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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1918)
I Press Paragraphs For spring fryers, phone 2M, Ath ena. Adv. Wanted. A piano to rent. Inquire at this office. Mrs. Orel McPherren visited with relatives in Weston this week. A card from Charlie Brown an nounces his safe arrival in France. Marion Hansell and Ralph Hassell -motored to Walla Walla Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sheard a:e spending the wecK at Wallowa Lake. Mrs. Wyrick, of Pendleton, has been a guest at the Rothrock home the past week. L. I.. Montague, of Arlington, is re ported very ill in a hospital at The Dalles. The Knitting Club silver tea is in progress this afternoon, at the lied cross headquarters. J. W. Maloney and son Harold were in the city Tuesday from Pendleton, en route to Seattle, by auto. Special. 96c, SOc and S5c Ging hams for one week at 21 cents per yard. Athena Department Stor3. Mrs. Joseph Williams of Spokane, is in the city visiting her sisters, Mrs. I. W. Ware and Miss Rozena Deminer. Misses Marian and Zelma Goodman and Clem Goodman of Freewater, were guests Sunday of Miss Thelma Crabill. Mrs. Lee Wilson and Mrs. Ed Mor gan of Pretcott,, Wash., are visiting at the Win. Rice and Fre'd Gross homes. Mrs. Omar Stephens has as her guests for a couple of days, her mother. Mrs. Kimball, and Mrs. William Goedecke, of Pendleton. Mrs, Ralph Hassell, Mrs. Omar Stephens and Miss Ruth Pnthrnr-w mn. tored to Pendleton Tuesday in the Rothrock car. Dr. Sharp reports a new baby daugh ter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lieuallen, who reside near Weston, born August 25th. 1918. Miss Mary C. Ayres, the Baptist missionary, will be in the city for some time to come to take up her work in this city and vicinity. Miss Ruth Rothrock and her mother will spend the Winter months in Cali fornia, where it is hopjd Mrs. Roth rock's health may be benefited. W. A. Storie, father of Elmer Storie, and a prominent farme" of Pen dleton died in tli3 hospital there Sat urday, and was turied Monday. OUR. GROCERIES ARE SUPERIOR QUALITY Mil mm m bATING GOOD FOOD MEANS GOOD HEALTH; EATING POOR FOOD MEANS POOR HEALTH. THEREFORE, YOU CAN'T AF FORD TO USE POOR GROCERIES, THE BEST QUALITY IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU AND THE FAMILY, AND OUR GOOD GROCERIES IS HEALTH INSURANCE I'OR YOU AND YOURS. BUY OUR HEALTHFUL FOODS AND SAVE DOCTOR'S BILLS, GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODTY. Buy all the Thrift Stamps you can. S. & H. Pure Food Grocery Quali tyQuantity Service. Phone 171 THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Universal Ranges BAR REIT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Correct Lubrication for the Valve-in-HcadTypc Motor The Valve-in-head-type en gine illustrated here, like all internal combustion engines, requires an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cyl inder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and goes out with exhaust. Zerolene fills these require ments perfectly, fcecausn it la correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude ZEROLENE lnejtanaam UJJ for Motor Cars ItKeepsthe Engine Young! Experts agree in recommending ZEROLENE because it keeps the engine young, full-powered, smooth-running, and economical in fuel and oil consumption. The majority of motorists are now using ZEROLENE because they have learned by experience that there is no better oil to be had. SKI litrtfUP5 seIec,e' Cslif-nia asphalt-base 'i . LK lves ',crf',ct lubrication with less S'i? 