Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 01, 1917, Image 1

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    VOL. j 2.
Editor C o u rier:
As one who cam e from a country
w here they build ail their im proved
roads by bonding. and are so satistied
with results th a t they never think of
doing it any other way, I am natural l\
.in hearty accord with the plan as o u t­
lined by Mr. F. It. Heals in a recent
com m unication to the Courier and other
county papers.
Some six or seven years ago I not only
advocated th e bonding plan in a letter
published in th e C ourier at tlrat tim e,
but also denounced the toll-gate graft at
Dolph, a parir itic institution th at had
outgrown its usefulness and caused the
c U'puscels to l oll in e\ery red-blooded
in lividual th at ever entered the county
through it.
Today the toll gate is gone and. be­
lieve me, the bonding plan is coming:
The fates have decreed its com ing as in ­
evitable. Intelligent men ar fast com ­
ing to know th a t if th e present genera­
tion are to ever enjoy roads adapted It»
w ithstand the traffic of m odern convey­
ances, because of the im m ense capital
involved in th eir structure, they m ust
of necessity resort to the bonding plan
if built on anything like a scale th at
would meet the dem ands of the people.
They begin to realize as never before
th at after building hard surfaced roads,
though they are i • tr -b exoensive,
th a t they have not only the privilege of
enjoying th eir benefits while they are
being paid for, hut in their h u ild in ;
they have added a valuable asset to the
civic property possessions of the com ­
m unity at large and an enhanced value
to th eir individual property possessions
m ore th an eipial the money expended
therefor, and have also added muni*
ticently to the heritage of future genera­
tions w hetlier th e bonds be all or partly
redeem ed before th eir dem ise. And add
to all th a t, the money used on road c o n ­
struction rem ains largely at home where
it lias been spent by the contractors and
workm en with our business men and
farm ers or deposited in our banks, thus
constituting practically a loan to them
w ithout in terest during th e life of the
Is it any wonder, th en, th a t with ibis
fact in m ind the federal governn-. lit,
the states and sm aller muiiicipalitie* are
aw akening to the situation, spiirref on
bv a cullossal arm y of autom obile own­
ers (on-* t<i every m ile of road in the
1'nited States) and appropriating .nil-
lions for good roads?
'Ibe U nited States has increased road
appropriations in the last decade from
80 to 282 m illions, the states in the sam e
tim e from 2b. m illions to 5:5 m il­
lions. The state of C alifornia lias re­
cently voted a 15-million bond issue, and
so it goes.
If such a course is a grtod thing for
other states and other eom m unitie why
should it not be a good thing for T illa­
mook county? Inasm uch as these states
have and are attain in g such a high state
W illful fVaste Brings IVocfui IVant.
NO. 27
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though we have done business by mail with them for years, W#
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your Next Cheek or Cheeks
It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.
ß OUN t y
of developm ent under such governm ent ♦ •♦ ••♦ •♦ •♦ •♦ ♦ •♦ •♦ •♦ •♦ •♦ •♦ f
why, in the nam e of progress, would it
not be a good thing for us when we have
everything to gain and nothing to lose? |
those who wish to
W hy not?
j get a better
If our present program of hard sur-i
DAK this season,
facing is to go on, and we refuse to bond,
we have made arrange­
1 pity our old pioneers who have in- j
ments whereby we can
vested th eir all in outlying com m unitiesi
take in a few good old
our m ain thoroughfares do not touch. 1
style machines in trade
fear they will be in th eir grave» and
on ntw ones,
th eir children gray headed before they '
get th eir just deserts in the way of road i
im provem ent, especially if our tim ber is
moved rapidly.
Petering to the proposed state high- ! I IvotoßCfeamncjanb I
way, about which there is no little con­
troversy, 1 am candidly led to wonder
how m any of our citizens are given it
sufficient consideration to fully appre­
ciate its im portance, its true relation to
all th e people and its bearing upon the
future developm ent and prosperity of
our county.
Inasm uch as it would surely become
Tillamook, -
in a brief tim e au integral part of the
Pacific highw ay and possibly a govern­
m ent m ilitary highw ay, it they do so
consider it, they certainly cannot view
The Cloverdale Courier $ 1 a year.
(Concluded on last page.)
ON’T spend as you go. Don't scatter your dollars. Plan
to set aside a certain sum for the bank. None can tell
when a business reverse, loss of position or siege of illness
will overtake h”n. You’ll find that in adversity your
bankbook is your best friend. We offer every banking facility.
Call on us and we’ll be £!ad to explain our system.
C lo v e rd a le , O re g o n .
The havoc of Flame
may bring disastrous reminder
too late.
Protect yourself and your family.
Assure yourself of a roof over
your head.
If the present home is consumed
our word as fire insurers and our
deed will replace the old with a
new one. A few dollars «very
three or five years will insure you
wav up to the final notch of pro­
• Phone Us Call on Us Write Us
. ROLLIE W. WATSON.I11* »"«“ranee Man