The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 21, 1919, Supplement, Image 5

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    pMKppppr- 'cfr ; " tit , " m jmm :
Va Counfu Bonds Will Be Sola Unless State Aid Is Provided as Promised
.:.' .fiaHi-: '' " .. , , . . ii . r 1 . . i S- . - ' . .
Freewater Times Milton Eagle
Weston Leader
Athena Press
Helix Advocate -5 Pilot Rook Record Hermiston Herald Stanfield Standard Echo News
Schedule Provides Market
Roads as Well as Better
Travel for People.
Bonding Money Would Al
low Regular Funds for
V Other Work.
County Court Will Sell
Bonds Only As Needed By
Demands of Road Building
To the Voters of Umatilla County:
In the event that the proposed bond Issue to be voted on March
4th, 1919. carries, -we, ,the county court of Umatilla county, pledge
ourselves tueooperate In-every way with the State Highway Commls.
sion In Joineffort to.etthe fitmost value out of the proceeds from
the sale of the bonds. .
We further, pledge ourselves to procure and employ competent en
gineers to Supervise the county's share of the work and We will faith,
fully expend the moneys as outlined in the hrfhd issue. We will sell
thcibonds only as needed to meet contracts entered into.
We will use every effort In our power to expedite the. work' with
nrwi efficiency in order lhat the roads outlined for im
provement may
ho ramplted within
dim ' $ : c. h
reasonable time.
MARSH, County Judge,
i. L. DUNNI'NGt County Commissioner
Jan. 24,
(From the Fast OreRo
.: At a special meeting of the Pendle
ton Commercial Club, held last even
ing under the four foot rule, C. P.
Strain, secretary of the road campaign
organization for the county, outlined
the general reasons why the people
should vote for the bond proposal
soon to be submitted to them. The
reasons as presented by Mr. Strain
were so convincing that he had his
audience fully in line on the subject.
Aside from Mr. Strain, other speak
ers Included W. L. Thompson, who had
just returned from Salenv-, where the
highway board conferred with.' . the
legislative road committee. .:r "-"Mri
Thompson predicted that the legisla
ture will provide for the sale of 10
million additional road bonds. With
this new issue and other funds avail
able the highway commission will be
able to complete the Columbia and
Pacific highways.
The Columbia highway will be pav
ed as far east as Seufert, gravelled
from Seufert to Echo, paved from
Echo to the Washington state line
The road between Pendleton and tho
ldJtia line, via La Grande and Baker
will be gravelled for all but a short
distance, which will be paved.
In his talk last evening Mr. Strain
said In part:
It is a time when cool heads and
balanced minds should prevail. The
splendid victories of the American
army have thrilled the nation with
patriotic emotion. There are those
who would rido Into power and float
unworthy projects to success on this
Thompson, State Highway Commls
sioner, that the state of Oregon pro
poses to match $57(1,000 with Umat
tilla county; and that the federal
government, has $50,000 to match with
the state, which will bo used in lima
tilla; and that, unless the county meets
the state's proposition, this money
will be withdrawn to be re-apportiqnea
and expended elsewhere. This re
minds us that, when Shakespeare said,
"There is a tide In the affairs of men,
which taken at its flood, leads on to I
fortune," he uttered a truth which ap-1
PollsOpen From
the people of Umatilla county and
cvpented hv the fitflte nnd pollntv ns
plies to the road situation in Umatilla prBposed it' will place a good' highway 1
county at this time.
Commissioner Thompson informs
us that according to preliminary sur
veys made by the state highway de
partment, $1,676,000 will construct all
the roads designated in the caption ot
this article, and that the respective
sums indicated therein1 will be pro
vided by. the state from the funds ot
the state and nation as stated. The
roads provided for in this program ag
gregate 226 miles In length and reach
entirely across the county from east to
west and from north to south.
A Market Road.
The Pendleton to Cold Springs roan
is pre-eminently a market road. It
leads across tho west central portion
of ourwheat belt and will give many
producers an outlet through the Co
lumbia river to tide water. It Is the
history of rates, too, that river trans
portation has a powerful bearing upon
them, not merely at tho point touched
at a navigable river, but also In the
i ior.
tido of sentiment. But surely no such
charge can be made against tho men Tho road leading from rilot Itbcl;
who suggested tho road program pro, south through Nye, Albec, and Ukiah
posed for Umatilla county at this tlmj, i tjp Me Grant county
or Against me project itseii. xne
facts are that the coming of the nro."
tor vehicle spelled the doom of the
old fashioned dirt road as a main
highway. It has destroyed our dirt
and macadam roads beyond hope of'
repair as such..
