Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 27, 1916, Image 4

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    | Quality Counts
been properly repaired at state expense.
T ii« sum of $10,000,IKK) is made avail­
able in yearly appropriations of $1,-
000,000 for the eo operative construction
and maintenance of roads and trails
within or partly within the national
forests by tlie United States, states,
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
territories or counties in which the
forests lie. Kxpenditures for this pur­
more especially than in
pose are not to exceed 10 per cent of the
fbt* Weekly New« Letter of the
value of the timber and forage resources
United State« Department of Agricul­
available for income upon the national
ture contains the following:
forests where the roads or trails are
The sum of $M5,(MJO.OOO of Federal
constructed. Beginning with the next
funds is made available for the construc­
(fur large stock is in every instance the best that can he had
fiscal year after the agreement is made
tion of rural roads, by the passage of the
between the Secretary of Agriculture
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Federal aid road bill which became a
and a state, territory, or county for the
law on July 11. Of this sum $75,000,000
co-operative construction of such roads,
is to he expended for the construction
10 per cent of all revenues from such
of rural post roads under co operative
forests aie to be applied toward reim­
arrangements with the highway depart­
bursing the United States Government
ments of the various states, and $10,-
for funds expended for road work until
000,000 is to be expended for roads and
the whole amount advanced shall have
trails within or partly within the na­
been returned.
tional forests. The net limits the Fed­
The objects sought through Federal
eral Government's share in road v/ork
aid to roads in the national forests are
in co-operation with the states to 50 per
thus explained by the Secretary of Ag
cent of the estimated cost of construc­
riculture in his annual report for 1015,
tion. Federal aid may be extended to
in which be recommends such legisla­
the construction of any rural post road,
tion as well as Federal aid to rural post
excluding all streets or roads in towns
roads :
having a population of 2,•'>(!() or more,
“ The real agricultural problem within
except the portions of such streets or
and near the forest# is to make possible
roads on which the houses are, on an
tlie successful occupancy and develop­
And everything usually kept in a first-class hard ware store, and
average, more than 200 feet apart.
ment of the lands that already have
Five million dollars is made a\ iil«ble
all goods are of the beet quality.
been opened to entry or have been
for expenditure during the fiscal year
patented. The mere private ownership
ending June 00, 1017, an I thereafter the
of land does no insure successful use of
appropriation is increased a! the :ate of
it. In Oregon and Washington alone
live millions u year until 1021, w hen the
there are about 3,000,000 acres of logged-
sum provided is twenty five mdiious,
off land, much of it agricultural in char­
making a total of seventy live millions.
acter, now lying idle, in this condition
In addition, an appropriation of $1,000,-
speculative holding of the land for
000 ft year for ten years—a total of $10 -
higher prices plays a large part. A n ­
000,000—is made available for the de­
other cause is the lack of transportation
velopment of roadH and trails wholly or
facilities. A settler may clear land and
partly within the national forests.
raise crops upon it, but he is helpless if
The class of roads to be built and the
he cannot market them. There are great
method of construction are to he mu­
areas of fertile land unused today on
tually agreed upon by the Secretary of
this account. In many sections near
Agriculture and the state highway de­
the national forests pioneer conditions
still exist. The population is small, and
1’ roject statements setting forth the
the task of road building is beyond the
proposed construction of any rural post
road or roads in a state aie to be sub­ means of the residents. There is little
or no demand for timber, and the re­
mitted by the state highway depart­
ceipts from the forests which go to the
ment to the Secretary of Agriculture,
and upon approval by the Secretary all community are small. The fact that
necessary surveys, plans, specifications, tlie public property is not subject to
And Owners of
and estimates must be furuisbed. The taxation make« such communities feel,
roads projected must he of a substantial and very justly, the t the forests are not
character, and items covering engineer­ contributing enough to local develop­
ing, and nnforseeii contingencies are
“ This situation should be changed.
not to exceed 10 per cent of the total
is a college graduate in
is the same I)r. Wise who
Assistance should be given in the build­ Dentistry, registered in
estimated cost of the work.
practiced Dentistry in
Tillamook countv a few
I'pon completion of the work as ap­ ing of roads to bring into productive use Oregon, has bad seveial
years experience, and
years ago, and will be
proved bs the Secretary, the amount the resources of such regions. There­
has come to Tillamook
pleased to again wait on
set aside for the project is to be paid to fore, the suggestion contained in the county to make it his
who desire
the proper state official. The Secretary last annual report is repeated, that upon future borne.
of Agriculture is given authority, in his a show ing of public necessity appropria­
We have Dental Offices in Tillamook, Bay City, Bar View and
discretion, to make partial payments as tions be niHde for specific roads and
Cloverdale, and are equipped to do all kiuds of Dental
the work progresses, but not in access similar improvements, to be charged
of the Federal Government's pro into against the state's future share of re
Work as good as it can he done anywhere.
share of the labor and material which ceipts from the forests. Such action
have been actually put into tire con­ would promote the local development of
struction work nor in access of $10,000 agriculture and other resources.
“ To secure the maximum use of the Dr. Massey guarantees all his work
per mile, exclusive of the cost of bridges
Dr. Wise has bad thirty years exper­
still remaining in Federal owner­
and can be consulted at any time.
of more than 20 feet clear span. All
ience in plate work and guarantees
Ca’.l up bv Telephone.
construction work is subject to the in­ ship, further legislation is needed.
what he says.
spect ion and approval of the Secretary There must be a constructive program
which will promote development and
of Agriculture.
public interests.
Tlm aim
The various states securing aid under
OUR BRIDGE W O R K has been brought up to the highest state of
the provisions of this act are charged
perfection. 1 he teeth on the bridge are interchangeable at will
with the making of uceded repairs and more useful, available to greater num­
without removing from the mouth.
the preservation of a reasonably smooth bers, and effectively instrumental in
■urfaee, considering the type of the building up industries.”
¿35,009,000 FOR ROADS
Recont Legislation Provides for
System of Improved Highways
How states May Se­
cure Them.
Builders’ Hardware,
S h e lf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook,Ore.
The Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Cloverdale Courier, both
papers one year for S3.50.
Wise & Massey
Free Painless Extracting, when Bridge work is Ordered
road, but are not obligated to make ex­
traordinary repairs or undertake re­
construction. If, utter iiue notice, u
state fails to maintain a Federally aided
road properly, the Seretary is required
to refuse further aid until the road has
When In Tillamook and you want a
good meal at a most reasonable price
call at M. Oleaon’s in the Ramsey Hotel
dining room.
PLATES? W I 1 H F L E X I B L E SUCTION.— The very best and latest
in modern dentistry. No more failing plates. If you are having
plate troubles, get Dr. \\ ise'* advice ae to what should bo done
and the cost of doing it FREE. We can extract your teeth Abso­
lutely without pain— free where plate or bridge work is ordered.
For sa'e—One registered
bull. Uhus Bay, Cloverdale.
Will be at Cloverdale Hotel Every Tuesday