Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 08, 1915, Image 5

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    Cloverdale Courier
Published Every Friday by
Prcafe Vkftor., Editor end Publisher.
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
S ubscription R at vs
One Year, iq advance..................... $1.00
S i* M onths.......................................... 50
Three M onths...................................... 25
Single C opy..........................................05
A d vb rtisin g E ats »
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per !
inch per month, single column. All
lo c a l Reading Notices, 5 cents per
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
c o o d a d v ic e :
M y advice is that you endeavor
to be honestly rich or contentedly
poor. In the next place, look to
your health, and if you have it
praise God and value it next to a
good conscience. As for money,
neglect it not, but note that there
is no necessity of being rich, for
there be as many miseries beyond
riches as on this side of them, and
if you have competence enjoy it
with a meek, thankful heart— Iv»»k
The History of the W orld
From the Dawn of Creation
The Great W ar
Is depicted in art, science and industry
and presented in wonderful
San Francisco
Thi s wonderful Exposition closes Dec. 4th
Don't Miss It
J ob D epartm ent
“ Your w ife came from a fine old
My Job Department is complete in every family, didn’t she?’’ “ No. She brought
respect and I am able to do all kinds them with her.” —Judge.
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
When It Is.
“ Pa, is marriage a fuilure?”
“ Usually, my boy, if a man marries
F R ID A Y , OCTOBER 8, 1915
for money.” —Detroit Free Press.
Anyway, when a man accuses his wife
Her Quick Wit.
H e—Do you object to my lighting
of having married him for his money he
this cigar? She—No. But must you
pays a tribute to her good sense.
go so soon?—Puck.
Eighty-two railroads in the United
On Installments.
States are running under the manage­
“ Is this piano yours?”
ment of receivers. And what is more,
“ Oh, about an octave o f i t ” —Boston
they are making money, which indi­ Transcript.
cates that the directors made a mistake
The Remedy.
in not selecting these same men for their
“ That man has an icy manner.”
managers before.
“ Then give him a few melting
glances.” —Baltimore American.
W illiam Jennings Bryan gives un­
George I. of England.
stinted praise to President Wilson be­
o f England who could not
fore a Nashville audience for the able
o f his kingdom
manner in which he has handled 'the
was George I.
international affairs. W . J. B. should
remember that the president’ stiff back­
He—My income is $5,000. She—How
bone has been kept in place by a capable
much more than that will it be safe
secietary of state.
for us to spend?—Life.
Le st you al ways look back to 1915 with regret
Scenic Shasta Route
T hr oug h the wonderful V a l l e y s of the W i l ­
lamette, the Sacramento, the U m p q ua and
the Rogue offers exceptional diversion.
Low Round Trip Fares
For particulars with copy of bookl et “ Wa y si de
Notes. Shasta Rout e ” or “ California and Its T w o
W o r l d E xpos iti ons ” on application to nearest agent.
Southern Pacific
John ■ . Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland.
Starting Trouble.
List Your Property With
Uncle Joe Can .jn is not dead yet,
says an exchange. He is very much
alive— so much so in fact that he spoke
at a county fair the other day, and a
man of his age who can get up before
and entertain a county fair audience, in
opposition to the attractions in the
cattle sheds and sheep department,
must be possessed of magnetism suf­
ficient to operate a wireless station.
On the occasion of that speech, Uncle
Joe intimated that he was still in the
running and was willing to run for ¡con-
gress-at-large next year. Or he would
run again in his own district, or step
aride for some other republican.
This vigorous old campaigner, who
stands sponsor for Pittsburg stogies and
stand-patism, is really a remarkable
character. He entered congress in 1873,
and served every term since, except that
beginning in 1891 and that beginning in
1913, making a total of twenty terms.
There is probably no equal record in
the country.
“ M y husband says he has an idea” —
“ Your husband always is boasting."
—Houston Post
Taylor Real Estate Agency
Bag and Sack.
and let us hunt the b u yer without
expense to you until a bu yer is found,
and then onl y a reasonable commission.
“ So Bob didn’t bag the heiress?”
“ No. She gave him the sack.’’—Bal­
timore American.
An Exception.
Jinks—Most things that are bought
go to the buyer. Jenks—Yes, all ex­
cept coal; that goes to the cellar.
Victoria Falls.
The African name for the Victoria
fulls is “ Most on tunja,” which means
“ smoke thunders here."
A Heavy Watch.
A watch carried by the Emperor
Charles V. in 1530 weighed twenty-
seven pounds.
Quite Natural.
“ Did your w ife die a natural death?”
“ Oh, yes. She was talking when the
end came.” —Cleveland Leader.
The Blood.
The amount o f blood in tne human
body is one-thirteenth o f the body
w eigh t
Borrowed umbrellas cast the shadow
Argentina has over 3,000 miles of
of suspicion.
seaboard and a network of interior
Blessed is the peacemaker if he keeps waterways.
at a safe distance.
Gold and Silver.
One cubic foot o f gold weighs 1,120
I t ’s almost as bad to say mean things 1
pounds—almost twice as much as the
as it is to do them.
same quality o f silver.
The less brains a man has the easier
Freezing Water.
it is for him to lose his bead.
The sea freezes at 29 degrees F „
One kind of a hypocrite is a man who j and fresh water lakes freeze at 32 de­
pretends to be busy when he isn’ t.
grees F.
A mere change of one vowel trans­
forms vocation into vacation.
With audacity one can undertake
Do we deserve the good opinion of anything, but one cannot accomplish
those who do think well of us?
you Want to buy a ranch see us. , Bel,?w 7 11 b°
---- £---------------------------£------------------------------ found a few oi
our many ranch bargains. Call and see what we have to of ­
fer in mone y-ma ki ng Nestucca Va ll e y ranches.
80 acres near Med a for $35 an acre.
Big ranch and stook, with good building* at a bargain,
now m il ki ng 30 cows and feed for 50. This is a $20,000
ranch but will he sold for less. Tell me how much you can
pay down and we will g ive you time on the balance.
W e have one applicant who wishes to rent or will buy a
good lease.
73 acre bottom land ranch, cleared and fenced, with good
and barn, all stocked. H a l f cash, balance to suit at 6 per
cent. $0,560 required to handle this.
T h e best small buy in the county. 80 acres, 35 acreB
cleared, on main county toad. $1500 down buys this and
the balance at 6 per ct. Smal l house and fair b a r *. Some
stock goes with this ranch.
160 acres, 30 acres meadow land small house and good
small orchard, 1$ miles to school, 5 acres good onion land,
but o nl y 4 of this is cleared, 5 cows go with ranch. Ask for
particulars. $5,000; half cash; balance 5 yearsat 6 per cent.
$5000 buys a well cleared and fenced ranch close in.
$500 down, long time for balance.
W e have some choice buys not listed here.
YVe want the exelusive r ight to sell your ranch and if
you give us this we’ ll rustle for a buyer, but we cannot af­
ford to advertise for outside buyers unlese we have the e x ­
clusive sale of the property.
Cloverdale, Oregon.