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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1918)
V e THE CONDON QLODEPAQE 3 P roc OE3 IOC ention PUR WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9th 11 VslWLUl .Far On the STRICKLAND RANCH 7 miles northwest of Condon and half mile below Gfy Farm. Will start at 9 o'clock sharp. Free lunch at noon. We will sell the following: e its Att m Cash Prices f. o. b. Mikkalo, Ore. .on IHVUlll 14-lnoh 3 bottom adjustable Oliver Gang . Plows Cash, $140.00- 19 Inch 3 bottom adjustable Oliver Gang Plows Cash, $140.00 8 ft. Dopble Disos, 18 Inoh Disos Cash, $140.00 I have only a few of the above-named implements so do not delay. They will not last long at these prices All Prices f. o. b. Mikkalo Mail Orders Promptly Filled Yours for Better Plowing FRANK LITTLE General Merchandise Mikkalo, Oregon "lnd Drayig H. P. SMITH, lucceasor to J. H. Bishop, Prop. Transfer and Trunk Work solicited. Light and Heavy Hauling. Phone In your orders IF YOU OWE FOR YOUR PAPER-PAY FOR IT Fossil, Phone 3 Condon, M51 Mayville, 3 GONE LUMBER COMPANY Lone Rock, Oregon Manufacturers of all kinds of rough and dretaed lumber and mouldings An up-to-date mill. , Newly Improved " ' 1 Good Grades Right Prices You can still get Real Gravely Chewing Plug for 10c a pouch. It gives you more solid tobacco comfort than ordinary plug. Tastes better lasts longer. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Graetlytattitomachlongmrttcottt mo moroto cAewMan ordinary plug P. B. Gravel, Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia CONDON DRAY & TRANSFER LINE WILLIAM KENNEDY, rropwetor Light and Heavy Hauling Hauling Trunks and all Job work a specialty CONDON 1 . , OREGOr Twenty-two head of work horses, ranging from 4 to 9 years old and weighing: from 1000 to 1400 pounds; 4 good saddle horses; 7 colts 2 and three years old; 5 sucking colts. 18 head of good milch cows with 15 sucking calves; 10 head steers and heifers coming two years old; 1 bull. 3 sows with 18 sucking pigs; 22 shoats. 3 dozen chickens. 7 farm wagons; 1 spring wagon, 2 wagon racks, 1 water tank, 3 3-bottora gang plows, 1 2-bottom gang plow, 3 disc drills, 1 8-foot double disc good as new; 1 wooden harrow, new; 3 4-section steel harrows; 1 Champion header in good shape; 1 Hodge header; 2 header boxes. 10 sets of leather harness; 4 sets chain harness, 2 saddles; 1 Western truck attachment; 1 Overland car, 5-passenger; 1 Curtis motor cycle; 2 blacksmith outfits, and all tools. 7 iron beds with springs and mattresses; 4 dressers, 2 chiffoniers, wash stand, 1 library set, 3 parlor tables, 1 writing desk, 5 rocking chairs, 15 dining chairs, Hamilton player-piano, new, and record stand with 36 records; 2 dining tables, 3 kitchen cabinets, 3 heating, stoves, 2 ranges, 1 new Majestic; 2 rugs, 2 incubators, 2 washing machines, all farm tools and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: AH stuns Odder $25 cash and no discount; over $25 will give 5 per cent discount for cash; will accept bank able notes due October 1, 1919, with 10 per cent interest. Nothing will be removed until settled for. We have a Russell threshing separator, 24-43, good as new, and a 25-horsepower portable gaso line engine which we wish to sell at private sale at any time Haener Bros.. Owners O R. M. Rogers, Clerk OE J. C Thrall, Auctioneer -V 01 0 Q IT GOES ANYWHERE - AND DOES ANY KIND OF WORK Equal to the work of three men and three good three-horse teams We could write this ad by just telling you in the owners own words what this wonderful little geared-to-the-ground Tractor is doing for ranchmen In Oregon and Washington. The Cleveland will do anything that horses or mules can do and can go where they can't -- over gullies, ruts and ditches, through soft soil, wet clay, sand and gumbo. No sinking or floundering does not pack the aoil. Only one man is needed to run the Cleveland, 12 horsepower is developed at the drawbar and 20 horse at the pulley. Uncle Sam wants more farm products and you want the profits to be earned! You can replace the men you have lost with a Cleveland. ' READ WHAT THESE OREGON AND WASHINGTON MEN HAVE TO SAY Coburg, Oregon, August 30, 1918. McNeff Tractor Co., Portland, Ore., Gentlemen: I have had my tractor hitched to most everything on the farm, including the Farl Car. Last spring after we finished plow ing, I alike ata hr kaa working the ground down and covered the ground at a faster rate than the team traveled. 1 have filled Silos, Plowed, Harrowed, Disced, Hauled Hay, Hauled the Manure Spreader, Pumpod Water, Sawed Wood, and am going to fix a pulley on the drive shaft so I can run the milking ma chine and cream separator with the tractor in case the one-half horse power motor goes wrong for a few days. ' C, B. SWANGO. Vancouver, Wash., August 28, 1918. NcNeff Tractor Co., Portland, Ore. Gentlemen: I have been using the Cleveland Tractor since March of 1918 for orchard cul tivation, and have found it all that is claimed for it. Am using a two-bottom 12-inch plow a 16-16 disc the latter I can use with a 10 feet Bpike harrow or a 10 feet clod ma chine' -thus doing the work of 3 teams and men. My land is extremely rolling, but the Cleveland has no trouble making the hills. A. Hamilton. Washougal, Wash., August 26, 1918. McNeff Tractor Co., Portland, Ore. Gentlemen: I have used . the Cleveland Tractor for one year, and consider that it has replaced at least 2 teams and drivers when in use and done better work. I used it for a few days threshing with a 26-!s6 American machine, which pulls heavy. For cutting ail age it is tip-top. I have 8 silos to fill with it this fall. R. E. Turk. See a CLEVELAND at WorkThen You'll Want One It plows, harrows, plants, reaps, cuts ensilage and feed, runs saws and pumps, pulls road machinery, and does practically all the work formerly done with horses and stationary engines. Fill out and mail the coupon, or write us for name of closest place where you can see a Cleveland demonstrated. McNeff Tractor Co. 2nd Floor, Pittock Block Portland, Oregon Mail This Coupon for Tractor Facts McNeff Tractor Co., 2nd Floor, Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon. Send me Catalog, Prices, and name of nearest place where I can see the Cleveland Tractor. This is without any obligation to me." Name Al'DRESS . 0 O o o o n o o n o 0 OOOC