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About Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 2016)
January 1, 2016 | Cannon Beach Gazette | • 9A Rolling out the green carpet Cannon Beach OKs Haystack Gardens’ fake turf lawn By Andrew Tonry Cannon Beach Gazette SUBMITTED PHOTO/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE Chad Durand of Clearway Environmental, LLC, kicks off LNWC’s Speaker Series for 2016 with a special pre- sentation on the council’s Lower Nehalem Watershed Culvert Assessment project Jan. 14. Fish passage tops 2016 concerns ‘Big projects’ in future for the watershed council By Dave Fisher For the Cannon Beach Gazette :ith its annXal Peet- ing and speaNers series event tZo ZeeNs aZa\, the /oZer NehaleP :atershed CoXncil ¿nds itselI looN- ing ahead to sXPPer to coPplete a coXple oI, Zhat coXncil coordinator $lix /ee describes as, ³big proj- ects´ BXt, ¿rst things ¿rst $t its pXblic Peeting ThXrsda\, -an , at the Pine *rove CoPPXnit\ +oXse in 0an]anita, /ee, Zill present to the PePber- ship Ior approval the noP- inees Ior the board oI directors, charged Zith gXiding /N:C activities over the next \ear $ Pajor step taNen b\ the coXncil to increase its capacity and ability to ac- coPplish its Pission tooN place last $XgXst Zhen a resolXtion Zas adopted to elect PePbers oI the steer- ing coPPittee to the neZly created board oI directors /NCT Chair *eorge +eP- ingZay stepped doZn and board PePber 6aPantha )erber Zas noPinated to ¿ll the position ³,t Zas a strategic change, Zhich Zas real- ly a big thing Ior Xs,´ said /ee, Zho has served as co- ordinator since 6eptePber ,n ³streaPlining´ hoZ the /N:C condXcts bXsi- ness, by aPending its ar- ticles oI incorporation and by-laZs, decisions no lon- ger reTXire a vote oI the general PePbership and are leIt to the discretion oI the board ,n addition to electing the board at the -anXary Peeting, candidates Ior PePbership Zill be considered as Zell )oXnded in , the /N:C is dedicated to the protection, preserva- tion, and enhancePent oI the NehaleP :atershed throXgh leadership, cooper- ation, and edXcation The /N:C’s area oI IocXs is the portion oI the -sTXare Pile NehaleP Zatershed lying soXth and Zest oI +ighZay , in- clXding the North )orN Ne- haleP, 6alPonberry River, CooN CreeN, and NehaleP Bay sXb-basins The drain- age area oI the loZer Zater- shed is roXghly sTXare Piles and inclXdes sPall pools at the headZaters oI tribXtary streaPs, the Pain channel oI the NehaleP River, and tidal Parshes and Zetlands oI the estXary $s sXPPer ap- proaches, said /ee, the /N:C looNs to coPplete a coXple oI ongoing proj- ects in the /oZer NehaleP :atershed, one oI Zhich is replacePent oI a Iailing tide gate on the 0cDonald 6loXgh near NehaleP The project is a collaboration betZeen the /N:C and landoZner Zho operates a IaPily-rXn dairy on the property ³2nce coPpleted it Zill alloZ Ior better ¿sh pas- sage to the sloXgh Zhile still alloZing active IarP- ing on the property,´ /ee said, noting that the project Zas another exaPple oI the /N:C ZorNing Zith a lo- cal agricXltXral The neZ tide gate sys- teP consists oI tZo con- crete box cXlverts eTXipped Zith PXted tidal regXlator devices The devices Zill control the opening and closing oI the tide gates and alloZ PXch longer periods Zhere the gates Zill rePain open each day, thereby pro- viding Pany Pore hoXrs Zhen the sloXgh can IXnc- tion Pore natXrally and increase ¿sh passage and Xtili]ation :ater TXality and ¿sh passage Zill be Ponitored Ior ¿ve years IolloZing installation oI the neZ systeP $nother large scale ¿sh passage project, slated Ior sXPPer , is located at -etty CreeN +ere, the /N:C is partnering Zith the City oI RocNaZay Beach to address the ¿- nal ¿sh passage barrier on the creeN, located jXst Xp- streaP IroP the PoXth oI the NehaleP River -etty CreeN is also the priPary drinNing Zater soXrce Ior RocNaZay Beach The streaP has Piles oI high TXality salP- on spaZning and