Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, October 17, 1901, Image 4

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The causa exists in the blood, in
what causes inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It is therefore impossible to cure
the disease by local applications.
It is positively dangerous to neg
lect it, because, it always affects
the stomach and deranges the
general health, and is likely to
develop into consumption.
Many hare beea radically and permanently
tared by Hood's Saraaparilla. It cleans the
blood and baa a peculiar alterative and tonta
effect. R- Lone, California Junction. Iowa,
writes: " I bad catarrh three years, lot my
appetite and eonld not sleep. My bead pained
Be and I felt bad all ever. 1 took Bood'a
SaraapariUe and now bare a rood appetite,
aleep well, and have no symptoms of catarrh."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. v It is better not to put off
treatment buy Hood's today.
Aggravating Man.
Mrs. Flitey My husband's the
meanest thing.. He had the rheu
matism when he woke up this morn
ing. Mrs. Hitey Well? V '
Mrs. Fliety -Well, that's a sure
sign of rain, and I've got a lawn
party on for this afternoon. Phila
delphia Press.
Tkla aifnatare is on every box of the taeniae
Laxative Bromo-Quinioe Tab).
the remedy that esu-ea a M la ease day
A Formula.
"Aren't you going to buy me one,
"Buy you another new hat? That
would be extravagant!"
"Oh, we could tell papa it was
such a love of a hat I had to have it."
There la more Catarrh In this section of the
un; uau viticf 1 1 .Jl I . put ItjCum,
and until the last few year was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many yean doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, ana ty constantly tailing; to care
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science haa proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires eonstito
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. i. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is the only constitutional cur on the market.
It is taken internal! in doses from 10 drops to
a teaspoon ful. It act directly on the blood
and Binconi surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any cane it fall to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F.J. CHEXKY ACO, Toledo, a
Sold by DrarRfsts, 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Took the Hint
"I thought you were gorng to
spend a week with your cousins over
in Michigan."
"No, I didn't go. When I wrote
to them about it they said for me to
come right along and make myself at
home they woudlu't consider me
company." Chicago Tribune.
Stmrm fh Cotrpti and
Worhm Off thm Ootd.
Laxative) Bromo-Qulnine Tablet care a Cold is
aneday. .No cure, ffo Fay. irioe cents, -
Wanted a Test
The Tramp Yes'm. I've tried to
cure the drink habit.
Mrs. Good. You have?
The Tramp Yes'm. I'm tryin'
the faith cure now, an' I'd like to get
a nickel to see if I could keep it with
out spendin' it for beer. Puck.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth
Ins; Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
children during the teething period.
Tommy Did It
"Hello!" cried Noah as the animals
were tossed into the toy ark, "here's
something new!"
"Please sir," said thestrange ani
mal,"! used to be a leopard,but Tom
my cut off my forelegs to make me a
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
(rufrgists refund the money if It fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 35c,
Oa the Line
Old Lady Can you teil me, if you
please, where I'll get the Blackrqck
Dublin Car Driver Begorra,
ma'am, if you don't watch yourself,
you'll get it in the small of your back
in about a minute. Punch.
Crimson Clare
Friend Why are you star gazing
at old Tippler's red nose?
Artist I am getting inspiration for
a great marine picture.
Friend What will you call it?
Artist Why, "The lighthouse be
low the bridge." Chicago News.
The Kind You Ilavo Always
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the
Health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
thc eiNTaua eoMmnv. tt aumut aratrr. utm voaa err.
Not the Grammatical Kind,
"hWat is conjunction?" asked
the teacher. ; '
"That which joins together," was
the prompt reply.
"iQve an illustration," said the
The up-to-date girl hesitated and
blushed. "The marriage sevice,"
she said at last Chicago Post.
"Poor Boy!" excaimed 0'IIara
condoling with Caasidy, who haa been
injured by a blast. " 'Tis tough
luck teh have have yer hand Mowed
"Oh, faith, it might have bin
wurse," replied Cassidy. "Suppose I
had me week's wages iu it at the
toime," Philadelphia Fress.
Lucky Snorts.
"Yes, my wife reads every blessed
receipt she finds in the papers. "
"Heavens ; and does she try them
"No, she doesn't. In fact she
never tries a solitary one of them."
"How does that happen?"
"Why, she's always out of some
thing. "Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Aeaertea Lead.
