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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1911)
Williams the Jeweler and Expert Optician Condon's Leading Jeweler From the Watch Tower of Assured Business and J Established Trade the Successful Merchant Looks down upon the mob of men who failed to suc ceed in business be cause they did not ADVERTISE AMERICAN FENCiE Is Best by Test FOIl SALE ItV INTERIOR, WAREHOUSE COMPANY CONDON, OREGON Splendid Savings! For those who trade at the BIG DRUG .-.STORE. The mast exquisite perfume in the world Reigers Flower Drops Everything for the toilet at city prices. Select stationery of all kinds. J A fairly good box paper at only 15c per box. Artists Materials LowneyY Candies The Famous ..VICTOR.. Come and hear the new records. You will find it a pleasure "All Summertime" drink and Hazelwood ice cream at the new fountain. Graves & VanSlype Prescription Druggists ... CONDON, OREGON W.Ai DARLING Carries a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS .OILS AND VARNISH Estimates furnished on Jobs as Jo labor and Material, Barber Shop Up-to-date Ton . sorial Parlors Stephens & Randall ...PROPRIETORS... lit D.r North Firrt Natioul Buk qSriOQ B MAYVILLE ITEMS OF INTEREST Gathered By Globe's Correspondent In Southern Gilliam. W. G. Keys mads a business trip to Fossil Saturday. Mrs. Frank McConnell was visiting at the Allen McConnell home here Sunday. Miss Sarah Lewis was visiting in this city Sunday. She has charge of the cook house for the Wright Bros, harvesters. Mr. and Mr?. W. G. Keys were visiting at the Keys ranch Sunday. Miss Let ha Thomas left here Thursday morning for Trail Fork where she will visit a few weeks with Mrs. George Hardie. Mrs. Fred Winterstein and Mrs. John Stevens returned Friday evening from a two weeks visit at Goldendale, Wn. W. J. Edwards took a load of hogs to Condon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Evans went to Condon Friday. It rained here Friday night, not much but enough to get the dust out of the air, and freshen things up. Mr. L. Crane was in this city Sunday. W. E. Dodge was transacting business in Condon last week. Mrs. Allen Morgan and baby returned from The Dalles, Sat urday. Mr. N. Beeson was on the sick list the first of the week. L. B. Smith was in for supplies Sunday. Miss Nellie Stevens of Fossil is visiting here thi3 week with her aunt, Mrs. C. F. Winter- stem. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith and children were in this city Sunday from their ranch on Thirtymile Mrs. J. Q. Jarvis left Monday morning for her home at Grants Pass, Oregon after visiting here for a few weeks. She was acc ompanied by Mrs. I. B. Carter, who will sro to Newburg, Ore, for a few weeks. Mrs. Laura McConnell and daughter went out to I. B. Car ter's to remain while Mrs. Carter is away. C. F. Winterstein was in Con don on bnsiness Thursday. Mrs. George Taylor is cooking for harvesters at the E. A Stinchfield cook-house. Fred Jack left on the auto Tuesday morning for his home in Portland, after visiting some time with his cousin Mrs. Lester Beeson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beeson are visiting the N. Beeson home this week. Grandma Wright was visiting at the C. S. Wright home, Wed nesday. Geo. C. Evans left Wednesday for a few days in the interior attending to business for the Investment Society of Oregon. Mrs. David Don of Fossil drew the picture at Keys' store Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Wilson re turned on Wednesday evening rrom a months visit with rela tives in Milwaukee Oregon.- OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State Ouring the Past Week. Railroad Fights Kmployara' Law. Portland. Announcing that It can not and will not obey toe state taws regulating tbt hour of emulovment tcr railroad employes, the Dragon Washington Railroad A Navigation Company has brought suit la tua Uulted Butts circuit court Mklnf for aa Intarlocutory Injunction retrain ing the stata railroad comuleatoa and the itata district attorneys from pros ecuting It for violations of tha law. Dallas to Have Prune Fair. . Dallas. Though at a previous meeting the pro.