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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1929)
A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost. NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND In the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 50. ATIIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29. 1929 NUMBER 48 rMANKSGIVING : BAY : 1929 Thanfogiwng Sermonet : ' 'iL " ' i i j . i u Ljf-1? , ' ' tii A from Pljrmeutk to U Cold Gala today their chUdrtn trcztd. Jb merc'u of that bouoteout Hand upon tba ' bad art ih-d; Jha "fiactt art on a thouutnd hllU," tba , prairie, wava with (rain, bt cities ftprinf lika mashrooma now wbera I . oaca waa deiert-p'ain. Heap high tba board with plentaoua chaar aad gather to the feast, And tout that turd PO-rba band whoaa courage never coated. Give praise to that AU-Graciou, One by whom their itep, were led, And thanks unto the harvest's Lord who . aendi our "daily bread." Detroit Newt. Thanksgiving as Sung by Psalmist Wbasa off tie th the sacrifice of thanksgiving (lorifieta Mai and prepanth a way tint 1 amy ahovr hiss tba aalvatioa ei God (R. V. margin). r i. . ! ThaDki?gIvlng, then, Is not only of Value In itself, but it makes it possi ble for God to do wlmt He is nil the time willing to do bring us salvation, deliverance. It prepares a way for God to work. Let ns try and find out what the rsalmist means by the sacrifice of thanksgiving vttiich glorifies God. He lias already in very dramatic words said that It is not the usual animal tacrlfices which constitute the sacri fice of thanksgiving. . "For every beast of the forest Is mine and the cattle upon a thousand bills. If I were hungry I would not tell thee ; for the world Is mine and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goals? Offer unto God thanksgiving" (verses 10-14). And with us It Is something deeper than our outward gifts God wants. So i;;any Imagine they are doing God a favor by contributing to His work, cr giving subscriptions, often very Cenerous ones, to this or that. If It Is not In these outward things that (lie true sacrifice of praise consists, what Is It? Its essence Is the spirit of glad ac ceptance of God"s gracious dealings v 1th us. The key of life Is to be found In that attitude. This Is the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Instead of railing at fate, we see behind things a living Father, at times dealing severe ly with His children, but always deal ing lovingly. "Whom the Lord lovetb He chasteueth, and scourgetb every on whom He receiveth." Glad Acceptance of His Will. So, confident In Gcd's way, Paul and Filus could sing In the innermost pris on. ? The groups of defenseless men and , women in Nero's arena coming put of grcut tribulation, could sing. Wldle the wild beasts were being loos ened upon them. As Madam Guyon In Jail puts It In "The IVIson of the Lord"J A lUtle bird I am, Shut from the fields of air; And in my rage I tit and nine; To Him who placed me there; Well pleased a prisoner to be. This Is not merely a grudging ac ceptance tt God's way, but It is with (he lieiirt r.nd glorifies God. V.'e need to be sure thai the burden Itild on us Is of Cud. and not of our own negligf-nce or fully, nr.d we need ever to be seeking health nnd strength, the normal condition ordained for cs of God.. i:ut' when, beyond 'our con troIaTig or ere-tin2. grievous limita tions constrict ns, we do well to glori fy God In the joyus spirit of Thanks giving. - , . Attitude Of Glorifying Gcd It Is not only In trials that thanks giving should he rendered. There Is the stress unit strain of n task which taxes our powers. tlie towers which need contlmial exerc-Ise to make them fjim. We glorify God as we rejoice In that He Iras called &s in measure ourselves against real tasks. We hon or God when we can thank Him for the Hill Difficulty. The sacrifice of thanksgiving, then, is an attitude to life and to God. - It is an attitude that glorifies God since it gives Him credit for working sensi bly, with wlsdpm, nnd according to some plan. We so often deny to God the foresight nnd wisdom we credit ourselves with. We should or should not do this or that because of some greater plan we have In mind. Yet when God brings things upon us, the full purport of which we cannot grasp, we so often plaintively lament His shortness of vision. He has spoilt our plans nnd we forget His grander plan. Those who can rejoice with thanks givings of heart for whatever ne sends glorify God in recognizing His Intelligent purpose. . Not only does the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorify Me, says God, but it