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About Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 2015)
JUNE 19, 2015 • VOL. 39, ISSUE 13 WWW.CANNONBEACHGAZETTE.COM COMPLIMENTARY COPY Tourism, arts recommendations headed to City Council Eight nonprofi ts make annual pitches for slice of money pie By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette The Tourism and Arts Commission, which dedi- cates a portion of the city’s lodging taxes to arts-oriented events meant to attract over- night visitors or visitors from more than 50 miles away, KDV ¿QDOL]HG LWV UHFRPPHQ GDWLRQVIRUWKHXSFRPLQJ¿V cal year’s grant amounts. With eight local non- SUR¿WV UHTXHVWLQJ D WRWDO of $375,180.90 and only $283,850 allocated to the Tourism and Arts Fund, the commission listened careful- ly as the organizations made their annual pitches during presentations held May 19 and 20. The commission prepared its initial recommendations June 2. However, during the City Council’s work VHVVLRQ D FRQÀLFW RI LQWHU est was discovered between commission member Julie Walker and the Chamber of Commerce, one of the orga- nizations requesting money, City Recorder Colleen Riggs said. The commission met again June 18 (after this is- sue went to press) to re-vote on one of the chamber’s three funding requests, this time with Walker recusing herself. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the rec- ommendations July 7 during its regular meeting. Arts Association The Cannon Beach Arts Association requested fund- ing for its Juried Show Pro- gram at Cannon Beach Gal- lery, tentatively scheduled for November 2015, Febru- ary 2016 and June 2016. Professional and amateur artists submit their work and KDYH LW MXGJHG E\ 3DFL¿F Northwest art profession- als, who select artwork for a month-long installation at the gallery. See Tourism, Page 7A Council seeks goal of ‘strategic budgeting’ Puttz fundraiser benefi ts the arts ‘It’s all about Tolovana Arts Colony’ Story and photos by Andrew Tonry Cannon Beach Gazette By R.J. Marx I n the midst of a wet, gray week, the clouds smiled upon the Tolovana Arts Colony. Rain stopped almost the moment that the ninth annual Cannon Beach Puttz mini-golf fundraiser teed off. “I was really surprised,” said Lisa Kerr, an event co- ordinator at the Arts Colony. “I actually expected a lot less people because it was raining in the morning and it was kind of gloomy out, and it just didn’t seem like golf-party weather. But people turned out!” Tuesday, June 2, nearly 40 golfers played the 12 holes scattered throughout Cannon Beach. Each hole was sponsored, designed and operated by a local busi- ness, who donated $100 apiece for the privilege. Af- ter the 12th hole, a Star Wars-themed shooting gallery, many players, some of them quite nattily dressed, re- tired to the American Legion for libations, tacos, and to SUHVVWKHLUOXFNLQDUDIÀHDQGVLOHQWDXFWLRQ Cannon Beach Gazette Cannon Beach will move forward with a strategic plan to solicit input from local residents and use that input to prepare a vision statement for the city. Cost would be ap- proximately $10,000 for the survey and $10,000 for the consultant. “You’ve already got a good start with the compre- hensive plan,” City Manager Brant Kucera said. “The ul- timate goal is now strategic budgeting. Now my budget is completely tied to the strate- gic plan. That’s the ultimate, most effective way of using our limited resources.” At the Tuesday, June 8 City Council work session, Kucera told council members that all successful strategic planning processes include input from three stakehold- er groups, citizens, council and staff. The strategic plan is “very different” from a comprehensive plan, which typically talks about transpor- tation and land use, planning issues,” he said. “The strategic plan deals ZLWK VSHFL¿F JRDOV RI WKH community,” he said. See Fundraiser, Page 11A National survey, local audience Joe Oyala leads a group of golfers between holes. TOP: Dave Butler, who had the best score on the day, takes aim at the Star Wars shoot- ing gallery on hole #12. ABOVE LEFT: A bid is placed at the silent auction. ABOVE RIGHT: Libby Cure shows off her themed attire. Renowned artist Shirley Gittelsohn dies at 90 famous for her