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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1913)
J. 1 TIIE CONDON GLOBE PreaTatfira A: THE CONDON GLOBE patlksa Pasar, THE tIAW.VC fEWSTATEH Or GILLIAN COVJITy Published Erery Friday by Th Entered m second class mail matter at CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APR. 4, 1913. Advertising Rates: Display Advertising - Single issue, 20 eonts per inch; two issues, 15 cnU per inch per issue, regular current advertising, 12 1-S cents per inch per issue. Local Advertising - 10 centa per line for first insertion; S cents per line each ad ditional insertion. Legal Advertising - 10 cents per line per issue. Subscription Rates: One Tear (In Advance) 11.50 Su Months - - 1.00 PRESIDENT WILSON will probably find that there is some difference between the governorship of New Jersey and the presi dency of the nation. The troubles of the President will be much like those of the governor, only there will be more of them and they will be on a larger scale. He will CRITICISM MIGHT not be lacking in advisers, and he will BE UNJUST seek counsel from a multitude, bat it is much in a small state where he was well acquainted with the character istics of every man of any prominence than it Will be to distin guish between the desirable and over ons hundred millions, more are absolutely unknown to him. No one will question the integrity of character of President Wilson but under such conditions mistakes may be made and this one of the perplexing embarrassments under which the President constantly has to labor forces us to judge his actions with con stant leniency. ONE of the most effective manners of building up a comma nity is to extend the hand of good fellowship to the stranger witn in the gates. He should b received by the- municipality with good, old-fashioned southern hospitality, BE HOSPITABLE for the stranger of today is the friend, TO STRANGERS and oftentimes the business patron of tfimnrTAoi r - reached - that stage in its career when it can afford to slight the stranger. Good business policy demands that he says the Albany Democrat This is good advice which every town in this growing state can follow out with commendable The merchant, who knows, realizes the ' value of his show window displays. But is he aware that the Globe 13 a show win dow on a main street in full view 3500 persons? Think it over. We have seen young men and women who seemed mostly taken up with the desire to attract attention. They always suc ceed but never attract respect It is the quiet unobtrusive one's who get people's respect W. S. Farr G. M. Fsrr E. C Farr H FARR BROSTI- Meat Market : : Grocery : : Bakery The Finest of Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds always in Stock Right Prices :: HelloU I '" POOL ' """"" ' ' "" " Bl LLIARD 3 (LINK'S PASTIME I LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS I CONFECTIONERY CIGARS I Say, is Your Stationery Running Low? If so, We Would Like to Figure With You For a New Supply. We Have Just Received a Lot of New Type and Paper. H. A. Hartera Glob Pntlkhln Company. tb port Be at Cendon, Oregon easier to pick out the reliable the undesirable in a population of than ninety-five millions of whom be treated with due courtesy, pride, of a crowd varying from 3000 to ! The Famous RED RIBBON Canned Goods & Finest of Lunch Goods f Bread and Pastries Prompt Delivery GLOBULES By t WIhw tbt SS OtW WIM Were you "April fooledT" Crop pt-ospects were never better. The United States beats the world on hogs. Don't pack the tags with the good wool. Real estate is showing activity as spring advances. The date for the clean-up day should be fixed at the next ses sion of the council. A manure spreader is more im portant than a politician when it comes to saving the country. How can a hobble skirted exDect to "win in a woman walk?" The most practical thief yet is the one who invented the burg lar alarm. Thia 8Drinz the Democrats have the monoply in froe gar den seeds. The gossiping person is jn the same class as smutty wheat and does not test very high. Thus far no way has been dis covered to make the parcel post carry out the ashes. "I would rather drink red ink than beer" says a Kansas man Whatever a man is used to it is largely a matter of taste. What has become of the old fashioned man who protested that there was no need for. the parcel post? Last year was a record break er in the matter of shipwrecks. The Republican party was not without company in its misfor tunes. "Ragging" while dancing is a supreme demonstration of un refined style. It is thoroughly disgusting to the onlookers as a vulgar exhibition. It is not tol erated in most places and should be barred everywhere. Phone in the news. W. C. Brown went to Kene- wick, Wash. Monday. B. C. Leghorn went to Arling ton Monday. Mart Blakeley Bhipped a car of hogs to Portland last Saturday. The Rev. Father Brady went to Baker