prepares a way that I may show him the salvation of God. That is If we have hearts that can give God credit for acting sensibly In His deal ings with' us, if we can thank Him even when there nppears to those who know not the Father's care, only cause for bitter repining, God can work out His will through us and for us. God can showus His salvation, His way of deliverance nnd growth. We are in league with Him in His good will for us and for the world. Light Shines Moet in Darkness. ? The heart that can sing In the dark, is assured of victory and deliverance. There was John Bunyan In Bedford Jail. How thwarting It seemed to God's purposes for him as a preacher of the Gospel up and down the land. Shall he accept the Imprisonment for the sake of God's revelation of . truth as he has seen ft? "But if nothing," he writes, "will do unless I make of my conscience a con tinual butchery and slaughter-ship, unless, putting out my own eyes, I commit me to the blind to lead me, as I doubt not Is desired by some, I have determined, the Almighty God being my help nnd shield, yet to suf fer. If frail life might continue so long, even till the moss shall grow on my eyebrows, rather than thus to vio late my faith nnd principles." And his glad acceptance of the claim of God made It possible for God to work the way of deliverance for him, so that now John Bunyan lives on In the immortal Pilgrim of bis prison-day dream. Our Lord and Savior glorified the Father In Ills glad acceptance of His way for Mini: "Nevertheless, not My will but Thine be done," and He thus prepared a way for the Father to de liver Him evermore from the pangs of death and sin and us all, weak sons of men, In Him. .Let ns rejoice in His way whatever It my be for us and wherever It may lead us, knowing "all things work to gether for good to them that love God." . Thanksgiving Proclaimed hy the First President AybCu, au f rtHti.mip0 K JimIt 6 k S f&mM:, irrai.--Q &1 - . y mil in fcM sOfc VCU Ae'gMttK & -HEREAS, It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protec tion and favor I and Whereas, both Houses of Congress have, by then- Joint committee, ra quested ma "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by offering them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness!" - Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26tb day of November neat, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all tba good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which wa have enjoyed; for the peaceable and raUunal manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national ana now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great end various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions ( to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our sev eral and relative duties properly and punctually; to reader our National Government a bless ing to all the people by constantly being Government of wise, Just and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us) and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such degree of temporal prosperity aa Ha alone knows to be best. Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A. D. 1789. a WASHINGTON. Unchanging Spirit of Thanksgiving Centuries have wrought changes In the customs of Thanksgiving day In America, but the spirit of the occa sion remains the same, William Herschell comments, In the Indianap olis News. We may not go over the woods to grandmother's, bouse In a one-horse open sleigh, owing to the fact that the venerable gentleman and grandmother, have announced their In tention of motoring to the city for Thanksgiving dinner In a hotel. There is not room for feasting In 8 two room apartment with kitchenette, such as their children occupy In the city; therefore the hotel becomes the center of a family reunion. Dinner lover, the ensemble hies away to a movie or to a football game. All this in broad contrast with the situation when Governor Bradford of Massachusetts proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer In 1621, the purpose being to thank Providence for a harvest that bad been saved from marauding Indians only through eternal vigilance and trusty rifles. George Washington Is credited with being the first President to proclaim a day of thanksgiving. The congress, in 1784, recommended that a day be set apart for prayerful expression of gratitude because of the return of peace. Washington again appointed such a day In 1780, after the Consti tution bad been adopted. Still another period of rejoicing and prayer was ob served In 1795, based on the many benefits derived from a good harvest and growing