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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1919)
Keep a Picture Record of Your Outing THE Autographic Kodak furnishes a convenient way" of keeping record of your out ings, vacation trips, names of friends, age of children and any other memorandum you may wish to make at the time you are taking pictures. Let us show you how simple it is. ATHENA DRUG COMPANY The IR&xatl Store PHONE A.U II will nav vnn tn watch rim- Windows V ON ITS WAY TO SCRAP HEAP Dialect Known u "Pennaylvanli Dutch" Bids Fair Soon to Be a Thing of the Past. "Pennsylvania Dutch," that curloui combination of German, English anc Yankee, which since Revolutlonarj times has developed In parts of Penn sylvania and Ohio, Is going Into the discard. For more than a century II has been growing just as language! always grow, with use. It has cor rupted words, made words, created forms, one mlRlit sny a grammar ol Its own. It has not, It Is true, pro duced a literature. But It has been th speech of a considerable number ol persons in their homes. It long since ceased to be recognizable as German, and English It never was. In It, stu dents tell us, are mingled German, English, Welsh, French and even Gae lic words. "Pennsylvania Dutch" has been 'the dialect of those German disciples of Peter Menno who came to America, some of them In pre-Revolutlon days, seeking religious liberty and political freedom. Some of these went Into Ohio during Revolution days, others In to Canada, some as late as Civil war uted to Isolation. And they were large ly an agricultural people. Now the word has gone forth among the Mennonltes that It Is no longer patriotic to speak "Pennsylvania Dutch," and as fast and as thoroughly as possible these unbelievers In war are discarding the speech of childhood and home associations. The task Is not an Impossible one to them, since all or nearly all of them have had some ex perience in the common schools. From among them 8,000 young men have gone overseas to flght the oppressors of their ancestors and the barbarians who threaten their own liberties. The banning of "Pennsylvania Dutch" Is an Impressive object lesson to all Americans. Let's all resolve to speak English. Detroit Free Press. Russia Is printing from 600,000 to 1,000,000 rubles a day on the bolshevist presses. If the printer makes a mis take and prints "kopecks" for rubles, It doesn't matter very much. Airships may eventually make the journey across the ocean so quickly that a man In Europe may pass the week end In America and be back on Monday for work in London or Paris. METHODISTS GET READY FOR GREAT CENTENARY DRIVE Campaign For $105,000,000 To Rebuild World On. DOING, NOT TALKING, IS AIM Forty Million Dollars to Be Spent on Home Programme, $40,000,000 on Foreign Field and $25,000,000 For War Reconstruction. n THE KITCHEN CABINETfcJ A little thing, a sunny smile, A loving word at morn. And all day long the sun shone bright. The cares of life were made more light, And the sweetest hopes were born. MORE GOOD SALADS. Fruit and vegetables are absolutely essential to good health and should not be considered uo extravagance. This docs not mean buying them out of season, how ever, for there are always fruits to be had in the markets that are reasonable In price and are nutritious. Mock Lobster Salad. Mix two cup fuls of cold flaked cooked haddock with two cupfuls of celery, add two tnblespoonfuls of finely chopped pimen tos, season with salt, paprika and add two tahlespooufiils of lemon juice and let stund half an hour. Add n cupful of mayonnaise nnd serve at once. Gar nish with lemon Bllcus decorated with paprika, New York Salad. Arrange four slices of pineapple on lettuce loaves. Out one-half cupful of celery into long leader strips nnil mix with one-half cupful of inn meats. Pile in the cen ter of the pineapple nnil garnish with four sections freed from lis ntenibmno laid symmetrically on the pineapple. The dressing Is passed separately. Marshmallow Salad. Cut two oranges In halves, remove the pulp carefully leaving the cups. Cut it slice of pineapple and eight mnrshmiillows In bits, chop one-fourth cupful of nuts, skin nnd seed one-half cupful of white grapes, mix with the orange pulp and a little dressing. Fill the cups, cover with dressing nnd cross with twe strips of canned pimento. Place a half grape on the center of the salad and hits of chopped