Monday. Oscar Portwood returned on Monday from the Sliipherd's Springs. He is much improved. Jamieson & Marshall are dril ling a well for Gene Smith on his ranch near May ville. L. K. Harlan went to Pendle ton to spend a few days before going to La Grande where he will play ball this summer. The Royal Master-Model Beats Them All. 19 Distinctive Features 19 H. A. Hartshorn, Local Agent. dtu Eat -. - - - - jlljome Folks , W I Ckroaolocr af Thalr M? Dolitn Tb Put WMk. I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISiVlENTS COPY FOR AOS IN THIS DEPARTMENT WEDNESDAY NOON TO INSURE CLAS8IFICMIUN. LEGAL fOTICES. NOTICE TO'CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATK Or OREGON FOK GILLIAM COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Carrie M. McKlnney, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned by the ordor of the County Court of Gilliam County, Oregon, duly made ami entered of record, has been dulv souointed administrator of the above entitled estate. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to the undersigned, Reuben McKinney. at St. Johns, Ore gon, or T. A. Weinke, Condon, Oregon, within Six Months from the first publication of this notice. Dated at Condon, Oregon, this l'JUi day of February 1913. First Publication February Zl, 1913. REUBEN McKlNNEY, Administrator. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Gillium. H. Rostad, Plaintiff, vs. Agnes M. Kimball SUMMONS. ' and Emory J. Uaasie, Defendants. To Agnes M. Kimball: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore the 16th day or Hay, A. U. 1913, which is six weeks after the 4th duy of April, 1913, the date for the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear and answer the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in his complaint to-wit: Foi a decree foreclosing that certain mortiraee for the sum of $7500.00, dated November 18th, 1910, given by Agnes M. Kimball to Emory J. Haasze, and which mortgxge covers the following described real estate in Gilliam County, Oregon, to-wit: The South half (Sl-2) of Section Eight (8); the South half (Sl-2), the Northeast Quarter INE1-4) and the East half (El-2)of the Northwest quar ter (NW1-4) of Section Nine 9, The Wt Half (Wl-2) of Uie Northeast quarter NE1-41 of Section ten (10) and the West Half Wl-2 of the Southwest Quarter (SW1-4) of Section ten 10). The Northeast Quarter (NE 1-4) of the Northwest quarter (NW1-4) and the North Half (N 1-2) of the North east quarter (NE1-4) and the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter SE 1-4 of the NEl-4of Section fiftcenl5 All of Section sixteen (16). The South east quarter -SE1-4-, the East half -E 1-2-of the Southwest quarter-SWl-4-; the Northwest quarter ot the South west quarter -NW 1-4 of SW 1-4- and the North Half -Ni-2-of Section Seven teen -17-; the East half of the North east quarter -El-2 of the NE 1-4- and the East half -El-2- of the Southeast quarter -SE1-4- of Section 18; the South east quarter of Section twenty -SE 1-4 of Sec. 20-, the North half -Nl-2- of the Northwest quarter -NW1-4 ; the North half of the Northeast quarter -Nl-2 of NE 1-4-, the Southeast quar ter -SE1-4- of the Northeast quarter -NE1-4- and the Northeast quarter -NE1-4- of the Southeast quarter -SE 1-4- of Section twenty-one -Si-; the North Half of the Northwest Quarter -Nl-2 of the NW1-4- and the North Half of the Northeast quarter -Nl-2 of NE1-4 of Section twenty-two -22- all in Township two -2-, North, Range twenty-one East of the Willamette Meridian containing 3160 acres, more or less. Which said mortgage and the prop erty described therein are fully set forth in the complaint filed in this suit; for a decree correcting and reforming said mortgage so that the property in Section Ton -10- described therein shall read and be described as follows: The West Half -Wl-2- of the North east Quarter -NE1-4- and the West Half -Wl-2-of the Southeast Quarter SE 1-4, Section Ten 10, in Township Two 2 North, Range Twenty-one 21 East, Willamette Meridian, instead of The West Half Wl-2 of the North east Quarter NE1-4 and the West Half Wl-2- of the Southwest Quar ter SW1-4 same section, township and range, and that said mortgage be so reformed before foreclosure; that plaintiff have judgment against the defendant Agnes M. Kimball for the sum of $7500.00 and interest at six per cent per annum from November 18th, 1910, and for the further sum of $750.00 as attorneys fees, and for such other and further relief as may be deemed by the court proper. This summons is published by order of the Honorable D. R. Parker, Judge of the above entitled court and said or der was made and entered upon the 31st day of March, A. D. 1913, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 4th day of April, A. D. 1913. R. F. PETERS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, April 4, 1913. Date of last publication, May 16, 1913. MUST BE IN THIS OFFICE BEFORE WAiTETt WANTID-Old, clean rags in exchange for old papers. Call at this ollk-e. WANT E0 -Correspondents to the Globe from all parts of the county. It will take you only a short time and you viil be well paid. Write for full particulars. Globe, Condon, Ore. ' ron sale HOUSE FOR SALE Good four room house, two lots, city water, good eel lar. Wtll sell cheap. Call at this office. &!tf RANCH FOR SALE Ranch for sale in Ferry Canyon 640 acres, a new well 90 ft deep with 60 feet of water, 74 galloiiH to the minute. New waironi,KHHl working horses and implements included too numerous to men tion. Terms reasonable. In quire of L. Comini, The Dalle.'