Dirt Itoads Too Soft.
A dirt road can not be made to
stand up under motor traffic. Its
surface is too soft and yielding. When
fifteen 1,0 sixty horse power is turned
op4o. fhe hind wheels of a machine
with chain's " them it is bound to
smash a dirt surface. It has been ob.
served also fhat a macadam is soon
pounded into chuck holes by motor
power machines. Only gravel, when
scientifically laid, and hard surface
can be made to sustain motor traffic.
.And the motor car has come to stay.
Tho progressive minds of the nation
recognize its possibilities both as a
practical utility and as an uplifting,
unifying influence.: In It they see an
agency capable of speedy effective
service calculated to aid the individ
ual ih his work and to lift him out ot
his narrow environment and to enlarge
his vision through travel. To see for
oneself any extended scopo of Am
no is another
market road of great importance and
which is urgently needed. Other than
pn'b.lle roads that vast stretch of lerri
ttiVy ehtrafajot; southern Umatilla and
np'rfh''r'rtfglfJ.iiinUes has no means
of irPHlii yvSeWfa Tno existing
road' does not j6tt;he demands upni.
it at all. It wast ijo't'.'lald out original,
ly upon proper grades and now it is
worn out. Those people out there are
worse isolated through lack of trans
portation facilities than almost any
other people in this republic. Their
situation in this respect has not Im
proved since pioneer days. Not only
for their sake, but for your own, it Is
highly expedient that relief be granted
them. Their fine dairy products and
commercial timber furnishes supplies
which our cities and farms need.
The Havana to H'elix road and the
Tum-a-lum school to Umaplno road
are both .market roads, reaching ex-
; fremely fertile and productive dls-
Tho Penqleton to Meacham fpau
will form a, portion of a trunk high
way for summer travel and at. tnt.
through the cities and school districts
where 5614 out of 7419 school children
wero enumerated in 1917, Assuming
that the school population of the
county fairly represents the county's
entire population we see that theso
roads will either pass by or very near
the homes 'of' 75 per cent of us.
The folJowing is the continuation of
the address by C. P. Strain, before the
Commercial Club, Thursday evening,
tho first installment of the address
having been published last evening.
It happens,, too, that the distribution
of property in the county-corresponds
vrv nnlw.Uv with thn nmnunt nt nmintv
money to be spent for these
etu:h of the several sections. Beyond (
Eftitland where $255,000 of county
money is to be expended there Is $9,- :
851,825 assessed value. West of Pen-!
dleton to the Morrow County line,
where $250,000 of county money is to
be expended there is $7,151,705 assess
ed value. North of Pendleton to Cold;
Springs where $185,000 of county
money is to be expended there is $5,
0!);i,973 assessed value, and south ot
Pendleton to the Grant and Morrow
county Hues wheFe-$lfiO,000 enf-ftounty-j
money is to be expended there is $4,
6!H,'889 assessed value.
Some of the advantages of this pro
gram are: The sale of the bonds, if voted
1. Roads now while many of the. I the execution of the program, to be
pioneers who made the cpunty still j contingent on the state cooperating as
A L .
I ill ! JU61HO.
I v fWi at tf' - -"-
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V S Of- it1 - tooth - awf t
f "V l Afar,wen4 6rnt Cont i
V", ' ii GrartHt HfUKJXT '
if-' I r, "
C. P. Strain Pleads for Ac
tion Because State Bond
ing Limit Nearly Reached
After Coming $10,000,000 ia
Cone it Will be Too
facts mm W WISH TO
I'nuitilla County IJoud Program ; No. '7 (Mounlain)
Special election March 4, 11)19. tO'tott. .''IPIt.i
vote on a Hond Issue of $1,050,000. N(, 8.9 thena) Chad. Klrlt
rne saie ot tne nonus, u vnieu, anu M. nicharda and H. A. Harrctt.
No. 10 (Adami, .1. O. Hales and J
T. Lleuallen.
-Hichard Mnrrl-
live to enjoy them. i )r'omtsed,
2. Outlet for th products of im-L , ' . . ,
i it). Held ut Pendleton, Oregon. '
IM'lCJiUtt Pl(!Hllt.
Adams J. T. i.Ieuallen and J. O.
