Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 22, 1917, Image 3

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to do. L aboring under a false im p re s­
sion at w h a t th e people of th e l in led
States stood for, he signed his own po­
litical d e a th w a rra n t in the last hours
of the 64th congress.
N either of these men can get back to
“ Entere«! as»ecoml-claae m a tte r , Nov-
high position in public esteem they
enttb«- 13th. '90S at the postnffice utC'lo-
v^rtlala Tillamook County, b>regon,un- formerly occupied. They alone have
d w Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. j been at fault for their undoing.
Pablished Every Thursday
Freak Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
S ubscription R at is
* Year, in a d v a n c e .........................|1.0C
i M o u th s ..................................................fto
T bie e M onths. ..........................................25
It is b etter to be slow to anger th a n
Single Copy ............................................. Oft ; handy with a six-shooter.
Bruises should be judged solely by
A dvertisin g Rvrtcs
Displayed A dvertisements, ftO cents per | th e way w hich they were obtained.
incLi per m onth, single colum n. All
lo c a l Rending Notices, ft cents per
sile n t c o n te m p t is responsible for
line for each insertion.
m any an undelivered blow.
Tim ber land notices
Hom<?Stea.d notices
Many a m a n ha s lost lots of money
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
110.Oo I th ro u g h a hole in th e top of his pocket.
Though the banister of life is full of
Job epartment
m a n slides down it
•My J o b D e p a rtm e n t is complete in every
respect and I am ib le to do all kirfrti rapidity.
Commereiul J o b P rinting on short
as a
notice a t reasonable jpricea.
T H U R SD A Y . MARCH 22, 1917.
man discovers that he ;
made mistake begins to look I
around for someone blame it .
M od * v talks, a n d it ij also the only
th in g th a t u n d e rsta n d s the language of
Tightwads of Tillamook c onnty and the flowers on a n Easter bonnet.
of all oth e r counties, are hereby in ­
We would get more e njoym ent out of
formed th a t a n o th e r court has handed a dollar if it took as long to spend it as
down a decision th a t m akes it p e r­ it does to e a r n it.
fectly legal for wives to rifle th e pockets
A young m an keeps com pany with a
of th e ir husbands when th e aforesaid
girl before m arriage, but after the cere­
h usbands are of th e tightw ad variety.
M agistrate Cornell, of New Y’oik. mony she is lucky if he does.
City, says a wife has every lig h t in the
If a man shows his teeth and smiles
world to go through her h u s b a n d ’s he will a tta in his object much quicker
trousers while he is asleep if he does th a n if he shows his te e th and growjs.
not give her a sufficient allowance on
pay day.
A western judge said practically the
sam e th in g a few weeks ago.
W h e n th e east and west join hands,
th a t makes a law.
A y ear or so ago William Johnston, a
known editor and w riter, had a
There is a l a s t a m o u n t of work to mishap which m ade it necessary for
come before the special session of con­ him to use crutches for several months.
gress. If th e outgoing congress had a t ­ Chafing under the inconvenience, he
tended to its business as it should, th e comforted himself by thinking how
Author Whose Mishap
Gave Idea For a Novel
work could have been cleaned up. A
few senators felt th e ir power in the
ancient rule of the body which per-
m itte d a senator to sta r t his m o u th go­
ing and go away and leave it in action,
and by th e ir dilatory methods, hung up
action on a ppropriations a m o u n tin g to
five h undre d million dollars.
bills will have to be acted upon by the
new congress.
The new congress will be about evenly
divided as to party lines, but w hen it
comes to a n y patriotic question, they
a re expected to be united. This is the de­
m and of th e American people, who are
gradually w orking awav from th e old
idea th a t public questions should be
considered from the political sta n d p o in t.
Can there be so m uch prosperity in
any country th a t it will be h u rtfu l to
th a t country?
The steel corporation of the United
States has more contracts ahead th a n
ever before. Brices are e x h o rb ita n tly
high for all kinds of iron and steel.
