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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1918)
I Press Paragraphs j Mtand Mrs. Elmer Booher are up from Condon, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Emmel are in Portland and other points in the Valley wis ween. thjs Sneriff Taylor and Countv Clerk Brdwn were in town yesterday from fenaleton. Bruce Prager, of Walla Walla, was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Gary Taylor, last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward have returned from a trip to Portland and the Sound cities. John Walter has been erecting a new windmill at his place west of Athena this 'veek. The Sunshine Club yesterday enjoyed their annual picnic at Bingham Springs a large number attending. Tom Gilkey has entered the employ of a. d. Kicliards at the rhopmill, be ginning on his duties Tuesday morn ing. J. A. Kirk, who had a light stroke of paralysis Thursday of last week, is rapidly recovering and comes up town daily. Mr. and Mrs Kibbe left yesterday morning for Condon, near which place they have secured employment on a ranch. Miss Nyna Tharp left Wednesday morning to join her mother, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Fred Collins, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Forshaw, of Pendleton, were in the city last Friday evening, attending the graiuating ex cises. mrs. M. w. Hansen left ast even- ! ftag for Oregon City, where her moth- , e Mrs. Pursell, is critically ill with I pneumonia. I V r H. 0. Worthington was up from Pendleton Wednesday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Eichards left this morning ty auto for Lewiston. Idaho, where they will visit relatives. Miss Pauline Myrick has accepted a situation in the Gold ;n Rule store in Pendleton, and will assume her duties tomorrow. Mrs. Charles Andrews was over from LaOrande, to witness the grad uation of her two nieces, Misses Ellen arid Angie Pambrun. Hit. M.S. Arthur Cnnnnck nnrl nhiMrrn Spent a portion of the week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Tomp kins in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Join Barnes, Mrs. Robert Blomgren and Miss Anice Barnes, were in the city shopping Wed nesday, from near Weston. Lee Hiteman, who was called here last week to attend the funeral of his mother, left Tuesday evening for his home at Berkeley, California. Mr. and Mrs R. E. Gribble have moved into the residence of Mrs. Pier sol on 4th street, and Mrs. DePealt is occupying her home, vacated by them. William Mc Bride has purchase a a home in Portland. The pioperty is located next door to7 that of their daughter, Mrs. I. B Sturges, 719, N. E. 61st street. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Hansell, and little daughter, are down from their new home near Lewiston, Idaho, visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansell, near town. J. A. Lumsden and Arnold Wood' have purchased a self-propelled com bine harvester, and will operate it in the harvest fields of this vicinity dur ing the coming harvest. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tharp and daughter, Lula. will attend the grad uation exercises of the Pendleton High school this evening, their son, Law rence, being a member of the graduat ing class. A Silver Tea is announced for June 8, to be given at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hassell, by the Honor Guard girls. Don't forget the date. There has just been received at the Foes Hardware store a large line of crockery jars of large sizes, suitab'e for sour crout and the packing of eggs. Mrs. Minnie Willaby is visiting at the home of her son, Clyde, near Con don, She was taken down by auto by Dean Willaby who returned yesterday. Miss Areta Littlejohn is in Pendle ton this week, a commencement guest of her cousin, Miss Helen Nelson, who is a member of the graduating class of the Pendleton high school. Mrs. Ortis D. Harris sndj little daughter, Darline, are expected to ar rive tomorrow from their home at Kalispell, Montana, for a visit with her mother, Mrs. DePeatt. Pastor Errett will preach his fare well sermon Sunday night to his Ath ena congregation at the Christian church, before leaving next week to take up his work in Spokane Mr. and Mrs. Huffman have moved from the farm on Wild Horse creek owned by Mr. Koepke. where they have been living, to the Pine creek ranch of Joe Key, north of town. Mrs. E. J. Pinkerton left Sunday for an extended visit with her son, Walter Ely, in Tacoma. Her mother, Mrs. Wattenburger, will visit rela tives at Stanfield during her absence Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Walker have been in the city this week, visiting at the home of Mr. Walker's parents. He will take charge of the mechanical de partment of Chas. Nelson's Weston gaage. y