VOL. j 2. CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON. FEBRUARY 1, OUR ROAD PROBLEM. Editor C o u rier: As one who cam e from a country w here they build ail their im proved roads by bonding. and are so satistied with results th a t they never think of doing it any other way, I am natural l\ .in hearty accord with the plan as o u t­ lined by Mr. F. It. Heals in a recent com m unication to the Courier and other county papers. Some six or seven years ago I not only advocated th e bonding plan in a letter published in th e C ourier at tlrat tim e, but also denounced the toll-gate graft at Dolph, a parir itic institution th at had outgrown its usefulness and caused the c U'puscels to l oll in e\ery red-blooded in lividual th at ever entered the county through it. Today the toll gate is gone and. be­ lieve me, the bonding plan is coming: The fates have decreed its com ing as in ­ evitable. Intelligent men ar fast com ­ ing to know th a t if th e present genera­ tion are to ever enjoy roads adapted It» w ithstand the traffic of m odern convey­ ances, because of the im m ense capital involved in th eir structure, they m ust of necessity resort to the bonding plan if built on anything like a scale th at would meet the dem ands of the people. They begin to realize as never before th at after building hard surfaced roads, though they are i • tr -b exoensive, th a t they have not only the privilege of enjoying th eir benefits while they are being paid for, hut in their h u ild in ; they have added a valuable asset to the civic property possessions of the com ­ m unity at large and an enhanced value to th eir individual property possessions m ore th an eipial the money expended therefor, and have also added muni* ticently to the heritage of future genera­ tions w hetlier th e bonds be all or partly redeem ed before th eir dem ise. And add to all th a t, the money used on road c o n ­ struction rem ains largely at home where it lias been spent by the contractors and workm en with our business men and farm ers or deposited in our banks, thus constituting practically a loan to them w ithout in terest during th e life of the bonds. Is it any wonder, th en, th a t with ibis fact in m ind the federal governn-. lit, the states and sm aller muiiicipalitie* are aw akening to the situation, spiirref on bv a cullossal arm y of autom obile own­ ers (on-* t