Send an order to tlie steel corporation
and it will advise you by r c tn r n mail
th a t it cannot he filled this vear; t h a t it
already has m ote work th a n it can
han d le th is \ ear.
Anv order t h a t formerly took a week
to get, now takes from two to th re e
m onths.
Builders and contractois in
th e cities are unable to figure ahead on
any job. They do not know when they
can get m aterial. There are so m any
orders ahead th a t new orders must
wait th e ir tu rn .
Several more or less im p o r ta n t con-
te r n s needing certain kind* of m aterial
im m ediately have been informed th a t it
will be three m onths before it can be
■hipped. The country is so prosperou»
th a t it is being damaged by delays.^
W e r e t o G lo s e
What would it mean in actual Dollars and Cents to
you people who have not yet taken advantage ol this Great
Sale of the very best merchandise in Oregon.
Plan to
come to the store Saturday, March *24 for I have arranged
a stupendous
Marked Down
Beginning at 10 a. m. Saturday
Come prepared to buy for I promise you the greatest
Bargain Sale you ever saw or heard of,
hundreds of Remnants of Wool and Wash Fabrics
Photo by Am erican Tress Association.
much h a rd e r lameness m ust he for an
active boy a t a period in life when
practically ail his amusement* Involve
tests of physical, endurance. Out of
this grew tbe idea for Mr. Johnston's
new novel, “Limpy,” recently published.
I t is the story of a boy who had to
w ear a brace on one leg. Irv in S. Cobb,
a f te r reading It, wrote th a t “somebody
might have w ritte n a truer, sweeter,
more appealing, more convincing story
of a boy than ‘Limpy,’ but nobody ever
Care of Young Goslings
T here is very little th a t the owner
can do to hurry the batching of goose
eggs, while under the mother, except
Two national statesm en have taken to see th a t she is properly supplied
advantage of th e E uropean war as a p e r­ with w a te r and food in easily accessi­
iod in which to put a dim m er on their ble channels, s a j s the American Agri-
! culturist. The period of incubation Is
own futures.
W illiam Je n n in g s Bryan, thrice n o m ­ from twenty-eight to thirty-three days,
but averages th ir ty days. Do not feed
inated for president, and Robert M. La-
the goslings until two days old, b n t
Folletre, once considered a* suitable give them tender, finely cut grass and
candidate for th e highest office w ithin water. They should not be allowed to
th e gift of any people, have snuffed swim, however, until they grow older.
th e ir own political candles.
The first feed may tie rolled oats or
M i. B rv a n ’s decadence started when stale bread slightly moistened with
he told tb e A ustrian am bassador t h a t the water. Soane poultrymen recommend
U nited States did not mean what it said braD, cornbread or chick food. In any
when it sent its first note to the central event, th e feeding should be light and
tw o-thlnls or thre e -qua rters should be
powers. His descent on the toboggan
ma«le u p of ten«ler green food. There
of public opinion has been gradual ever should be protected bouses or coops I
since. His u tm o st efforts to regain lost w here the goslings may have adequate |
ground have failed.
’ shelter from the rain. A fter a week
Mr. L aFollette has relegated himself or ten d a y s they m ay be safely turned
to th e background by his own miscon­ out on g«x>d pasture. F re sh drinking
ception of w hat the nation desired him w a te r Is supplied a t ail times.
W h a t if t h is
•thousands of odds and ends in general merchandise, Be­
low are a few only of the Bargains that will draw the
crowds to the Big Double Store Saturday.
Men’s, Women’s, Misses and Boys’
Good Shoes......................................
14.00 and $5 00;
Men’s Shoes $4.00 to $6.00
W om an’s Shoe*
M isses’ Shoes $300 to
Boys’ Shoe* $3.50 to $5.00
Boys’ and Girls’ Underwear, garment
Girl’s Dresses, 0 to 14 years,
Boys’ and Girl’ s 25c Stockings..
Wool Dress Goods to §1.25 for yard
J.S. Langhorne
Manager of
‘^tern’s Big Sale
T i lla m o o k ,
O r o £ o n —-