacco, jiparrettes, Cigars. Send 2c. .tamp for fui! particular. -H EL VIET TOBACCO CO.. New Yoik, N. Y. (85-3 Advertisement) More Locals ThoNI.WS will take new to- i atoes, wtod, fruit, spuds, but ter, or m wt anything else, good t eat, drink or of vaUie, even $1.50 fvr a yea s subscription to he Eagle Vailpy News. How 'bout it, isn't, that offering to uipport home trade. The Eatrle Valley Cornet Band vill give another concert in three or four weeks. Work on iketches and specialties is under way and a line of special music is being prepared for this occa sion. Under Prof. Parker's in struction the band has greatly improved and will be able toren der a mufh more d versified and melodious program of music. When last heard in concert work I he baifd was. in it's infancy and a gn at improvement will be no ticed aLthe next concert. Sensitive Fish. Mrs. Jones, not having much confl donco In tho abllitlos of her sorvRnt. wont to market herself. Approaching tho fishwife's stall, ubo ntskod tho prlco of a largo carp. "Sixty cents," was tho reply. Tho lady examined tho flsh and ox olaimod: "It'B not froshl" "1 tell you it IbI" roplled tho flah wlfo. "But It's qulto- flabby I" "0, go on InsulUng Itl" replied tho floliwlfo, blttorly. "It can't nnuwor youl" And with that klndnoua of hoarl which i natural to hor, Mro. Jonotf bought tho flflh to make up for tho Injury to Uu reelluEir-Jud. The best equipped Hotel-in the Panhandle ' FOR SALE! ALSO one UPRIGHT BREVSTER ' PIANO, GOOD AS NEW Mrs. S. D. JONE 1 SScS3E53a3o27rT2 Farmers Yours is a business house needin" business methods, the first essen tial of successful business is 'printed stationer'." We will print you i5C0 letterheads on good quality paper for $2.25, less than 1-2 cent a sheet,, and the same applies to envelopes. Buttenvraps, an essential, $1.25, hun" dred. A few peach wraps. Merchants i , 0 Id English Bond" is a handsome, strong, durable v- paper for business purposes. It lends individu ality and respect to your business: We have it in white,blue and goldenrod. Neatly princ it- for yea at $2.50 for 500, $4.50 per M.," .Envelopes the arri 1-2 size sheets, $2.00 and $3.75u Bafle Galley News Printers 01 Everything Printable ' I Richland 33 HIGHLAND. RAKEIi COUNTY, OHEOON Oregon 3- .1 1