Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 09, 1914, Image 3

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and Dairy Produce
of nil kind wmilttl. Writ for our
Pcaraon-PngoCo. ,,!f;,
1,'outtM, sold ml pxetiiitiirnlt rnnltic, hollers,
MHirilll. !. Kniwl furlilock I.lsl and Prices,
1 1ll: J. K, MAUTIN CO., Kl lit tit., 1'ortlnntl, Or.
Dim, lf,il,l'in,or.
ttotp. Lasts all
(anon. Mol
i? t i will not oil ot
lhurn n I li I r
(rtflll"l ttil,
C14 tr 4tlri, M
C trnl lr ripitupw
XAXOLO SOKXAS. 18U XAlb at., DrMklTB, V. C
"J low to Ilrrk Into Ui Dvttctlvn Rnnm" with
tmplU racllral lulvlcenUi'iliwcurlMir ignitions,
1 famous ilfltrrtlvi. rwlormvf by u thorl tlrn, Mc,
Asiatic 1'aclfJe Af ncr, Portland, Oregon.
rusk (IktrwiV Wri. 411 CsaaMwtli BJ, IVl'.eJ, Oil
Lllxtial Tntni Wrftn tor nur rniilt'iii,
tiveryth hk fur the Orchard, farm, Cardrn
and Lawn.
it Cutlir't niscilts mil. U.
tirirrd. fmh. rvllibUi crtrrrtU lif
Wmtcrn tUxkmw toniiM thiy pr
tMt h,t ntlitr vattlau till.
WitU for Lxikltt ami InilmotiUli.
lo.tfei pits, insatits rim ii.wj
SO. dot. pkj. OlacklH Pjllf 4.00
11m an fforf-bir. Lilt rultftf'l toil.
Th sanorlorltjr of OilUr produrts ti ilu ta oter II
yr of if-lillilnr In tscsIsM aid itrumi aaly.
Inilit Cutlf'. If tiv.Mlnil. nrdtr dlri-rt.
7MC CUTTCM lADOnATOHV, UirUlty, Callltrnta.
The Willing Worker.
"A Kootl story always helps to keep
nn imtll'-nco IntoroHtud," Ha hi Senator
"Yoh," replied tlio experienced cam
paigner. "Hut stories luivo boon over
worked." "How about a lltllo nong now' nnd
"No. They've had Hongu.too. You'vo
i;ot to give pooplo flomuthl'ng now."
"Well, I'm wlllliii; to do my part.
Mnybo I might tango a little."- Wash
ington Star.
Only n Guess.
At an evening party a very elderly
woman wnu dancing with a young
partner. A trnngrr approached Done
Ian Jorrold, who wan loolilnf,' on, a. :l
Bald:. j i k -
"Pray, air, can you tell mo who la
tin) young man dancing with that
elderly woman?"
"Ono of the huinnno ocloty, I
ftliould think," roplloil Jorrold. Kan
uau City Star.
The Psychological Moment.
"How Ih It, colonel," nuked the- hope
ful young bunko Hteorer, addrosalng
tlio honry-hendnd mnstor of the craft,
"that you have ahvnyu boon successful
in picking out Juicy suckers and nevor
hnvo to wnnto tlmo on unprofltablo
"I Dimply wait till I hoar a man aay
ho Ih n pretty good Judgo of human
nature," replied tlio veteran, "nnd then
I know ho lo Just what I am looking
for." Punch.
Tourjh One.
Old Scotcli Womnn. Tho lnnt steak
I got frao yo I could hao uoled ma
boota wl' It.
Butcher And why did yo no dao it?
Womnn So I wld If I could lino got
tho pegu tao gang through it. Doaton
I is by way of tlio Stomach,
Liver and Bowels. Keep I
these orpans strong: and ac- I
tive bo use of
Stomach Bitters
I and you )osbcss tho secret I
of continued good health. I
It is for Poor Appetite, In
digestion, Cramps, Consti
pation and Biliousness.
Jiliousness. g
mm mw
Try it.
V, N, V,
No. IB, '1 4.
KN wrillnir lo nJctilUrri. dUm mm
llun Hi I iMiixr,
Ivor a Welcome Addition to tho Menu
at This Time Applet Daked With
tho 8lrup Will De Appro
clatod by All.