Works Prog- ress Administration-inspired landscapes, and her portraits are noted for their color, en- By R.J. Marx & Erick Bengel ergy and connection to peo- Cannon Beach Gazette ple and places in Oregon. Her son, John Gittelsohn, Shirley Georges Gittelsohn, described her work: “She a painter who made Cannon was a colorist whose can- Beach her second home and vases burst exuberantly with an obsessive focus of her art, WKHFREDOWEOXHRIWKH3DFL¿F died June 12 at age 90. the purples and forest greens Gittelsohn had been of the Coast Range, the lav- painting in Oregon for more ender-hued hydrangeas and WKDQ ¿YH GHFDGHV 6KH ZDV white roses of her garden.” PAID PERMIT NO. 97 ASTORIA, OR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE ‘Thick, salty air’ inspired her “Shirley’s ever-present smile, engaging eyes and laughter that always gave us a lift,” said Rex Amos, a long- time Cannon Beach resident. Others throughout the com- munity recognized Gittelsohn and her extraordinary talent. “Shirley was a wonderful art- ist. It was very inspiring to lis- ten to her talk about her work and life amongst her paint- ings,” said former Cannon Beach Gallery Director An- drea Mace. “She will most cer- Shirley Gittelsohn in 2013 during the filming of a doc- umentary for Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Oregon Art Beat. tainly be missed in this coastal enclave of Cannon Beach.” Summers on the coast Shirley Gittelsohn was born in Portland but began summering on the coast in her infancy. See Artist, Page 5A SUBMITTED PHOTO According to Kucera, the National Citizen’s Survey is a nationally recognized sur- YH\ LQVWUXPHQW IRU ¿QGLQJ out the people’s opinion of community services, com- munity direction. The com- prehensive plan does not DGGUHVVVSHFL¿FJRDOVRUVSH FL¿F DFWLRQV WR DFFRPSOLVK the vision of the city Kucera said the proposed strategic plan, prepared by the QRQSUR¿W 1DWLRQDO &LWL]HQV Survey under the auspices of the National Resource Cen- ter in Boulder, Colo., would be updated about two years, while comprehensive plans are typically updated every 10 years. Comprehensive plans are legally mandated, but the strategic plan is not, he said. See Plan, Page 7A Meet the artist behind the Cannon Beach Sandcastle Contest poster Offi cer Devon Edwards patrols the streets, makes art By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette Every year, the poster for Can- non Beach’s Sandcastle Contest be- comes a ubiquitous image, stamped on promotional clothing and dis- played in storefront windows throughout town. And the poster for the 51st annual contest — held June 2O with related events sched- uled for the 19th and 21st — is a memorable one. A comely, curvy mermaid, orna- mented with pearls, shells, sea stars and other oceanic objects, relaxes CANNON BEACH CAMEO on the sand, her piscine tail raised in welcome. Behind the red-headed sea siren, a spired sandcastle rises from the shoreline, while, in the distance, Haystack Rock grounds the scene in Cannon Beach. Though the artist — 26-year-old Devon Edwards, of Seaside — is well known in Cannon Beach, she isn’t typically known for her art but for keeping the city safe. For near- ly four years, Edwards has served DVDSDWURORI¿FHUZLWKWKH&DQQRQ Beach Police Department. ³%\ GD\ ,¶P DQ RI¿FHU %\ night, I’m an artist,” she said. In January, the Chamber of Commerce Sandcastle Contest Committee commissioned Edwards — a mixed-media artist who spe- cializes in the human form — after her supervisor, Police Chief Jason Schermerhorn, vice president of the chamber board, mentioned her name at a committee meeting. ³:KHQ,¿UVWPRYHGKHUH,DFWX ally thought, ‘How cool would it be one day to actually do the poster for Sandcastle,’” she said. “I didn’t ac- tually think it would ever happen.” Originally rendered on illustra- tion board in ink, gel pens, gouache ERICK BENGEL PHOTO Patrol Offi cer Devon Edwards, 26, of Seaside, designed and created the poster for the 51st annual Sandcastle Contest. She also designed the decals for the city’s police vehicles featuring the silhouette of Haystack Rock. paints, artist markers and watercol- ors, the poster went through several concepts before Edwards and the sandcastle committee decided on See Edwards, Page 10A