parsley between the strips of pimento. Nut Fruit Salad. Take one cupful of cooked peas, one cupful of celery, cut In cubes, one cupful of walnut meats and one cupful of shredded orange. Serve with mayonnaise dress ing. Chicken Salad Cut chicken Into bits, using two cupfuls, add one cupful of celery, one cupful of diced cucum ber nnd two tnblespoonfuls of capers. Season with salt and pepper and mix with n boiled or mayonnaise dressing to which an equul quantity of whipped cream has been added. Serve on let tuce. Those famous "lights o' London town" are beginning to glimmer again, albeit faintly. The dread of air raids, has passed, hut coal Is scarce. A largo number of so-cnlled bolshe vlsts arc no doubt recruits from the large number of persons who do not Investigate and are willing to Join any thing once. INDORSEMENTS The State Federation of Labor. The Central Labor Council of Portland. The City Commissioners of Portland through its Com missioners. The Portland Kiwanis Club. The Portland Ad. Club. The Portland Rotary Club. The State Chamber of Commerce. The Portland Chamber of Commerce. The Men's Club of the First Congregational Church. The Hotel Men's Association. The Oregon Motor Dealers Association. Seventy-six papers in the State. Portland Papers. Fifteen Granges throughout the State of Oregon. Also 1000 letters from prominent men of all walk' of life throughout the State of Oregon. t Vote 310 X Yes Special State Election. June 3rd ROOSEVELT MILITARY COAST HIGHWAY OREGON'S ROAD TO PROSPERITY" The church in America Intends to take its place In the forefront. From now on, its motto will be "doing," not talking. Hence, In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Chris tian missions, the Methodist Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal church, south, have joined In a nation wide Methodist centenary campaign. Every phase of Methodist church life has been enlisted. The aim of the colossal campaign is the rebuilding of the world. $140,000,000 to Be Raised In brief, the Methodist Episcopal churches of both branches will ask for a total of $140,000,000 for their joint alms. Especially detailed are those aims so far as they concern the Meth odist Episcopal church, which in the seven-day period of May 18-26 will ask for $105,000,000. Here is how that money will be spent: Forty million dollars on the great est foreign mission programme ever conceived, lasting five years; embrac ing the building and operating of schools, hospitals, dispensaries, col leges and everything that will benefit mankind. Christianity will be preach ed too, but the aim of this new and bigger Methodism is to live Christian ity and the brotherhood of man. $40,000,000 at Home. Forty million dollars will go for a carefully detailed programme of home missions. But the programme again Underwear Time fow is the time to lay" in your summer supply" of Underwear, while our stocks are complete. Men's Balbriuuti Shirts and Drawers 49c Men's Egyptian Mesh Union Suits 98c Men's Rib Egyptian Union Suits 1.69 Men's Mix Hnsket Weave Union Suits 2.25 Men's Rib Salmon Mercerized Union Suits 2.98 Men's Athletic Union Suits 1.25 Boy's Union Suits 59c to 69c Ladies' Vests two for 25c, 19c 25c, 49c Ladies' silk trim lace or tight knee Union Suits 49c, 69c Ladies' Tubular tiht-knee Union Suits 98c Ladies' Dink Silk upper Union Suits 1.49 Ladies' Italian Silk Vests 3.98 Ladies' Italian Silk Bloomers 2.98 Misses' tight knee Union Suits 35c Incorporated J f How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hail's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy tor Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Death Guided the Plane. A remarkable Instance occurred somewhere In France, in which a faith ful flyer brought his machine safely home, although he himself had died from the effects of a wound received In an encounter with an enemy ma chine In the air. Knowing that he was about to die, he propped himself up In such a way that the rudder bar and control lever were kept in position, carefully calculated the distance back to camp and arranged the machine so that It would volplane safely to the ground after his soul had departed. His plans were successful, and when his horrified companions hastened to him they found In his pocket a note book In which wnsthe information he hod been sent to obtain "at all costs." Planet Smaller Than Birds. The smallest