Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 29, 1918, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six.
Friday, November 29, 1918.
Local and Personal News
Sergeant Elmer Stipe of Ben
son Polytechnic training camp
spent Saturday and Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bennett
of Portland were guests of
Father F. J. Kettenhofen Sun
day. Mr. Bennett is president
of Peninsula Iron Works and is
an old friend of Father Ketten
hofen. On Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. John Summers entertained
the following guests at dinner:
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd, Mr.
and Mrs. George Blosser and
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Cady. The
evening was pleasantly ' spent
playing 500.
Miss Leita Hendricks, of the
Multnomah Training School for
Nurses, is home on a week's sick
leave, recovering from Spanish
Baled straw and Winter Gray
Seed Oats for sale. Dan Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt
entertained with cards last
Thursday evening. Those to
enjoy their hospitality were:
Mr. and Mrs. Lahai, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davis. Misses Mary and
Jennie Fitzpatrick and Dr.
The street department has
been putting crushed rock on
the streets the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Sand
meier are now comfortably dom
iciled in apartments which he'
has fitted up in the rear of his
carpenter shop, Mrs. Sandmeier
having arrived here from Cen-
tralia a week ago Sunday.
Mr. N. S. Richards of Tigard
was transacting business in
Beaverton Wednesdav.
pigs for sale. A. A.
The following Beaverton boys
from Camp Lewis spent Sunday
at home, R. R. Summers, Ves
Baney, Harrison Hughson, and
Carl Desinger.
Born to Mr. and
Luchs, November
pound daughter.
a 6i2
Attorney George D. Young of
Portland was here Saturday on
legal business. ,
Mrs. Joseph Briggs of War
renton is visiting in Beaverton
with her mother Mrs. M. J.
Dan Shaw and son Leland
were in town Tuesday night de
livering national birds for the
Beaverton peopled Thanksgiv-,
ing dinner. Mr. Shaw produces
some very fine turkeys on his
farm and Beaverton people who
feasted on one of them yester
day were fortunate indeed.
Geese for Sale Mrs. A. Cam
enzind, Route 2. 47
The Kaiser Writes to Gott.
Dear Gott, chust dis von letter,
Und it vill pe der last,
I vant to telll der latest news,
I fear I'm now outclassed.
Dose cussed Yanks keep comin'
A million of der son,
I dells you, Gott, it's serious,
Und somedins must be done.
I vinds I'm gettin nervous, Gott,
It really looks to me,
As if there must pe millions
Of Yanks from o'er der sea.
Und fight! Say, Gott, it's awful,
De vay dose Sammies do,
Dey start chust like a vhirlvind
Und den come right straight
Dere's noddings seems to stop
Dey fight und yell like mad
Mine men chust drop der rifles,
Und holler "Kamerad!"
Und ven it comes to bombing,
Und gas, or camouflage,
Und working dose machine guns
Or t'rowing a barrage,
Vy, Gott, dose Yanks, can best
I say it, Gott, to you.
Und if dey don't soon quit it,
I don't know vhat I'll do.
Pefore I start dis rumpus,
1 t'ougth der U. S. A.,
Vos sound asleeb, across der
Und dere, of course, vould stay.
In blace of dot, dose Sammy poys
Are chust so vide a wake,
I nefer dreamed of dis,
Dot, Gott, vas my mistake.
I've sit up nights, chust schem
ing, Dose Yankee pigs ter kill,
Instead of getting frightened,
Dey yell, "We're mit you, Pill!"
Now, Gott, you know I've always
A faithful friend to you,
I've put your name upon my belt
Und on my helmet, too,
Und in der doped-up war news,
Ve sent across der Rhine,
I've taken pains in putting,
Your name chust after mine.
Und alvays mit der fighting,
I've said chust vot I fought,
Vich vas dot all dose patties
Vere von py me und Gott.
I'm disappointed mit you, Gott,
I'd t'ink dot you could see,
Despite mine vaunted shock
Dose Yanks vas lickin' me.
Mine Gott. I hates to think it,
But still it seems to me
Dot now you're surely helping,
Dose Yanks from o'er der sea.
So, Gott, a vord of varning,
Dot you must stop it straight,
Or else I'll send my airplanes.
To bomb your pearly gates.
I'd chust as soon go bombing,
uop aere in Heaven as not.
If dot vould help me any,
hope you know it, Gott.
Und now dis ledder closes,
So come to you vot vill,
Remember dot I varned you,
Goot pye, From KAISER BILL.
The above poem is, reprinted
from The Interplant; by request
of G. W. Baker and others.
7 room house including four
lots, in Beaverton, about two
blocks from depot. The house
is equipped with city water.
electric lights and gas. Price
very reasonable. Let us show
this property to you.
City Blocks for sale in the
residence part of Beaverton,
with good dwellings adjoining,
on good street. City water, gas
and electric lights available. We
have recently acquired the list
ing of these blocks for sale. We
can assure you that the price is
much less than they are worth,
in fact as cheap as acreage out
of town. Come in or write and
we will tell you about them.
We have recently had listed
with us for sale, one of the best
farms in this country, located
about four miles from Beaver
ton, and contains 153 acres with
80 acres under a fine state of
cultivation and 60 acres in
growing crop. Big spring with
gas pump and elevated tank;
water piped to house, barn and
hog houses; running water the
year around, good pasture. All
stock and machinery goes with
the farm, including 18 head of
milch cows, 3 horses and 12
hogs. Good buildings. Price
reasonable ; come in and we will
be pleased to show you the prop
2 Vs acres with 5 room house, barn, woodshed, chicken house,
family orchard and good well. Near St. Mary's station.
n Sand the Track
When a locomotive engineer starts up a grade
with a heavy load he first sands the track. This keeps
the wheels from slipping and gives his engine a "toe
hold." ' ,. : j. . j
i '
Gaining a fortune is uphill Work for most of us.
The track is not smooth, the load is heavy and
the grade is steep. You need a "toe hold." The
track must be sanded. This bank will furnish you a
, "toe hold;" will sand the track for you. We will pull
you and we will push you. Couple on to us and we
will help you up the hill. . (
Start a Checking account with us NOW, we make
no charge for this service, we also pay 4 per cent inter
est on Savings and time Deposits.
Notary Work. Tiy ',,
. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent.
. Bank Beaverton