Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current, April 07, 2017, Page 6A, Image 6

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    6A • April 7, 2017 | Cannon Beach Gazette |
Arts groups vie for a piece of the pie
New budget reporting
tool developed
By Brenna Visser
Cannon Beach Gazette
Starting next year, the Tourism and Arts
Commission will phase in a new budget
reporting tool to help standardize the data
kept after festivals and events funded by
Nine local groups and associations have
applications in the mid year evaluation stage
to receive a piece of more than $250,000
in grant funding from the commission to
fund many of Cannon Beach’s festivals,
programs and promotion. The purpose of
the Tourism and Arts Commission is to see
that expenditures from the funds are used
to attract tourists through efforts directly re-
lated to marketing and enhancing the a rts ,
according to the group’s guidelines.
Three groups — Cannon Beach History
Center, Friends of Haystack Rock Aware-
ness Program and the North Coast Land
Conservancy’s Coast Walk — had their
fi nal grant requests approved Wednesday .
Steve Sinkler, the owner of The Wine
Shack and the tourism commission’s new-
est member, designed the reporting tool af-
ter observing a lack of consistency in how
groups reported data related to the events
and programs each seek to fund. This new
tool will ask these groups to provide the
number of attendees, how many are re-
CoastWalk Oregon 2016 participants
follow the trail over Tillamook Head .
Th e program is among those to receive
funds from the Cannon Beach Tour-
ism and Arts Commission.
turnees and how many came from 50 miles
outside of Cannon Beach — a number that
is required to be reported for consideration.
Numbers will be supplied in a spreadsheet
for evaluation.
“What we’re trying to do is promote
Cannon Beach from outside the local area,”
he said.
This system would also have a standard-
ized way of reporting how much funding
groups have received, how much was spent
in public relations and advertising, the av-
erage number of days an attendee stayed
for their event or program, and the average
“total spend” of their attendees.
The “total spend” of an attendee is an
estimated amount of money each tourist
spends on a room, meals and other vacation
expenses. An average for Clatsop County is
calculated each year by the Oregon Travel
Impacts study.
“The inconsistency makes it diffi cult for
the committee to go in and fi nd these num-
bers, put pieces together to try and put cal-
culation for those numbers,” Sinkler said.
“This should make it easier. It’s also easier
for grant submitters, because we’re taking
that, ‘H ow do I format this?’ question off
their plate.”
At this point the tool is not mandated
for applicants, and the plan is to try it out
for a year and reevaluate. Sinkler said the
commission realizes it’s primarily an event-
based tool, which means applicants can still
include other metrics that might be more
important to their specifi c request.
“It’s not a one size fi ts all,” he said. “But
it gives us a consistent benchmark to eval-
Sinkler said he hopes having organiza-
tions keep this type of data will help grant
applicants make decisions about their own
programs to identify points of strength and
improvement, as well.
To be considered for the 2017-18 grant
season, send an application to Colleen
Riggs at Cannon Beach City Hall by 5
p.m., May 1.
Daff odil days
Daff odils at Elk Run Park in Cannon
Beach are a sure sign of spring!
Signs of spring at Elk Run Park.
City revises rules for
downtown parking
Parking from Page 1A
Kids get feet wet in environmental program
Grant funds
By Katherine Lacaze
EO Media Group
Fifth-graders at Seaside
Heights Elementary School
are receiving exposure to eco-
nomic and environmental sus-
tainability in a tasty, fun way
during the 2016-17 school year.
During the Seaside School
District Board of Directors
meeting March 21, fi fth-grade
teachers from the Heights pre-
sented on the school’s yearlong
partnership with the Oregon
Albacore Commission, a part
of the U.S. Department of Ag-
riculture, for an educational
boat-to-school pilot program.
“It’s been a really, really
exciting program,” fi fth-grade
teacher Laurie Dougherty told
the board. “I wish it wasn’t a
pilot, and we could keep it go-
ing on and on.”
Funded by an approximate-
ly $15,000 farm-to-school
grant from the Oregon Depart-
ment of Education, the program
connects students to local sea-
food and fi shers. The purpose
is for students to learn about
the importance of seafood to
the state’s economy, as well as
“where their food comes from,
and that they can eat healthy
and enjoy it,” Nancy Fitzpat-
rick, executive director of both
the salmon commission and the
Oregon Albacore Commission,
said in a Grant’s Getaways vid-
eo on the program shown to the
Seaside board.