rearing habitat hoZever, ¿sh pas- sage is severely liPited by the presence oI a loZ head daP near the streaP’s con- ÀXence Zith NehaleP Bay The diversion creates the necessary Zater sXrIace el- evation to sXpport drinNing Zater ZithdraZal bXt also liPits ¿sh passage The project Zill address the is- sXes by creating a natXral bypass channel aroXnd the diversion and iPpoXnd- Pent Ior ¿sh to Xtili]e Despite initial objections, an aUti¿cial tXUI laZn Zill be UolleG oXt at 0aUtin +os- pitalit\¶s +a\stacN *aUGens 5etUeat &enteU b\ 0a\ The Cannon Beach De- siJn BoaUG XnaniPoXsl\ ap- pUoYeG a plan IoU siJni¿cant oXtGooU UenoYation to the eYent space at ( *oZeU 6t, acUoss IUoP Cit\ +all on ThXUsGa\, Dec The approved additions inclXde a neZ -Ioot Zood- en Ience, stone retaininJ Zalls that doXble as seatinJ, liJhtinJ bollards, tZo covered areas, a sZath oI additional soIt landscapinJ, and the installation oI nearl\ , sTXare Ieet oI arti¿cial tXrI The inclXsion oI the ar- ti¿cial laZn Zas the project¶s lone point oI contention at the PeetinJ ³, don¶t thinN arti¿cial tXrI reall\ belonJs in oXr toZn,´ Cannon Beach resi- dent -an 6iebert-:ahrPXnd said ³,t doesn¶t ¿t the iPaJe oI Cannon Beach :e need to serioXsl\ looN at this´ Dave Norstedt, represent- inJ +a\stacN *ardens, Pade his case Ior the arti¿cial sXr- Iace ³:ith oXr cliPate here, it¶s so diI¿cXlt to Paintain that laZn,´ Norstedt said ANDREW TONRY/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE From left, architect Mike Skidmore; design board members Mike Morgan, Marc Bates and Jenee Pearce; applicant Dave Norstedt; board members Sandi Lundy and Todd Rowley and City Planner Mark Barnes discuss the Haystack Gardens proposal. ³(ither Za\, Zhen \oX have people oXt there Ior an event Ior IoXr or ¿ve hoXrs it’s hard to do one the next da\, or even the next ZeeN- end´ Norstedt said Painte- nance oI the arti¿cial tXrI ZoXld be easier than carinJ Ior the laZn 6iebert-:ahrPXnd said she Zas concerned approval oI an arti¿cial tXrI plan coXld set a precedent ³, don’t thinN it’s a Jood direction Ior Xs to Jo as a coPPXnit\, a coPPXnit\ that cares aboXt natXre,´ 6ie- bert-:ahrPXnd said ³:e care ver\ PXch aboXt hoZ Ze do thinJs here and , don’t thinN this ¿ts ,t’s a bad step´ DesiJn 5evieZ Board PePber 0iNe 0orJan aJreed ³, don’t thinN arti- ¿cial tXrI shoXld be in an\ Za\ acceptable landscapinJ Ior pXblic vieZ,´ 0orJan said BXt since the propert\ is oXt oI pXblic vieZ, the plan ZoXld be acceptable, 0or- Jan said Board PePbers asNed hoZ +a\stacN *ardens’ oXt- door renovation proposal ZoXld overlap Zith a pre- vioXsl\ approved plan to bXild a PXltiIaPil\ dZellinJ on the propert\ The plan Ior that apartPent bXildinJ ² not \et bXilt ² overlaps sliJhtl\ Zith the proposed oXtdoor renovations :ith the help oI Cit\ 3lanner 0arN Barnes, the neZ proposal Zas aPend- ed to accoPPodate both the oXtdoor renovation and apartPent bXildinJ desiJns :hen and iI constrXction on the apartPent bXildinJ beJins, overlappinJ arti¿cial tXrI coXld be rolled bacN ConstrXction on the PXl- tiIaPil\ Xnit is intended to oIIer dorPitor\-st\le hoXs- inJ to 0artin +ospitalit\’s seasonal ePplo\ees $ start date Ior the project has not been deterPined, Norstedt said ³The apartPent bXildinJ is on hold,´ Norstedt said ³The cost oI constrXction is a little bit hiJher than Ze antic- ipated riJht noZ, and Ze’re jXst ZeiJhinJ oXr options´ The landscape renova- tions, hoZever, have a tarJet date ³:e Zant to be read\ Ior the ZeddinJ season,´ Nor- stedt said ³6o Ze shoXld have it coPpleted b\ 0a\´ Cape Falcon Marine Reserve site established $Iter Pan\ \ears oI planninJ and pXblic in- volvePent, the Cape )alcon 0arine 5eserve site Zent into eIIect on -an This site is located in the ocean jXst oII the northern coast, betZeen )alcon Cove and 0an]anita, 2reJon and is an area dedicated to con- servation and scienti¿c re- search -Xst liNe parNs and pro- tected natXral areas on land, there are PXltiple bene- ¿ts