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About Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
PLACE FOR SEED CORN One of Most Important Factors in Increasing Yield. Three Accessary Conditions for Stor ing Air Circulation to Carry Off Moleture, Even Temperature and Early Selection. After time has been spent selecting seed corn, It would be folly to store It In a place where It would not keep. Freshly gathered seed corn should not be left In piles in a warm room, or on the floor. It will either sprout, mold or do both. Always store seed corn where there is a good circulation of air, so it will dry out quickly. Never leave it in boxes, In piles, on the porch or in the barn. It should be taken care of at once. There are only three necessary con ditions for storing seed corn; and, if these are followed, one may be rea sonably sure that 95 per cent or more of his corn will germinate, provided It was properly matured. First, there must be a good circulation of air about each ear, to carry away the sur plus moisture. Second, a temperature must be maintained above freeilng luntil the seed Is thoroughly dry. Third, seed corn must be selected early enough so that It may have plenty of time to dry before cold weather. Many devices, easily and cheaply built, are now In use whereby circu lation of air can be secured around each ear of corn. Four very desirable methods of storing seed corn on the farm are here suggested. A frame of Seed Corn Tree Very Good Device on Which to Store 8eed Corn. Zx4s may be build, about four feet square. Braces should be nailed on each end, to make the frame stand up right After this has been done, stretch chicken-wire over both sides, nailing It securely; using care to make the meshes on both sides to cor respond. In each mesh can be placed an ear, no two ears touching. In case chicken-netting Is not available, nail boards over the frame, drive ten penny finishing nails through the boards from each side, and Jab the ears on the nails, butt first The nails should "lant up slightly. Birds Spread Hog Cholera. , Buzzards, crows and other birds are active agents in the spread ot hog .cholera. They visit any place where there Is carrion or offal of any sort land they have thus been known to transport bog cholera germs for long distances. All bogs, therefore, that die should be burned or deeply burled. Trlumnh In Kaneas. Out in Kansas whore they strive to UUl 1" u " please, the women ought to have small ,, tnr rnmnlalnt if it Is possible to deprive the sex of that Inalienable right. . ,. xt. Here are some ot ine mings wu man of the Sunflower state may legal ly do: , vnnv hat mnirinn name Hi 1UU IttlWD URVa ..... ter her husband is dead, without any legal process or legislative u. Can keep her own name when she is married. . . -i . . n .1 him hiiannnn to take i I. till pwDuauw " her name and give up his family name if she does not line Can keep her maiden name and her husband can Keep nis. . ri -., i., mniiiaii namp fnr bus. VjRU reuui uw iness transactions and use her hus- i jr. nmA tn anninl Affairs. UUUU a uamv i ""v - If wife does not like either her own or husband's family name wey cau . noma Vl at flnPR Hlllt. A woman can wear men's clothing without any reBiricuou ecciii uiu must not pose as a nrou. afoot Inn OI1B uaii tww nm wwaj She can hold any office in the state and run for congress. As Kansas probably puts It, a wo- j l nnKfhtnff si man mere can au hiuiubi j man can. That's so. The men's cloth ntmn navmlta bar tr scratch a match as some men do. Only 11.1 Ua Bnnnto daharMrl flYim Id "DOS imug Due trewuo -- ing as a man," which Is impossible, of course, ior most, ui mew, . .wov. Biaknit In a Rarl Fix. The well beloved bishop of-a certain southern state is so absent-minded that his family is always apprehensive for his weiiare wnen ne i home. KTn nnv ntrn while malcine a lour ney by rail, the bishop was unable to find his ticket when the conductor asked for it. "Novpr minrt hiahnn." said the con. ductor, who knew him well, "I'll get it on my second round. UnvavoT when thfl nnnductor DasS ed through the car again the ticket was still missing. "Oh, well, bishop, it will be all right If you never find it," the conductor assured mm. "No, it won't, my friend," contradict ed the bishop. "I've got to find that ticket. I want to know where I'm go ing." He Could Wield an Ax. The skill of the old Maine shlpbulld ers in the use of the ads and broad! was wonderful. One old time yarn IB of a carpenter who applied very drunk at a shipyard for employment, in or der to have a little fun with him the foreman set him to give a proof of his skill by hewing out a wooden bolt with no chopping block but a stone. The carpenter accomplished his difficult task without marring the keen" edge of the broadax and sttowed the foreman a neatly made bolt Then he brought the ax down with a terrific blow that