(Athena H. A. Barrett and Frank'
Echo F, T. George and Joseph
-Carl ESngdahl and
portant sections, . :
3, Convenient access to satisfactory
shopping points.
4. Improved means of tiusine.t's and
social intercourse between each sec
tion of the county and every other
section of It.
5. The release of the ordinary road.
funds of the county for use upon nlliCunha
and not upon just
as heretofore,
local market road:
6. The union of Umatilla Oojinty's
highway system with a state and nat
ional Bvstem which is destined to :
link us with the entire United State's,1
Canada) and Mexico.
Number four above ought to appeal I
to the people of this county with muchi
force. As a rule, each section of It lj
ono crop district. These roads will
place Pendleton within eighty minutes
same time answer local demands'-a:a a Adams within fifty minutes, Athena
market road tor tne soucn reservni
tion and Cabbage HilL .'. . At 'irf&V'
On Notional Highway.
erln wilh its varied resources of soils
forests, mines, factories, and cities is The Pendleton to Morrow county!
iacqui an Inspiring conception ot line road down the Umatilla river via i
country's greatness and power. Xolln, Echo, Stanfield, Hermiston and
V the grandeur of its natural won-' Umatilla, and the Pendleton to Wash
feV n and majestic noountaina with Ington state line road through Saxe,
of charming water and majestic Havana, Adams, Athens. Weston, Blue
italns with which Oregon Is rich- . Mountain, Milton, Freewater and
Colutnbm Frank Waugaman
Walter Blessing
Freewater J. B. Saylor, W. E,
nam and H. & Murray,
Helix Carl Engdahl and l.e
Holdman It. O. Karnhart.
Hermistdn J. T. McNaught and J.
F, McNaught.
Mllton-H. M. Cockbnrn and S. A.
Pendleton-C. P. A. Lonergan,
George Baer, H. J. Taylor an J. A.
Pilot Rock J. J. Burgess, C. G.
Miller and K. G. Warher.
Stanfield It. A. Holle, M. C. Bar-
and westnn within thirty minutes of
the Milton-Fieewater district. The
people on the dry land farms and those
In the towns of tho dry land districts
will find pleasure for the whole family
and profit besides In motoring oveiaEer und J. M. Kyle.
there fur :-iipnlics of fruit, fresh from 1 kmh
tree and vine. Thus exchanges nut-1 Mossle.
uallv advantageous will lie facilitated 1 matilla . J nobler and
throughout the country. ! McFarland.
Market Honda Provided Umapine Lou Hodgen and Lane
lowed evokes a higher reverence rerndale will constitute a link seventy i lei, m i"iw"", """' com-
d Given good roads, the motor j miles long in a great national highwas ! prehensive as It is, does not immedlat-, Weston F. D. Watts, G. W. btagga.
ur'ough its capacity, speed and en- j leading through Spokane and the Yel- ely meet tho full needs of the farmers Sim Cully and G- Da Graw.
,,i ouilafnctorv service to! towttanfe Park to the east. ! who conduct the Imslc industry of our Farmers' Union W. W . Hurrah, A,
-I. It. Lawrence and James
A. E.
No. 11 (Helix)
Carl Kupers.
No. 18 (Vansycle) W. B. Nuckols,
No. 13 (Junlperj Hugh Bell.
No, 14 (Union) It. O- Earnhart.
No. 15 (Fulton) B. J. Cresswell.
No. 16 (Tfoakum) Hubert Bond.
No. 17 (Umatilla) W. J. llobler
and A. E, McFarland.
No. 18 (Echo) W. J. Wattenburg
cr and W. W. Howell.
No. 1!) (Hoguc) Thomas Heddle.
No. 20 (McKay)-H. C. Dunn.
No. 2) (Vinson) K. G. Warner.
No. 22 (Pilot Itock) C. J. Miller.
L C, Bcharpf and John VV'ynu.
No. 2:1 (Willow Springs) Charles
' No. 24 (Uklah) I. It. Lauranee,
James Mossle inirt A. 3. Quant, of Al
bee, . &
No. 25 (Myiehamf J. I), Casey and
W. B Itoss.V.
No. 2B (Ofhhnn) J. F, Thompson.
No. 30 '(Prospect) Frank Hqfd"
man. $ ' .
No. 83pioairvlewj Alex McCorltell,
No. 34 (Feindnlc) J. B. Baylor.
No. 30 (Goodwin) H. .1. Taylor.