Victor Burke and Tom Gilkey re turned Saturday from a fishing trip ovef on Fly creek. They had pool suc cess for the reason that when it rained in this section, snow fell in the Fly Creek district. W. R. Taylor has returned from Vale, Malheur, county, near wherj he has a ranch. He reports encouraging crop prospects and the assurance of a new irrigation enterprise to be real ized in the near future. Forrest Zerba, who was one of tho Athena boys drafted to report for ser vice on May 28, is visiting his sitter this week, in Idaho. He made the trip by automobile, and was accom panied by Neil Lieuallen. Scarlet fever in light form has made its appearance in Athena, Miss Helen .Russell and the two children of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kidder are in quaran tine at the Kidder heme. One case is also reported at the home of J. C. Martin. Rev. D. Hi. Baker has been requested to fill the Baptist pulpit in Pendleton next Sunday, morning and evening and will accommodate that congrega tion. Rev. Clevenger of the Pendle ton Baptist church is ill with pneu monia. , Alex McRae, accompanied by his eon. Donald, has been in Athena this week engaged in selling mining stock. Alex's mine is located in Idaho. Irre pressible as ever, he is "hitting the ball" at the game of selling stocks in war time. A dance will be given Thursday eve ning May HO under the auspices of the Attiena Honor Guard girls, who have secured Sawyer's orchestra, of Pendle ton, for the occasion. Funds will go to the support of a French orphan, which will be adopted i y the Guard. Joseph Payne and Jaob Booher will be the only men from Athena to get into the trainmen's corps, as the quota has been filled. This leaves Lawrence Sharp, Bert Stone and Dick Winship who also had enlisted from here, for other branches of the service by draft. The Weston Leader states that the editor learns from Mrs. Hugh Taylor that the report concerning the death of her husband was erroneous, and that he is alive and well. His wife and mother are ll receipt ef a telegram from the war department to this effect. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church have headed a mess fund for the Athena boys who will soon leave for the training camps, with a 120 subscription. The list may be found at Foss' Hardware store, where sub scriptions to the fund will be taken. Frank Adams, the painter who did the interior of the Athena school build ing including the stage scenery died recently in California. Death was caused by in umonia. He was expect ed to arrive in Athena by his friend, William Hendricksen to assist him on some work recently contracted. Orin Gibbs, who is drawn in the present draft from Ukiah, is in the city, with his wife, visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. James Hug gens. He will leave with the res of the Athena contingent on the 28th for Fort McDowell, California., for train ing. Mrs. Gibbs expects to follow and be near him during the training period. Mrs. Fred Lieuallen was in the city for a short time Tuesday, en route to Walla Walla, from Camp Merritt, K, Y., where she has been with her hus band, Captain Lieuallen, prior to his departure for France. He embarkeu with his regiment on May 8th. Mrs. Lieuallen and childien will remain in Walla Walla with relatives for the summer, later going to their home in Portland. The ladies of Lamar school district north of Athena, tendered Mrs. San ford Stone, the teacher, and her pupils a pleasant surprise last Thursday, when they appeared at the school house just before the noon hour carrying with them a sumptuous luncheon. All did ample justice to the refreshments and the remainder of the day was pleasantly passed in sociability. An urgent appeal is made to the women of the county to gather up all the clean, whole sugar and flour sacks they can spare and bring or send them to the Red Cross headquarters. Local ly, you are asked to take them to either Mrs. S. F. Sharp, chairman of the Red Cross, or to Mrs. Ralph Hassell, leader of the Girls Honor Guard. The Umatilla Chapter has been asked to furnish 1)00 dish towels, and 280 disb cloths as its share for the soldiers at GUY CROAK, Special 4gent, Standard Oil Co., Athena the different cantonment la i I I r -f i OUR GOOD GROCERIES INSURE GOOD HEALTH IS THE GREATEST POSSESSION YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN HAVE. BE SURE. AND KEEP IT. THE BEST SAFE GUARD YOU CAN HAVE IS TO EAT GOOD FOODS. WHEN YOUR FOODS COME FROM OUR STORE YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THEM BEING FRESH AND PURE. THE QUALITY WILL BE HIGH BUT THE PRICE WILL BE RIGHT DOWN AS LOW AS GOOD QUALITY CAN BE SOLD FOR. g-GIVE U YOUR GROCERY ORDER TOD KY Speedup your purchases of War Savings Stamps We have them for sale S. t H. Pure Food Grocery Quality QuantityService. Phone 