'ess carbon deposit. Less wear because ZER Les, cthl"P? lubr'c.ati"K ody at cylinder heat. The third cutting of alfalfa is being 1 put in the stack this week, and reports from the fields are to the effect that this is the best crop of the season. Fur Sale. Horse and buggy; driv I ing mare, wt. 110(1, buggy bran new. I Harness for sale at reasonable price. ' Seth Haworth, Athena. Phor.e 2.JF4. W. D. Chamberlain is in the city on official business. He h connected with 1 the tax department of internal revenue service ana is adjusting special tax payments. The Athena Honor Guards will here after use the Red Cross headquarters for a meeting place. The Guatd will meet next Friday afternoon, instead of Thursday. No Shootine Allowed. Mv farm la in the game preserve and no h lr.ting or snooting ot Mongolian pheasants v. ill be allowed. Jackstn Nelson, Athena, Oregon. Mrs. S. F. Sharp, chairman of the local Red Cross, has received 4 dozen refugee garments, which must be fin i h d before October 1st. All workers take notice. In the draft contingent leaving Pen dleton Tuesday mo.ning, Athena was represented by Jesse Myricit, who goes to Camp Lewis, and Charles Pavne. to Fort McDowell, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kibbe have re turned to Athena from Condon where Mr. Kibbe worked thrnuph harvpat. He repcrts grain there yielded from 15 to 2! bushels per acre. I Mr. and Mrs. ;D. H. Mansfield are preparing to move to Walla Walla. Miss Maude will have a positioi in a store there, and Velva will take a course of study in business. i Miss Greta Mclntyre will attend Whitman Colleee this vear. Mrs. Mclntyre will reside in Walla Wei during the school year, having rented a residence at 404, Sumach street. Mrs. A. A. Foss is prepared to fur nish information to any one regarding home service work pertaining to the war. War insurance, and all other features of information, included Mr. and Mrs Clanrlp Rppripr hnvp returned from an automobile trip to points on Puget Sound. The trip was a enjoyable one, gocd roads being in evidence, with slight exceptions Mr, and Mrs. Fred Finkerton have returned from the country, where they assisted in harvesting thp Walts Rrna ' grain crop, and will be janitors at the mnena scnooi nunaing again this year. The housewives of Athena are invit ed to attend a cooking demonstration of Wear Ever Aluminum at the Chris tian church Monday at 2:.'I0. Each housewife will receive an aluminum pan. Adv. Mi33 Jessie Brierley, who resigned her position as principal of the Athena High school to accept a position in the now high school at Pilot Rock, will teach during the coming year at Mil ton, instead. Mrs. Otis Whiteman came down from LaCross Wednesday to see her brother, Lieut. Maurice Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Rider are expected from North Yakima today, to join in" the family reunion. Mr. It. E. Stewart's sample of corn left at Fosa' hardwarp store for in spection, has b;en gloriously vanquish ed oy a sample measuring nine feet in height, left there by Mrs. Sabina Mortjn. Next I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor have received announcement of the weddinir of Miss Estella Elizabeth Keefer, of Houston, Texas to Captain Benjamin franklin Foster, U. S. A., to take place on September ?th. Miss Hazel Sanders, who had planned to matriculate with StpHelen's Hall in Portland, has decided to finish her high school course at Corvallis. the coming year, living at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ashpaugh. Marion Hunsell and familv are spending a coup e of weeks at Bine ham Springs. Among others who are at that resort, from in anil near Arhpnu are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hnnnnnlr unrl sons and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph demons. Mrs. K- I). I'ashalt .'Mill film i'hil dren ami Ant-'rew and Miaa Sadie Nor- .h:an motored down from Sunk ann last! Saturday, and arc visiting tneir par ents Ml i 1 and at thp Lmo nf Mr. and Mrs. A. M. NorDean in this city. V'iruil Willabv. who is confined in Ward 1, nase hospital, Camp Lewis, Writes tlllit an iineraliim mi hiu ininrpH -i " - ankle developed that a bone was frac tured and that it will be some time before he will be able to participate in training. A party held in honor of the Athena boys leaving this week to join the navy, was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mathers, Tuesday even ing. Miss Elizabeth Mathers being llOStl'KS til III,' IIMtnlliir .,f linunn mm,L .. jwitllft ICUJJIU ! participating. Members of McKcuzie Chapter, . 