Fitzpatrick spearheaded the
boat-to-shool program along
with Christa Svensson, an ex-
port and marketing manager at
Bornstein Foods, and retired
teacher Robin Timmons Mal-
Since October, the program
has featured four different
segments on wild and locally
sourced seafood and the indi-
viduals who catch and produce
The program started with
salmon in October; the school
was visited by guest fi shers
and speakers from the Oregon
Salmon Commission. Accord-
ing to fi fth-grade teacher John
Meyer, the segment included a
sample of freshly caught salm-
on, smoked right on campus,
for all the fi fth-graders. They
also received activity books —
featuring projects that applied
mathematics, artistic skills and
vocabulary — and dinner kits
with fresh fi sh, other ingredi-
ents and recipes to use.
The same components
were incorporated into a rock-
fi sh segment in December, a
Dungeness crab segment in
January and an albacore tuna
segment in March. The pro-
gram will wrap up with a pink
shrimp segment in May. The
idea was to cover “all the ma-
jor [seafood] exports from Or-
egon,” Dougherty said.
The program also fi nanced
a trip to the Nehalem Fish
Hatchery for the students,
where they got a more hands-
on experience with live fi sh
and a deeper understanding of
biology and conservation. The
program coincided with the re-
lease of coho salmon fry into
the river, an activity Meyer has
conducted for his fi fth-graders
for several years.
During their presentation to
the school board, the Heights’
teachers shared a testimonial
from a fi fth-grader’s parent,
who wrote, “I believe that
teaching a kid to cook is a vi-
tal part of growing independent
and healthy. And it’s so fantas-
tic the school is supporting this,
while also supporting our local
community and fi shermen.”
In the Grant’s Getaways
video, Fitzpatrick said she
hopes this program “can go all
over the place,” even outside of
“All of our coastal states
have their own seafood, so
maybe we can be the tem-
plate for other areas to develop
something like this,” she said.
In other news:
• After a public hearing, the
board unanimously approved
a resolution exempting the
school district from the com-
petitive bid process when hir-
ing a construction manager/
general contractor for the new
school campus construction
project. Mike Day, with own-
er’s representative DAY CPM,
discussed how the exemption
will not lead to favoritism and
will result in cost-savings for
the district. It is “the common-
ly used contracting method by
local governments for larger,
complex projects,” such as
Seaside’s new $100-million
school campus, Day said.
With the approval, the pro-
curement should take place in
April. Community members
are invited to a meet-and-greet
event from 5 to 6:30 p.m. April
4 at the Heights Elementary
School. They can interact with
staff from the district, DAY
CPM and DOWA-IBI Group,
the architecture fi rm; learn
more about the bond program;
and fi nd out how to get in-
volved with the project.
• The board unanimously
approved a resolution to accept
a $4 million matching grant
from the department of edu-
cation’s Oregon School Cap-
ital Improvement Matching
Program. Business Manager
Justine Hill said Seaside orig-
inally was a runner-up but after
another district’s bond measure
didn’t pass, Seaside became
eligible to receive the grant
instead. The resolution autho-
rized Superintendent Sheila
Roley to sign an agreement
with the education department.
The grant will be distributed as
reimbursements for payments
made on anything related to the
project up to $4 million, Hill
• The board approved the
calendar for the 2017-18 school
year. It is similar to previous
calendars, with school starting
Sept. 5, the day after Labor
Day, and a two-week winter
break. One change, Roley not-
ed, is parent-teacher confer-
ences for kindergartners have
been scheduled on the same
day as those for fi rst- through
fi fth-grade students. In the past,
having the conferences on dif-
ferent days caused “a hardship
on some of our families,” Ro-
ley said.
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“We look at this problem
often anecdotally, but un-
til you count cars you can’t
say empirically what kind of
parking problem we have,”
Kucera said.
Where timed parking will
be located, how long it will
be and whether or not it will
applied seasonally just for
the summer months are still
all options to be discussed
after the completion of the
study. Parking enforcement
would still be under the ju-
risdiction of Cannon Beach
police department.
“All this ordinance does
is allow us to explore what
works and what doesn’t,”
Mayor Sam Steidel said
during the city council meet-
City Councilor Nancy
McCarthy voted to adopt
the ordinance, but requested
the council be a part of the
discussion on exactly where
and when this would be im-
“I think there needs to be
a lot of notice for the pub-
lic,” McCarthy said.
The next city council
meeting will be Tuesday,
May 2.
‘Trees,’ a textile exhibit
from Constance Waisanen
The Cannon Beach Histo-
ry Center and Museum fea-
tures local artist Constance
Waisanen, a creative and in-
novative quilter.
Waisanen’s exhibit is an
exploration of organic forms,
patterns, and images of our
local resources. Trees will be
on display through May.
Trees will open on Satur-
day, April 8, at 6 p.m. with a
meet-and-greet with the artist
to discuss her techniques and
inspiration. wine and hors
d’oeuvres provided.
For more information vis-
“Trees” on exhibit at the Mu-
seum and History Center.
it, fi nd us
on Facebook or call 503-436-
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