Thoro aro over no many ways of
ItHltig maplo iifrup and nugor other
than merely nerving thorn nu naturol,
and these goodlen which I am going
to doncrlbo to you will bo welcomed
by tho family cnthunlaallcally. No
(natter how good tho wlntor monu hna
boon, .It grown a lltllo trlto aa warm
Weather cornea on, and a new owcot la
A delightful chango.
Maplo Ico Cream. To ko It beat
four egga till foamy, boll ono cup of
maplo nlrup till rather thick; stir Into
tho oggd and cool, then add two cups
of whipped cream. Stir all together,
freeze and aorvo. A half-cupful of pe
can menta broken and added to tha
cream uinkon n dellcloua variation.
linked Applco With Maplo Sirup.
I'aro anil coro tart applen, In each cav
ity placo a nut meat Pour ono cup"
of maplo sirup over tho apploa and
bake till tendor. Servo with whipped
or plain croam.
Maplo Cako. Ono-half cupful maplo
nlrup, half cupful of augar, ono-tlilrd
cupful of butter, hnlf-cupful of sotir
milk, 1V4 cupfula of flour, teaapoonful
of soda, ono egg. Uent tho soda .into
tho nour milk, cream tho butter and
sugar, then beat In tho ogg; add sour
milk and nlrup, laally tho flour; bako
in ohcota, '
Maplo Ilroad Pudding. Mako a
broad pudding after your favorlto rcc
Ipo, using maplo sugar or maplo sirup
In placo of granulated sugar. It in
necessary to une a lltllo moro maplo
vugar than granulated, In order to
Awcoten tho pudding sufficiently. Bako
and eervo hot with maplo sauco.
Maplo Caramels. Hrnak ono pound
of maplo augar In bits nnd boil in ono
pint of milk till it hardens In cold wa
ter. Add a ploco of butter sizo of a
walnut nnd pour Into grcaecd pans to
Maplo Custard. Two eggs, onb pint
of milk, thrce-fourthu cupful of maplo
alrup; scald milk and nlrup and
bent tho eggs thoroughly, pour hot
milk over tho eggs and stir well;
return to tho flro till thick. Do care
ful not to boll after tho egga have
been added or tho custard will curdle.
Maplo Mousse. Half n cupful of
maplo sirup nnd pno pint of thick
cream aro tho only ingredients re
quired for thin delicious dessert; whip
tho crenm to a stiff froth and add tho
sirup. Pack in a mold and placo in ico
nnd salt till frozen.
Frozen Coffee.
A frappo, which Is very llko sher
bet, sounds ns if It wcro an elaborato
Krcnch confocllon, but Is really tho
stmplost of refreshments, being just a
wntor-Ico. partly frozen (nnd pro
nounced in two syllables). Cafo
frappo la half-frozen coffco, mado In
this wny: Dent tho whlto of ono egg
cllgbtly, add half a cupful of cold wa
ter, mix with half a cupful of ground
coffee. Turn this Into a scalded coffeo
pot. add four cupfuls of boiling water
and lot boll ono mlnuto. Placo on back
of otovo ten minutes, (strain, add ono
cupful of sugar, cool and frcozo to a
mush, using equti". parts of Ico and salt
Servo with whipped cream sweetened
nnd flavored, laying a good spoonful
on top of each cup.
White Cako.
Ono cup sugar, ono-half cup butter,
Whiten of two eggs benton stiff, yolk
of ono egg, ono cup sweet milk, salt
to tiiBto. Flavor with lemon. Add
Hour enough to mako It an thick as
cream. Bako In a moderate oven.
Mock Cream.
Ono level tnblcspoonful flour wot
with n Httlo cold milk and cooked
with a dash of salt In ono cupful of
milk until of creamy consistency.
Cool and flavor to tasto. Pino for
puddings, etc.
To Remove Iodine Stains.
Whenever you spill lodlno on a lin
en or cotton matorlnl romovo It very
satisfactorily In tho following mnn
nor: Pour boiling hot starch over tho
stain, ropentlug this two or three
times within nn hour, or until tho
stain is romoYod.
First Militant Huffingotto What do
you think of this proposed kisulng
Hncnnd DHto-Woll, that strlka
wouldn't iii'Jiw t hit with me,
Great, aren't they boy? Wade Is djlng- a lot for us when
he furnishes these free Blue-Prints, made up just special for
the size barn wo figuro on building.