No. 38 (Hermiston) J. F. Me- i
Naught and K. L. Jackson, !;
No. 37 (N. Holdman) A. F. Muy. '
(N. Gllliland)- -Cliff Ilellln-
L. Hodgen, Umapine; K. A. Miller.
Milton; E. C. Rogers, Weston.
M. it. chessman, secretary, elected
by the committee.
C. P. Strain, executive secretary, ap
pointed by tho county court.
Bond Money to lie Expended 11,0
pSxcerpti! 'from County Utml Luw
Under Wlilota Bond M y
r. Will He SK'iit.
Chapter 299, General Laws of Ore
gon, 1917. under Section 25, provides
as follows:
"Except In case of emergency,
the determination by the counly court
to Use convict labor, fork eatl
mated by the roadmaster tiwcost
1(2000 or more for I he joli or
sliall bo let to contract, but w
estimated to cost less
in case of emergency, or I'
tenance of county roads and bridges,
or us provided by Section 22 of this
act, or the use of convict labor as pro.
vlded by law. muy, In the discretion
of the court, lie done by day work i
under the direction of the counly:
court und supervision of the county j
nutdinasler; provided, however, that
any county owning and operating lis
the county coi
, alfVork M
work .'
than $2000 orfUy l
r lor Ihe main-1 nb-'-l
(County Assessor and Executive
Secretary Roads Committee.)
Tho Ten Million Bonding Act of This)
Legislature d the Six Million Act
of Two Years Ago Pracllieally
liauW state Credit For itoads.
Section 7 of Article XI of the stat
constitution was amended in 1912 by
vote of the people fixing two per cent
of the assessed valuation of the state
us Ihe extreme limit of state bonds
for highway construction.
Including the ten million dollar
bonding act now pending, and whloh
will surely be passed, there la sixteen
millions of state bonds virtually au
lliorl'ed. The assessed valuation of
the state is less than one billion at
this lime anil will probably fall In th
near future through exemption ct
notes und accounts from taxation arid
Ihe general decline of values due to a
return of f)rc-war prices. The six
teen millions then, closely approach
es Ihe tuture road bonding limit ot
tho state. The State Highway Com
mission now offers us $576,000 of
state aid which we can get by adopt
ing our county bonding bill on March
t. If we adopt Ihe bill we can meet
tlie slate's demands nnd got the stat
money, if we defeat the county
bonding bill the $570,000 of slate mon.
ey will be apportioned and expended
elsewhere, In which case the proba-.
bllltlea are the full bonding resourcea
or the state would be exhausted be
fore we could make provision through"
a new und later bonding act to match
dollars wit h tho state.
(Continued on Pago 2.)
To tiie Voters of Umatilla County: ...
As a member of the State Highway
Commission. I have been asked to
state IIh attitude If the proposed band
Issue on tho part of Ihls county car
ries, , .
I am not In a. position to commit the
other members of (he Commission,
hut I will pledge myself as a member
of that Commission to work for co
operation on the part, of tne Btate as
outlined In the proposed plan for the
distribution of the bond money, '
havo received assurances' from the
tber members of the Commission that
will cooperate and lhat they. will
into consideration what this "
ii iio it the bonds carry.
Ilsfled that If additional
ElllflHHte provided by tho Legislature
for oxplftdlliirc by I be Commission
that there be no rpiestlon but
that the pUwpf reoperation adopted
will he carried out. The legislature
appears to be of one mind to provide
ten million additional funds to be
Placed at Ihe dlspnml ot the Btat
Highway Onmmiaaion.
(Signed.) W. U THOMPSON,
Stale Highway Commissioner.
(S. Juniper) E. J. King.
(E. Pilot Itock I Walter
) entire family,
a Included.
the w.ife and cbll-
Pcoplo Want Highways.
avlng caught such a vision, the
'e will not rest until a system ot
ways Is made to unite each coun
i state, and the whole nation
jg ifte accessible union of
standing and sympathy.
Thn mad from Pendleton to the section. Its failure to do so can not , ' ''ill and It. lilssinM'r.
Washington state' line is to be paved. I fairly be changed against tho local Head Designated In Bill.
That portion of It between Milton and citizens who proposed II- On the con-; Ing laws money secured through
the Washington state line will serve trarv it was felt that the $570,000 oflsale of county road bonds must
No. 3S
No. 311
No. 40.
No. 41 (Btnnfleld) M. C, Barager,
V. T. Reeves.
I -Nil. 42 (0.