British airplanes now being manufactured are actually of less span than the largest birds, he great albatross has been known to measure nearly eighteen feet from wing tip to wing tip. A certain type of "midget" airplane recently exhib ited In London Is only fifteen feet In width. BRILLIANT PREACHER IS CENTENARY LEADER DR. A. L. HOWARTH Dr. A. L. Howarth is the asso ciate executive secretary of the $105,000,000 Methodist Centen ary movement for rebuilding the world, with headquarters at Portland, Or. Dr. Howarth is one of the most brilliant preach ers in the northwest and during the Centenary campaign his ev ery Sunday has been occupied with demands for addresses. As executive secretary, he super vises the business details of the vast Centenary plans in the Portland area, which consists of the state of Washington, a large part of the state of Oregon and northern Idaho. calls for living Christianity and doing Christian things, rather than preach ing Methodism. Great community churches in the big cities where there will be healthy amusements and where the church buildings will be open seven days a week; community churches in the country $11,000,000 alone will be spent on helphg to make the country church a real factor, building cross roads churches, making allowances so that the rural church can get the best of pastors and pay them a salary that will Interest them; educational work in the cities; help pastors to get a living wage. Twenty-five million dollars will be expended in the next five years at the rate of $5,000,000 on direct war recon struction work equally divjded be tween Eurqpe and this tountry. Close on $3,000,000 has already been spent by the sending to Europe of the first Methodist mission ship. Perhaps there were Bibles on board, but there were a great many more plows and tractors. That great ship was loaded to the gunwales with everything that could help a people to rebuild. . United Church li Aim. Methodism is preaching a united church a common church. It Is urg ing that churches unite, the smaller churches closing that the stronger ones may be stronger yet. "Let us have a strong, dominant Oh.-lstlanlty," say the Methodist lead- ecs.. "Never mind about the especial For the war profiteers It looks to be all over since they put It ovor, over there. "Jjkl le 1 1 cy fiinMiH IIIIHIII DOLLAR WEEK HERE Watch Out! For offers of agents to sell you groceries at prices less than wholesale. Look out for the claim that goods are sold at a loss No cne is in business to' lose money, Bet ter by far, spend your money with the home merchant, where honest values and quality are given. Think it Over 15 lbs. Mexican Red Beans, - fl.00 10 lbs. large White Beans, - 1.00 11 lbs. small White Beans - 1.00 8 lbs. small Navy Beans, - 1.00 7 lbs. best Head Rice, - 1.00 10 lbs. Macaroni, - - 1. 10 H bottles Del Monte Catsup - 1.00 6 cans Standard Tomntoes, - $1.00 , 5 cans Standard Corn, - 1.00 6 cans 16-oz Pork and Beans, 1.00 8 " broken slice Pineapple, - 1.00 5 cans Libby's Apple Butter, 1.00 2 l-eal. cans Apples - - LOO 8 cans Soup - - - 1.00 , 7 pkgs. Teco Pancake Flour y pkgs. Golden Rod Pancake ' !) " Quaker Oats. 7 " Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 8 " Roman Meal, 4 " Cream of Barley, 8 lb. New York Buckwheat, 11.00 10 lb. pail Karo Syrup - tl.00 ' 1.00 2 1-lb. Foleer's Baking pdr. 1.00 ! 1.00 ID boxes Matches - - LOO 1.00 HI bars Crystal White Soap LOO 1.00 14 " P. and G. Naphtha, - 1.00 LOO 4 pkgs. NRG Washing Tablets 1.00 LOO 4 pkgs. Naphtha washing pdr. 1.00 The Economy Cash Grocery Phone 561 and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First HUMIIHCIIIIIIIHIIIIIinilllllllllllllH How About Garden Hose? If you want a good, dependable garden hose, one that will stand the gaff of hard usage, we have it. Ours is a superior grade of moulded hose and is carried in all the wanted sizes. We can make up a hose for you in any length from 1 to 500 feet. Prices with Couplings 1-2 INCH. 15c PER FOOT 5-8 INCH. 20c PER FOOT 3-4 INCH, 25c PER FOOT Hose Nozzles and Repairs Lawn Sprinklers P. S. Have you seen the $15.00 fly rod and the Martin Automatic reel that we are going to give to some lucky fisher man? . ' . If it isn T-e, it's ovef .There. Watts V Rogers rule racy safe for h Christianity and the golden illng the world, peafc, democ- id Christianity will bs unitedly The First National Bank of Athena Capital and Surplus, $100,000