It shows us how
Barn Equipment
will double nur Liarn arvl dairy emclcncy
rurl-r l'irrr:t nam Iviulprnent Indudca the most complete line or Steel alalia, Htanchlona, KccJ and Litter Carrieri an I i r
Tst1a triftfiilfn'lttrrvL '
must be unswered by office help trained
to execute the command promptly.
B plncinir yourself under the iruitl-
ance of our expert teachers, you can be'
trained in all departments of office
work ready to respond to the man
ager's call instantly. Write for cata
log today. A ponit'dn guaranteed.
Tncoma, Washington.
Those suffragettes arc successful in
somo things. Ono was a good Hhot
and plugged the king's hat with a
bundle of "literature." It wasn't light
reading. v
Tho Nichi Nlchtf a Japaneso news
paper, is violent toward Uncle Samuel.
But then he'll probably only scratch
an Nlchl Nichi attack.
Tho school that rets you a
Kocd jxjiltlon.
Thousands of Graduates
Washlnston uA IDtli Sta.
"Ho everyone that thlrsteth,"
Is ndvlco nobody takes,
Just step Inside a thirst shop
And you'll find it full of rakes!
According to the weather man those
rare dayB In Juno this year were just
a trlflo rarer than ordlnnry.
A policeman arrested a skeleton,
but there were no bones In it for him.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes guaran-!
tee satisfaction.
Tho man who goes to sleep In
church wns scored by a minister. No
excuse for him with bo many shady
parks all around.
Tlio wny of tho joyrider Is hard on
tho man whoso car they steal.-
Ab yet tho ncropluno joyriders have
not made tholr appearance, but somo
night they'll break Into that Parkwa
tor hangar.
Wright's Indlnn Vogotablo Pills put
tho stomach in good condition in- a
short time. Try thorn for Sick Stom
ach, Biliousness and Indlgostlon. Adv.
Student How do you pronounce It,
profossor, "mnxixo" or "machcech"?;
Old Dryasdust Neither, Blr. I pro-
nounco u ranic loousuuess nnu wnsio
ot time.
A Sure Revenge.
Wire Do you llko this pudding,
denr? Mrs. Mcllrydo gavo mo tho ro
:lpo for it.
Hub-No; but I gucBH you enn got
iquaro with nor uy giving nor your
roclpo for mince picn.
Forgot Mother,
Johnny You'ro tho incnnoBt, hato
fuluut, HpllufuleHt thing I know,
Tommy Ami you'ro tho crabbudost,
Father Hoys, hoys! You forgot Unit
four mother (0 In tht room,
mako our cowl healthy ana con tonterJ turn barn
If you flsrure on buiMinif a barn aoon.
nuiuuiitcaieuui up ana nil out
niiruv mii Kivca cj oarn you neu re
.ciii uiicni. win men worn oui a special,
iiuvu uf jmtr requirements,
Whether you figure on building; a Barn aoon or
not. mall co-jpon for Uiie HIKE IMUN EQUIP-
Oldest and Larireit Independent
n noiesaicr ot rarm Machin
ery in the I'doflc Northwest
Interested In the jStudy of Navigation.
ilrs. Brundage (so we are informed
by Everybody's chestnut gatherer)
was crossing the ocean for the first
time. Ono morning, as the captain
was standing near her, she said:
"Pardon ray Ignorance, but how do
you manage to find your way across
the 'trackless ocean?"
"By means of the compass, madam,"
ropllcd the gallant captain. "The
needle Invariably points north."
"But," queried the woman, "suppose
you wish to go south?"
It will do all the name implies. AGENTS
WANTED. Men and women to intro
duce Youthelenc products to consumers.
Big money. Write for ofTer. Schwingd
Bros., 229 Madison St., Portland, Or.
Small Town Limericks.
There was a young maiden of Llnd,
Who blushed and most frequently
But she caught on, you know,
With tho big passing snow,-
And quite quickly liau everyone
An old gaffer lived at Nez Perco
Who never would drink, chew nor
curse., . f '
Ills passion he'd check,
But ho once said: "By Heck'.'' -Then
drifted from bad uiito worse!