. Oregon. 501 f FOR SALE Ten tons of good barley at my ranch at Pine Ridge. Call on 50tf H. N. Anderson. THEASWREH'S fOTICEA All outstanding city warrants up to and including No. 1983 will be paid upon presentation at my office. In terest ceases after Mar. 14th, 1913. H. A. Hartshorn, City Treasuier. All county warranta up to and In' eluding T 698 and all road warrants up to and including U Si are now called and will be paid upon presentation. CHAS. H. HORNER, County Treasurer B USIJVESS LOCALS Subscribe for the Globe, gives all the news. It NOTICE I urn taking orders for trees, shrubs, vines, etc. to be planted next spring:. If you wan anything in this line it will pay you to see ma about it. Ail tre8 guaran teed to be true to name and to grow if instructions in planting are followed. F. W. Burns. When in Condon stay at the Summit, Good rooms and fine cuisine. THE CLASSIEST The Globe's jobwork is known by that name. summit Hotel bus meets all trains. Your patronage solicited and satisfac tion guaranteed. Natica lar Fablicatiea Department of the Interior. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore, February 27, 1913. Notice is hereby given that William A. Wilkin of Gooseberry, Oregon, who, on January 24, 1908, made Homestead No. 15869, Serial No. 0431?, for Sl-2 SE1-4, NW1-4SEI-4, SE1-4SW1-4, Sec 33,Tp.3 S..R.23 East, Willamette Mer idian has filed notice of intention to make Final five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore George W-Parman.U. S. CommiB sioner at his office at Condon, Oregon, on the 9th day of April, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: W. A McChntock, H. A. Stewart, E. G, Sutton, Vern .lackson, all of Goose berry, Oregon. C. W. Moore, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon March 6th, 1913 Notice is hereby given that William Mc Clintock, of Gooseberry, Oregon, who on September3,1909,made Homestead No, 05233,for SEl-4NEl-4,Sec.32 S1-2NW 1-4, N1-2SW1-4. S1-2NE1-4, NE1-4SE1-4 SecS3,Tp3S,R23 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to makeFi nal three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before George W. Parman, U. S. Commissioner at his office at Condon, Oregon, on the 15th day of April, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses W.A.Wilkin, Fred Esteb, Fred Akers and William Mackey all of Gooseberry Oregon. C. W. Moore, Register, SEEPS 4 ..'.- hiipis run Guaranteed loPUast Erer? Gardener and Planter thou Id tent the Mittarlor mrltof Our Northern OrowuBeede. FOR 10 CENTS we will tend poatimld oar 1 ktvMR7 TsmiU to 1 fcff frlnMi lUdlefc . , , , o I pkr. 8lf-4Jrwtf VUrf , tO I pksf. Vrj Amw-hasM) rtMwft , . .15 t tailor-to Mart Ilum . , lo llMiaTArtaUMU44MriraM4l . , it $7.6o Vrfte Mart Brnd 10 efito to faalp pr peirtar and fMcklnc and rcalv lbabv "foment CollMttoa, to gtbr wllb oar Kw and Intlmetivsj OariUn Quid. GKKAT NOIlTHtiKN 8KKD CO. 175S Aon fit. Kockford, Illlnote 1r. -2 .S 5J AVVEHTIStiO T. A. WEINKE LAWYER Ct4 (fall has II. Condon, vrtgon, t GEO. W. PARMAN I ATTQRNEY-AT-tAW I U. ft. Ctaahtkwt 2 CM towHn Owe Imhm J iiraM4 m at m . I Condm, Origon. Dr. J. W. Donnelly Physician and Surgeon All rails promptly answered 0!lWes: First dmir north of Dunn Bros, CONDON, " OREGON J. F. WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON II hUn SuUiM rUw Mala SIM rOBTLAND, OREGON. : Drs.Mlller&Wilhelm : PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS rim 1111 tut liMke Condon, Orruon. e Dr. Guy Penepacker DENTIST Cm4m Dm'I lull ItiUtat Condon, Orrgon, DR. J. E.ANDERSON i OSTEOPATH Ctraif Cum tWltkr THE DALLES. OREGON. I L.L.TAYLOR M.D.V. VETERINARY WIICUM SUICION Condon, Oregon. m I Abstracts of; ..Title.. To Gilliam County Real Property C H. HORNER, . Condon, Oregon. Moore Bros, f Up-to-date Dray Line Condon Ore, ' Phone 17A All kinds of light and heavy hauling;. Our specialty U to give you satisfaction. O.K. SHOP Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors Randall & Seale ...PROPRIETORS... 11 Doer N.rtb First Nttieul Btak POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of saah City, Tows Ss4 Vlll.g., riving duorlptlv ik.toh ! aoh plic., location, population, Uls graph, (hipping and banking point I alM ClaaalfUd DIrMtory, compll if bu.ln.H and prof.Mlon. B. L. POLK CO- IKATTLB