In conseoneiice of the (treat demand for
cotton goods, the United States consumed
more raw cotton than Great Britain, which
haa always held supremacy iu this indus
try, lust as Hostel ter's Stomach Bitters has
beeu the best faintly medicine, and which
has retained its prestige for over SO Years.
Today the Bitters is used in almost every
borne. It cures nrsnensia. indnrestion.
constipation and biliousness, also purities
the blood, calms the nerves and builds up
me enure system.
A placard posted throughout a
country town announced the opening
of a theatre as "under the manage
ment of Miss Blank, newly decorated
and painted." Tid-Bits.
When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because ths formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simnly Iron and Qui
nine in a iastslass form. No Cure, N Vay. ioc
No Assistance Required.
"It luks to me as if yex was thry
in to make trouble bechune me an
the folks up stair."
"Divilabit! If Oi wanted to make
trouble for anybody Oi'd do it for
them thot's not sifuble to do it for
thimselves!" Puck.
The Best Prescription for Malaria)
ShiUs and Fever Is a bottle of GroTe's Tasteless
Chill Tonic It U simply iron and quinine in
a tasteless torn. No core. No Fay. Price 50c
One Well Paid Bank Clerk.
"I tell you, bank clerks are not
sufficiently remunerated," exclaimed
the broker quite forcibly.
"Oh. I don't know," said the bank
president, with a sad smile. "Our
last receiving teller got about $20,000
a year for six years."
The greatest professional athletes nse
Wizard Oil for a "rub-down." It soft
ens the mnscles and prevents soreness.
Oh, That's Different!
Caller The minister's son is fol
lowing in the footsteps of the spend
thrift, young Jenks. ....
'"' Miss Prim Isn't that' scandalous?
Caller Hardly as bad as that.
You see he's a tailor and is trying to
collect his bill. Chelsea Gazette.
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken
of as a cough cure. J. W. O' Burnt. 322
Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Miuu., Jau.
6, 1900.
Prompt Revenge.
Pinching Bug Those folks screened
us out of the house and the piazzas.
Lightning Bug Yes?
Pinching Bug Then they have a
garden party and me and a lot of my
kinfolk broke it up. Chicago Eecord
Herald. FITS
Parmsnently Cured. No fits er nerrooaDees
after first dar't neeof tr. KliaV Great Nerve
Baatorar. Send for FRBES-i.OOtrialbottleand treat
is. a.K.U.Kuas.Ltd..K31 ArctiSUi'hiladelplua.Fa
The Pacemaker.
Woodby Booth Who was the lead
ing man in the company you were
with last season?
Knight Stands The advance agent.
Right 1
Phrenologist Your bump of de
tructiveness is very large. Are you a
soldier or a pugilist?
Subject Neither. I'm a furniture
mover. Tit-Bits.
The Tip to Golfers.
Puller But what should I talk to
my partner about?
Putter Her splendid play, of
Puller And if she is a regular
Putter Tell her what lobsters the
others are. Brooklyn Life.
liouerht has borne the siima-
Signature of
,wj..Vv;vv--.'nL,n,V..s. IVXVvVAH. 1. .... J
That Has Attracted Widespread
Attention in Medical Circes.
From iW tan, jnt, Jf.w,
Thousands of dollars have been
sprnt in doctors' bills by those afflict
ed with epilepsy and, very frequently,
it has been in vain. It so often
happens that the doctors do not
strike at the root of the trouble. A
cure which was easily effected, after
physicians had failed to accomplish
any permanent results, is that of Miss
Annie R. Herbert, of No. 607 West
ern avenue, Lynn, Mass. After years
of suffering from this terrible afflic
tion she was made well by the use of
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Tale Peo
ple. She makes the following state
ment :
"I was the victim of epileptio fits
and frpasma of the nervea from the
time I was two years old until I
reached the age, of seventeen, when
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale
Feople cured me. Ten well-known
physicians of Lynn treated me at
different times but none succeeded in
helping my case. I have even been
to the Lynn hospital, but the physi
cians there failed to cure me, so you
can see it was a disease that punled a
good many doctors.
"My illness at times caused racking
headaches and an awful disxinesa
made my head swim. I had what the
doctors called spasms of the nerves
about four times a day. The blood
would rush to my head and a feeling
come over me so that I wouldn't
know what was going on around me.
The spasms left me very weak.
During one year I had eight epileptio
fits. ,
"At last when all the efforts of the
doctors had proved in vain I tried Dr.
Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People
and hardly three weeks had passed be?
fore I found they gave me great relief.
I cont inued using them faithfully and
in six months I was entirely cured
and have had no return of my illness
since" Signed,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10th day of April, 1901.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
The pills which cured Miss Herbert
are a specific for all forms of weak
ness arising from a watery condition
of the blood or shattered nerves, two
fruitful causes of almost every ill to
which flesh is heir.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are sold by all dealers, or will
be sent postpaid on receipt - of price,
50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50,
by Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, N. Y.
"How do vou manure to pet rid of
0 o
bores?" asked Snodprass aa h came
in and took a seat by the editor's desk.
Oh, easily enough," replied the
editor. "I begin to tell them stories
about mv smart vounpstcr. Now.
J e - '
only the other day he said What I
.Must you goi Well, good morning! "
The Visitor Of course you know
icnotmng ot yellow journalism up
The Villager Wall, the ad'ter of
the Banner he now an' agen puts in
items up side down so's to make the
folks read 'em. I recken thet's sorter
buff like, ain't it? Detroit Free Press,
Nothing Equals St Jacobs Oil
For Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica,
Neuralgia, Cramp, Pleurisy, Lum
bago, Sore Thoat, Bronchitis, Sore
ness, Stiffness, Bruises, Toothache,
Headache, Backache, Feetache, Pains
in the Chest, Pains in the Back, Pains
in the Shoulders, Pains in the Limbs,
and all bodily aches and pains. It acts
like magic. Safe, sure and never fail
Semblance of Perpetual Motion.
Into a basin of clear water put a
few pieces of camphor. They will
commence a peculiar motion, travers
ing every part of the surface of the
water, but may instantly be stopped
by dropping into the water the
minutest quantity of an oily substace.
How Old Glory Was Honored by the
French Frigate.
The little Ranger ran slowly between
the frowning French frigates, looking
as warlike as they; her men swarmed
like bees into the rigging, and her
colors ran up to salnte the flag of his
most Christian majesty of France, and
she fired one by one ber salute of thir
teen guns, aays Sarah Orne Jewett,
in the Atlantic.
There was a moment of suspense,
the wind was very light now; the pow
der smoke drifted away and the flap
ping sails sounded load - overhead.
Would the admiral answer back, or
would be treat this bold challenge like
a handkerchief waved at him from a
pleasure boat? Some of the officers
on the Ranger looked Incredulous, but
Paul Jones still held the letter in his
hand. There was a puff of white
smoke and the great guns of the
French flagship began to shake the
air one, two, three, four, Ave, six,
seven, eight, nine; and then were still,
save for their echoes from the low hills
about Carnac and the great druld
Mount of St Michael.
"Henry Gardner, yon may tell the
men that this was the salute of the
King of France to our republic, and
the first high honor to our flag," Bald
the captain proudly to his steersman;
but they were all huzzaing now along
the Ranger's decks, that little ship
whose name shall never be forgotten
while her country lives.
The captain lifted his hat and stood
looking at the flag.
"We hardly know what this day
means, gentlemen," he said soberly to
his officers who came about him. T
believe we are at the christening of
the greatest nation that was ever born
Into the world. The day shall come
when America, . republic though she
may be, will salute no foreign flag
without receiving gun for gunl"
mm, 4.2-lflOl.
WHEN writing- t advertisers please
naeutlsm this paper
6trlckst While a loan Men by the
Drowalnsi uf Ule UrlJe Lwrlng tae
Hoaeysaoea, Us Llvei for Many Year
A an oa Ignorant Grek Goatherds.
About tweuty-flve years ago there
was a young sailor who, by dint vt
hard work, tntegrlty of character aud
flruincaa of will, reached at the age ot
i!v the summit of his euibltlou be
coming a master ot what then would
be called a good-alsed steamship,
some DUO tons register. I'pou thta ac
cession to good fortune he married
the girl ot his choice, who had pa
tiently waited for hlin slue as boy
and girt sweethearts they parted on
his first going to aoa. Aud with rare
complacency his owners gave him the
inestimable privilege ot carrying his
young bride to sea with him.