oI protected areas in the ocean The\ conserve ocean ZildliIe and biodi- versit\, inclXdinJ varioXs local invertebrate and ¿sh species 3rotected areas can also extend bene¿ts to Parine birds and PaPPals that Xse these areas These sites also serve as living laboratories, Zhere Ze can learn aboXt Parine reserve protections and 2regon’s ocean environPent to help Xs Paintain oXr seas Ior IX- tXre generations The Cape )alcon site in- clXdes a -Pile Parine reserve, Zhere all rePoval oI Parine liIe and ocean developPent is prohibited $djacent to the Parine re- serve are tZo Parine pro- tected areas The Parine protected areas still prohib- it ocean developPent, bXt alloZ soPe liPited ¿shing activities The Parine reserve is located jXst oIIshore, roXghl\ bordering 2sZald :est 6tate 3arN The north boXndar\ is located at the north end oI )alcon Cove Beach The soXth boXndar\ is located north oI 0an]ani- ta, in the NeahNahnie Beach area The 6horeside 03$ is located oII oI )alcon Cove, stretching along the shore IroP the north boXndar\ oI the Parine reserve to jXst soXth oI the intersection oI )alcon /ane and Tide $ve This 03$ alloZs recre- ational angling IroP shore The :est 03$ is located IXrther oIIshore, Zest oI the Parine reserve )ishing Ior salPon b\ troll and crab- bing are alloZed Passive recreation is still alloZed People Pa\ ZalN, collect shells, boogie board, and boat Zith disalloZed ¿shing gear not deplo\ed in the Parine reserve site Surveys ready for mailing to homeowners in new year By Dani Palmer Cannon Beach Gazette The cit\ oI Cannon Beach Zill be sending oXt sXrve\s next Ponth Ior IeedbacN on its strategic plan Cit\ 0anager Brant .Xcera said the coXncil de- cided to go Zith the National Research Center’s National Citi]en 6Xrve\, Xsed in cit- ies sPall and large Cannon Beach’s Zill be cXstoPi]ed, hoZever DXring a Dec ZorN session Dec , the coXncil ZorNed to eliPinate nonap- plicable TXestions and oI- Ier sXggestions Ior relevant ones to add .Xcera said those ad- dition sXggestions inclXde topics sXch as aIIordable hoXsing, short terP rent- als, parNing and ParijXana sales 4Xestions regarding issXes liNe snoZ rePoval Zill be eliPinated ³BecaXse oI the si]e oI the coPPXnit\, the\ coXn- cil PePbers said the\’d sXrve\ all hoXseholds,´ .Xcera said CoXncilor *eorge 9etter said one challenge oI the sXrve\ is post oI¿ce Pail deliver\ onl\ 6oPe resi- dents Xse their bXsiness post oI¿ce box to receive person- al Pail and the cit\ doesn’t plan to send sXrve\s to bXsi- ness addresses, he added .Xcera said he believes Pail deliverers Zill be able to ¿gXre oXt iI a resident is at- tached to a bXsiness address 9etter said another challenge the\ Iace is that ³the experience oI living in Cannon Beach dXring -Xl\ and $XgXst is TXite diIIerent IroP Post other Ponths´ The strategic plan itselI is a tZo-\ear process, bXt Zill also inclXde plans Ior the next ¿ve and \ears ,t Zill help gXide IXtXre cit\ policies and goals The shorter terPed a plan, .Xcera said, the Pore detailed it is Zith a narroZ- er tiPe IraPe to get tasNs done ReTXest Ior Proposals Ior a strategic plan Iacilita- tor closed Nov The cit\ received ³,’P in the process oI evalXating R)Ps noZ,´ .Xcera said +e, Cit\ CoXn- cilor 0elissa CadZallader and 0a\or 6aP 6teidel Zill do telephone intervieZs Zith the top IoXr or ¿ve ¿rPs The sXrve\s to be Xsed in strategic planning Zill be Pailed to residents in late -anXar\ and dXe bacN at the end oI )ebrXar\ .Xcera said the cit\ shoXld have an anal\sis bacN b\ 0arch ³The anal- \sis is prett\ coPplex so it taNes three ZeeNs,´ he add- ed Then the planning pro- cess Zill begin, Zith adop- tion oI a strategic plan liNel\ in -Xne FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED AN N U AL “BA C K REL IEF” M A T T R ES S EVEN T THE COASTER THEATRE PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS S torew ide S ale and Clearance h ea dqua rters Smarter. 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