Ill'' Swiirtzliinder.
be; I Mn. 4:1 IN.
Reservation) E. L.
Reservation) 1 I..
(Columbia) Frank Wa 11 gilr
as a market road of commanding Im- state money and the $50,000 of Fcdsr-1 expended on each particular road una Mann,
portance. It here passes through the al money should not be matched by sub-division of road designated in the No, 44
center of the wonderful Milton-Free- bond upon the whole county without ' bonding bill and not elsewhere., ;man.
water fruit district where smooth at the same time providing for market Advisory Commlte. I There was appointed by the court
roads are so important In hauling the roads to the north and south which ,n pursuance to a motion adoptee nn executive Committee and an cx
jtt nder fruit to market in light wa-j the state offers us no inducement to ' the convention of January 10, the ecutlv committee and an executive
irons nnd trucks. Other nortlons of hnll.l T,o irn marlrat rnnA Ut County court unpointed a committee K(.,Ti.Hrv lo assist the court III nre-
Congressman Shackelford devised a ,njs pefiieton to Washington state hroaded in Its meaning th in some con- " advise the court In all road matters ! seating the road program to the dec
very ingenius act to promote good nB rnad wm serve many u a r0ad cede. The hauling of oreduce to mar- Incident to the road program adopted. : trH of the county ut a special elec-
Under that act congress ap- fnf ocaJ anA tourist travel. 1 ket is' only the first of two Important Thp committee to be composed of one.ti,,,, which has been called for Ma.rci.
The road from Pendleton down the important functions of a market road, member from aeh road district and 4t,t una. The polls will he open lu
state Aid Mileage County
fVnshlrtgtojj line to foot Milton hill.. 7 5(1, 000
Hilton hill to Weston 9 80,000
Wish. 11 to Athena .3-7 30,000
Athena to Eastland 7.3 65.00(1
Pendleton to Union county lino SS 100, 000
Pendleton to Morrow county line..., 40 "' 2B0.0O0
SO 000
JD Bft 4iM)06--."
proprlates money to be spent for post
roads In any state where the state will
match dollars with the federal gov-:
eminent. The people of Oregon 1
adopted this principle of matching
(Milan in the six million dollar bond
ing act two years ago.
No State Aid Mileage
Bttnnysldp to Umapine ..,...l6
Pendleton to Cold Springs .3
Pendleton to Pilot Rock II
Pilot itock to Nye
river to the Morrow county line Is to. After a farmer's produce Is sold his 0110 from each city in the county, Is ai the iis&sri voting places from S o'clock Nye to Morrow County
be graded and graveled at tnis time, j wfl. is deeply con cere nd about finding
It will serve a double purpose. It a satisfactory market as n. buyer to
w ill give a large section of the coun-, ,,., lv ,h(. mnnv nP(.(1s of her house-
on both sides of the river a con- ,,,,. .,,,,,,...,,,., ,.,,.,,1
Stale to -Mateh.
We are now Informed by
W. L.
try on both sides of the river a con
venient outlet oer a wnicr grade io,,iftH nfT ,iUt nf ,,, ,,Bt ,, ,urt pve
trading eenlers, and will constitute a for a M ,lf . my an(, )rIl
portion of the Columbia Highway. ,
If this road program Is adopted by (Continued on Page 2.)
No. 1 (Cottonwood) J. F. Casper.
No. 2 (N. Milton) 11- C. Bunder-
wbich Hodgen.
No. 3 (S. Milton) (.'. K. Uemnrls
and H. M. Cockburn.
No. 5 (Weston) H. J. Cully nnd
a. m. to S p. m.
Kxi'oilllve ('olnnilljce.
Tliomus Cauipbell, iiernilston
Clark Wood.
blent :
F T. George, Echo; V.
Athena; J N. Burgess,
. Nelson,
rib:; .. M. Kyle, Hliuifiold; crand total
1 1
, 1 Nye to (Irani County i...i:.
I Havana to Helix ,m ! 0
pros- ' jK.f 2 I
S. Ln '
Pilot! Total county i.w&v.
"late '' imm - fw
fcdei al .-., . . . .
Pendleton; w. Total
Union; Ixroy Total
. feai'
70.000 ji
1 t5,0Jg
90.0'sR m
. , i:,ji"'i
.,( 1
I 6'ff.OOO
Money from County Bonds Must All Be Spp on Exact Roads Designated
, mumk
7i)i I'faii
' ":--i i- DBJa