How happy be was! How deep and
all-embracing his pride, as teaming
down the grimy Thames he explained
to the light of his eyes all the w oudera
that she was now witnessing for the
first time but which he had made fa
miliar to her mind by his oft-repealed
sea stortes during the few bright days
between voyages that It had been able
to develop to courtship. The ship was
bound to several Mediterranean porta,
the time being late autumn, and conse
quently the moat Ideal season for a
honeymoon that could possibly be Im
agined. Cadis, Genoa, Naples, Venice,
a delightful tour with not one weary
moment wherein to wish for somethlug
else. Even a flying visit to old Rome
from Naples had been possible, for the
two officers, rejoicing In their happy
young skipper's Joy, saw to it that uo
unnecessary cares should trouble him.
and bore willing testimony, in order
that he should get as much delight out
of those halcyon days as possible, that
the entire crew were as docile as could
be wished, devoted to tbelr bright com
mander and his beautiful wife. Then
at Venice came orders to proceed to
Galati and load wheat for home. Great
was the glee of the glrl-wlfe. She
would see Constantinople and the Dan
ube.. Life would hardly be long enough
to recount all the wonders of this moat
wonderful of wedding trips. Aud they
sailed, with hearts overbrimming with
Joy as the blue sky above them seem
ed welling over with sunlight.
Wind and weather favored them,
nothing occurred to cast a shadow over
their happiness until nearlng Cape Ma-
lea at that fatal hour of the morning.
Just before the dawn, when more col
lisions occur than at any other time,
they were run Into by a blundering
Greek steamer coming the other way
and cut down amidships to the water's
edge. To their peaceful sleep or quiet
appreciation of the night's silvern
splendors succeeded the overwhelming
flood, the hiss and roar of escaping
steam, the suffocating embrace ot
death. In that dread fight for life all
perished but one, he so lately the hap
piest of men, the skipper. Instinctive
ly vrraglhg to Br ve wm,atii.
he had been washed ashore under Cape
Malea at the ebbing of the scanty tide,
and bis strong physique reasserting It
self enable hi in to reach the plateau.
Here he was founJ gazing seaward by
some, goat-herds, who, In search of
their nimble-footed flocks, had wander
ed down the precipitous side of the
mountain. They endeavored to per
suade him to come with them back to
the world, but In vain. He would live,
gratefully accepting some of their poor
provision, but from that watching place
be would not go. And those rude peas
ants, understanding something of bis
depth of woe. sympathized with him
so deeply that without payment or hope
of any, they helped him to build bis
but, and kept him supplied with such
poor morsels of food and drink as suf
ficed for his stunted needs.
And there, with his gaze fixed during
all his waking hours upon that Inscrut
able depth wherein all his bright hopex
bad suddenly been quenched, he lived
until quite recent years, "the world
forgetting, by the world forgot," a liv
ing monument of constancy and pa
tient, uncomplaining grief. By his bum
ble friends, whose language he never
learned, he was regarded as a saint,
and when one day they came upon
his lifeless body fallen forward upon
his knees at the little unglazcd window
through which he was wont to look
out upon the sea where his dear one
lay, they felt confirmed In their opinion
of the sanctity of the hermit of Cape
Males. London Spectator.
Showing the new English turban
shape, A few plumes and a knot of
straw will furnish the trimmings, and
a little tilt adds to the stylish effect.
Output of the British Mint.
The recently Issued report of the
deputy master of Englaud's mint shows
that the ouput of new money was be
yond all precedent in 1900. A total of
102 tons of standard gold, 234 tons of
standard silver and 391 tons of bronze
was coined into 107,(189,513 pieces. In
addition nearly 30,000,000 pieces were
struck in the colonial mints. The output
of the English mint amounted in value
to about $78,000,000. .
As a rule people are disappointed in
compliments: they always expect more.
Ths Distinction.
"Yes, that's a pretty piece of brio
a-brao. When did you get it?"
"In Canada."
"What duty did you liavo to py on
"None at all."
"Snniegled it through, did you?"
"No, I just slipped it through. It
isn't smuggling unless you're caught
at it." Chicago Tribune,
A New Specie.
"I would like to sell you the entira
works of Omar Khftyam," began the
the book agent glibly ; "they are the
finest things that ever came from a
pen. '
"Them's a new breed of pigs to
me," commented Mr. Porkanlard,
scratching his head doubiously. Are
they anything like Berkshire's. Ohio
State Journal.
lie Couldn't
"0h,Mr; Spoonleigh, pray rise. It
is not right that you should kneel at
my feet. Rise, 1 beg of you!" im
plored the fair lady.