prosperity. The last Thursday In November was the gen erally accepted day for this expres sion of gratitude, and President Mad ison followed Washington's example In proclaiming a day of thanksgiving. Then the custom died out, and was not renewed nntil President Lincoln, In 1803, called on the nation to bow before God In humbleness and prayer. The Civil war then was at Its height. Every President since Lincoln has continued to proclaim the last Thurs day in November as Thanksgiving day, and the occasion is observed in me tropolis and countryside alike, al though the manner of observance may be vastly different In the rural districts, particularly, In the West, Middle West and South, many of the customs of the forefa thers still prevail, although the ad vent of the automobile has brought great changes. As the. Shadows Lengthen tl ) ' i" " ; ;vmM - lrj!--- ;-sl,: -y, f : i m: at ..'"': i j S- ; ' ' ' I HOOVER ASKS FARM GROUPS TO ASSIST Calls Agricultural Leaders For Conference To Spur Business. For all the past I thank Thee, Cod I And, for the future, trust la Thee. Waate'er of trial and bleaelsg yet, ! Asked ar awaked, Thaa hast Ut me. Yet only this one boon I oars -After thVe brief and fleeting hour, glake say beloved Thy beloved, Aad keep qg la Thy 'day af fewer. Washington Agriculture was called upon by President Hoover to offer its aid in stimulating business this win ter. '"'. - ' . , , . That the president should summon even this economic invalid to do its bit, limited that might be, testi fies to the sweeping nature of the mobilization to dispel any "foolish pessimism" resulting from the stock market depression. Every major economic group in the country has been summoned by Hoo vor cfinnral . industrv.. construction. utilities, railroads, labor, and, now, agriculture. Industry has promised not to fight for more money. Railroads expect to spend a billion dollars next year. Utilities may spend two billion dol lars. Continued expansion of the electric power industry was forecast in the annual report of tne leaerai power commission. The shipping industry is to be given 12 to 20 million dollars in ocean mail contracts. And the federal re sprve system is exertinz steady pres sure to force down interest rates so as to enable business to hire money more cheaply. Agriculture, though strupgiin'? wren ts own problems, is in position to contribute no small mite to the nation's general buying schedules. Agriculture buys nearly a half billion dollars worth of farm implements a year. Some 12 million people on parms must have clothes, household aroods, automobiles, and other thous ands of articles necessary to every home. .; : In addition, there is the possibility ::f some elevator and agriculture Warehouse construction during tht npvt. few months. ' ' President Hoover called in head1 yf leading farm organizations and msmbers of the. farm board to canvas" wVinln situation. He feels that the gigantic marketing plans of the farm board have served to support wheat and cotton prices and have en abled farmers, through loans, to hold their crops instead of dumping them on the market at sacrifice prices. This is the last of the president's scheduled conferences although he will meet with utilities heads at some undetermined date. Business itself will formally take over the task of carrying on when nearly 200 industrial leaders of the nation meet at the United States chamber of commerce here Dec. 5 at the suggestion of President Hoover. Pilot Rock Man Sells Game Birds To Hawaii An established distinction as a breeder of game birds is reflected in the Friday departure of C. Victor Pracher of Pilot Rock for the Hawai ian Islands with a large consignment of birds to be delivered to the Board of Supervisors, County of Kauai and to the Board of Agriculture and For estry, Honolulu, says the Pilot Rock Record. Mr. Bracher will sail from Seattle on the freighter Mauna Ala. The Rhinmpnt includes hand-reared Hungarian Partridge, Mongolian and Ring-Necked Pheasants and uregon Mountain Quail. Mr. Bracher is also taking with him . ... f . i ii. a movmg picture rum covering me steps involved in production of the birds. The Seattle Times before Mr. Bracher's departure arranged for the use of a story covering the expedition and in connection with it, the pictures nrpnnred V him. It WAS CXOeCted that these would be used in the photo gravure section of the beattie daily. Mr. Bracher, who is returning via sn FranciRco. where he will meet other game bird breeders, expects to be gone a month. Graded Potatoes The recent order requiring all po tatoes to be graded and the sacks marked with proper grade is bringing