A matron with kids in Clealuni
Could never dopo out what could all
She'd doso them with oil
Till their blood would fair boil.
Then quietly turn 'rouud and whale
Try Murine Eye Kemcdy for Ited, Weak, Waterjr
Uxeu and Granulated Kyeilds: So Smarting
liiKt.Uye Comfort. Write for Uook of tbe Kye I
by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Cb., Chicago, i
These soundproof . pianola and
phonograph rooms aro a great Idea,
but fame; awaits the man who builds
a soundproof garage.
The population of Ireland has been!
almost cut In two in 75 years.
She Told Him What to Do.
Blood Trouble
f he Searching Power of a Great Remedy Answers
the Worst Riddle.
Thousands nuvc Solved It With S. S. S.
Tt ti now known Hint tlio perms of blood
disorder arc found In the mfuuto spaces of
Uit) tlMtto fllircK. Thry can bo seen only
turouch u powerful microscope. And It U
Id these spaces that H. H. H. goes to work
rnpldly, effectively and with wonderfully
uotlrenblo results.
Tlili famous blood mirlflfr contains tno
dlcliial component vital ami meutlal to
hi'Nltliy lilooil.
Thorn ie one Ingredient In B. B. 8. which
ecrvci tho active purpose pf wtltu tilutlnir
inch . cellular part of tho body to the
iiralthy nnd Judicious selectlou of Its own
mnitUI nutriment. 'J'hut Is why It re
ITdiiTttti' the blood mipplyi why It hut
urli h treini'Ddmis luiluciue In overcoming
fiii'iiia, rush, pimples, -all skin sftVetluns,
tUuuwlUiu, wg tbrtot, wcrl, cts, Jvm U
chores into a real Dleaaure
i to a real pleasure.
tend for them It will
Coupon, plnmnir It to
R. 1.
on. Our estimating;
individual plan
Wade & Co,
323 Hawthorne
Portland, Ore.
8nd me without
obligation or cost
whaiaver KKEK Blua
Prints of Harn approximate
size attached.
Bend me Porter Barn
Equipment Catalocua.
IVfiv do the leading merchants
TT "J of Portland and the North
west call upon BEHNKK-WALKER
oughly competent, well-trained help?
843 fums have called on us for one
or more stcnographeis or bookkeep
ers since Aug. 1, 1913. Over 2000 of
our students are hold ng lucrative
positions in Portland a'onc. Let U3
prepare you and furnish you a po
sition when competent.
Write no trouble to answer.
Portland, Oregon
The Idaho bean crop covers 6500
acres, and there are, prospects for a
good crop of pork to go wjth them.
A millionaire rescued four people in
"Wisconsin, but the trust busters will
declare they owed him money or somo
Pimples and blackheads disappear,
red, rough, ugly complexions becomo
clean, clear, and velvety, and hair
health and beauty are promoted by
the regular use of resinol soap and an
occasional application of resinol oint-
jneut. These soothing, healing prepa
rations do their work easily, quickly
and at little cost, even when the most,
expensive cosmetics and complicated
' beauty treatments" fail.
Resinol soap nnd resinol ointment
heal eczoma, tetter, ringworm, psoria
sis and other skin eruptions, stop itch
ing instantly, and are most valuable
for sunburn, insect bites, sores, burns,
bolls, piles, etc. Sold by all druggists.
Modern Woodmen will get lower In
surance rates. You would naturally
expect them to use- the ax.
Snrinir fever has. nothing at all on
the vacation bacillus as a promoter ot
j lassitude.
A Puzzling Question
wclcht, thin palo cheeks, find that wearN
ncss of in use I o and nerve that Is generally
experienced by all sufferera with polofica
Get a bottle of S. 8. B. at any dru
stnrp. and In a few days you will not only
feci bright, end cncrcctlc, but you wilt ba
tho picture ot new life.
S. H. R. Is prepared only in tho labora
tory of tho Swift Hpeclilo Co., L'2l Bwlft
llldif,, Atlanta (la., who inulntaln u very
clIlck'Ht Medical Departmeut, where nil wk
have any bloixl disorder of a stubborn
noture way write freely for ndrlce.
H. H. B. is sold everywhere by til drutf
llrwsre of all atlempls to sell you aota
UiUiK "Just AS goudV Jasiit upou kt H. w.