But he didn't rise. His Irish did,
though, and he replied solemnly:
"I'm afraid er Misa Grace I'm
afraid I'm kneeling on your er that
is, you dropped your chewing gum,
and, oh, Miss Grace, I'm stuck on
you!" Denver Times.
A Depraved Appetite.
"No, we couldn't have our usual
ride on Sunday, aud we were so dis
appointed!" "What was the trouble?"
"Why, our horse got loose in the
night and ate up his best bonnet,"
Cleveland Plain Healer.
The Present Pace.
Servant A publisher at the door to
see you, sir.
Modem Author Have him come
in and wait; tell him I just begun
writing a book and won't have it done
for 15 minutes. Ohio State Journal.
Wrenched Foot and Ankle Cured By
St Jacobs Oil.
Gentlemen : A short time ago, I
severely wrenched my foot and ankle.
The injury was very paitiful, and
the consequent inconvenience (being
obliged to keep to business) was very
trying. A friend recommended St.
Jacobs Oil, and I take great pleasure
in informing you that one applica
tion w as sufficient to effect a complete
cure. To a busy man so simple and
effective a remedy is invaluable,
and I Bhall lose no opjKirtunity of
suggesting the use of St. Jacobs Oil.
Yours truly, Henry J. Doirs, Manager,
The Cycles Co., Loudon, Knglund.
St. Jacobs Oil is cafe, sure and
never failing. Conquers pain.
"It was an outrage "exclaimed the
excitable young man with the very
foreign ncccnt. "Iho father of tho
young lady ottered a marriage settle
ment of flOO.OUO."
"It isnt' much of a dowry."
"My dear friend ; it is not a dowry
at all. It is a tip. Washington Star.
Little Liver Pills.
tHutt Bear Signature of
5ee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Tory aaaall aaa as easy
te take aa sajraab
ret hlaoackEi
tfcS I Purely YefrtADlSvfaS
. A J.TOWER CO.. B03T0N, HA53. to
San Francisco Business Collegi
1830 Mrkit St., Ran Francisco, Cl.
FULL COURSE, $60.00.
Write tor Catalogue.
Summer Resolutions
fr iicciey Cure
Bare relief fiom liquor, opium and tobaooe
. habits. Bend tor particulars to
Inctltnts Moved to 430 Williams
llttlllUlO, Ave., fortlaud, Urejrou.
nQ turn
1 jBeatOot
LUm wHttifc ALL tut f AILS.
Best Coui(b Bjrup. Tastes Uuod.
in time. Bold tT lTwtimt.
"Diah Mrs. riNKiu: When I began the uta of Lydla E.
PinLhaiu'a Vegetable Compound I waa Buffering- terribly. At
your medicine, Mrs. Cirrib Hkllvilu:, Ludington, Mich.
The record of Lydla E. Pinkham'e Vetahle tPO"!.
written la thoumnda of such lettem aa Mn. ItelWllle'e. when during
it whole career of thirty year no phyalclan has to our knowM
orltiolaed thla medicine, adertwly, and thousands are dally pr
oribing it in their practice. hould you, who know lea, about medl'
, due than they, say, " Oh, I do not bellere it I any good " r
lira Pinkham edvim women free of char. Her addreea ta 1
Lynn, Mam. No woman knows the truth about women s ills as m
thoroughly as Mrs IMnkham.
done to much good aa
Lydia Ee FirAh;mf8
paid to
writer's special pnnlieioa.LvuiA K. tiaanasi MamviNS Co.
Scott How did you like that cigar
I pave you yesterday?
Hums I liked it bo well that I
hadn't the heart to burn it. Uoutoo
His Resion.
She You played a very careless
game, Jack. Why don't you ket p
your eye on the ball?
He I citn't keep it on both of you.
Brooklyn Life.
A ludtr.
Papa So, Robby, you're tho presi
dent of your bicycle, club. That's
very nice. How did they happen to
choose you?
Hobby Well, you sec, papa, I'm
tho only boy that's got a bicycle.
t4 V
Has ball bra ring In turn-table.
Turns (rvl to the ttltul.
Hall bearing tUrunt In wheel. Injuring
lightest running qualltira, and rirvluf
fri'sieat amount of ower lor pumping;.
OalvanUeit alter making. I ul tnirt'llier
with salvanUeil holla, dmiMe-iititteJ; no
art can mat or Ret 1kih and ratlltt.