171 The Choice of Those Who Know Manufacturers and lead ing motor car distributors recommend 2ER0LENE. The majority of motorists use ZEROLENE. ZEROLENE reduces wear and gives more pow er because it keeps its lu bricating body at cylinder heat. Gives less carbon because, being refined from selected California asphalt -base crude, it burns clean and goes out with exhaust. ZEROLENE is the cor rect oil for all types of au tomobile engines. It is the correct oil for your auto mobile. Get our lubrica tion chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Correct Lubrication for the " V'-Type Engine This, the "V"-Typ of automobile engine, like all internal combustion engines, requires an oil that holds its lubricat ing qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and goes out with ex haust. Zerolene fills these requirements per fectly, because it la cor rectly refined from select ea California, asphalt bate crude. ZEROLE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars NE Mrs. Lillian Dobson closed her school in the-Union district this week, and yesterday a grand neighborhood picnic was held, all the patrons of the school with their families motoring to Cayuse station, where a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson were members of the party. Chas. Chamberlain and Phil Price, prominent farmers of the Colfax coun try, were in the citv for a short time Wednesday morning, en route home from a business trip to Pendleton. Mr. Price is well known in Athena, having spent his boyhood here. Mr. Cham berlain is a relative of Mrs. F. B. Boyd, and made a short visit at her home. William and Archie Rice of this city Sunday morning received the sad news of the sudden death of their sister, Mrs. Claud Buckman, of Emmett, Idcho, which occurred under a surgical operation. The two Drothers left for Harrisburg. Oregon, where the body was taken for interment the funeral occurring Wednesday. They will re turn to Ithena Sunday. TIMELY TOPICS AND NEW BOOKS AT LOCAL LIBRARY The Athena Library has received a large number of reference books and books of general information, partic ularly adapted to the needs of the present time, n list of which is given below: World Almanac, and Encyclopedia for 1018. containing war information and up-to-date material and statistics. Map of Oregon. hand size, show ing principal towns, roads, railroads, etc., with much general information Liberty War Map of the Western Front. giving battle lines, towns, roads, the twelve military sectors, etc. French Dictionary. There is now such a general interest in the study of the French language that a small iir culaling copy of a French dictionary has been placed in the library which may be checked out for home use. "Know Oregon." a game of ques tions and answers about Oregon which may be played by children. Bird Houses and How to Build Them. Outline Course in Citizenship. Guide for individual study or class work on our Government. Food Thrift. contains a great vari ety of information on such subjects as "Help Feed Yourself;" "Kitchen Waste," "Planning Meals," and many '"linds of war recipes. Home Canning Vegetables and Fruits. Gives methods and apparatus with time table, etc. Home Drying Vegetables and F'uits Canning Tomatoes at Home and in Club Work. including making catch up, chow chow, etc. Home Storage, Pickling and Salting Vegetables. . gives directions for making po.iato starch, fruit pastes, butters, etc. New Rental Books. Curwnod. "The Courage of Marge O'Doone," " "Gud's Country and The Wo man." McGrath. "The Luck of the Irish" 23 Years Ago, From the Press oi May )g 1895 Everything was shut up tighter than a turtle in Athena Sunday. Editor Wood and Postmaster Van Winkle drove over from Weston Sun day. Angus Gillis wears the city mar shal's star and a smooth upper lip with becoming dignity. Beef cattle are a scarce article and our butchers arc kept busy in supply ing the demand for meat. Judge E. DePeatt and Karl Lively arrived from Boise Sunday evening. They have been in Boise with L. D. Lively, J. M. Lively and an engineer representing the syndicate of English capitalists who are negotiating to make investments on the coast. In all, about three and a-half millions of English capital will be placed if deals go through. You can't fish on the reservation. The Secretary of the Interior says so. Seel Ed Rush, the musically inclined rancher, was in town yesterday from Helix. - The officials of the Umatilla County Pioneers Association have decided to revoke all proceedings that have thus far been mi de in regard to holding the annual reunion at Weston this year, owing to "hard times." On the 21th day of May, Queen Victoria will be 78 years old. She will then have reigned 58 years the longest reign of any monarch of the 19th century. It is rumored that she