-rosltlon of giving a prune (air and carnival here U Sep tember was rejected because tha Fruitgrowers' Union had planned upon n fruit fair here In December, tha Dallas Commercial Club, upon re considering tha matter, voted to bold a prune fair and carnival her In September. CORD MAY REVIVE LEG Girl, Unable ta Walk for Twe Yearn, - Undergoes Operation. Portland. By taking tha tendon, Achillas, from the lS of n lamb and aewlug It Into the bona of the left lag of 11-year-old Melissa Oadea, an oper ation performed by Doctors Rich, and Marsh, at tha Good 8amarltan Hospi tal, tha little girl, who has been par alysed In both lower' limbs tor tha last two years, la expected to recover the use of her limbs. The girl rallied well from tha shock of the operation, which-la thought to have been successful. , The operation la believed to be tha first of Ita kind In Portland and not many cases have bean- found In tha United Statea. The', usual tendons used In replacing human tendons are those from dogs, but tha parents of the girl were opposed to tha use of a dog's muscle and a lamb was substituted. rTedford to Have New Steel ridge. Medford. Plans for the $30,000 bridge acroaa Bear Creek In Medford were accepted by tha County court. With tha aeeurlng of a atrip of land owned by F. J. WUllamaon and F. C. Page by the city the only Impediment waa romoved iH despite the heavy expense Incurred by thav county, tha commissioners decided for tha con struction of the span. ' Subscribers Order Phones Removed. Joseph. Tha fight between t Home Independent Telephone Com pany and Its subscribers over the re sent tncreaae In telephone rates, reached an Interesting, stage when In fulfillment of pledges, signed several days ago, virtually every farmer and buainess man in this vicinity ordered hla phone taken out. . Steamer Agents Fight. ' Hood River. A controversy over the right to land at the local water front between The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Company and tha Open River Transportation Company, has already resulted in' a personal en counter between, the local agents for the two companies and -may lead, to a legal conflict. ' - " NURSERY SUES FOR $20,000 ', Roseburg Man Alleged to Have In jured Firmby Statements.; Hlllsboro. Trie Oregon Nursery Company has fUed suit in fte district court against George A. Bradburn asking 120,000 damagta for alleged false statements regarding the' nur sery stock of tbe plaintiff. The statement In question were published In a Portland daily, add tha article, which- forms part 'of tha com plaint filed, was ta tha form of kn In terview with Mr. . Bradburn, who in the published statement is quoteO as saying that, the trees were affected with anthracooee. - . ' 1 Hills Are Full of Hunters. Coqullle. The mountains of , both Coos and. Curry 'counties are full of hunters since ,the opening of the hunting season.1 Already several, deer have been killed, near tbjj place. 'f Deer are quite plentiful, according to, re ports. I , Wind Flalls,'Oralr Fields.' Pendleton. 'Pendleton, was left In darkness for two hours, and- Umatilla county wheat , groweia are heavy losers as the result of Abe worst dust and wind storm which has visited this region In several yea rs. Freewater Seta Peach Day. Freewater.- Peacuday, the annual event awaited with so much Interest ny tne people or .rtyewater and the surrounding count fy, baa been fixed for Thursday, Au gast 21. Our Stock of the Following is Always Com- I . 1 ttfl T niTF piete and ur-iu-UAiL. Dry Good. Ladle' Novelties, Groceries, Furniture A Car nets, lleds A Iteddlng. Tobacco Cigars. Stationery A No tions, Wall Paper. Hardware, Clothing and Gents' Furnishings Doors A Windows, Building Material, Glassware A Crock, ery, Patau and Oils. Trunks and ValUee, Arms and Ammunition. Fresh Fruits and Vegeatables in their Seasons. HARVEST SUPPLIES a Specialty. S. B. BARKER Co., Inc. The Wheatdale Stock Farm Condon, Oregon. Parmnn Bros., Owners. JBroeders of Grade and Purebred Porcliorona, Poland China Hogs, Mammoth Bronze Turkey-sand Scotch Collies. AII stock Is guaranteed to be strictly high class. Pedigrees furnished with all purebred stock. All communications will' receive prompt attention. The Wheatdale Stock Farm Lumber & Wood For Sale. Thirtymile Saw Mill TERMS: Strictly Cash. If any extension of credit is desired, arrangements must be made through Condon Office of Arlington Lumber Company. Condon Pine Lumber Co. COME IN! And see our All Steel Body Buggies, that am super ior to all others at no hlger prices. Complete line of Mitchell Wagons. Agency for all the beat makes of harvesting and threshing machinery. If you are wanting any kind of engine for any kind of use, see us before buying. All kinds of Staple Hardware and everything Is backed up by a guarantee that ia ab solutely good every way. .-. THE TIME? NOW .V THE PLACE OF COURSE HOLLEN AND SONS General Hardware & Implements J. V. SHAWi Light and Heavy Hauling Icq Delivered in Large and Small Quantities Moving House !4js specialty. ;' r ri ; Satisfaction Guaranteed WM. DUNLAP..... ( r l OI--I !L !C- J U J D .Xpert Diacasmuu, ; j jciuuu-uunu ouggii, ana ; Wagons, flows and Harrows tor Sale. ,:'.WJ. Call and see him for Prices. Upper Main Street, CONDON, OREGON. u.