Vtelxlit regulator: perfect rcKMlntlon. No
spring to change tension with every change
of temperature, ami grow weaker with age.
Repair always on liauil.
Time things are worth money to tou.
Then why not buy a 8'1'AK?
120 S.oor dtl., Mmmm Wmmhlngtui, PoHl.nif, Or.fftn.
Tito loading and Rollablo Fur r lor ot tho Northwott
Fur Coats, CaH-. Col la ret ton, Itoas,
Fur Trimming". Kobe anil
fjrFtirs remodeled and repaired. Write us.
- steflJIiM gj,agassaS
AinA ntril. i nn wlU he paid
v?llU KLtY AlisJ port to us
" something
for, and furnish evidence upon which we can
Sr M tm 1 ii i aw
kaffaaW'"hM . 'aSSaSSaa
tutiea lti pain was ainxwl mora
wan I could tuna, tay heart
would nearly itop beating and
1 would get cold and numb.
"My husband thought
many timet 1 waa dying
nd did not dare to
lavm alone. I alto
uffrrod BcVrrcly at
time b of menstruation.
" I bad tried aeve ral
doctor and thy told
rnathat thet bad dona
all tliatntedlcinecould
do. In tbefaoeof all
thin, and to the aaton
Uhuient of my family
and friend, your rente
diet cured roe. l am now
well and do the work for
font In the family. I feel
rap oratpful for my recovered
With and constantly recommend
and no uedidue in the world baa V
Vegstella Casgsgni rfA
We have drpanlttd
with the National
City Bank. tl l.vno.
odo, which wi'lll
hocus Bml that the
any person
above tmlmontal lttrr la not emuina,
or wae oubli.hc.l tvrfore oUtalnina the
Too Esrly Ytt.
"Tho fimt game of golf was played
in Scotland over 600 years ago."
"Wonder if they've found sny of
tho balls yet that were uml iu tho
Ths Chailticmtnt.
Kind LadyWhy are you crying
little boy?
Little lloy Cos maw junt made a
example, out o me for my little
brother's sake." Ohio State Journal.
Why It Was Returned.
New Servant I found this coin
upon your desk, sir.
Master I'm glad you aro honest.
I put it there purpom-ly to test your
New Servant Tlmt's wliut I
Mt iwaiible In biillil. Ile.l miner al. Item pro.
portion. Hem flnlab. Lighten running. kviii
yrara' atiwrirnca. Mllt'MKli, l.M a
MAY CO., Intend la) lor Hi... I'orilanl, or
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
foetal Morrison Street,
Can give yoa the best harirstni In
Buggies. J'lowit, Hollers and Kittfi lies.
Windmills and Pump an I General
Machinery. Eee ns before buying.
(-.- ,.. .1, ,1.. 1..
Hugs. Bund (or Catalogue,
3 SO
tests rood. Eat them like candy. They
remove any bad teste In ths mouth, leav
ing the breath sweet and perfumed. It Is
s pleasure to take them, and they are
liked especially by children.
sweeten the stomach by cleansing- ths
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they stop undigested food from
souring; In the stomach, prevent gas form
ing In the bowels, and kill disease germs
of any kind that breed and teed la the en
tire system.
are purely vegetable end contain no mer
curial or other mineral poixon. They con
slut of ths latest discoveries In medicine,
and form a combination of remedies tin
equaled to make the blood pure and rich
and make clean skin and beautiful com
plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and stir up
the lazy liver. They do not merely soften
the stools and cauwe their discharge, but
strengthen ths bowels and put them Into
lively, healthy condition, making their ac
tion natural.
never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos
itively and never causa any kind of uncom
fortable feeling. Tnken regularly they make
the liver act regularly-and naturally aa It
should. They1 keep the sewerage of ths body
properly moving and keep the system clean.
Increase the flow of milk In nursing moth
ers. If the mother eats a tablet, It makes
her milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but certain effect on the baby. In this way
they are the only safe laxative for ths
nursing infant.
taken patiently, persistently, will curs any
form of constipation, no matter how old or
how often other remedies have failed. They
ars absolutely guaranteed to curs any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re
funded. cost 10c, 2Bc, 60c a box. Samples sent free
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but sell Caecarets on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a
box to-day, or write us for free samples
and booklet.
to any reader of this paper who will re.
any attempt of substitution, or sale of
just as good" when Cascarsts are called
convict. All correspondence wDnfldentiaJ.