shattered its edge upon the stone, can hew fust rate on your chopping block," he hiccoughed, "but I'll be blamed if I can make the ax stick in it when I git through." The story runs that the foreman lost no time in em ploying such a workman Last Longer. "Are you a chess player?" a land lord asked a prospective tenant. "I much prefer to have my houses occu pied by chess players." "No, I am not a chess player, and I can't account for such a singular preference, replied the would-be tenant. ' "It is simple enough," said. the land lord. Chess players move so seldom, and rarely, without great delibera tion!" A Reminder. Dobson What does Blifkin remind you of? Hobson Well, every time I meet Blifkin he reminds me of a little debt I've owed him for over a year. Chica go Herald. In the Swim. "I was surprised to hear that the Juggins were divorced." "It's only a bluff, just to be in style. They are going to remarry as soon as the scandal blows over." Enthusiasm. "I had a wonderful drive yesterday," said the motor bug. "What'd you use, the wood or the Iron?" asked the golf bug. Pnritv Guaranteed under all State and National Pure Food Laws. You can pay a higher price, but you cannot ?et a baking powder that will raise nicer, lighter biscuits, cakes, and pastry, or that is any more healthful. Your money back if KC fails Jo please you. 1 ry a Judges' Wigs. The wig is pnl) worn by English barristers to give them a stern, Judi cial appearance, and no one can say that it fails in this respect. The cus tom was originated by a French Judge in the seventeenth century when, hap pening to don a marquis' wig one day, he found it gave him such a stern and dignified appearance that he decided to get one for himself and wear it at all times in court- This he did, and the result was so satisfactory from a legal point of view that not only the judges, but barristers also, took up the custom throughout Europe, Lon don Graphic. To Ureal: in New Shea. Always shake In Allen's Foot-jSaae, a powder, 't cures hut, sweating, aching, swollen ieet. lures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At ill druggists and shoe sterea, 26c. Dont accept inymibetltute. Sample mailed FREE. Address Mien B. Olmsted, Le W N. Y. Satisfactory Correspondence. "Your husband sends you very few totters?" "That's all right. He sends me his pay envelope every week." Louis ville Courier-Journal. The Tibetan penal code is curious. Murder is punished with a fine vary ing according to the importance of the slain, theft by a fine of seven to one hundred times the value of the article stolen. Here, again, the fine depends on the social importance of the person from whom the theft has been commit ted. The harborer of a thief is looked upon as a worse criminal than the thief himself. Ordeals by fire and by boiling water are .still, used as proofs of innocence or guilt, exactly as was the custom in Europe in the middle ages. And if the lamas never inflict death they are adepts at torture. His Mild Request "My dear," he began mildly. "Well," she snapped. "I don't mind your borrowing my Panama hat. But when you return it please remove the veil and the hat pins. I don't care to wear such equip ment downtown again." Louisville Courier-Journal. Exercise is the chief source of im provement in all our faculties. Blair. D PIMPLES I boils VAIWUNCLES Are "Danger Signals" the human system's method of giving warn ing that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor. In this condition the human body is almost powerless to resist the more senous illness. Don't delay. You need DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery tf li''t4? wort taJMltly t the seat of your trouble-Ms Stomach. lndB helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones up th stomach. Boot brings back normal conditions. Food is properly assimilated and itali ncl' tei Wood- Every organ is stnngtbcned and every tissue ,.miltdJr0 ,tfk11, inm mt P"4 fcestts. Try this nte.. ?ld ft H&PS S"1' 'n uluM ' blet form-or send 80s to Dr. Pierce a Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y,( for trial box. Toaeaa km ike coorattto "MwBmI krwwl -lies- a-earaai 7A (ft (C can ai our i Wiffimsm Shotgun Shells "Leader" and " Repeater"and Repeating Shotguns make a killing combina tion for ficld.fowl or trap shooting;. No smokeless powder shells enjoy such a reputation for uniform ity of loading and strong; shooting qualities aa Leader" and "Repeater" brands do,' and no shotgun made shoots harder or better than the Winchester. THIYAH1 MAD! FOB tAOH OTHER An Achievement. "Are you sure you thoroughly under stand that question you attempted to decide?" - "No," replied Senator Sorghum ; "but I fancy I expressed myself in terms sufficiently obscured to prevent anybody else from taking enough in terest to call me down." Washington Star. - . ACHES n cnnxo V i ennxs D PAINS Aafctw i aassa . etc iar wrar