will abdicate in favor of the Prince of Wales. Memorial Day will he observed in Athena. Clark Walter, G. W. Rigby and J. H. Hiteman embrace the com mittee of Grand Amy men that are making preparations to observe the day. An old fashioned basket picnic with declamations, speeches, music, beheld in the grove below town, will follow the exercises at the cem etery. May the 31st was the 11th birthday of Master Ernest Bostwick, and his young friends gave him a surprise, by gathering at his home to play games. Those at the party were: Florence Jones, Edith Post, Vergie Stamper, Stella Willaby, Nellie Foss, Vern Clark. Bertha Baker, Nellie and Grace Tittsworth, Lucy Hansell, Stella Ely; Marion Hansell. Manley Ely, Abie Jones, Chester Post and Henry Dell. Card of Thanks. We wish to ex press through this medium, our deep gratitude for the assistance and sym pathy tendered us in our recent be reavement, the sickness and death of our beloved wife, mother, sister. Such kindly thought and care will not be forgotten. Especially was the lavish tributes of beautiful flowers, deeply appreciated. Robert Wright, Mr. and Mrs C. C. Loney, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wright, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield. Children's Footwear Another Shipment of Summer Shoes is here, embracing a splendid arrav of the season's newest Footwear for cTWisses and Children. We have examined them critically and are satisfied that in spite of the tremendous cost increases of everything entering into shoemaking, we shall still be able to maintain our repu tation for big values. Children's White Pumps, per pair $1.00 Children's White Top Shoes, per pair 3.25 Misses " " " " 3.85 Children's Gun Metal Shoes, " " 2.65 Misses " " " " 3.25 Phone 152 Athena Department Store The Churches. The Christian Church. Sunday will be the last dfv of the present pastorate. The morning ser mon will be a heart to heart message to Christians, but wiM include all. The evening theme will be: "Things that Abide," a message to everybody. The pastor leaves with kindly feeling and regard for the people of Athena and community, and wishes them every needed blessing and prosperity. The public cordially invited and welcome to all services. Bible school at 10 a. m. preaching 11 a. m. an 8 p. m. Baptist Church Notes. The services .of last Sunday were well attended, interest is good. Serv ices at both hours next Sunday, Miss Mary Ayres will speak at both servic es. Sunday school at 10. all are in vited. June 2nd has been set apart by the church as Rally and Get-together day. Special service with dinner served for the church and friends. Let all bring well filled baskets and all have a good time together. D. E. Baker, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, "The World Emergency and the Stewardship Message," is the topic of the sermon Sunday at 11 a. m. This concludes a series of four sermons which have been attracting an unusual amount of interest. Preaching ser vice at 8 p. ni, Sunday, June P, will mark the first annual "Family Day" of this church. A great time iB in store for every family present. Fur ther particulars next week. This church extends a cordial welcome" tn I tha people of Athena and surrounding I community. Walter S. Gleiser. Wear His Smile of Satisfaction by using a real paint Sherwin-Williams Paiht, Prepared is manufactured from the purest of materials because The Sherwin-Williams Co. control the sources of their raw materials. Gives protection for the longest possible time. Sold by Ware's Pharmacy Oils, Glass and Brushes Card of 'i hanks -We take this meth od of extending our sincere and heart felt thanks to ail who so kindly assist ed us in our bereavement, occasioned by the death of our beloved husbaml and father. Mrs. Joseph Sheard and Family. MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. 8. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla W?h. IS. A. MILLER Local Representative. II wuuvoz. VEYF.S JESTED. CUSSES GROUND ANDFIUED- LENSES DUPLICATED. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENDLETON. ORE. Phone 609 BANNER 3AL"E world 8. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON Special attention given to ill callb both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Uflloe on Third Street. A then Oregor tHtitttHMMMItMlttlim Dr. J. C. Baddelev VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche R nch Athena Foley's Kidney Cure tnmke kidneys and bladder rlghi CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash Htltttl D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, on Adams Street Athena DEERING Cutting Machinery BINDERS Mowers, Rakes We have in stock 3 1 2" Mitchell and Bain Wagons and Bulk Grain Tanks. Drop in and see them. C. A. Barrett &Co. 4 Incorporated I MnOMMIMMMMIIIMfllMllUmt