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About Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 2015)
2A • December 18, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | Heavy rains bring outages, flooding to South County By RJ Marx Localized flooding in Cannon Beach Cannon Beach Gazette South County faced high winds, partial power outag- es and road closures, with a high wind alert throughout Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 12 and 13. The worst damage in the area was south toward Tillamook County and Ne- KDOHPZKLFKIDFHGÀRRGLQJ and road closures. On Saturday afternoon, Oregon Department of Transportation reported the road surface on U.S. High- way 101 in Wheeler had col- lapsed. Drivers were diverted to alternate routes. County Commissioner Lianne Thompson said Sat- urday she has spoken with Tony Hyde and Tim Josi, county commission chairs in Columbia and Tillamook counties, respectively. “I’ve offered my personal and professional support, and they’ve both indicated their appreciation and assured me that they’re managing as well as can be expected, giv- HQWKHH[WHQVLYHÀRRGLQJDQG other issues they’re facing,” Thompson said. “We have branches, not trees, down in my neighborhood. We have power and water. We are do- ing well and grateful for it.” In Elsie, Highway 26 was sinking and sloughing in three places: at the top In Cannon Beach, Public Works Director Dan Grassick said there were “rather minor and localized flooding issues.” R.J. MARX PHOTO/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE High water warnings along Highway 101 in Gearhart. of David Hill, mile post 23 in the swale at previous re- pairs, and just west of the tunnel, reported resident and Elsie-Vinemaple volunteer emergency medical techni- cian Diane Jette on Saturday afternoon. A landslide, mud and tan- JOH RI WUHHV FDXVHG D ÀRZ across Highway 103 near Bay Road, and was cleared by the Department of Trans- portation, Jette said. That area is now clear. According to Jette, River- bend Road homeowner Gene White is philosophical about the foot of water in his cabin. ³+H ZDV ÀRRGHG RXW LQ 2007 and replaced drywall, carpet, kitchen and bathroom SUBMITTED PHOTO/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE Mullenbach Road and Highway 103 in Elsie, where a car was swept across the road Sunday, Dec. 6. The driver was brought to safety after the efforts of emergency personnel. cabinets,” Jette said. “He’s planning to make his place µÀRRG IULHQGO\¶ WKLV WLPH maybe considering cedar tongue-and-groove lower walls that can be removed to replace the soggy insulation and then reinstalled. “His upbeat ‘go with the ÀRZ¶ DWWLWXGH LV LQ NHHSLQJ with the independent coast range dwellers take-care-of- business stance,” Jette added. The Elsie-Vinemaple Ru- ral Fire Department also re- ceived a report from a family trapped at home by landslide, and Highway 103 and High- way 202 closures with no power or cell service. 7KH ¿UH KRXVH KDG IRXU calls back to back on the windiest day to clear downed trees from Highway 103 and Highway 26, Jette said. When a landslide left a part of Tweedle Road only one-quarter passable, the MacNicholls’ family and their neighbors hunkered down. Electricity was inter- rupted by the downed wires in the slide and the power company was trapped in Vernonia. Highway 202 and Highway 103 were closed due to water over the road and more slides. Generators rumbled to keep food cold and water pumped from the well. Oil lamps gave light. Ditches were dug to keep wa- WHU IURP ¿OOLQJ FUDZOVSDFHV Power was restored two-and- a-half days later as residents watched the water recede. Other blocked roads were handled to and from 911 calls. “The best ones were ZKHQ ¿UH¿JKWHUV DUULYHG with chain saws ready to discover that local motorists with their own equipment had handled the problem pri- or to EVRFPD’s arrival,” she said. “That pioneer spirit!” In Hamlet, Fire Chief Bob Boone reported a “wet and windy weekend, but no real problems we have heard.” “Some catch basins plugged up and water backed up in the street at a few locations but was mitigated quickly when the catch basins were cleared,” he said. “Crews have been out keeping the debris cleared out of open channels, catch basin grates and trash rack screens.” A storm surge did bring the surf up to the vege- tation line on the beach and there was minor ponding at low spots on some streets during heavy rains, along with downed branches. On Wednesday, Dec. 9, flooding on Highway 101 between Cannon Beach and Seaside kept some from making it to work or appointments. — Dani Palmer CANNON BEACH POLICE LOG Nov. 29 Dec. 3 4:18 p.m. beach: property found. An officer found and destroyed a syringe on the beach. 6:55 a.m. 800 block of Ecola Park Road: assistance rendered. A downed tree was blocking a roadway. Police were able to remove the tree from the road. Nov. 30 Street: trespass. A caller report- ed an unwanted subject in their parking garage. An officer made contact and the subject moved on. Dec. 6 3:17 p.m. 500 block of Beech Street: fugitive. A male subject was arrested on warrant and for a driving while suspended mis- demeanor. Dec. 4 7:21 a.m. Second Street restroom parking: camping within city limits. Subjects were warned for overnight camping. Dec. 2 1:38 p.m. Sunset Boulevard: in- formation. A caller reported an unsecured load on a truck flatbed and an officer advised the driver to ensure the load was secured properly. 11:07 a.m. 300 block of Elk Creek Road: hit and run. A motor vehicle hit and run was reported. 11:15 a.m. Highway 101 and Tolovana: hit and run. A vehicle hit and run was reported. 7:36 p.m. 1200 block of Pacific 2:16 p.m. 600 block of North Larch Street: theft. A caller re- ported theft of a wedding ring from a closet lockbox. possession of a controlled sub- stance. During a traffic stop, a canine was run around the out- side of a vehicle and alerted to the passenger side. The subject admitted to having LSD inside the vehicle, and a small baggie con- taining a white crystal residue was found. The subject was informed a case would be forwarded to the district attorney’s office. Dec. 10 5:39 a.m. Second Street: camping within city limits. Subjects were warned for unlawful lodging. 7:33 a.m. Second Street restroom parking lot: camping within city limits. Subjects were warned for unlawful camping. Holiday Shopping is Simple & SWEET!! 8:19 p.m. 700 block of Broadway: warrant arrest. A female was ar- rested for a felony warrant out of the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office and transported to the Clatsop County Jail. Classic Assorted Chocolate Boxes & Custom or Prepacked Candy Baskets! All the traditional treats of the holidays, plus SO much more! Dec. 7 4:49 p.m. Highway 101 MP 26: • 2 LOCATIONS • P urcha s e this unexpected gift fo r the fa m ily a nd m a ke yo ur bea ch ho us e w is hes co m e true! H oliday Special! From the m in u te you open the fron t d oor you ’ll see this isn ’t you r typica l b ea ch hou se. W a rm a n d in vitin g, this 2 b ed room , 2 b a th hom e is ju st on e b lock to the b ea ch. Am en ities in clu d e: G a s firepla ce, solid w ood b ea m s, ced a r throu ghou t, 5 0 yr. m eta l roof, 19 ft. ceilin gs, ga s hook u p on d eck, ca rpet in b ed room s / loft, a ll a pplia n ces & gen era tor hook- u p. 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