CLOVERDALE COURIER to do. L aboring under a false im p re s­ sion at w h a t th e people of th e l in led States stood for, he signed his own po­ litical d e a th w a rra n t in the last hours of the 64th congress. N either of these men can get back to “ Entere«! as»ecoml-claae m a tte r , Nov- th e high position in public esteem they enttb«- 13th. '90S at the postnffice utC'lo- v^rtlala Tillamook County, b>regon,un- formerly occupied. They alone have d w Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. j been at fault for their undoing. Pablished Every Thursday Freak Taylor, Editor and Publisher. S ubscription R at is THE SLAB CREEK SAGE SAYS * Year, in a d v a n c e .........................|1.0C i M o u th s ..................................................fto T bie e M onths. ..........................................25 It is b etter to be slow to anger th a n Single Copy ............................................. Oft ; handy with a six-shooter. S Bruises should be judged solely by A dvertisin g Rvrtcs Displayed A dvertisements, ftO cents per | th e way w hich they were obtained. incLi per m onth, single colum n. All lo c a l Rending Notices, ft cents per sile n t c o n te m p t is responsible for line for each insertion. m any an undelivered blow. Tim ber land notices 110.00 Homd pasture. F re sh drinking ception of w hat the nation desired him w a te r Is supplied a t ail times. THE DIMMING OP TWO STARS. W h a t if t h is be and •thousands of odds and ends in general merchandise, Be­ low are a few only of the Bargains that will draw the crowds to the Big Double Store Saturday. % Men’s, Women’s, Misses and Boys’ Good Shoes...................................... 14.00 and $5 00; Men’s Shoes $4.00 to $6.00 W om an’s Shoe* M isses’ Shoes $300 to $3.50; Boys’ Shoe* $3.50 to $5.00 Boys’ and Girls’ Underwear, garment 10c Girl’s Dresses, 0 to 14 years, .......................... 69c Boys’ and Girl’ s 25c Stockings.. ...........................15c Wool Dress Goods to §1.25 for yard J.S. Langhorne Manager of 25c ‘^tern’s Big Sale T i lla m o o k , O r o £ o n —- =r:— - ■= ^