0. E. S., are notified that September , -till, being the first Wednesday in Ran. Umber, meetings will be resumed on that date, and held on first and third Wednesdays of each month. By order of the Woithy Matron. Mis. ulin F. McFeron received a card stating the ship on which her hus band sailed has arrived safely over seas. Mrs. McFeron is making her homo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crabill, of this city, while her husband is in the army. George Mulnev. who is nerhans thp oldest actively vorkine enwhov in Eastern Oreuon. was in Athena thp other day from the cattle range. Geome's locks hepin tn aluiw u beneath his hat brim, and his legs may have a little more of the cowboy curve than of vore. and mavhan ha "pulls leather" once in awhile; but at that, he sabbes th' burro just the same. Ask him I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon left Mon day morning for Wallowa Lake, wheie they will spend several days. There i J good fishing in the Wallowa, and when Ralph returns, wj wou d suggest that his friends have their measuring tape ready, and verify any tales he may unfold. Sunday while motoring in the moun tains near Rvan Grade, Fred Radtke discovered a rattlesnake in the road. He stopped the car and killed the rep tile, which appeared to be blind. Mr. Radtke carried home as a trophy of ine oays bunt, nine rattles and a cou- i pie of grouse. Flint Johns received his call Mon day, to report at the Naval Training school in Seattle, and left Tuesday morning in response to it. He was ac companied to their home in Vancouver, by his mother, Mrs. M. M. Johns, who has spent the summer here with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns. Quite a large number of people from tnis vicinity wjre in Pendleton Tues day to bid farewell to the soldier boys leaving for Camp Lewis. The Athena Honor Guard Girls helped to provide the boxes for the boys, and incident ally took advantage of the occasion to announce and sell tickets for their harvest ball, which is to be given on the evenng of September 5th, for the benefit of the Red Cross. About thrity-fivo Athena women gathered Wednesday afternoon at the local Red Cross headquarters to hear Miss Lorene Parker, Home Demon stration agent, in her lecture and demonstration of sugarless jellies and preserves. Miss Parker gave some very valuable pointers on canning, dry ing and brining fruits, meats and veg etables, marked interest being man ifested in her instructions. Mrs. Eleanor McPherrin left Tuesday morning for Portland, from whence. after snendin? a few davs. she will go to California to spend the winter with her daugther, Mrs. Fred Oswald. She was accompanier. to Portland by her little grandson, Wendell Bell, who goes to join his mother there. From Portland she will be accompanied ly Mrs. Oswald s little two year old daughter, who has spent the summe wun relatives tnere. Preparations are under wav for mak in? the Athena fiirla' Hnnnr f!,ii,..l harvest ball a success in every partic ular, on the evening of September 8th. A larare number of tiekpta hnv at. ready been sold, which insures a large auenuance. visitors trom Pendleton, Weston and other towns nf thn ennntv will be in attendance. iivinir thpi'r patronage generously for the reason inai an proceeds will be turned over to ine neu tross. F. S. LeGrow M I. Watt P R Hovd and W. P. I ittleinh n mum in Walla Walla Wednpsdav niohr onrl .. J ...&..V U..V. heard Private O'Ruiirkn nf thp ("an. adian army, address an audience of men, only. Mr. O'Kuurke proved to be Otie of the most ffir.'pfiil snpalfpra on war issues and army life appearing before the public of the Northwest. His command of exnletives in rfenniinc. ine the atrocious Hun nmvpH limit. less, and tne climaxes of his address were emphatic, to say the least. Monday eveninc at thp hnmp nf 1,.,,. mother, Miss Ruth Rothrock served a three course six o'clock dinner in honor of her brother, Everett, and William Russell Jr.. Georee Banister Jr., and Herbert Buoy, all of whom left vesterdav for Rremprfm, Wooh to report for service in the U.S. Navy utner guests at dinner were Lawson BOOnar. tie and Andre nlaiirla r.,n. mane, John Rothrock Jr., and Sam Kothrock. Miss Rothrock was assist ed by h?r sister, Mrs. Hugh Lieuallen. The big caternillar of Watta Rrna partially slid into an old well out at me rancn Wednesday. A shaft was sprung and the track on one side dis