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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1913)
THE CONDON GLOBE SUNDAY SERVICES HI AND EVERYTHING IN & - , i, r ' ' ' 1 I THE CONDON CHURCHES (Continued (rum paga 1.) I, 1 u V .Are you thinking success or are you think ing failure? If you are thinking success you must begin by hanking some wioney, because money is the fcey to success. It w enable you to grasp a food business cinnoet ft iv7 jfve you' better standing ntnl better orecft in your conimuaitr. Do rOCR baitrnnr wit, ,'S. Condon National Bank 22 WE TEST ULK hits FREE OF CHARGE When we say test, we mean test. We don't hang a card on the will and guess, or let you guess at the glass you need. We know what you need. Blue eyes are the weakest, brown eyes are the strongest. Prominent eyes are most frequently near sighted. EYE HEADACHE Our large business is the result of not merely trying to sell glass es. We advise a third of the people we examine not to wear them. Headaches come from poor eyes and 99 other causes. We can tell whether or not your headache is due to eye strain and will. Don't raankey with your eyes. See our Specialist. No Charge. RED CROSS DRUG COMPANY, Condon, Ore. at la IC'iE ROCK NEWS . OF THE PAST WEEK (Continued from page I.) The ball tiven in the Lonerock hall by Hawk & Leathers proved to be a howling success. John Kelly was accidentally hurt by one of Georjie Ferry ' old mules. "Whoa Maud!" B. K. Pleasant and wife re turned to Condon Sunday after making a visit at the John Mad den farm near Lonerock. Miss Helen Crow made htt aunt, Mrs. S. A. Scott, a visit la?t week. Jay Crenshaw, Jack Andrews, Chas. Phejfley, James Coleman, and Georpe Perry, Sr., took in the K. of P. banquet Wednesday evening in Heppner. All report a jrood time and say they are goinp; back. Ray Trimble has been buying horses in our section. Wilbur E. Bennett came up from Portland Tuesday. He will stay in Condon under the care of Dr. Donnelly for a short time after which he will be back among us again. Lewis and George Cason have taken positions for the summer at Geo. Sperry's big stock farm near Heppner. H. S. Neel shipped a bunch of hops to Portland Tuesday after which he made a business trip to Salem. He visited Horace Bennett while in that section aud said Horace was verv poorly. J. H. Kerr from the Lost Val- i ley saw mill was in town on busi ness Saturday. Olex News (Continued from page 1.) Misses Lula Mobley and Edith Clark of Arlington spent a few days at the Mobley home last week. Bert Alkire returned Fridav from Pendleton. E. H. Randall is in Portland this week. agKf Tweed Kaesemeyer went Spokane yesterday. to COAL FOR SALE We have coal on hand to sup- ply all demand. Best quality at the right prices. Call at thp Farmers Union Warehouse. 46tf The PACKARD Shoes for men Best Possible for the Money $4 to $5 The WEYENBERG Shoesfor men Suitable for heavy wear $3.25 to $8 LESTER WADE Exclusive Agent for Ed V. Price High Grade Clothes all the children come, St. Catherine! Cburck Easter Sunday Next Sunday holy Communion service at 6:45 a. m., followed by a low mass at 8 a. m., at which the pastor will preach. At 10 o' clock there will1 be a very inv pressive service in conjunction with the high mass. A very se lect program of music has been prepared for the high mass un der the direction of Miss UoseA. Wehrli assisted by a full body of sopranos, altos, tenors and bnss es. lh entire congregation, along with the pastor, extend a hearty welcome to all people to attend and every courtesy will be extended to them bv the us- j ers. The sermon for Easter at' the 10 o'clock service will be1 "The Vanquished Tomh." Im-; mprtintflv after thp Inst mnss I Benediction of the blessed Sac rament There will be no eve ning service as the pastor must leave that evening for the mis sions. An elaborate system of altar decorations will greet vis itors. Baptist On Sunday the H3rd of Man:h I will preach in Cndon at 11a. m. ann 8 p. m, when mv subject will be, ."Falling from Grace vs. The Final Preservation of The Saints," followed by a sermon in the evening at 7:30. No one will be abused. Eld. J. II. Miller. W. C. Brown shipped a car load of horses Wednesday from the local yards. They were con signed to Tacoma to be re-shipped from there to Honolulu. Mr. Brown went to Tacorr.a. FOR BUILDERS. H . : CARPENTERS - FOR THE BEST TOOLS THAT WILL HOLD THEIR EDGE. COME TO VS. BUILDERS-- TOR THE BEST FINISHING HARDWARE THAT WILL LAST AND BE ORNAMENTS TO YOUR BUILDING. COME TO US. EVERYBODY WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. COME TO THE STORE THAT HAS MADE ITS GOOD REPUTA TION BY SELLING ONLY GOOD GOODS. A. S. HOLLEN k SONS $100 Reward $100 , The readurs of this paper will be pleated to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease-that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive enre known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional diat'ane, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the diseuse, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so . much faith in its curative power that they ofTer one hundred dollars for any case it faila to cure.. Send for list of of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, (J. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family PI1U for constipation. .LI ; PU See our Display ST. PATRICK9 S DAY and EASTER POST CARDS Large assortment of Eureka IJrnnd Rubber Syringes, Hot Water Bottles. Don't forget headquarters for Formaldehyde, Woodlark Squirrel Poison, Sheep Dips, Etc. I Get a bottle of the Original Fink's Blood Purifier for Spring. It will do you good, at Graves & Van Slype Leading Druggists. tit RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 1 Es9flnUiaUUSIaEBfflSRKi Spring and Summer Dry Goods From Our Complete Stock Just Received , Largest, Best and Most Complete . Line of Dry Goods in All Depart ments Ever Shown in This City, Consisting of New Styles and Colors in Dress Goods, Poplins, Ginghams, Prints, Outing Flannels, Dimities, Calicos, Table Damask, Muslins, etc. Spring and Summer Clothing Lamm & Co's New Style Book is Here and Shows More Exclusive Styles even than usual which means that we offer the BEST in Tailored Garments. Also a Full Line of Fine Ready-made Clothing in Stock Dunn Brothers Condon's Big and Complete Department Store EXBESaaS