commendation from all handlers of potatoes. Harold Newhinney, district fruit inspector, said at walla Walla: "Grocerymen for the first time know what they are buying and selling. It has been necessary to condemn a few lots of potatoes for improper mark ings and this has had- a stood effect." according to the inspector. To Give Another Shoot The Pilot Rock Gun club, which gave a successful turkey and ham shoot on its new grounds recently, announces another shoot for Sunday, December 15. With Wonderful Playing Oregon Teams Win Out In Saturday's Contests Oregon State and University of Oregon won their games Saturday. U. of O. playing Hawaii at Mult nomah stadium, won a hectic contest by the score of 7 to 0. Robinson, Beaver halfback, grabbed a punt and dashed 64 yards for the only touch down of the game. Gregory describes Hawaii's bid for a score as follows: "A courageous hearted little band of University of Hawaii football boys, playing far from home in their first major contest on American mainland soil gathered themselves together in the shadow of their own goal posts, with tne score 7 to 0 against them at the opening of the fourth quarter of a game packed with thrills on Mult nomah stadium field Saturday, and with such volleys of passes to the right, left and center as few of the 12,000 spectators had ever seen, be gan a great fighting march to cross the University of Oregon goal line and even up the score. "They didn't quite do it. The Web foots won in the end by that same 7-to-0 count but what a glorious ef fort the kids from the far islands of the Pacific made." Oregon ' State college ; ended the football winning streak of the Uni versity of Detroit. On an intercept ed forward pass in the third period the Beavers won the. first game ever played between the two institutions, 14-to-7, and imposed upon Detroit its first defeat since the Notre - Dame game of October 8, 1927. , Meanwhile, Detroit's victorious rec ord of 21 games had been marred only by a 6-to-6 tie with Marquette three weeks ago. ; It remained for Bill McKalip, a slender Scotchman, who plays left end for the Oregon State, to score the touchdown that broke Detroit's suc cession of triumphs. Oregon Coach and Prexy At Parting of the Ways Captain John J. McEwen has re igned as coach of the University of Oregon football team at the expira tion of his contract and the end of the football season next year. A ti.T over renewal of contrT&ct 1.4 given as the cause of the captain's re: ignation, and statements from both Jr. Hall and McEwen have appeared in print. ' . McEwen had just got to going good, his Oregon teams gradually growing better as the ex-West Point football mentor began to get results from his three years effort in the revamping of the Beavers, and his decision to quit the Beaver pond is more or less a disappointment to Northwest ath 'etic circles. With a year left of his four-year contract, McEwen says he will fulfill its provisions next year "to the let ter." , "1 didn't want to wait until my con tract expired," McEwen said, "be cause it is always too late in a case like that to apply elsewhere if the contract is not renewed. I wanted a renewal so. I would not be left in a predicament." Dr. Hall said that "no statement from Captain McEwen regarding thin intention has been communicated to me or to my office, so far as I have been able to discover of the athletic department. My information has been received from the press to whom he apparently made his communication." The prexy's statement continue! that McEwen came to his office and asked for an immediate decision on the renewal, but that Dr. Hall said he could give him no definite reply. Three other visits to Dr. Hall's of fice by Coach McEwen was recount ed in the president's statement. i "Hungarian Rhapsody" "Hungarian Rhapsody," which comes to the Standard Theatre to morrow night is one of Paramount's current releases and is an U. F. A. production. . Lil Dagover, said to be the most beautiful actress In Europe, is cast in the leading role with Willy Fritsch and Dita Parlo in the supporting cast. It is an un usual play with an entire cast of new faces on the American screen. An other Paramount two-reel comedy which is proving popular with Stan dard playgoers and a news reel and cartoon completes a worthwhile program. Light Rainfall A light fall of rain the forepart of the week brought hope to farmers that more would come. This has been one of the driest seasons on rec ord. Only seven good rains have come since February, amounting to 5.56 inches of which only 3.13 inches were classed as beneficial, compared to a normal rainfall of 12.09 inches. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden and children will spend Thanksgiving with reMIvw la Walla Walla. Arm Broken In Accident Weston Leader: Mrs. Dora Harder of Milton suffered broken arm in a recent automobile accident while on her way to Portland. Her car is said to have collided with the rear end of a truck carrying a load of poles. One of the poles penetrated the wind BhMd. atttl caused, htr tnury. Uncle Sam Making Experi ments To Determine the Best Method. Washington Smuttv Pacific. Nnrrh. west wheat with a single or a double cylinder wheat washer? i rprnmmsnrl . ail fit. k..I . . o , . . . awuwvum biiiul nom wrtfni xnv commercial nnrnoses. domestic Mr,. menis, ana export, by the United states DeDartment of A following experiments made by grain marketing specialists of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics.'-- Removing smut from wheat at an early stage in the handling of the wheat after threshing, the specialists say, avoids the complications that fre quently arise in connection with dock ing ana discounting for presence of smut, eliminates at the earlWr rm. sible moment the extra handling and apeciui Dinning required for smutty wheat, prevents clean wheat from hp. coming contaminated at nlarea who smntlv wVienf la VionrllJ ,J ..whw imuuicuf anu pxewuia an increase in the smut dockage re sulting from the handling that ty wheat receives in transportation ana in elevators. Stinkine smut is founrl to tent wherever wheat is grown in the united btates but is especially pre-. valent in the wheat-producing sections of the Pacific coast, where dry-farming is practiced. Wheat must be thoroughly cleaned of all smut before it is milled into flour, inasmuch s any attempt to mill smutty wheat without removing the smut results in disagreeable odor and poor color in the flour produced. It is usually considered unaafn to blend even slightly smutty wheat with clean wheat in an attemnt to "wort ftfT" fiArrin 4-d- ...t. 1. 1 1 , w v Ulliubt vsriit-cis, W i 1.1 It II 1 1. cleaning it, because there is danger that the Smuttv wheat ao MenrleH will cause the -whole mixture to be Classified and crarlnrl a "smutlw ' The only safe procedure fs to clean the wheat reeardless of the mmntitv of smut it contains and whether it is to be used directly for milling or is to be sold as wheat. WASHING WHEAT REMOVES SMUT An Optimistic Farmer Talks to a Reporter There is at least one ontimistic farmer in Umatilla county, and ho aoesn t mind talking to reporters, as the following from a recent issue of the East Oregonlan, would indicate: "My neighbors tell me that mv fall wheat is coming up pretty well and has not been frozen out by the cold weather," is the statement issuer! hv C. R. Smith, who operates a wheat ranch north of Pendleton. "Mavh my wheat is frozen up and maybe it lsnt, but at any rate I m not co nir- to spend all winter, worrying about it, I've sown it now, and there's no thing I can do but wait until spring," is bmith's philosophy on the wheat business. "You know we farmers usually lose our wheat crop about five or six times every year. First there isn't enough moisture in the fall and we're afraid our wheat won't germinate and spring up through the soil, and we all holler that the crop's a failure. Well then along comes the wheat and we have to cry over something else. Next comes a big freeze, and we all know that the crop has been frozen up and killed. "We forget about that later on and as spring approaches we begin by squawking that the moisture isn't go ing into the soil. Our wheat comes up and then a rain along later in the year brings forth the annual squeal that the crop isn't going to mature and we're going to lose 60 percent from lodging. As a final complaint we say that the shattering losses are going to be staggering. Well when the wheat is all sacked up we have a normal crop and begin kicking about the price until planting time comes around again." Special Election, Dee. 27 Pendleton Voters of Umatilla county will give their decision at a special election December 27 on the question of providing a building fund for the erection of a new court house. Action to this effect was taken by the county court following filing of a petition asking for such action. In event the people approve the measure the sum of $100,000 will be set aside each year for a period of three years. The new building will be erected on the present court house block. Weston Potatoes Win A WeBton man, David W, Ulrey, was awarded the highest possible honors at the eighth annual Pacific Northwest potato growers show held in Spokane, being given the grand cfcampldnstirp' over BtfO entries.