located. "Sportie," Homer's favorite iox terrier, investigating the disaster, tumbled into the well and was final I ii rescued by Homer, who descended to me uottom atter him. Bill Dobson, In describing the incident, remarked: "The cat fell in Ih.i well Siuwtta uimi after the cat and Ish went after Spor tie, and I lifted the whole cheese out I ' 1 n 1 JL ! W r i fT ' rv elp win the War It is the patriotic duty of every Amer ican woman to help in the food con servation campaign. Can All You Can To be sure of getting the freshest veg tables and fruits buy them at this store where you can depend on the quality and honest prices of everything in stock Our stock of fruit Jars and accessories is complete. WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store - Citv Superintendent nf Rphnnla Hull Was in town Tliparlav maliino nMn. , J ' r, ivi- ations to move his family here from JNortn Povder, Baker county, next Week. He has renter) thp IfirlHpr ,-,,(. tage, corner of Sth and College streets. Prof. Hall spent bis summer vacation working in the shipyards in Portland. Books Donated. The fnllnwinfr hnnka uiprp rpppntlw donated by Brice Baker, Athena High school boy, to the juvenile shelves of the local library: Jack London. The Sea Wolf. Alger. Young Explorer. rrank V. Webster. Only a farm Boy. Rene Bazin.- This, My Son. A leer Jr.. Risen Frnm the Hanks. Alger Jr. The Young Salesman". Alger Jr. The Xoung Miner. Mavne Reid. Rnv Stavpa Lewis B. Miller. Saddles and Lariats. MHw'lllllllllltiltllllit Joseph II. Greener MTJS. BAC. Gold Medalist and Composer Teacher of Ptano and all Theory subjects. Pupils of any age or grade taken. Terms cTModerate. Studio at Mr. Guv Cronks. Groodyear Tires The Churches, Baptist Church Notes. Next Sunday. Sentpmhpr thp firot the regular service in the morning! Miss Mary C. Ayres, our Missionary, win speau. The. B. Y. P. . U. will meet at the usual hnnr in thp ,.i-.u,;.,,. 7 o clock. Let all the members be present. Union seivirp in thp . i-. i.i..,, 1 it . .. V I, ( me iiNNIiun church. Wednesday eveninr? Sent dih will be a business meeting in connection wun ine prayer meeting. Every mem ber is urged to be nresent at ihi opr. vice. Don't fail. D. E. Baker, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. Next Sunday will mark the close of the Conference vear for this phiirnh Regular services will be held. Sunday school at 10 and preaching service at 11. Every member should be present. ine evening service will be held with ine omer congregations at the Chris tian church. Sunday, September 8th, will be one of the big days of the Columbia River ionierence at Pendleton. Bishop Ho mer C. Stuntz of Philadelphia will preach at the morning service. You will be welcome to attend tho sessions ot the conference, Sept. t to !. Walter S. Gleiser. The Chriallan rk...k Preaching and Communion service at II, Sunday school at 10. Union meeting at the Christian church Sun iay night. B. B. Burton, Pcstor. Clothes Pressing & Gleaning Parlor Suits Made to Order We guarantee our work. Prices reasonable. Bring your clothing to us for cleaning and pressing. We make a sneciHltv nf r-lpanintr and pressing Ladies' wearing apparel. W. J. CARSTEN, Worthington Build'g MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 19th anil Main Ktrppi D 1X7 D N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. .. A. MILLER Local Representative. V EYFS IfSTFD Bl IKK column ANDFITIED- IENSES DUPLICATED AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,- PENDLETON. ORE. Phone 609 S. K. Sham PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both mailt and dav. rt. Atlwna'Oregor Wireless Imnroved. According to an English electrical publication, a valuable Improvement has been made In fie shape of the ad dition of metal aprlngs to the aerlnls on sblnhoard for the purpose of acting Vrs. thus overcoming tv of this NILSON TRACTORS. Jlnllt up to a standard, not down to a price. I.jKht weight Strong pull Superior !" i -pnd MIIHHIIMimimillllUHHIllinnmHUiM C. A. Bar &Co Incorporated J I Athena Farmers prefer 7-inch hoe Drills We have them in the 16 and 20 hoe sizes. Compare our prices be fore buying and be convinced that We're Right -'t vear and j